
Comparative Analysis of Animal Phraseological Units with Religious Component in Russian and Chinese
Ding L., Lysyakova M.V.
Characteristics of Somatic Phraseology in E. Vodolazkin’s Novel “Lavr”: Semantics, Functional Potential, Frequency of Use
Karpinskay N.V., Shkuran O.V., Shkuran S.A.
International Scientific Conference “SLAVOPHRAS-2021” Gomel: Francisk Skorina Gomel State University, 29-30 November, 2021
Nichiporchik E.V.
The Specificity of Functioning of Winged Expressions in the Poetry of Dmitry Bykov
Zykova E.I.
Communikemes with «evaluative» meaning: etymological aspect (based on the English language material)
Melikyan V.Y., Melikyan A.V.
Pecularities of the Perception of Concept “Happiness” by Representatives of the French and Russian National Cultures (Illustrated by Phraseology)
Krivoshlykova L.V., Kurguzenkova Z.V.
Counterpoints of Modern Phraseology. To the Anniversary of Prof. V.M. Mokienko
Bierich A., Lomakina O.V., Nikolaeva E.K., Seliverstova E.I., Stepanova L.I.
The comparative analysis of the logoepistem in Russian and Tajik languages
Nagzibekova M.B., Mirzoyeva Z.D.
Cross-cultural Analysis of Biblical Expressions in Russian, Spanish, Italian, French and English
Reunova E.V.
Peculiarities of the Phraseological Content of Perm Old Believer Dialects
Podyukov I.A.
Pecularities of Perception of Black Colour by Representatives of the English and French Cultures (illustrated by phraseology)
Kurguzenkova Z.H., Krivoshlykova L.V.
Symbol of Mouse in Slavonic and Chinese Linguocultures
Koval V.I.
The Concept «Strength of Mind» in the Russian and Japanese Fraseology
Nedosugova A.B.
Structural-Semantic Modeling in Phraseology: Forty Years of Experience and the Prospects
Nikitina T.G.
Russian Idioms “Three, Seven, Ace” and “Ward No. 6” in the Medical Aspect
Bairamova L.K., Ivanova M.V.
Some Aspects of Author’s Phraseology of F.M. Dostoevsky
Osokina E.A.
Seliverstova E.I.
Characterictics of Non-Equivalent Idioms of Biblical Origin in Russian and English
Reunova E.V.
Means of Implicitness in Russian Political Weblogs
Vidineeva N.Y.
Paremiae and Phraseological Units in the Speech of Characters in the Novel “The Geographer Drank His Globe Away” by A. Ivanov
Vasilyeva A.A.
The Role of Borrowings in the Development of Swahili Vocabulary (on the Material of Arabic Loan Words)
Semenkova L.A.
Language Norms of International Treaties
Alontseva N.V., Ermoshin Y.A.
“Trojan Cycle” as Source of Precedence in the Mass Media Discourse
Segal N.A., Mischenko A.N.
Lexico-phraseological nature of a military metaphor in modern press
Zheltukhina M.R., Magomadova T.D.
1 - 24 of 24 Items

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