Vol 8, No 2 (2017)
- Year: 2017
- Articles: 30
- URL: https://journals.rudn.ru/semiotics-semantics/issue/view/978
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.22363/2313-2299-2017-8-2
Full Issue
On Some Factors of Translation Multiplicity
We analyze in the present paper the relationship between the correctness of the English and German linguistic cultures and the phenomenon of translation multiplicity. We point out national-linguistic and gender political correctness, realized in English language as feminization, androgenicity and the leveling of the gender marker, from strategy precisione gender in the German language. Comparing these trends with the modern Russian language we are proposing and trying to prove the thesis about the inevitability of the translation multiplicity (as text). We show non-identical versions of the translation texts which arise in the interaction of English, German and Russian languages (in various combinations). We identify optional text transformations in monolingual communication and the negative effects of racial and physiological effeminacy in intercultural and interlingual contacts in the fiction translation: a violation of the author's style, the devaluation of the storyline, discredit the author's text.

Portrayal of Characters in the Author’s Translation of the Bilingual Writer Vladimir Nabokov (V. Nabokov’s “Conclusive Evidence / Другие берега” and “Laughter in the Dark / Камера обскура”)
The ways Vladimir Nabokov portrays people are analysed through the prism of the writer’s bilingualism. The research is based on the writer`s autobiographic memoirs «Conclusive Evidence / Другие берега» and his novel «Камера обскура»/ «Laughter in the Dark». The study aims to highlight the means used to reach the adequacy and equivalence of translation by applying comparative method and method of semantic analysis. The study confirms the hypothesis that Vladimir Nabokov’s bilingualism and synesthesia are closely interconnected, shape his linguistic and cultural worldview and influence the strategies and tools he applies when translating his own texts.

The Sun And Boreas: The Juxtaposition of the Dystopias by E.I. Zamyatin’s “We” And G. Orwell’s “1984” on the Basis of Metaphors of Their Characters’ Inner World
The article juxtaposes the use of conventional and creative metaphors of the human inner world in the dystopia “We” by E.I. Zamyatin with that in “1984” by G. Orwell. An analysis based on the methods of metaphorical modelling and continuous sampling reveals the basic metaphorical models of the characters’ inner world in each of the novels. There are the following basic metaphorical models of this sphere in the novel “We”: the professional ones (mathematical, mechanistic, and chemical), the household one, the natural one and the morbial one; their source domains are represented mainly by nouns in combination with adjectives. Metaphors of actions and states (whose source domains are expressed by verbs or nouns in combination with verbs) are characteristic of the novel «1984», the basic ones being metaphorical models of swallowing and physical pain. In the novel “We” the characters’ inner world is mainly represented by creative metaphors, while G. Orwell adds expressivity by other means, and conventional metaphors of the sphere under study prevail in “1984”.

Serbian Language Elements in Russian Texts about Serbia
The paper presents the analysis of Serbian language elements in Russian literary texts about Serbia. The novelty of the research lies in the fact that the investigation of Serbian language elements in Russian texts has not been conducted as a separate study before. Foreign elements in this paper are analyzed in such aspects as characteristics of their adaptation in Russian, their correlation with the systems of the source language and the target language, the degree of their connection with cultural specifics of the content of the text, the ways the meanings of the foreign elements can be explained throughout the text. As a figure of speech, foreign elements add the local colour to the text. They are presented by Serbian realias that do not have direct equivalents in the Russian culture as well as by linguistic units that demonstrate both genetic affinity and differences between the two languages. The results of the analysis of Serbian elements in Russian texts about Serbia will contribute to the research of language contacts between peoples whose languages are closely related.

Semantic Features of Numerals in the Armenian-Kypchaksky Monument “Code of Laws” (“Төре Бітігі”)
In article the class of numerals in an Armenian-kypchakskom a monument which language system hasn't been studied so far is considered. Comparing monument numerals with numerals of runic monuments (drevnetyursky language) and modern Turkic languages, authors of article reveal their semantic and formal features. The analysis of numerals is carried out in the context of cultural markers of the Turkic people, including the Kazakh people.

Thesaurus of Fairy-Tale Genre (the Study of A.S. Pushkin’s “The Tale of The Fisherman and the Golden Fish” and its Translations into English and Armenian)
The article is devoted to the construction of the thesaurus of fairy-tale genre within the framework of fiction of A.S. Pushkin “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Golden Fish”. In this connection texts’ corpus (in Russian, English and Armenian) is studied. The researcher justifies the thesis that thesaurus way of knowledge systematization is given in thesauruses of different branches. They are important for specific information-searching systems where the knowledge representation is equivalent to terminological systematization in the definite subject area. In the research work hyponym-hyperonym relationship is presented as the leading factor of the thesaurus construction of the studied genre.

