Vol 15, No 2 (2024)
- Year: 2024
- Articles: 17
- URL: https://journals.rudn.ru/semiotics-semantics/issue/view/1768
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.22363/2313-2299-2024-15-2
Full Issue
Liaison in Irreciprocal Screen Discourse: Properties of Encoding and Decoding
This article discusses one-sided screen discourse and the properties of encoding and decoding in it. The relevance of the research is conditioned by the dominance of artificially created screen information environment in modern communication and its increasing influence on the formation of public opinion, including through the distortion of information. The aim of this article is to describe the communication that takes place in one-way screen discourse in terms of encoding and decoding, as well as to identify the influence of these processes on information exchange. The source of material of the study was the detective series “Voskresensky” (8 episodes, 1 season), a total of 432 min were analysed. Screen discourse, being a part of mass communication, is inextricably linked to the activity and “sociality” of the communicative process. In this regard, this study adopts the activity concept and also implements a special discursive-semiotic approach to the organisation of screen discourse. Interpretation, analysis, synthesis, descriptive method, method of contextual analysis, functional-pragmatic methods were chosen as research methods. In the course of the research the following results were found. Information exchange in screen discourse can be characterised as: free, disequilibrium and mediated. Engineering and constructive activity is its main support. When encoding a screen message, the addresser, using a variety of codes according to his own intention, introduces variants and various possibilities into it, allowing the addressee to make a meaningful choice among them providing freedom of interpretation. The addressee, proceeding from the external expression - the meaningful structures embedded in the screen “speech” - reconstructs the process of creating the screen message, and relying on his knowledge of the “language” of screenness, through this external expression goes outwards to the content and meanings. The dialectical unity of symmetry and asymmetry is one of the main characteristics of information exchange in one-sided screen discourse. Symmetry is responsible for the ease of understanding the broadcast information, while asymmetry is responsible for endless semiosis. This combination makes it voluminous and dynamic.

Perceptive Lexemes attention, perception, memory in Terminological Use
The term system of cognitive science is interdisciplinary in nature and is formed from different areas of scientific discourse. The terminological meaning is also developed in commonly used lexemes. The words attention, perception, memory, knowledge, consciousness, impact, when they call cognitive abilities, functions, mental processes, human behavioral reactions, become terms. The purpose of this article is to analyze the process of terminology of commonly used lexemes with a perceptual meaning, which include the lexemes attention, perception and the lexeme memory associated with the result of perceptual activity by causation relations (component ‘see’→’remember’). The material for the study was the definitions of these lexemes in explanatory dictionaries, dictionaries of synonyms, antonyms, phraseological dictionaries, linguoculturological, word-formation dictionaries. This made it possible to determine the features of their national word usage and a set of semes that could become the basis for the emerging terminological meaning. The second stage of the study included the analysis of the use of these words as terms in works on cognitive linguistics (publications in the periodicals “Issues of Cognitive Linguistics”, “Cognitive Studies of Language”, “Bulletin of Moscow State University, Series 19: Linguistics and Intercultural Communication, section Cognitive Studies ). Based on the materials of publications, a corpus was created, including 752 texts, 8,062,613 word usages. The discovered collocats showed intrasystemic connections of lexemes attention, perception, memory. An associative experiment was also conducted, in which 1-4 year students enrolled in the program Fundamental and Applied Linguistics of the National Research University Higher School of Economics. The results of the experiment confirmed the assumption about the influence of commonly used semantic components of the meanings of Russian words on the formation of a new terminological meaning in such lexemes. The data obtained were summarized in the form of prototype articles of the Project Dictionary of Cognitive Terms

