Text, Discourse, Dicteme, Language Personality as Basic Concepts of Text Linguistics
- Authors: Asratyan Z.D.1,2
- MISIS University of Science and Technology
- Hulunbuir University
- Issue: Vol 15, No 1 (2024)
- Pages: 138-151
- URL: https://journals.rudn.ru/semiotics-semantics/article/view/38626
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.22363/2313-2299-2024-15-1-138-151
- EDN: https://elibrary.ru/DQMSRU
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The study is devoted to the consideration of the terms, which are the most frequently used and significant for the formation of meaning in linguistics. The relevance of the study is, on the one hand, determined by the variety of approaches to their definition and interpretation, and, on the other hand, by the necessity to specify them to facilitate academic communication and linguistic analysis. The purpose of this work is to consider a number of such concepts and substantiate our approach to them and their interpretation. The study uses both general theoretical and linguistic research methods. Particular attention is paid to phenomenological analysis while considering the terms themselves, as well as semantic, categorical-constitutive, positional and pragmatic analysis while studying empirical material. There are considered the concepts of text, discourse, dicteme as a text unit, language personality of an author, or a narrator and a reader/listener. The article analyzes differences between the text and discourse concepts. The work substantiates heuristic potential of a dicteme as a minimum text unit. The dicteme is studied both - from elementary and holistic approaches, as a fractal that forms the space of the whole text according to synergistic laws. The study emphasizes the ideological role of a linguistic personality both at the stages of creation and consumption of a text. There is carried out a linguistic analysis of an English literary text in order to identify denotative and conceptual information in its ideological and aesthetic manifestation in it. The study highlights the role of strong positions of text in the transfer of conceptual information and considers the function of influence in an artistic and media works, which, in the first case, is mainly emotive in nature, and, in the second, manipulative. It underlines the interdependence of the conceptual priorities of the creator and consumer of a media text.
About the authors
Zoya D. Asratyan
MISIS University of Science and Technology; Hulunbuir University
Author for correspondence.
Email: asratyan@mail.ru
SPIN-code: 4579-5483
Dr.Sc. in Philology, Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages and Communication Technologies, MISIS University of Science and Technology b. 1, 4, Lenin avenue, Moscow, Russian Federation, 119049; 89, Xuefu Road, Hulunbuir, Hailaer District, Inner Mongolia, China, 021008
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