No 1 (2016)
Identification, Systematization and Analysis of the Origins of Cognition Universal Operations Reflected in Ancient Manuscripts and Ancient Language
The article treats methodical aspects of exposure, systematization and analysis of sources of origin of universal operations of cognition as reflected in the ancient manuscripts and Old Russian language. An exposure and analysis of initially great number of universal operations of cognition are taken into account thus presenting two opposite classes of descending and ascending operations, while each of those classifications is conducted on the grounds of family root, character, sense and origin. For each operation the classification system was elaborated based on word-building, logic of forming of two-digit and three-digit family roots of the Old Russian language.
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2016;(1):7-18

Explicit and Implicit Negation in the Natural Language
The article deals with the phenomenon of negation in language and speech. Their logic, psychologic and linguistic features are being discussed, as well as the functional aspect and stylistic potential of the phenomenon are under analysis. The study also reveals some important formal characteristics of the explicit and the implicit modes to express the negation. Further research directions are put forward.
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2016;(1):19-24

The Formation of Meaning and Functional Motivation of Language Units’ Semantics
The article appeals to the formation of mental doubles of pronounced and written units reflected in psyche. This formation is governed by “the inner form of a language as a whole”, according to W. von Humboldt.
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2016;(1):25-31

On the Semantic Triad as a Basis of the Theory of Meaning
The article studies the approved in scientific discourse models of meaning while despite the type of a model proposed, meaning is often based on the relationship between the elements of the Aristotelian semantic triad: those of words to things, words to concepts, concepts to things. This way the theory of the meaning studied by semantics could be respectively combined with reference, knowledge and belief. Thus, meaning analysis is referred to the truth and reference, taxonomic or naïve knowledge, everyday experience, mental representations, prototypes, social stereotypes, individual feelings, etc. The only adequate model be recognized should obviously imply all or almost all of those types of meaning.
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2016;(1):43-51

Flowers: The Language of the English Art or the Art of the English Language?
The names of flowers are of great interest for philologists and those studying the English language as they have nominal meaning. This article is devoted to the floral name Wall-flower that is a kind of lexeme which has different kinds of meaning, symbolic meaning in particular. The examples of its functioning in the language are taken from the works of English poetry predominantly of 17-19th centuries. Poetic texts vividly demonstrate the great significance inherent in flowers in English culture of the Victorian epoch, when “the language of flowers” became especially popular. Floral names are widely represented in works of imaginative literature and become a kind of carriers of English culture elements. The analysis of the given group of units as concepts and from the point of view of the recipient of other culture allows correlating the research with the postulates of cognitive linguistics and cultural linguistics that is the novelty of the scientific article under discussion.
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2016;(1):52-58

Epic Text and Supertext
One of the most important areas of modern linguistics deals with interrelated texts (supertext). In some cases the specific features of language and texts become particularly obvious when they are viewed against the backdrop of historical materials. The author used the methods of comparative analysis in terms of texts and supertext structures when investigating French medieval Chansons de Geste, one of the world’s greatest epics. The research revealed (showed) that the structures of the epic text and supertext are parallel to each other: the relationship of the episodes in one text is similar to that of the texts making up the supertext. The whole text or its parts may function as praetext, posttext or intercalate at the supertext level. The episodes of an epic text perform similar functions at the level of a separate text. The epic text has the quality of openness, its boundaries are not always clearly defined and it can be easily included in a supertext entity.
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2016;(1):59-67

Children's View of the World as Self-Presentation Form in Autobiographical Prose of the turn of the XX-XXI centuries
The question of a variety of forms of self-presentation in the artistic text is taken up, various elements of this phenomenon are considered on the material of autobiographical stories by L.E. Miller. Scientific novelty consists in original approach to the solution of a question of forms of language self-presentation in modern memoirs literature. The author reveals a new element of self-presentation in autobiographical prose - a children's view of the world, and also allocates four types of this phenomenon. The detailed analysis of the fragments of the text given as an example for each type is presented in article. Use of a children's view of the world as a form of self-presentation helps the writer to open the lines of his personality more deeply, to track ways of their formation. Article is useful to further studying and identification of new forms of self-presentation in an autobiographical discourse.
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2016;(1):75-82

Globality of Family Metaphor in Political Discourse
The article is devoted to the peculiarities of functioning of the family metaphor in English political discourse. Aristotle’s theory on the three components of a public speech: pathos, logos and ethos - is applied in modern political rhetoric, where “pathos” is achieved in addresses which abound in metaphors, and «ethos» is achieved in texts through the use of the family metaphor. Thus, the family metaphor plays a major role in public speaking.
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2016;(1):83-90