Comparative Analysis of Animal Phraseological Units with Religious Component in Russian and Chinese
The phraseological units analyzed in a comparative aspect reflect the peculiarities of the national worldview. The purpose of the study is to identify and compare the semantics and linguocultural properties of animal phraseological units with religious component in Russian and Chinese languages. The relevance of the topic is due to the insufficient study of idioms with the name of an animal component in the aspect of religious beliefs and traditions. The linguistic focus of this study is the phraseological units of the Russian language, reflecting the Christian and pagan ideas of the Russian people. The selection of the analyzed Chinese language material is due to the significant influence of Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism on Chinese culture. In the work, using a set of methods and techniques, such as linguocultural analysis, comparative analysis, and classification, the phraseological units of the Russian and Chinese languages with names of marine animals components birds, and terrestrial animals are studied. Similar and different figurative and symbolic meanings of animals are revealed in the two linguocultures. Discrepancies in the national and cultural connotations of animal images among speakers of Russian and Chinese languages against the background of religious and confessional differences have been established: the image of the same animal in different linguistic cultures generates different meanings. In addition to the discrepancies, Russian and Chinese idioms reveal semantic similarities due to the commonality of moral and ethical doctrines of Russian and Chinese speakers.

The Digital Stratum of a Linguistic Paradigm
The specific of functioning for artificial intelligence and digital stratum is an important direction of interdisciplinary, including linguistics, researches in the modern world. The subject of the study is the voice assistant Alice of the Yandex company with the inbuilt Yandex GPT2 neural network. The object under the study is the AI functioning on the materials of phraseological units and set phrases of the Chinese and Russian languages with the universal semantic component смерть / death. The conceptual category of смерть / death was chosen due to the existence of the Russian and Chinese cultural tradition represented on the rich background ascendant to folklore images. The novelty of the study consists in understanding the notion of “a digital stratum as a separate component of the linguistic paradigm, according to N.I. Tolstoy, and it is introduced and discussed for the first time. In course of linguistic experiment, we managed to reveal four types of generations on the AI stimulus words: 1) the absence of generation; 2) the generation of the existing phraseological units and set phrases of direct and indirect nominations; 3) the hybrid generation; 4) the digital or arbitrary generation. By means of the continuous sampling method there were identified 50 % of the AI generations both in Russian and in translated into Russian materials. The results of the study allow conclude that there takes place of forming the digital stratum of the linguistic paradigm owing to the evolution of the virtual environment of language functioning. With time, textual generations which at present seem to be antilogical, could enter the live conversational style and become widely-used ones due to the mass use of voice systems in various spheres of daily living activities.

Gender Stereotypes in Kazakh Proverbs and Sayings
The study reviewst how traditional gender norms are parodied in Kazakh. Stereotypes of “male” and “female” characteristics are evolving in the age of cultural globalization. The old notion that a man provides for the family needs financially and a woman tends to the home has evolved. In modern Kazakh society, a woman can earn significantly more than a male or serve as the family primary breadwinner. Many men believe that raising children and taking care of the home is the domain of women, so they do not want to be involved in these roles. Gender stereotypes prevailing in society prevent both women and men from living, determining their behavior and lifestyle. The relevance of the problem under consideration lies in the fact that the factors contributing to the formation of gender stereotypes have not been sufficiently studied. The parodies of the Kazakh people reflect traditional family and tribal relations based on patriarchal attitudes. The purpose of the study is to analyze gender stereotypes in Kazakh proverbs and sayings. Due to the large number entries of the main sample, 154 paremias were taken through a representative sample and grouped into five categories according to their content: 1. The role of men and women in the family, 2. Education of girls - education of the nation, 3. Preservation of family life, 4. Feminine and masculine qualities, 5. A woman mother gives birth to offsprings. The study used comprehensive research, contextual analysis, comparison and descriptive methods. As a result of the study, the stereotype “A woman is the basis, and a man is the breadwinner of the family” has partially lost its relevance today. In modern Kazakh society, the wife not only supports family comfort, but also earns quite well. The stereotype “A mother woman gives birth to offspring” always remains the same relevant, since the main function of a woman is procreation. The traditional stereotype of “Educating girls - educating the nation” is formed in relation to the upbringing of girls in the family. Since girls are future mothers and guardians of the hearth, from an early age they are prepared for family life, motherhood and household chores. The stereotype associated with the preservation of family life depicts a woman as a man’s support, an incomparable companion, his luck and even paradise. The key to a happy family life is a good spouse, so stereotypes are formed regarding the preservation of family life.