Mahmud Kashgari - the founder of areal linguistics
Mahmud Kashgaria’s work - “The dictionary of Turkic languages” (“Divan lugat at-tyurk”) is the complex work of comparative-historical linguistics, a lexicography, anthropological linguistics, areal linguistics, a linguistic culture, dialectology. In article the historical questions are considered and its communication with “The map of the Turkic world of the XI century”, the content of “Divanu lugat at-tyurk” in its close coorelation with the “Map” is discovered which is the annex to dictionary reveals. The author of article notes that Mahmud Kashgaria has revealed interrelation of dialectic features of Turkic tribes with their geographical habitat and also language similarity of Turkic tribes. In the conclusion are told that in the history of world linguistics “Divanu lugat at-tyurk” is the first work on areal linguistics.

The Semiotics of Religious Allusions in the Costa Rican National Variant of the Spanish Language
The article is devoted to the reconstruction of religious allusions in the Costa Rican national variant of the Spanish language and analysis of its semiotics. The main research objectives include identifying and systematizing of religious allusions, explaining their motivation and defining patterns of using religious lexical units in the Costa Rican literary and everyday discourses. In order to do that we used the integral philological analysis method which allowed realize that religious allusions in the Costa Rican literary and everyday discourses vary from a separate lexical semantic unit to a phraseme in a composite sentence. Religious allusions are used by Costa Ricans for various purposes. The most common one is the intensification of speech which reflects the Costa Rican national way of communicating. The research results can serve as a basis for comparative studies of religious allusions in other national variants of the Spanish language.

Toponyms of the Largest Islands of Cape Verde
The article deals with the place names of the West African state of Cape Verde. It is known that the nomination of geographical features, continents, cities, natural features is closely linked to the history and culture of the peoples living in the area. In this connection it is of interest to explore the cultural component reflected in the place names of Cape Verde. The article also analyzes the toponyms in the etymological and structural aspects. Etymological analysis of toponyms involves their consideration in the aspect of the Luso-not-Portogallo of origin, focusing on etymological analysis that is due to this region. The paper proposes a classification according to the semantic criterion: the toponym is of anthropological origin. Structural analysis involves identifying groups of toponyms in the number of components, describes the following types of toponymic units: one word, a different compound, word types, a phrase and an idiom. The research centers on toponyms of Cape-Verde selected by the method of continuous sampling. However this article presents the examples of oikonym, oronym, hagionym, choronym as bearing the universal or national-specific information about the nomination. Some conclusions about the General and specific terms of toponymy of Cape Verde are given.

Eponymic Terms as Part of English Scientific Sublanguage of Sociology
The article is devoted to eponymic terms in English scientific sublanguage of Sociology, which has not yet received sufficient coverage in terminological studies. Although their number is relatively small, eponymic terms of Sociology display a number of specific characteristics that make them interesting to study. The article centers upon their structural and semantic characteristics as well as their cultural specificity. The author comes to conclusion that these terms exhibit substantial diversity concerning their onim components; they are motivated through the combination of encyclopedic knowledge of the phenomenon, represented by the onim, and the semantics of derivational morphemes or appellative components. Linguocultural analysis showed that many of the English eponymic terms of Sociology are culture-specific in relation to American culture.

Antroponymical Elements in the Structure of Toponyms
The toponyms derived from the names are a special group of geographical terms. These antropotoponyms informed that geographical object belongs to definite person or are called by the name of person who placed that place first. The antroponymical elements like bay, bek, bergen, biybi, biyke, gul, jan, zada, murat, nazar, niyaz , take part in the structure of the karakalpak names. In this article these components of antropotoponyms were learned and given antropotoponyms Chimbay region, in which structure there are elements bаy, bek, bergen, biybi, gul, nazar, niyaz, murat, khan . As part of antropotoponyms of this territory these elements are used productively. They are found as part of antropotoponyms first or second component. Also, these elements of anthroponymic (bay, beg, bergen, nazar, niyaz, gul), fold together to form anthroponomy (Bekbay, Beknazar). The system of regional toponymy as part of the names are similar to the above characteristic originality. They are exemplified in local names.

Linguistic Means of Russia’s Image Making in Modern Advertising
The article is devoted to description of the linguistic features specific means of Russia’s image making in modern TV advertising. Linguistic issue of the image is to study the concept, distinguish it from certain closely related concepts and also to use a variety of linguistic means of influence on the mass audience which involved in the formation of the country’s image. The article used the traditional descriptive method based on direct observation of the linguistic material. From this point of view well-formed Russia’s image will help to strengthen its world position. Positive image created in the media fixed and stereotyped in advertising. Specificity of advertising of domestic products is the use of traditional language resources like phraseology, folklore, metaphors, etc.

