
Cognitive-pragmatic Potential of Riddles in Literary Discourse
Prokhorova L.P., Potapova N.V., Zavyalova G.A.
Formal and Semantic Organization of Hybrid Literary-Legal Discourse
Dziuba E.V., Ryabova I.Y.
Methodology and Technique for Assessing the Terminology Consistency in Translations: Based on Latvian and Russian Economic Texts
Komarova V., Koroļova S., Ruža O.
Strategies for Сreating the Image of a Politician in an Arabic Polycode Text of the Series “٣ اختيار”
Dugalich N.M., Shavtikova A.T., Izildin O.
Discourse Emblems as the Object of Semiotic Analysis
Karasik V.I.
Environmental Discourse in the “Telegram” Social Network: Methods and Means of Speech Influence
Gaputina V.A., Mamontov A.S.
Semiotics of Intertextuality: Based on the Philosophical Category “Humanism” in a Postmodern Text
Yengsebay G.E., Demchenko A.S., Tattimbetova K.O., Jholdasbekova B.U.
Self-Isolation during the COVID-19 Pandemics: Everyday Discourse on a New Social Phenomenon among University Students
Novikova I.A., Novikov A.L., Sachkova M.E., Dvoryanchikov N.V., Berezina E.B., Bovina I.B.
Localization of the French Linguoculture Concepts in the English-Language Film Discourse through the Intertextuality
Anisimov V.E., Anisimova E.D.
Perceptive Lexemes attention, perception, memory in Terminological Use
Romanova T.V., Kolchina O.N.
Resistance to Objection in Nonfiction Discourse: Promotive and News Text
Prokofeva N.A., Shcheglova E.A.
Acquisition Specifics of Genre Repertoire of Personal Discourse in 4-6-Year-Old Children with Developmental Language Disorder and Typically Developing Peers
Kornev A.N., Balčiūnienė I., Vishonkina A.A.
Event Construal through Spatial Relations in Science Documentaries: Language and Image
Ovagimian N.A., Kiose M.I.
Neology Process in the Era of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Spanish and French Media and Social Networks Discourse
Zvereva E.V.
Emoticeme SURPRISE in the News Discourse of Russia, Armenia, Kazakhstan and China
Karabulatova I.S., Anumyan K.S., Korovina S.G., Krivenko G.A.
Semiotics of Song Discourse During the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939)
Balan E.G., Chesnokova O.S.
Russian Cognitive Terms as a Result of Integration Processes in Scientific Discourse
Romanova T.V., Kolchina O.N.
Semiotics of Emoticons and Emoji in the Discoursive Space of Spanish Political Internet Communication
Larionova M.V., Demkina A.V.
Certainty Stance Adverbs in Chinese Linguistic Academic Writing: A Corpus-based Study
Dugalich N.M., Han H.
Ethno-cultural Aura of Language Images in the Light of Cognitive Linguopoetics
Abdelhameed S., Alefirenko N.F., Shakhputova Z.K.
Event Construal in Text and Image. Gaze Behavior and Discourse Interpretations
Kiose M.I.
Visual Metaphors in Pedagogical Discourse
Chulkina N.L., Makashova V.V.
Multimodal Communicative Moves in Expositive Dialogue: Common and Novel Topic Elaboration
Kiose M.I., Leonteva A.V., Agafonova O.V., Petrov A.A.
Paroemia in the Context of Modern French Public Internet Advertisin
Anisimova E.D., Anisimov V.E., Denisenko V.N.
A Semantic Field of Perfectionism as a Social and Psychological Concept in Academic Discourse
Filyasova Y.A.
Linking Word Use and Personality Characteristics: A Contrastive Study into Parliamentary Communications of Labour Leaders Jeremy Corbyn and Keir Starmer
Mukhortov D.S., Zhovner E.A.
Address to the Nation as a Genre of Military-Political Discourse
Solopova O.A., Naumova K.A.
Text, Discourse, Dicteme, Language Personality as Basic Concepts of Text Linguistics
Asratyan Z.D.
Realization of the Patriotism Idea in Film Discourse Based on Russian Patriotic Cinema
Anisimov V.E., Gafiyatova E.V., Kalinnikova E.D.
Stylistic Syntax of the Middle French Poetical Literary Composition
Vyshenskaya Y.P.
Language and Stylistic Features of the Orthodox Media Sermon
Makarova A.S.
Structural Models of English Terms of Automated Processing of Scientific and Technical Texts Corpora
Butenko I.I., Nikolaeva N.S., Kartseva E.Y.
Language Means of Expressing Politeness in the Context of Russian Business Communication
Denisenko V.N., Yergazy N., Rybakov M.A.
Evaluative Language in Arabic Academic Discourse
Alhaded H.H., Glushchenko T.N., Alhadid H.
Textual Microfields WINTER and MAN in Short Stories by Soviet Writer Yuri Shamshurin
Melnichuk O.A.
Aphorism in the Circle of Small Text Forms in Oral, Written and Electronic Discourses
Ivanov E.E.
Terms of Endearment in American English and Syrian Arabic Family Discourse
Khalil A.A., Larina T.V.
Liaison in Irreciprocal Screen Discourse: Properties of Encoding and Decoding
Yevgrafova Y.A.
Intertextual Character of Poetic Philological Discourse
Antonova E.N.
The Image of Chelyabinsk in the 20th century British Media Discourse (1901-1950)
Solopova O.A., Koshkarova N.N., Sibiriakov I.V.
To the definition of «discours»
Krivoshlikova L.V.
The Problem of Semantic Shift in Modern Russian: Corpus Research on the Example of a News Media Discourse
Belyakov M.V., Maksimenko O.I.