The Сurrent State of the Theory of Linguocultural Types
The review article specifies and summarises modern approaches to the description and modelling of linguocultural types: it gives brief information about the emergence of the theory of linguocultural types and the main stages of its development, presents the main features of linguocultural types formulated by Vladimir. I. Karasik and Olga. A. Dmitrieva. The author’s card index of of linguocultural types was compiled with the help of continuous sampling from the number of researchers’ studies on this theory. The card index is totalling about 300 units. The most representative examples are used as illustrative material for the article. Using the descriptive-analytical method, the article demonstrates the current approaches to typologisation and classification of modelled and described linguocultural types, and substantiates the need for systematisation and parameterisation of existing types. Two main approaches to the modelling of linguocultural types are presented and main types of sources are commented on, on the materials of which linguocultural types can be modelled and described.

R. Barthes’s Semiotic Approach to Media Reports: Indonesian Сase
The study of semiotics is closely related to the reader’s interpretation of the text. Narrative is our fundamental means of comprehension and expression for this time-locked condition. Any semiological system is a system of meanings, but the consumer of myths takes meaning for a system of facts. The purpose of this study is to use R. Barthe’s semiotic analysis to study the process of news consumption that causes negative perceptions of government policies by recipients. The research concept uses critical media theories to view news with negative connotations as leading to panic, making people more marginalized in meeting their daily needs. According to R. Barthes, all cultural phenomena, like types of communication, are encoded in sign systems, which are the product of myth-making activity, where any culturally significant phenomenon is a speech utterance that is the carrier of a mythical message. The subject of the study is an emergent discourse in which there is a “meaning effect” for Indonesian audiences located on dozens of islands, affecting their core interests. Previous studies support this research. The unit of analysis is news regarding the policy of increasing gasoline prices in the largest Muslim country with 300 million population in the both national and local media in 2022-2023. The results of Barthes’ semiotic analysis of the signifier show that people are becoming more marginalized as the results of increasing petrol price policy. Signified without the approval of the people’s representative institutions, petrol prices continued to increase. The denotative sign for policy makers to increase gasoline directly increases the price of gasoline, which makes it more difficult for people to engage in economic activities. The connotative signifier in the title and content of the news has a very detrimental effect on people when purchasing petrol. The connotative sign means that the news can annoy the people because of the increase in petrol prices to run their economy. On the other side the government’s advice is to listen to institutions like media that represent the people and get involved in units that communicate directly with the people.

Linguistic Personality Transformation in Speech Reproduction
A linguistic personality is capable of transforming consciously and unconsciously under the influence of a number of factors and it can change qualitatively, including turning from a strong and average into a weak linguistic personality, moving to a lower, presystemic semantic-structural level. Among such factors, various influences in religious organizations play an important role. The relevance of the proposed article on the one hand, is due to the active use of “speaking in tongues” by believers in a number of religious organizations, and on the other hand, to the lack of an unambiguous understanding of this phenomenon and its impact on people, the lack of linguistic studies of such speaking. The purpose of the research conducted in the article is to identify the essence, goals and consequences of such a phenomenon as “speaking in tongues”, which is practiced in particular by adherents of the Pentecostal religious organization “Bethany” and compare these parameters with what is promoted. There is a reason to imply some difference between the interpretations. The definition of the so called “angelic languages”, which the Bethanyians consider to be real, serving communication, leads to the conclusion that its use puts a person into a trance, plunges into an altered state of consciousness, deprives the ability to reflect. This is indicated by certain lexical and syntactic means found in the statements of Pentecostals, including adherents of Bethany, analysis of videos and texts posted on the websites of these religious organizations. The article examines the religious origins “speaking in tongues”, modern interpretations of this phenomenon by believers, reveals the distortion of the concept of “speaking in tongues” by Pentecostals and adherents of Bethany, unfolds the means of manipulating believers in explaining the phenomenon of glossolalia (e.g., interpretation of religious texts, manipulation of numbers, affecting the emotions and feelings of believers, sometimes odd explanations). Subsequently, the authors come to the conclusion that in some cases Bethany representatives deliberately build their speech communication to immerse the flock as often as possible in a state of altered consciousness, affect, ecstasy, when a person renounces reality, becomes unable to answer for his words and actions. Then people might become vulnerable to the necessary suggestion.