On Some Features of the Adversarial Function in Debates between US Presidential Contenders: Research into the Rhetoric of Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, and Donald Trump. Article 1
An analysis of presidential debates clearly brings into sharper focus the adversarial function of political discourse. Its manifestations may be an efficient tool for studying the stylistic behaviour of each presidential contender individually and all presidential contenders collectively. The adversarial function is understood as a politician’s use of signs of explicit verbal aggression in order to fight rivals, bash them, and estrange himself or herself from their views. The study, besides singling out confrontation markers of the contenders, claims that the debates show negative trends in the language culture of modern politicians. The predominant relativism, which American English has long been known for, is being replaced by blatant straightforwardness affecting the choice of words, communicative strategies and tactics, and the well-known etiquette rules. This signals the emergence of a new generation of US politicians who will sure affect the local politics and geopolitical arena in the years to come.

Terminological Aspect of Political Discourse in the German Media
Political discourse is a complex communicative phenomenon and its study may be multilateral. This paper highlights some of the linguistic features of political discourse in the Germany media and offers a classification of the most common language means. An important role is attributed to deonimization, possibilitz of appellativation of nominal stems, in particular, the names of German politicians. Moreover new lexical units are filled with a certain meaning, and receive a strong negative connotation under the influence of extralinguistic factors. Of particular interest is the consideration of the possibility terminalization of deonim. Analysis of the concept of “term” and the ways of its formation and basic characteristics of deonimic units suggests possible transition from the category of deonims nonce words and slangwords into the category of terms that is demonstrated in some instances.

“Trojan Cycle” as Source of Precedence in the Mass Media Discourse
Mechanisms of linguistic representation of preceding constructions with origin sphere «Trojan War» are questioned in the article, specifics of its operation in mass-media discourse are identified. To describe the communicative-pragmatic content of political text in this research thematic, semantic and grammar classification of constructions, which were proposed, taking into consideration replaced core component and pragmatic attitudes of recipient. The article states that change of semantic structure is not only to denotative level, but also connotative and pragmatic level, where preceding phenomena «Trojan cycle» acquires new semantic features. Particular properties analysis of preceding constructions with origin sphere «Trojan War» allows to come to a conclusion about the fragment specification of world’s picture, fastened in preceding phenomenon of mythological type.

The Metaphorical Representation of the Concept of Family in English Political Discourse as a Reflection of Real Processes in the World
The article deals with the features of the functioning of the metaphorical concept “Family” and reflects its conceptosphere with the correlating components in British and American political rhetoric. An analysis of the speeches of the political leaders of Britain and the United States reveals that the representation of the concept “Family” and its components, determined by the very reality and values laid down in the American and British societies, turns out to be somewhat different. American political rhetoric represents the concept of the “Family” and its correlates as relating to the internal structure of the country, while British political rhetoric includes, among other things, an illustration of relations between the UK and the EU and some countries of the Commonwealth.

The Representation of Universal Moralvalue “Freedom” in Linguistic Consciousness of Russian Culture Bearers
This paper examines the meaning of universal moral value “freedom” reflected in linguistic consciousness of Russian culture-bearers. It contains the results of the analysis of the way the value is represented on official and common levels of consciousness. Within the framework of the research on the official level of consciousness the data of encyclopedic dictionaries is analysed. That aims to reflect the scientific worldview of Russian culture-bearers. Their everyday worldview is revealed through the analysis of the data of lexicographical literature, Russian text corpus, paroemiological fund as well as the results of associative and psycho-semantic experiments. The methodology of the research is based on the theory of activity approach elaborated by Moscow psycholinguistic School and the triangulation approach designed by V.A. Yanchuk. The latter approach allows to integrate knowledge of different layers and the methodology aiming at obtaining the most precise findings. The results of the given research shows the variety of meanings of the value “freedom” used on the common level of consciousness. That indicates the practical attitude to the value considered in the perception of the Russians. The methods of the analysis has a great potential for further research of different notions.

Combination of Verbal Representative Means of Concepts
The article is devoted to the terms and process of concept emergence, the means of their verbal realization (expression). The author proves that concept is not a form of an idea, the concept is an associative mental entity, activated in the forms of the thinking activity. There is a certain conceptual part in different forms of verbalization idea (conclusion, judgement, idea). The emergence of a conceptual part starts with the cognitive activity, which consists of categorization stage, conceptualization stage and verbal realization as the final stage. In the presence of some discursive terms this process is always reciprocal, i.e. the final stage of our cognitive activity is our verbal realization of the concept and the final stage of our verbal realization of the concept is our cognitive activity. The author states that the scale and the form of the verbal realization of the concept can vary from a word to the text and vice versa.

