No 2 (2014)


Comparison as a logical framework for everyday and scientific thinking

Malykh L.M.


Comparison is one of the basic cognitive structures which a man uses in the process of his understanding of the outer world and himself. The universal character of comparison for both, everyday and scientific thinking becomes apparent due to its four-part pattern with the help of which a man is able to connect myths with reality, known with the unknown and as a result draw unconventional conclusions, advance hypotheses, obtain new knowledge.
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2014;(2):5-14
pages 5-14 views

Subject-thematic and genre aspects of linguistic definition of discourse

Fedulova M.N.


The article is devoted to the study of discourse from a linguistic approach within which discourse may be considered either as a collection of texts, as a verbal expression or as a word the way it is used in a particular culture throughout the history. The interaction between rational and irrational nature of language serves as a basis for these three approaches. The author states that the irrational part of language may be named with the term “discourse”. However, the irrational factor in linguistics matters only when it corresponds with the rational factor (rational functions of language). As such interaction occurs, linguistic and text processes tend to expose completely.
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2014;(2):15-25
pages 15-25 views

Semantics and semiotics in translation

Artemyeva Y.V.


The article covers the interrelations between the word as a sign, its meaning, image and concept. The author considers links between referential aspect of meaning treating it as a unit of translation.
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2014;(2):26-32
pages 26-32 views

Peculiarities of a language portrait

Shevchenko N.M.


The article regards characterization of cognitive-conceptual units which represent a language portrait and an author’s language lexicography, especially, concept or cognitive metaphor.
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2014;(2):33-39
pages 33-39 views

The semantic role of occasional nouns with the suffix - ость - in poetic texts

Muratova E.Y.


The article reveals the role of occasional nouns with the suffix - ость - in the formation of deep artistic meanings in the poetic text. It is proved that the formation of this type of nouns from adjectives relative, not specific to natural language in poetry actively manifested in poetry; occasional nouns formed from passive participles, in the poetic text retain a verbal compatibility - management or contiguity.
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2014;(2):40-44
pages 40-44 views

Religious concept of «salvation» in Russian culture (on the basis of religious, philosophical and literary discourses)

Buyevich A.A.


The article deals with the peculiarities of the religious concept «salvation» within spiritual values of the representatives of the Orthodox religion, it examines the original form of the lexeme salvation , identifies the shades of meaning that appear in the perception of the religious concept through the certain symbols of the Holy Bible, in the works of Russian philosophers and literary texts. As a leading research method, theoconceptological analysis is used that helps to represent the concept «salvation» as a multi-leveled and multi-dimensional semantic formation.
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2014;(2):45-61
pages 45-61 views

Aspects of precedent names usage in Russian Islamic discourse

Aleksandrova O.I.


The article deals with the problem of precedent phenomena usage of sacred names Allah and Muhammad in Russian Islamic discourse within the polylingual situation in Russian Muslim space. The analysis of some Islamic messages showed that in case of the Russian-speaking mass communication there are used the precedent phenomena in Islamic discourse 1) close to Arabic original forms and transliterated to the Cyrillic alphabet in a written form; 2) translated into Russian and complement Arabic original words or substitute them being partly changed in semantics.
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2014;(2):62-68
pages 62-68 views

The concept of a tree or «Ode to Elm»

Mukhamadiev H.S., Musaly L.Z.


The article is devoted to the contemporary creativity of the outstanding poet Olzhas Suleymenov. In poetic texts of different authors the mage of O. Suleymenov is mapped to the way of sustainable tree. Poems of Suleymenov are inherent in colorful imagery, metaphors. The title of the poem by O. Suleymenov «Earth, bow, man» («Zemlya, poklonis, cheloveku») as the author’s line and the poem «Karagatch» (Elm) became the intertextual bridge for poetic texts of his followers.
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2014;(2):69-76
pages 69-76 views

Concept of semantic universalia: resurrection of the onomatopoeic theory of the origin of language?

Ganapiyeva G.-.


Concept of semantic universalia is the author's version of onomatopoeic theory of the origin of language, formulated by the author in the book «Language and space technology». Determining role in the genesis and evolution of language belongs to: natural preconception figurative logic of perception and understanding of the universe as Consciousness mega system of interacting multi-level classes toposistem peers. Sound elements (Fire, Air, Water, Earth and private forms of their existence, as well as other living objects of nature, as was the basis for the formal aspects of the language and the basis of its semantic structure. Onomatopoeia is primordially free and multivariate.
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2014;(2):77-86
pages 77-86 views

Overview of medial constructions semantics in Romanic languages

Broitman M.S.


This article discusses the evolution of semantics and mediopassive constructions on the material of Latin, Italian and Spanish, including the fate of the Latin Passive Perfect and semantics of expressions like comérsela .
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2014;(2):87-91
pages 87-91 views

Some features of metrics of Chechen folk lyrics

Rasumov V.S.