Functional Features of Verbs of Interpersonal Relations in Russian and Chinese Languages
The article studies functional features of verbs involved in the expression of interpersonal relations in the Russian and Chinese languages. Considering this group of verbs as a subfield of the general lexical-semantic field of attitude verbs is primarily conditioned by the fact that it expresses relations arising among people in the form of feelings, judgments and appeals to one another in course of everyday life. The group of verbs with a variety of both direct and figurative meanings, which are used in different spheres of human communication, is analyzed. The analysis of the studied verbs allows us find out the ways of their realization and appropriate the means to describe human relations in the Russian and Chinese languages. In accordance with the aim and objectives of the study, the article considers cases of expressing relations using adverbs in some constructions of fiction texts, which allows us reveal such features of relations as multiple repetition, duration and length. The analysis of this group of verbs of interpersonal relations helps us understand the semantic structure of the verb that plays a leading role in the context and show the characteristics of the author’s individual expression of interpersonal relations. It was revealed that in isolated cases the verb in Chinese can fulfill the function of a subject, which is explained by the syntactic peculiarities of the structure of this language. The results of the study confirm the hypothesis of incomplete correspondence between the functional features of verbs of interpersonal relations in the two languages under comparison.

Peculiarities of Formation of the Term System of International Trade: Linguocultural and Ecolinguistic Aspects
The article discusses linguistic and cultural factors influencing the formation of Russian and Chinese terminology systems in the field of international trade . Associated with the inclusion of terms in the systems of Russian and Chinese languages trends are studied from the point of view of linguoculturology and linguoecology. The relevance of the work is determined by the practical need to establish similarities and differences between Russian and Chinese language terminological systems used within intercultural communication as part of economic (trade) relations. The purpose of the study is to identify linguocultural determinacy and dominants of linguoecology inherent in the differentiated Russian and Chinese terminological systems in the field of international trade . The factual material of the study was Russian and Chinese lexical units of international trade terminological systems (the sample contains more than 500 lexical units). In accordance with the results of the study, out of the total number of the terms examined, 36 % are Russian-language borrowed units adapted with the help of semantic calquing 9 % out of 36 %); 64 % of units are borrowed with the use of transcription, out of which - transliteration 52 %) and other methods 12 %). Of the total number of Chinese terms considered, only 18 % are borrowings that, when entering the Chinese language, had undergone only phonetic and graphic types of adaptation; 29 % of the units are borrowed with the help of morphemic and semantic calquing and hybrids; 9 % are terms written in the Latin alphabet; upon that, 44 % of the units are native terms. In conclusion , the article suggests, that the terminological systems of international trade in the Russian and Chinese languages are influenced by conditions associated with the specifics of the languages themselves and with the mentality of the peoples of Russia and China, on the one hand, and with the processes of globalization, on the other hand.

