
Discourse Emblems as the Object of Semiotic Analysis
Karasik V.I.
Neology Process in the Era of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Spanish and French Media and Social Networks Discourse
Zvereva E.V.
A Pragma-Semiotic Analysis of Headlight Flashing Used by Drivers in the Jordanian Context
Hamdan J.M., Riziq D.K.
Comparative Analysis of the Russian Adverb чрезвычайно and the Chinese Adverb 非常 in the Meaning of ‘extremely’
Lian J., Lazareva O.V., Lazareva O.S.
Language and Stylistic Features of the Orthodox Media Sermon
Makarova A.S.
Nonce-Wors as Bearers of Denotative and Pragmatic Meanings
Zakharova O.S.
Pragmatic (In)appropriateness of Diminutives in Russian Language
Trubnikova V.Y.
Hashtag as a Linguocognitive Unit of Spanish Political Discourse
Larionova M.V., Demkina A.V.
Modeling of the System of Language in the Aspect of Language Personality
Denisenko V.N.
Differentiated Analysis of the «Insult» Speech Genrebased on Messages from a Social Network Internet Sites
Komalova L.R., Goloshchapova T.I.
Comparison of semantico-pragmatic and syntactic aspects of comissive verbs in Russian, English and German languages
Bobrova E.D.
Semenova S.N.
Emotive Component of Spanish News Media Discourse
Gribanov I.S.
THE STRUCTURE OF THE SEMIOTIC CATEGORY OF TIME IN A LITERARY TEXT (Based on Novel “The Defector (Nevozvrashchenets)” by A. Kabakov)
Povalko P.Y.
Cultural Markedness of Foreignisms in a Literary Text
Migdal I.Y.
Semiotics of Comic in Spanish Anecdote
Tarasenkova Y.V.
Semiotics of “San Fermin”
Smirnova E.V.
Compositional-Topical Modules of Content of Scientific-Popular Genre, Characterizing Subject Area “GEOGRAPHY” (on the material of “National Geographic”)
Semenova S.N.
1 - 18 of 18 Items

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