Introduction to Psycholinguistic Theory of Intercultural Communication

Tarasov E.F.


The author analyzes intercultural communication (IC): the speech activity to organize joint activities in a multicultural environment. In course of communication within a single culture, communicants produce speech messages that involve only linguistic signs bodies and require common consciousnesses for understanding. The speaker presents the reality with images of one’s verbally modeled consciousness to the recipient for perception; the latter uses this model to construct the perceived message content from the one’s consciousness images. The sign communication suggests a common language and images of consciousness. There isn’t seen any common consciousness in IC results in cognitive conflicts requiring instructive training to develop common consciousness and language, or an intermediary (interpreter) as a bearer of the proper consciousness. Understanding in IC requires preliminary definitions of key words in speech messages. Understanding with non-linguistic consciousness images among bearers of different ethnic cultures requires a preliminary acquaintance with these images. The theoretical underpinning of understanding in IC can involve A.N. Leontiev’s world image theory and the three-level model of the consciousness image by A.N. Leontiev - V.P. Zinchenko, including existential, reflective and spiritual levels. The world image is knowledge developed by an ethnic culture bearer in the enculturation to navigate in the reality. The existential level contains cognitive means providing for the orientation in the ethnic environment, at the reflexive level, the knowledge about reality ensures the ethnic survival in this reality. At the spiritual level, the consciousness bearer communicates with other individuals resulting in a human attitude to reality.

RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2022;13(4):861-875
pages 861-875 views

Collective Memory as a Social Construct in German Discourse

Rebrina L.N., Solnyshkina M.I., Soldatkina T.A.


The authors address the needs of academicians in different fields of knowledge investigating collective memory and its discursive practices, its various manifestations in language subsystems, and the principles and mechanisms of social communication. Based on the significant potential of cognitive linguistics in this area due to the links between memory and language, the authors present this study аs to how social and cultural institutions regulate collective memory and apply different strategies, tactics, and linguistic means to create positive, negative, and neutralized images of the past in German mass media discourse. This study reveals the most relevant textproducer policies used to manipulate text-recipients and focuses on the most relevant argumentative and compositional tactics used in German mass media to re-actualize and form images of the collective past. The authors view re-actualization of collective memory in mass media in terms of social communication and media priming theories wherein collective memory is a phenomenon socially constructed in discursive practices, which perform selective, interpretive, and reversible functions. Managing the delivery of transformed images of the past to the addressee is aimed at cognitive and axiological changes in the communicative space of the addressee and forming the value judgment of the past. It is considered be possible due to the agent-object relationship of the addresser and addressee. The tactics applied by the addresser contribute not only to distributing and emphasizing some pieces of information but reducing criticism of the mass recipient perception.

RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2022;13(4):876-897
pages 876-897 views

Aphorism in the Circle of Small Text Forms in Oral, Written and Electronic Discourses

Ivanov E.E.


Aphorism, despite its antiquity and universality as a speech genre, still does not have a generally accepted understanding of its properties as a small text form and characteristics of its place among other types of miniature texts. The object of the study is to determine the nature of the relationship between aphorism and small text forms that function in existing types of discourse (oral, written, electronic). Research methods - heuristic, descriptive, linguistic text analysis, structural-semantic modeling and discourse analysis. The material for the study covers both aphoristic units as separate texts and as structural elements of nonaphoristic texts - a total of about 100,000 aphorisms from more than 300 reference, literary and other sources. As a result of the study, it was found that aphorism is not a specific type of text, since it can be equally successfully generated and function as different text forms in different types of discourse (oral, written, electronic). Aphorisms can be literary sayings (classical and modern varieties), and literary works-miniatures (including their national varieties), and one-phrase texts (in most of their discursive and genre forms), and paremiological units (proverbs, folk signs, jokes, etc.). In relation to all existing varieties of small text forms, it is advisable to consider the concept of aphorism either as a categorical one (if we are talking about miniature texts that have a differential sign of aphorism - a generalized universal content), or as a classificatory one (if we are talking about the entire corpus of miniature texts in the sense of their differentiation into two categories of units - “aphorisms” and “non-aphorisms”). Aphorisms cannot be involvedr into paradigmatic relations with those small text forms (apophegms, chryas, wellerisms, etc.) that have a superphrasal structure and are capable of including aphorisms as compositional elements.

RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2022;13(4):898-924
pages 898-924 views

Cognitive Mechanisms of Phraseological Units Interpretive Meaning Construction in Relation to Conflict-Free Communication

Boldyrev N.N., Beliaeva I.V.


The authors examine the interpretive meanings of phraseological units from the perspective of a cognitive approach and within the framework of the linguistic interpretation theory in order to study their role in ensuring conflict-free communication in future research. The undertaken study covers the material from the Russian, English and French languages. The authors argue that the interpretive nature of phraseological units is due to the fact that their meanings convey a certain interpretation of already existing and earlier verbalized knowledge about objects and events. This interpretation takes as a basis the postulated similarity with other objects and events from the same or another conceptual domain and knowledge about them. The method of cognitive modeling applied by the authors makes it possible to determine the type of relationships between different entities, that make up a conceptual basis for phraseological meaning construction. In authors’ opinion, conflict-free verbal communication is directly related to the choice of cognitive mechanisms for the construction of meaning, transmitted by phraseological units, that prevent its misunderstanding or misinterpretation. The analysis of the language material shows that the process of phraseological interpretive meaning construction employs cognitive mechanisms of profiling, conceptual metaphor, conceptual comparison (analogy), conceptual metonymy and conceptual metaphtonymy, profiling being a universal cognitive mechanism that precedes all other cognitive operations.

RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2022;13(4):925-936
pages 925-936 views

Words with Value Semantics in the Language Consciousness of Generation «Y» Representatives

Butakova L.O.


The author analyzes the composition of the associative content and the semantic areas behind the signs that convey values in the linguistic consciousness of native 30-40 years old speakers of the Russian language. Responding to incentives of family, work, money etc. revealed the types of speech action in the situation of a free and directed associative experiment. The actualization of meanings in the process of responding to value-significant stimuli established the uniformity of cognitive mechanisms, the absence of complexity in the cognitive structure of associative fields, the prevalence of semantic areas representing socially and personally significant intangible objects - family, love, morality, ethics, a person that should be stored, developed, transmit. Most of the cases of directed association are associated with the unambiguous nature of the response, clear boundaries of the stereotype area, a low level of emotion and evaluation, the frequency of complex reactions (series of enumerations, for example, values - security, comfort, stability, family, one’s job, country). The concentration of stereotypical meanings (the area of frequency reactions of the core of associative fields) is higher when responding to stimuli What kind of work …, Work requires what …, What kind of family …. The remaining stimuli cause an approximate equality of stereotyped and individual ways of responding. The life experience of the respondents had a significant impact on the choice of the type of speech action and the method of response.

RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2022;13(4):937-955
pages 937-955 views

Semantic Features of the Functioning of Dominant Verbalizers of the Ethical Concept BOON in the Mass Media

Dmitrieva N.M., Shaklein V.M.


The paper is devoted to the features of the functioning of the dominant verbalizers of ethical concepts in mass media, considered on the example of the words grace and gratitude . The purpose of the study is to trace the features of the semantic changes of words in modern use in comparison with their main ethical meaning. The article analyzes the data of the explanatory dictionaries of the Church Slavonic and Russian languages, establishes ethically loaded semes that unite verbalizers and testify to their exceptional value in the Russian mentality. The relevance of the study is determined by the analysis of the semantics of about 2000 uses of the words grace and gratitude in mass media, which made it possible to establish a common stylistic orientation - ironic and sarcastic - and the emasculation of the ethical load while maintaining the main denotative meaning. It is proved that the predominance of the material in the understanding of grace developed in the 20th century and is due to the denial of the religious picture of the world, which, however, does not exclude the preservation of ethical semantics in the internal field of ethical concept verbalizers. It was revealed that the ironic, sometimes anti-ethical inclusion of words in texts about topical issues levels their ethical significance and contributes to the spread of distorted semantics, influencing the value scale of native speakers, which is confirmed by a sociolinguistic survey.

RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2022;13(4):956-971
pages 956-971 views

Russian Cognitive Terms as a Result of Integration Processes in Scientific Discourse

Romanova T.V., Kolchina O.N.


The term system of cognitive linguistics is formed from different areas of knowledge and discursive practices. These terms are usually of English origin. But this system also includes Russian-language words of a commonly used nature, which, as a result of systemthesaurus connections with other terms in scientific communication, acquire the status of a cognitive term. The paper discusses the methodological foundations for understanding these integration processes, which is possible only when considering a system of terms as a form of explication of knowledge at the mental and linguistic levels. The nationwide existence of Russian-language words, possible shades of meaning, which allowed such lexemes to move into a group of terms and replenish the cognitive terminological system, are analyzed. The object of analysis is the original Russian lexemes knowledge and consciousness. The subject of analysis is the components of semantics that have become the basis of the terminological meaning of the indicated lexemes; new systemic connections that arose in the words knowledge and consciousness already as in terms of Russian origin when entering the cognitive terminological system: synonymous, antonymic, hyper- and hyponymic, derivational-epidigmatic. Observation of the functioning of the lexemes knowledge and consciousness in popular and scientific discourses, as well as analysis of the interpretation of these terms in scientific discourse, made it possible to clarify the process of terminology of the commonly used vocabulary of the Russian language. The paper presents the results of using corpus and software tools for modeling the functionality of this knowledge format. The collected information is supported by the results of an associative experiment to verify the data sources obtained through automatic processing. The revealed frequency and specificity of the use of cognitive terms on modern material will allow us to draw meaningful conclusions about a qualitatively new state of cognitive terminology.

RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2022;13(4):972-988
pages 972-988 views

Conceptual Component, Figurative-metaphorical and Value Characteristics of the Concept FREEDOM/LIBERTY in the Ossetian and English Languages

Bekoeva I.D., Balikoeva M.I., Denisenko A.V., Kalinina J.M.


Freedom is a concept with an extremely complex structure. Most of its components are concepts themselves with their own complex hierarchical structure. The authors discusse the components of the concept of “freedom” in the Ossetian and English languages, establishes its main conceptual, figurative-metaphorical and value characteristics in both languages and the specific meanings in each of these linguistic cultures separately. In the context of intensive intercultural communication, a comparative analysis of global languages and languages of small peoples makes it possible to establish the universal and national features of linguistic pictures of the world and contributes to the dialogue of cultures. The aim of the study is to identify the universal and unique components of the concept of freedom , represented in the Ossetian and English-language sociopolitical discourse. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the definition of the essential features of the concept of freedom in the Ossetian language on the example of the South Ossetian discourse, in which freedom plays a fundamental role in the formation of statehood, in the mentality of the people. Moreover, the given concept was for the first time compared in Ossetian and English, which allowed the authors to highlight the peculiarities of national self-identity of the speakers of both languages. The research was conducted on the basis of printed and electronic media of the Republic of South Ossetia, English press (both British and American), as well as Ossetian and English Dictionaries. A significant part of the material comes from the official bulletins and news from the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of South Ossetia, which is in Russian, Ossetian and English languages. The following research methods were used in the work: the method of conceptual analysis; method of contextual analysis; comparative method, the method of continuous sampling of material from the South Ossetian, British and American media. The results obtained indicate the similarity of a number of components of the concept of freedom in the minds of the American, British and Ossetian peoples, however, they emphasize that in the English language the concept of “freedom” has a binary character - the opposition of freedom - not freedom, while in the Ossetian linguistic culture, in addition to the main general meanings, saeribardzinad - freedom has a broader meaning and implies law, struggle, national freedom.

RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2022;13(4):989-1004
pages 989-1004 views


Urban Identity Through the Prism of Media Framing

Kushneruk S.L., Kurochkina M.A.


Urban identity is a complex phenomenon encompassing a wide range of city life aspects, which vary across cultures. In the media discourse, the urban issues are made prominent due to framing. The goal of the authors is to identify and systematize frames that generate meanings about the urban life, and explain them from the point of view of the journalistic strategies. The author focuses on exploring how topical urban issues are framed and presented to the reading audience. To gain a deeper understanding of the communicative schemata that determine interpretations of the city issues, a cognitive-discursive perspective is claimed central to the research. It proves adequate in demonstrating the synergies of two employed methods: discourse analysis and frame analysis. Applying a case-study approach, a sample of 658 texts is analyzed. 2577 contexts have been retrieved from The Nottingham Post between 2014 and 2017. The results show that the urban life representations rest on frame structures of different conceptual complexity. Urban identity is a rich conceptual structure (a macroframe), constituted by four frames, observable in the discourse-world of the city. Each of them has foci, which draw public attention to the social aspects of the urban living. Positive presentation of the authorities has been revealed as the leading macrostrategy aimed at supporting and approving of the initiatives taken by the local administration, which is realized through the strategies of reference, predication, and argumentation. The findings add to the framing analysis and could be beneficial for the development of urban policies.

RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2022;13(4):1005-1019
pages 1005-1019 views

The Reflection of the Socio-Cultural Context in Russian, French and Azerbaijani Internet Memes

Guseynova L.D., Dugalich N.M., Lomakina O.V., Neliubova N.Y., Ebzeeva Y.N.


Internet texts represent the most mobile and eclectic type of a text. Therefore, the methodology of their analysis is integrative and polyparadigmatic; and for adequate interpretation it is required to consider them taking into account modern socio-cultural context and presuppositional knowledge. The article is devoted to the description of meme-creating components associated with modern sociocultural context in various forms of Internet memes: comics, demotivators, cartoons, presented in three segments of the Internet (Runet, French and Azerbaijani segments). The novelty of the research is based on the fact that for the first time, the meme-creating plots in the Russian, French and Azerbaijani segments of the Internet were identified and correlated; the authors carried out an analysis of the authentic material formed under the influence of the socio-cultural context - the influence of various external factors and cultural background. A continuous selection of network sources from various segments of the Internet allowed compiling an author’s card-file containing more than 2 500 Internet memes, the examples from which became an empirical basis for the study. The material was аnalysed with the use of a descriptive and analytical method that involves direct observation of the phenomena under analysis and their systematization, generalization of language material; we also used elements of discursive, componential and linguopragmatic analysis.A comparative analysis of memes in the Russian, French and Azerbaijani segments of the Internet showed, on the one hand, a quantitative asymmetry (Russian memes prevail), and on the other hand, differences in the forms of Internet memes (for example, demotivators prevail in Runet, comics and cartoons are commonly found in the French and Azerbaijani segments). The analyzed material showed that both words and phraseological units of different categories realize the functional potential in the verbal part of Internet memes of the three linguocultures under consideration. In a number of cases, there is an actualization and complete rethinking of lexical and precedent units. The nature of the presentation of images in the visual part may be associated with the cultural tradition of the nation. The study shows that such 21st century attraction events as migration and threat of coronavirus infection are reflected in Internet memes regardless of the system of values, religion and mentality. When creating national images and presenting artefacts, the role of ethno-linguistic markers perceived by a particular nation is decisive. The visual element can also be actualized in connection with ongoing socio-political events. All this proves that adequate interpretation of memes requires presuppositional knowledge, so that understanding such a polycode formation as an Internet meme does not become a communicative failure. Memes about labour migration and the coronavirus pandemic in the Belarusian segment of the Internet, content and forms of which are conditioned by the multicultural originality and socio-cultural openness of modern Belarus, confirm and typify the main provisions about the factors, conditions, methods and motivations of meme formation in Russian, French and Azerbaijani linguocultures.

RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2022;13(4):1020-1043
pages 1020-1043 views

Language and Stylistic Features of the Orthodox Media Sermon

Makarova A.S.


The author presents an analysis of the linguistic and stylistic features of the Orthodox media sermon of the famous priest Dimitry Smirnov, posted on his multimedia blog. Based on the problems of scientific work, the study is based on the works of leading and foreign media linguists and experts in the field of studying the genre of sermon. It is shown that creative work with the lexical and phraseological funds of the literary language through semantic transformations is updated through the emergence of new connotations, semantic neologisms, transformed phraseological units, which as a result leads to the renewal and strengthening of linguistic expression and contributes to the achievement of the linguo-pragmatic goals of the preacher. The genre of the sermon has specific linguistic features: the traditional address to the audience at the beginning of the sermon and its traditional completion, a large number of names of Jesus Christ, the mention of biblical precedent names and toponyms, implicit and explicit citation of the texts of Holy Scripture, etc. When working with preaching media content, two micro-conclusions were found and one general conclusion that sums up the entire sermon, which indicates a clearly built speech strategy that pursues specific linguo-pragmatic goals: to convey to the audience the main gospel meanings associated with Christ’s Resurrection. The well-thought-out speech strategy and tactics of the preacher purposefully focus the audience’s attention on important Christian issues through which the missionary function of the Orthodox media discourse is realized.

RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2022;13(4):1044-1061
pages 1044-1061 views

Comparative Analysis of the Use of Metaphors in Russian, English and Chinese Media Texts of Informational and Influencing Nature

Kalinin O.I., Ignatenko A.V.


The authors analyze the issue of the relationship between metaphoricity in informational media texts and its speech impact on the recipient on the example of Russian, English and Chinese sources. As an initial hypothesis, the authors use the assumption based on the fact that media texts which differ in pragmatic characteristics contain a different index of metaphoricity. To test the hypothesis, a method was developed for calculating the indices of metaphoricity: density, intensity, functions, and the relationship of metaphors with the external and internal structure of the text. The values of these indices were consistently calculated for news reports in three languages, conditionally divided into two groups: informational and evaluative. The analysis showed that, according to the values of all indices, the metaphoricity of texts with an influencing potential is higher than that of texts that perform mainly an informational function. The “evaluation” texts have on average one and a half times more metaphors, they are much more intense, and they use more structural metaphors. In such texts, metaphors are more often found not in the main part of the text, but in the water part and in the conclusion, but in relation to the structure of the text - in them, metaphors are more often concentrated around the rhema. The results confirm the initial hypothesis: metaphoricity is indeed associated with potential impact, and metaphors are used by the authors of media texts to form an assessment of the subject of speech utterance. The proposed method for calculating the metaphoricity indices can be used as an effective tool for calculating this speech impact.

RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2022;13(4):1062-1082
pages 1062-1082 views


The Painting of Isaac Levitan “Over Eternal Rest” and its Interpretation in Modern Poetic Texts

Muratava E.Y.