Interlingual Slavic Homonymy: Prototypical and Occasional
The issues of interlingual Slavic homonymy are being examinedi n a multifaceted way on the material of the East, West and South Slavic languages. Given research problem is one of the most actual in comparative linguistics, translation studies, as well as in the practice of teaching Slavic languages. On specific examples cases of manifestation of homonymy are analysed, the causes of its occurrence are studied, the character, linguistic, as well as extralinguistic factors that accompany this semantic phenomenon are described. Among other things, unlike most scientific works devoted to this topic, the problem we touch on is considered at all basic levels of the language: phonetics, vocabulary, morphology, syntax, stylistics, and phraseology, a theoretical substantiation of the reasons for the appearance of homonyms in the language (resp. languages) is given. Special attention is paid to full and partial homonyms, which developed on the basis of both phonetic and etymological-semantic commonality of vocabulary or, conversely, accidentally coincided in pronunciation. It should be emphasized the relevance of this problem andi ts scientific and practical significance in the framework of the contrastive study of closely related languages, which is also of particular importance for the theoretical study and practical solution of linguistic and cultural issues of the Slavic community, which, in comparison with other Indo- European language groups, disintegrated relatively late (V-VI centuries AD). Despite the fact thatm uch attention is paid to this problem in Slavic studies, and many works are devoted to describing cases of interlingual Slavic homonymy, including dictionaries fixing homonyms in two or several languages, the importance of this study lies precisely in the fact that its main goal has become a broad linguistic review with the maximum possible coverage of all three groups of Slavic languages - starting with Russian and Ukrainian in the East, Polish, Czech and Slovak in the West, Serbian, Croatian, Bulgarian in the South of the Slavic World and ending with its “periphery” - Slovenian in its South West. As tertium comparationis for the authors of the proposed study is the genetic commonality, genetic relationship of the Slavic languages and, accordingly, the etymological relationship of their lexical structures. The article presents some of the most illustrative, commonand frequent homonyms, including that of representing the translation problem of the so-called “false friends of the translator”. Although the general list of examined homonyms is far from exhaustive, the materials of the article can serve as a solid theoretical and practical basis for creating a fundamental dictionary of interlingual Slavic homonyms.

Localization of the French Linguoculture Concepts in the English-Language Film Discourse through the Intertextuality
Linguocultural concepts in the film text are a complex aspect of translation. This paper is devoted to the study of the localization potential of linguistic and cultural concepts in the implementation of the film text translation in French-English language pair. The purpose of the article is to analyze the localization potential of linguistic and cultural concepts in intermediated intercultural communication through the cinema resource. The paper provides examples of un\ successful localization, compiled on the basis of a films target audience anonymous survey. The research material included 4 concepts ( Amour/Love, Amitié /Friendship, Famille/ Family, Patrimoine/National Treasure ) implemented in 70 French films with official localizations into English, released in the period of 1966-2022. The methods of random sampling, mathematical statistics, quantitative analysis, semantic and linguocultural analysis of the text, method of anonymous questioning were used in the study. To conduct a qualitative evaluation of the film text original and localized units perception, we conducted a survey of anglophone and francophone viewers. The results of the study were the identification of various translation transformations used in the localization of functional and pragmatic units of the film text with an analize of their effectiveness by viewers perceiving the film text in the source language and by viewers perceiving the film text in the target language. The use of statistical analysis methods made it possible to verify the data obtained empirically, and semantic and linguocultural analysis made it possible to analyze the obtained linguistic units in terms of their assessment and linguistic systematization.