Peculiarities of Creating a Political Image in a Pre-Election Campaign: The Gender Aspect
The article is concerned with the influence of the gender factor on creating the image of a political leader. The 2008 US vice-presidential debate between Sarah Palin and Joseph Biden has been chosen as research material. The scientific value of the article consists in a thorough study of the peculiarities of the politicians’ use of linguistic means and their interpretation in terms of creating a positive image by males and females. The author considers the structure of an image and its components including a few communicative self-presentation microroles, which are thought to be traditional for American political discourse. Besides, the paper analyses the tactics used by the politicians in course of their speech and the images created focusing mainly on the logical and emotional components of the vice-presidential candidates’ addresses. The author arrives at the conclusion that the speech of both candidates corresponds to gender expectations regarding male and female speech behavior. In particular, the female candidate places a greater emphasis on the topic of family and her language is more emotionally expressive whereas the male candidate tends to highlight logic and accuracy and uses a more emotionally neutral speaking style.
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2016;(1):91-99

The Concept of “Double Standards” in the Sociolinguistics Discourse
The article discusses the sociolinguistic concept of “double standards”. The authors analyze the causes of the appearance and technology of the spread of the phenomenon of “double standards” in the modern information environment.
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2016;(1):100-107

Some Stylistic Features of Formal Diplomatic Correspondence (Theoretic and Applied Aspects)
The article reveals the role of correspondence in establishing diplomatic relations. It emphasizes the importance of the effect of correspondence on the formation and development of those ones. Experience has shown that if inaccurate and misleading expressions in the correspondence could lead to a worsening of relations between states. However, the correspondence is able to clear up misunderstandings and prevent clashes and war, restore peace and harmony. Therefore, correspondence should be extremely careful and avoid even the slightest mistake. Having considered historically established relationships, one can conclude that correspondence has got a significant impact on the interstate developmentson the whole.
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2016;(1):108-114

Conceptualization of Smell in Russian and Serbian Linguistic Cultures
The article represents the results of a comparative analysis of the concepts запах and мирис in the Russian and Serbian linguistic cultures. The definitions of the concepts’ names taken from dictionaries of the Russian and Serbian languages, phraseologisms as well as different text types are studied. As far as we are aware, there are no investigations that concern the comparative analysis of the aforecited concepts, so this article contains new information about certain parts of the Russian and Serbian conceptual domains. The study of the conceptual core revealed a more complicated structure and a larger number of conceptual characteristics in the Serbian concept, as well as statistically more dominant positive connotation of the lexemes that represent it. The imaginative component of the concepts is significant in both linguistic cultures, but the Serbian concept’s name functions more intensively at different linguistic levels and in different text types. Besides, the study revealed predominant presence of the concept мирис in personal names and in ergonyms. Thus, the research leads to the conclusion that differences prevail over similarities in those parts of the conceptual domains which are represented by the concepts under study. The value component of the concept мирис is perceptible at all levels of its research, which enables us to consider it one of the key concepts of the Serbian linguistic culture; the value component of the Russian concept is less prominent.
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2016;(1):115-125

Semantic Features of the Concept “German” (the case of Letters of the Great Patriotic War period)
The detection of the concept “German” is a result of the linguistic analysis and work with letters of the Great Patriotic War. The concept analyzed by method of continuous selection. We consider the structure of a concept and its semantics, compare the dictionary and contextual definitions by the contextual analysis of language material. The results received during the analysis of front letters help to describe the concept as difficult semantic structure and make real establishing the reasons of its formation.
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2016;(1):126-130

FRUGALITY and COVETOUSNESS in Proverbs (based on Russian, Latvian, German, English and Tadjik)
The research subject hereof is the objectivisation in the language of the covetousness and frugality ideas by reference to proverbs in Russian, Latvian, German, English and Tadjik. These proverbs show a lot more similarities than differences. This may be attributed to logical-semantic affinity of proverbs as signs of situations and relations between things as well as the genetic relationship of the specified languages and peoples’ contacts.
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2016;(1):131-138