The article is devoted to one of the most actual problems of the Chechen folklore - national study of versification. The author considers the problem on the basis of a big actual material connected with metrics features of the Chechen folk lyrics. Considering the most important feature of the Chechen language - the fixed stress on the first syllable, the author comes to the conclusion that Chechen folk poem is syllabic.
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2014;(2):92-98
pages 92-98 views

Morphothemic models of the category of situation in the Russian and English languages as well as some peculiarities of their actualization on the level of speech representation

Skoromolova Y.V.


The article treats morphothemic models of situation names in language objectivation and speech representation in the Russian and English languages. Situation names are distributed among situation classes depending on actualization of a certain logical and semantic category. Some cases of representation of non-stereotyped situation morphothemes are analyzed in the Russian and English languages.
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2014;(2):99-107
pages 99-107 views

Dictionary notes: complex representation of the word and lexeme in comparative aspect

Nesova N.M.


The article is devoted to the lexicographic description of dictionary codes and labels in the Russian and English languages. Thanks to grammar codes and stylistic labels, the entry presents squeezed, compact description of the central unit of language system in explanatory dictionaries of languages compared - the word.
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2014;(2):108-111
pages 108-111 views

The formation and specific features of Swahili socio-political newspaper vocabulary

Semenkova L.A.


The article deals with a number of questions concerning Swahili socio-political newspaper vocabulary - its forming and development, the appearance of neologisms and means of new word formation, figurative expressions used in the texts.
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2014;(2):112-117
pages 112-117 views

Functional and semantic peculiarities and combinability of a group of English adjectives (synonymic row of the adjective fat)

Paimakova E.A.


The article is devoted to some functional and semantic peculiarities and combinability of a group of English adjectives. The author analyzes the synonymic line of English adjectives with the meaning “fat”. There are considered the peculiarities of semantics, functioning, combinability of the English adjective “fat” and its synonyms.
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2014;(2):118-123
pages 118-123 views

Lexico-semantic field of verbs with destruction meaning in Arabic

Zarytovskaya V.N.


The article considers the Arab verbs of destruction as a lexico-semantic field. Its kernel is determined, as well as several core around which together various verbs with the theme of destruction. The meaning of each of the verbs analyzed from the point of view of the object, instrument and potential compatibility, which gives a full idea about the operation of a verb in the speech.
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2014;(2):124-134
pages 124-134 views

Intermediality as an attribute of artistry (lingvohermeneutics of the term)

Volkov V.V.


The author proves that the intermediality is the integral property (attribute) of the literary work.
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2014;(2):135-142
pages 135-142 views

Statement as a fact of self-characterization of the subject of the speech

Medvedev E.Y.


In article an attempt is made to prove that the statement characterizes not so much what it is spoken, but how much it was spoken. The author shows the mechanism of the emergence of irony, the process of destruction speaking high meanings and how it can be connected with features of outlook speaking.
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2014;(2):143-149
pages 143-149 views

Terminology in the field of language teaching: sociocultural and comparative research aspects

Yaroslavskaya I.I., Astremskaya E.V.


The article treats the development of terminology of language teaching both in the Russian and English languages and focuses on studying the types of semantic aspects of terms. Special attention is paid to the new terms in the field of language teaching.
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2014;(2):150-157
pages 150-157 views

Personal naming in Spanish television news discourse

Gribanov I.S.


The article deals with linguo-pragmatic characteristics of secondary personal naming in Spanish TV news media discourse and reviews it’s convergent and divergent features both in the Peninsular and Latin American variants of modern Spanish, and also makes brief comparative study of the material with the Russian language.
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2014;(2):158-166
pages 158-166 views

Hybrid toponyms as a result of the merger of two cultures (based on the analysis of the US English-Spanish toponyms)

Martynenko I.A.


The article presents an analysis of U.S hybrid place names of English-Spanish origin. The author explains the history of certain geographical names, describes the historical events that preceded the appearance of place names given. Particular attention is paid to the principles of formation of such hybrids, and some hypotheses are given about the causes of existence of Anglo-Spanish place names on the U.S. map.
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2014;(2):167-174
pages 167-174 views

Unique Arabic words (realia) as an object of researching and teaching in the Arabic regional geography

Vlasova Y.Y.


This article deals with the specific arabic words (realias). Realias are the words with ethnographical component, which mean unique national arabic social, political and cultural phenomena. A big list of arabic words with ethnographical component is provided. These arabic realias have a special classification. The attention is also paid to the problem of teaching such a kind exotic words in the Arabic regional geography.
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2014;(2):175-182
pages 175-182 views
pages 183-188 views

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RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2014;(2):189-191
pages 189-191 views

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