Problems of Commercialisation and Commercial Nomination of the Urbanonymic Landscape of Almaty
The authors conduct a critical analysis of the process of commercialization and commercial nomination in the linguistic landscape of Almaty, the largest megalopolis in Kazakhstan. Two sets of current toponymic problems of the linguistic urban landscape are considered: critical analysis of geospace commercialisation process, megalopolis toponymic policy, where toponym acts as a “commodity”; and sociolinguistic features of ergonym formation, linguocreative approach to the nomination process as a parto f modern naming of the megalopolis linguistic landscape. These two main aspects of the study are aimed at revealing the polylingual, socio-cultural image of the city, at matching the linguistic picture of the world of the citizens, at defining the image strategy in the organisation of urbanonymic space of the metropolis. The issue of urbanonymic terminology also remains relevant, in this regard the study deals with the problem of correspondence/ non-conformity of English and Russian terminology in this area, with some caution it is proposed to adapt the international terminological space in the field of onomastics. The analysis of the linguistic identity of oikodomonyms (name of residential complexes) and ergonyms (brandname) confirms the hypothesis of a growing trend of the urban landscape westernisation, which is of concern in view of the increasing globalisation processes that minimise the national-cultural identity of urbanonyms. As a result of the study the problem areas in the toponymic policy of the metropolis were revealed, the prospects for improving the regulatory aspects of the activities, naming technologies and branding of commercial organisations, companies were identified, alternative solutions were proposed, which can be further applied as guidelines in the toponymic activities in other regions of Kazakhstan.

Self-Isolation during the COVID-19 Pandemics: Everyday Discourse on a New Social Phenomenon among University Students
The COVID-19 pandemic was the first experience for the largest part of the world’s population of a new disease that spread rapidly across continents, a global threat to which unprecedented restrictive measures were elaborated. The purpose of the study was to analyse the everyday discourse on self-isolation among student youth based on the Theory of Social Representations. The study was conducted in two time periods corresponding to two “waves” of the COVID-19 pandemic in Russia (“first wave”: from 18, June to 10, July, 2020, and “second wave”: from 12, October to 18, November, 2020). The sample included 275 Russian university students (9.5 % male) aged 17 to 27 years. The main tool to reveal the social representations was free associations technique. The survey was conducted in online format via Google-forms. Comparison of the structure and content of social representations on self-isolation as a new social phenomenon at different stages of the pandemic made it possible to reveal their emergence and dynamics among student youth: (1) the opposition between voluntariness and coercion was characteristic of the everyday understanding of selfisolation at the very beginning of the pandemic, and (2) psychological experiences associated with the pandemic and the self-isolation caused by it turn out to be key further. In general, research findings show that self-isolation is understood by university students as a search for “pluses” in a situation of forced restrictions.

Representation of Bacchic Worldview in a Literary Text
Wine drinking as a cultural phenomenon is becoming the subject of research in various sciences, such as art history, cultural studies, semiotics, philology, etc. The situation of wine drinking as a fragment of the semantics of the text is the subject of the linguopoetics of the text and linguoculturology. The purpose of this study is to consider the situation of wine drinking, its functioning in the world of a work of art. The material for the work is a selection of examples extracted from prose, from the second half of the XIX century to the present days. A wide time span allows us to trace understanding and interpretation of wine drinking situation in dynamics. The examples contain bacchic vocabulary, i.e. lexemes that have the meaning ‘to drink alcohol’. The relevance of the study is related to its entry into the circle of interpretive semantic research, in which the authors pay attention to features of both the idiosyncratic traits of the writer and universal, nationwide, inherent characteristics of the period of time. The main research methods are continuous sampling method for extracting illustrative material from literary works of writers that contain bacchic vocabulary; as well as semantic and descriptive methods. The main functions of the wine drinking situation in texts are, firstly, plot-modeling, promoting the narrative outline of the work; secondly, background, reproducing the historical and cultural background of the event line; thirdly, characterizing, defining the properties and qualities of a character described, a participant of the event. The paper also shows how the world of an artistic work reflects a historical and cultural period, the realities relevant to it, as well as the individual author’s arsenal of linguistic means, which is a representative of a subjective view and assessment. It is concluded that tracing the dynamics of the situation of wine drinking through the study of bacchic linguistic means makes it possible to determine the dominant in a particular period of time.