Dynamics of Evaluation Parameter of Nuclear Units of Russian Language Consciousness
The article analyzes dynamics of the evaluative relationships of nuclear units of associative-verbal network, which is the model of Russian language consciousness. We classify the evaluation parameter of nuclear units using quantitative indexes and qualitative assessments. Indexing and scaling allow to compare metrics severity of evaluation parameter of units belonging to the linguistic consciousness core of native Russian speaker in the last two decades. We notice some negative dynamics despite of overall stability of evaluative parameters. During the study time period 10% of the investigated core units we have observed there is a decrease in the frequency of evaluative relations, as well as the reduction of evaluative peripheral reactions.

Semantic Field as a Fragment of National World Language Picture
The article considers the semantic field gentleness/nobleness as a fragment of the English national world picture. The semantic fields are the structures that constitute the general semantic sphere of any language. In course of the analysis of so important for Englishmen semantic field, the history and features of the field constituents are defined. The role of the concept gentleman is studied. The conclusion about the extra-lingusitic aspect as a crucial factor for abstract concepts creating is made. The study of national world pictures by means of semantic fields makes it possible to understand the view of the world of different nations.

Types of Semiotic Similitude in Dramatic Discourse: Transformation of a Play into a Theatrical Performance
The article is aimed at presenting types of semiotic similitude of the communicatively related semiotic acts in heterogeneous discursive space, namely dramatic discourse which includes monomodal discourse (play) and polymodal discourse (theatrical performance). Making an attempt to reveal the functional basis for intrasemiotic and intersemiotic code metamorphoses within the semiosphere of dramatic discourse the author pays special attention to analogy as a cognitive universal which ensures orderliness across modalities and thus accounts for integrational and complementary nature of communication. Model construction is chosen as a method of analyzing the characteristics and directions of semiosis in dramatic discourse. It makes it possible to define two types of semiotic similitude in dramatic discourse (semiotic identity and image) and to single out four interdependent vectors seen as a model which brings about orderliness through analogy when we deal with heterogeneous discursive space.

Abu Ubaidah’s “Majaz Al-Qur’an” as the Beginning of a New Trend in the Practice of Tafsir
Abu Ubaidah’s “Majaz al-Qur'an” is the first book on the linguistic analysis of the text of the Holy Qur'an, which has survived to our days. This author stands out among others because his research was the first research and analysis of the style of writing of Qur'an and it was the beginning of the first stage of criticizm in the Arabic literary in general. The author emphasizes that there is little difference between the use of metaphors in the language of Qur'an and Arabic poetry, or in general in the Arabic language of the period. It is also noted that Arabs widely used metaphors in their oral speech, both before and after the revelation of Qur'an to the prophet of God. In fact, the author wrote the above-mentioned book, not only for Arabs, but also to facilitate the understanding of Qur'an, something like a textbook. In general, the mentioned work of Abu Ubaidah on the linguistic analysis and interpretation of Qur’an led to the emergence of a new direction in the linguistic analysis of Qur’an. This work has actually paved the way for this research, and it has greatly eased the work of interpreters and representatives of philological science.

Oriental Origins of Figurative Language of the French Ornamental Art in XVII- XVIII Centuries
The XVII-XVIII centuries are the period of highest French applied art prosperity and its approval in Europe as a recognized standard. This was achieved as a result of the creative development of traditional European ornamental art by French masters, and due to the successful adaptation of oriental decor. The article reveals the peculiarities of figurative language of the East ornamental art, examines the symbolic meaning and the evolution of the most common ornamental motifs of oriental origin in the French decor in the XVII-XVIII centuries. It describes the primary sources, the emergence and development of chinoiserie oriental style in France, as well as the role of prominent French decorators in the formation of this style. The article reveals the value of chinoiserie figurative language as an organic part of the ornamental lexicon in Baroque and Rococo styles.

Lexical and Morphological Means of Colour Names Formation in Arabic
The article is devoted to the semantic field of colours in Arabic language and the peculiarities of its composition in comparison with the Russian. For the first time the author explores the means (borrowing and metaphorization) and methods of formation (special grammar patterns) of the Arabic colour names (rather then base tints) and makes this on extensive language material. The study addresses the actual issues of cultural character: the reflection of the world picture in the language as a quantitative representation of shades of a particular colour, and character of objects wich participated in the secondary nominations of colour. The results of the study allow to conclude about the complexity of the semantic field of colours in Arabic, the great potential of its derivational possibilities and systematic intersections with fields of different semantics.