Zoometaphors as Linguocognitive Component of Cross-Cultural Communication: Russian-Turkish Comparative Study
Zoometaphors of two typologically nonrelated languages - Russian and Turkish being the object of the investigation, play an important role in the process of cross-cultural communication and are able to cause interferences in mutual understanding In course of comparison, it has been revealed that senses of some zoocharacteristics can differ greatly despite the fact of coincidence of extralinguistic basis of zoomorphisms. The article has treated the cases of non-coincidence of metaphors analyzed on the plane of nomination, in onomasiologic and semasiologic aspects, involving cognitive point of view as well as the viewpoint of ethnopsycholinguistics. Comparative analysis of language material of nonrelated languages and cultures allows come to a conclusion on the existence of both universal and specific features of zoomorphisms which represent the background of zoomorphic metaphors. The word stock of each language used by native speakers in cross-cultural communication reflects national language usage, peculiarities of its material and spiritual culture, while the results of this reflection reveal themselves in such linguocognitive phenomenon as methaphor which makes an important part in ensuring dialogue of cultures.
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2016;(1):139-143

Linguistic Features of Quebec Anthroponymicon
This article is devoted to the analysis of names in Quebec lingvoculture in order to elicit some historical, cultural, etymological and linguistic peculiarities. Study of names in specific historical and social circumstances lets us bring to life the functioning of anthroponyms in the given society and reveal the role of onomastic elements in Quebec value system. The analysis featured close correlation between anthroponymic system and changes that took place in a given period. Names analyzed in the article are of dominant character in Quebec lingvoculture and they determine to a large extent Quebecois’ world view.
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2016;(1):144-150

A Comparative Analysis of General Slang in the Macrosystem of Sub-Standard English
The purpose of this article is to define the lexical and semantic meaning of common and special slang through practical and theoretical knowledge. In the research process the author has used an extensive scientific literature of domestic and foreign linguists to reveal fully the content and origin of the above concepts. In the article we applied methods of theoretical level, namely abstraction technique representing the cognitive process by which it is obtained a distraction from nonessential properties belonging to general and special slang in order to highlight their most important and regular features; method of generalization by which we establish the general properties and characteristics inherent in general slang and speech formations being an integral part of special slang; historic method contributing to construction of a scientific theory in which the concepts belonging to special slang are considered in chronological succession; hypothetical technique revealing a probable origin of social variants of special slang. Methods of empirical (practical) level: comparison by which it becomes possible to establish the correlation between vocabulary of general slang and vocabulary of special slang, as well as to identify the difference between them; experiment aimed at reproducing examples of general and special slang. The main results of this research lie in the fact that we were able to interprete the concepts explaining the content of general and special slang comprising speech formations including words of strictly specialized social - professional orientation. We made own division of lexical layers of Substandard English uniting words of general and special slang as well as revealed the universal character of general slang, its ability to penetrate not only from one to another lexical layer, but in a completely different, unfamiliar earlier language “area” with a similar sign system. In addition, we were able to reveal the mutual correlation between the general and special lexicon, as the part of general slang is relatively short - lived, and eventually forced out of the language due to the penetration of new words inherent in the particular social, professional or underclass people.
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2016;(1):151-163

Lexical and Grammatical Aspect of Studying Russian Prefixal Verbs
This article focuses on the types of exercises and textual materials used for the foreign students in the study of prefixal verbs of the Russian language, provides the algorithm of theoretical and practical materials on the topic. The article gives examples of using different kinds of texts in the aspect of functional and genre interrelationship: humorous mini-texts, educational texts, the texts online culturological content resources, articles of online dictionaries, electronic resources of the Russian National Corpus and other materials. Suggested types of tasks demonstrate the practice of innovative learning technologies, apply principles of clarity, gradual development of knowledge and contribute to the formation of communicative competence of the learners.
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2016;(1):164-171

«Slovo Dostoyevskogo. 2014. Idiostyle and Worldview»: Book Presentation
The monograph is a collective and unified understanding of the style of the Russian writer-classic. In the monograph all the articles of authors grouped by personal principle. In the work of each researcher presents the conceptual framework and the structure of the Dictionary language of Dostoyevsky, the Word of Dostoevsky and Dostoevsky's poetics, combined in one book.
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2016;(1):172-175

XI INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC LINGUISTIC CONFERENCE “LANGUAGE CATEGORIES AND UNITS: SYNTAGMATIC PLANE”. Vladimir, Vladimir State University n.a. A.G. and N.G. Stoletovy (VlSU), September, 28 - October, 1, 2015
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2016;(1):176-177

Our authors
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2016;(1):178-180