Semantic-Semiotic Paradigm of Axiosphere and Spiritual and Moral Dominants of Ch.T. Aitmatov’s Novels
Nowadays there is a need to actualise scientific research, in which axiological analysis of philological phenomena is one of the priorities. This analysis allows to give the research an ethicalphilological perspective, the relevance of which is conditioned by the selection of those components which are connected with ontological ethical values. The interiorisation of these values in the individual’s consciousness contributes to the effective humanisation of the person’s consciousness. The aim of the study is to identify ontological ethical values in C.T. Aitmatov’s novels, presented in the form of semantic-semiotic invariant paradigms and their variable connotative components. At the level of semiotics the images-symbols as basic concepts are considered, at the level of semantics the spiritual and moral dominants of the axiosphere of these novels are revealed as part of lexemes and phrases. The material of the research was the conceptosphere of Ch.T. Aitmatov’s novels “And the Day Lasts Longer than a Century” and “The Scaffold”, represented by basic images-symbols, as well as the lexico-phrase layer of the novels “Cassandra’s Brand” and “When Mountains Fall (The Eternal Bride)”, which contains concepts that act as spiritual and moral dominants of the works. The article uses the method of theoretical poetics, axiological, descriptive and linguocultural methods, method of contextual analysis, semiotic analysis, linguocognitive approach was also applied. Results . Basic figurative and symbolic concepts in the novels “And the Day Lasts Longer than a Century” and “The Scaffold” and the semantic model of spiritual and moral dominants in the novels “Cassandra’s Brand” and “When Mountains Fall (The Eternal Bride)” have an unconditional humanistic character, reflecting the depth of spiritual and moral revelations of Ch.T. Aitmatov. These concepts and dominants constitute the ideological and moral core of the novels, being unconditional existential ideals that determine the vectors of moral and humanistic development of the individual and humanity as a whole. Conclusion : the study of the semantic-semiotic paradigm of the dominants of axiosphere of Ch.T. Aitmatov’s novels in the aspects of image-symbolic concepts and semantic model of spiritual and moral values allows to reveal the essence of the author’s ideal, to pay attention to its humanely educating character.

Semiotics of Intertextuality: Based on the Philosophical Category “Humanism” in a Postmodern Text
Humanism as an epistemology began to develop back in the Renaissance, but today the conceptual field of humanism continues to be refined: philosophers, literary critics and other representatives of humanitarian knowledge are asking questions about the boundaries of humanism, about its qualification as a proclamation of the value of life and the dignity of an individual subject, about its status as a social phenomenon that should be considered diachronically. The article examines the philosophical category of humanism on the material of the postmodern novel cycle “Dreams of the Damned” by A. Zhaksylykov. Despite the fact that humanism as an epistemology began to develop back in the Renaissance, today its conceptual field continues to be refined: philosophers, literary critics and other representatives of humanitarian knowledge are asking the question what the boundaries of humanism are whether it can be qualified as a proclamation of the value of life and the dignity of the individual subject - or is it a social phenomenon that should be considered diachronically? Literature, especially the literature of postmodernism, answers the question posed differently. Postmodernism is an artistic trend that seemingly rejects humanism as it is. Its main vector, on the contrary, is the dehumanization of both the individual and society. A deliberately travesty manner of presentation, concentrated intertextuality, and modification of canonical texts of the past create a mode of perception in which it is impossible to consider humanism as a holistic idea outside of satirical or ironic overtones. However, in Kazakh modern prose we find examples of works of art that overcome this trend. These include the novel cycle “Dreams of the Damned” by A. Zhaksylykov. The relevance of the chosen topic lies in the fact that the postmodern work is analyzed from the point of view of the concept of humanism: such an approach allows us to draw conclusions about the importance of historical memory and the authenticity of ethnocultural scenarios. The object of study is the concept of humanism, the subject is the implementation of humanistic discourse in a literary text. The research material was the cycle “Dreams of the Damned” by the Kazakh writer A. Zhaksylykov. The purpose of the work: to comprehend the category of humanism through the artistic mode and to prove that, in line with postmodernist discourse, dehumanization is “inverted humanization.” Research methods: descriptive, hermeneutic commentary method, intertextual analysis method.