Comparison of Abbreviations in Russian and Chinese Languages
This article deals with the definition and types of abbreviations in Russian and Chinese languages; abbreviations are compared in both languages on examples taken from the media. The purpose of research is to analyze various types of abbreviations on modern social issues in Russian and Chinese. The basic method is comparison followed by lexical and grammatical commentary. As a result, the differences and similarities of abbreviations in two languages of different structure are revealed.

Peculiarities of Verbal and Artistic Implementation of the Concept “Citizenship” in the Poetry of E.A. Evtushenko
The article is aimed at the research and the description of the pecularities of verbal and artistic implementation of the concept “citizenship” in the works of E.A. Evtushenko, as well as the research of the structure and verbal realizations of the concept «citizenship» prepared on the basis of poet's works. This article reveals the core and periphery of this concept in Russian language picture of the world. The urgency of this Article is determined by the following factors: 1) the scrutiny of modern science to issues of conceptual analysis of the text; 2) an increased interest in identifying the specifics of artistic paintings of individual writers of the world; 3) citizenship unexplored theme in the works of E.A. Yevtushenko. The purpose of the article - the study and description of the characteristics of verbal and artistic expression of the concept of “citizenship” in the works of E.A. Yevtushenko, the study of the structure and implementation of verbal concept “citizenship” on the material of the artistic works of E.A. Yevtushenko. The material of the study is based on a poem E.A. Yevtushenko, objectifying the analyzed concept. The main research method used a special method of linguistic - conceptual analysis. To expand and clarify the lexical content of the concept “citizenship” in the system of the Russian language was used lexicographical material: V.I. Dal “Explanatory Dictionary of Russian Language”; S.I. Ozhegov Dictionary of Russian language; Dictionary of Russian ed. A.P. Evgenyeva, Explanatory Dictionary of Russian ed. D.N. Ushakov and others.

Toponymy of Ivan Franko’s Poem “Moses”: the Quantitative Aspects of Comparative Analysis (Ukrainian Original and Russian Translations)
The article discusses the usage of the place names which appear in the poem “Moses” by Ivan Franko. Particular attention is paid to onyms which have connotations generally inherent biblicisms and realize their semantic and pragmatic potential in the Ukrainian original poem. Also the differences in the choice of translation strategies used by D. Brodskij, V. Azarov and B. Pasternak due to these toponyms were analyzed. As a result of comparative analysis of translations it can be argued that V. Azarov not only kept the number of stanza in translated variant, but also retained almost all place names. An attempt to explore the frequency of geographical names` usage has been defined as a research task. It underlines the importance of semantic meaning of certain place names.

Access to Second Language Acquisition
This paper discusses the different views on the availability of UG principles in language acquisition of adult second language learners, and summarizes some of the evidence for or against each position. One important issue in current language acquisition research is whether the acquisition of a second language is fundamentally different from that of the first language. Researchers approaching second language acquisition (SLA) from the linguistic perspective often relate this issue to the availability of Universal Grammar to second language acquisition. Universal Grammar (UG) refers to a grammar which is genetically endowed to all human beings and which all languages have in common.

Comparative Study of Word-Order Patterns of Simple Sentences in English and Arabic
It is sociolinguistically acknowledged that humans are uniquely distinct from other living species due to the fact that they communicate with one another through the use of a particular human language. Furthermore, the number of human languages that exist worldwide is huge. Unsurprisingly, languages can be similar or different form one another as well as the main aims of each language. Standard Arabic and Standard English languages, for instance, are distinct from one another but at the same time they are alike. Explicitly, the two languages are originally different from one another (one Semitic while the other German) but they do share at least some general linguistic features at all levels: phonological, morphological, syntactic, semantic, and pragmatics’ level. In this research paper, fields which are closely connected to the linguistic analysis and comparison of languages known as Contrastive Analysis, Comparative Linguistics and Universal Grammar will be referred to in comparing between Standard Arabic and Standard English in terms of their word-order patterns of simple sentences.

Paremiae and Phraseological Units in the Speech of Characters in the Novel “The Geographer Drank His Globe Away” by A. Ivanov
The article is devoted to the study of language units, describing linguistic personality. The purpose of this article is to review the functioning of precedent texts existing in paremiological space. The analysis of domestic and foreign phraseology and paremiology identifies and analyses the units related to paremiae. The article used the method of verbal portraying, allowing to describe the linguistic identity of a novel character.