No 3 (2010)
- Year: 2010
- Articles: 15
- URL:
To the 75th anniversary of prof. Yury N. Karaulov: an abstract from «Linguocultural cognition of the russian verbal personality»
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2010;(3):5-10

Problem of language and mind interrelatio in psycholingustic prospective
Conceptuality and formality are both the characteristics of «two languages»: the outer, or formal, and the inner, or conceptual languages, which are equally defining Homo loquens. The motion of thoughts is far from coinciding with speech events, still human language can be treated as an operative consciousness.
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2010;(3):11-18

Chain of associations as a perception unit. Russia and the Russians in language cognition of other cultures' bearers
The article deals with language cognition as a Gestalt complex and associative chains, which exist and reveal themselves as a type of vocabulary. Bearers of various cultures project those associative chains on the language expression and content and find their means to interpret so as to reach the understanding of different cultural phenomena.
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2010;(3):19-26

Regular and irregular verbs of the arabic language
The article analyzes regular patterns of word-formation models of irregular verbs of the Arabic language. The comparison of their morphological structure shows that Arabic irregular and irregular verbs reveal the typological duality the given language.
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2010;(3):27-31

Representaion of local causation: the comparative study
The article systematizes the verbs of local causation representation in Chinese, with are subdivided into the verbs of positioning and depositioning. The article describes their combination with spatial orientation Indexes. By comparing with Russian the article finds out common principles of sensor data fixation for local causation representation, and also national specific factors for Chinese linguistic understanding.
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2010;(3):32-41

Philosophy of name in P. Florensky's creativity: platonism or palamism
P.A. Florensky is considered as the ancestor of Philosophy of Name in Russia, supporter of Onomatodoxy. At the same time his «Christian Platonism» remains a subject of sharp discussions even today. In Florensky's creativity enter inconsistent interaction cultures of antiquity and christianity, platonism philosophy and transcendentism as hesychasm and palamism.
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2010;(3):48-59

Structural description of the language of advertising
The main principle of the structural description of the language of advertising is treating an advertisement as a single sign that denotes a certain advertising concept and consists of structural components belonging to different semiotic systems. Common semantic kernel called archiseme occurs as a result of the interaction of semantic fields and the elements comprising the structure of the advertisement. The archiseme reflects the main image concept of a product or producing company.
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2010;(3):60-73

Language in the Internet communication: the regular patterns and national cultural peculiarities (based on the english and russian sources)
The article focuses on the regular patterns and national cultural peculiarities of the Internet communication in English and Russian languages determined both by the internal linguistic laws and by extralinguistic factors. The adaptation of language phenomena to the Internet communication is shown to be governed by the principle of economy of speech and mental efforts of communicators. Special emphasis is paid to the social and cultural specificity exhibited in the implementation of the given principle.
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2010;(3):74-90

Stylistic usage of biblisms in the poetry and prose of V.V. Mayakovsky
The article describes peculiarities of stylistic usage of bibleisms in the creative works by V. Mayakovsky. The stylistic means and devices are treated both with transformations or without them, and authors individual expressions using the content and models of the Bible are analysed as well.
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2010;(3):103-116

To the problem of variability of the Russian lexical system
The article is devoted to the questions connected with variability of lexical system of Russian, the conclusions about functioning of national variants of Russian in Post-Soviet societies. Variability continues playing large role in the course of languages functioning and actively has been studied during half a century language, and at the present time remains as one of the central problems of a science about language.
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2010;(3):117-123

«The word has possessed powers from time immemorial…»
National linguistic consciousness is characterized by the different codes of communication. Particular attention author gives to the axiological and existential code of Russian interpersonal communication.
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2010;(3):124-133

RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2010;(3):134-135