Possibility of Semantic Transformation of Proper Names in the German language
Chigasheva M.A.
Aspects of precedent names usage in Russian Islamic discourse
Aleksandrova O.I.
Subject-thematic and genre aspects of linguistic definition of discourse
Fedulova M.N.
Russian linguopolitical personology: political leaders’ discourse
Chudinov A.P., Nakhimova E.A., Nikiforova M.V.
Cross-situational Consistency of Female Politicians’ Language Use
Mukhortov D.S., Malyavina Y.S.
Semantico-semiotic aspects of the diplomatic discourse
Belyakov M.V.
Fedulova M.N.
«Health - disease» Conceptual Sphere: Cultural Code
Markelova T.V., Novikova M.L.
Illocutionary Compulsion as a Sign of Pseudocommunication
Ponomaryova I.V.
Forms of address as a mean of expressing social conflict in the Mikhail Bulgakov’s “Heart of a Dog”
Di Z.
Lexico-grammatical properties of dysfemisms (on the material of political discourse)
Lysyakova M.V., Gaevaia A.A.
“Trojan Cycle” as Source of Precedence in the Mass Media Discourse
Segal N.A., Mischenko A.N.
Linguistic and paralinguistic aspect of internet discourse (on the example of french users)
Bukina L.M.
Folklorisation as a Narrative Strategy in African Literary Discourse in Spanish
Naydenova N.S.
Aphoristic Reflection of the Concepts of POWER and POLITICIAN in the Regional Media (on the material of the Tatar and Mari languages)
Khabibullina F.Y., Ivanova I.G.
Peculiarities of Creating a Political Image in a Pre-Election Campaign: The Gender Aspect
Butsyk E.D.
“Russian Bear” in the Spanish-Language Media Discourse
Kleshchenko L.L.
Communicative and Emotive Characteristics of the Diplomatic Idiolect
Belyakov M.V., Maksimenko O.I.
Ivanov E.E.
Political discourse as object of linguistic analysis
Sukhanov Y.Y.
Adresata specialization in public political discourse
Karasik V.I.
Terminological Aspect of Political Discourse in the German Media
Chigasheva M.A.
The analysis of news messages of the RF Ministry of Foreign Affairs web-site by the sentiment-analysis (Article 2)
Belyakov M.V.
Typology of Repetitions in Margaret Thatcher’s Political Speeches
Nikashina N.V., Popova A.O.
Compositional-Topical Modules of Content of Scientific-Popular Genre, Characterizing Subject Area “GEOGRAPHY” (on the material of “National Geographic”)
Semenova S.N.
Globality of Family Metaphor in Political Discourse
Jioeva A.A., Strelnikova O.F.
Tools of Creating Emotional Climate in Knowledge-Based Television Space
Gladko M.A.
Intertextuality of the Small Texts of the French Film Discourse
Anisimov V.E.
Makarova A.S.
Ideologeme the “Slavic community” in the modern political discourse
Timofeev S.E.
On Some Features of the Adversarial Function in Debates between US Presidential Contenders: Research into the Rhetoric of Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, and Donald Trump. Article 1
Mukhortov D.S.
Overview of dissertation studies in the terminology of ecology
Agranovskaya I.A.
Reflection of National Identity, Gender and Age in the Language of Francophone Weblogs
Dagbaeva O.I.
Evaluative Utterances in the of Pedagogical Discourse
Gabidullina A.R.
Invariant Symbols-images of A.S. Green's Prose in the Fuctional Linguistic Aspect
Romanenko V.A.
Children's View of the World as Self-Presentation Form in Autobiographical Prose of the turn of the XX-XXI centuries
Shcherbinina P.A.
Hashtag as a Linguocognitive Unit of Spanish Political Discourse
Larionova M.V., Demkina A.V.
Tameryan T.Y., Tsagolova V.A.
‘Mr. President, discourse matters: a contrastive analysis of Donald Trump and Barack Obama’s discourse
Casañ-Pitarch R.
Sheypak S.A.
Lexico-semantic parameters of economic discourse: News reports in English, Russian and French
Naydenova N.S., Muradyan A.A.
Organizational and corporate medical net-discourse
Akhnina K.V.
Construction of Masculinity and Femininity in Political Communication
Jioeva A.A., Butsyk E.D.
Implicit Aggressiveness of Mass-Media Discourse
Buryakovskaya V.A.
The language worldview specifics in the fiction discourse of a Russian speaking bilingual writer
Тumanova A.B.
Functional features of words, denoting a person who flew into to the space, in the Russian and Chinese publicistic discourse
Fu Jie -.
“Ethical Evaluation” as a Tactics of Delegitimization Strategy in the Pre-Election Discourse
Kameneva V.A., Rabkina N.V.
Irony as a Cultural and Language Phenomenon
Gornostaeva A.A.
Kokova A.V., Tameryan T.Y.
Political cartoon as a genre of political discourse
Dugalich N.M.
Ches N.A., Kovalev N.A.
Dynamics of the form for literary discourse and translation
Novikova M.G.
Strategic pattern of ‘friend-or-foe’ opposition representation as used in political speech
Muradyan A.A.
Metaphor of Family in the English Political Discourse
Strelnikova O.F.
Religious-political concept «Faith» in the work of J. Ratzinger (Benedikt XVI) «Values in times of change»
Bykova G.I.
Existential dialectics: dynamics of image creation and comprehension of the world
Kazieva A.M., Chevel E.A.
Semiotics of Advertising Communication in WEB 2.0 Network Social Services
Zotova A.S.
Linguistic Dominants of Grammar and Lexis
Novospasskaya N.V., Lazareva O.V.
1 - 100 of 129 Items 1 2 > >> 

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