The article examines the painting of Isaac Levitan “Over Eternal Rest” and its interpretation in modern poetic texts. Any cultural text, whether it is painting, fiction, music, etc., functions in a single socio-cultural space against the background of important modern integration processes in the world. In this regard, the study of the mutual influence and mutual enrichment of different types of art, in particular painting and poetry, is quite relevant. The main general scientific methods of observation, description, analysis and interpretation were used in the analysis of the material. The author explores the very concept of peace in dictionaries, absolute peace as an inhuman cold in the ninth circle of hell in Dante’s “Divine Comedy”. The understanding of peace in the Christian Church is considered, namely: to enter the Heaven, to accept the kingdom there, to commune with God, to rest in the bliss there, to commune with angels, to live an immortal life. “If a man does not know what sorrow is, he will not know what peace is.” The philosophical concept of the Ukrainian philosopher of the 18th century is close to this understanding. Grigory Savvich Skovoroda: peace is the reward for all the earthly sufferings of a “true” person, peace represents eternity, the eternal home. In Levitan’s painting, judging by the image depicted on it, by the predominance of dark and cold colors, by the very plot (a church and an abandoned cemetery), eternal rest is understood by the artist not as death, but as a special state of mind: this is the macrocosm, the microcosm, and the biblical understanding of eternity. The article analyzes the world of poetic images that arise under the influence of I. Levitan’s painting.

RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2022;13(4):1083-1093
pages 1083-1093 views

Linguocultural Connotations of the Lexeme willow ‘ИВА’ in Russian and Chinese Languages

Sun Y., Rybakov M.A., Lysyakova M.V.


This paper attempts to explain linguocultural connotations of phytonomen WILLOW by analyzing the results of process that Russian and Chinese perceive this object in our surrounding world and their aesthetic ideas about it. The relevance of the study is due to the need for an accurate understanding and transmission of the information received in the communication of representatives of different cultures, as well as insufficient knowledge of linguocultural connotations of phytonomen in Russian and Chinese, especially in comparative aspect. The aim of this paper is to study connotations of the lexeme WILLOW in Russian and Chinese linguocultures. The material of the study is proverbs and lyrical works containing the phytonomen WILLOW with special linguocultural connotations for the Russians and Chinese. The paper uses such methods as descriptive, paremiological, contextual, comparative, component analysis, cognitive modeling. The study belongs to the sphere of the current direction in linguistics - comparative linguoculturology and paremiology. The scientific novelty lies in clarification of the historical and cultural associative meanings of the lexeme WILLOW in Russian and Chinese linguocultures. The result of the study is establishing of the fact that WILLOW occupies an important position in both linguocultures. It symbolizes strong life and graceful female image in the two languages. In addition, WILLOW personifies grief, soreness and even funerals in Russian linguoculture and has connotations of «frivolous girl», «farewell», «longing for someone absent or the homeland» in Chinese. Hence follows the conclusion that linguocultural connotations of the lexeme WILLOW in Russian and Chinese do not completely coincide, they have both similarities and differences.

RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2022;13(4):1094-1109
pages 1094-1109 views

Synergism of Music and Word in Polyphonic Forms of Choral Works a Cappella by Modern Russian Composers

Koshkareva N.V.


The article is devoted to the consideration of a polyphonic choral composition as a polycode text, in which literary and musical texts as paralinguistic means contain heterogeneous information and add additional shades to the content of the score, i.e., the musical text as a whole. The novelty of the study lies in the fact that for the first time, synthesizing scientific achievements of linguistics and musicology, the polyphonic forms of a cappella choral works are analyzed as polycode texts. Due to the specifics of the choral art form as a musical and performing art, the nature of the perception of a musical text is multimodal. For performers who ‘decipher’ and ‘voice’ a musical notation, a musical text has one visual mode. For listeners, multimodality characterizes the practice of communication in terms of auditory, linguistic, spatial and visual resources, for example, the auditory mode when listening to a work without a visual range, or a polymodus complex when listening with a visual range. This refers to listening to music while simultaneously viewing the musical text of a work, observing the process of public performance, which in modern practice is often accompanied by a specially selected video sequence. The leading paradigm is the synergy of literary and textual sources and polyphonic form in works for a cappella choir by contemporary Russian composers. Based on the differentiation of the structure of a literary and textual source, the attribution of polyphonic forms of motet, madrigal, fugue and fugato is the subject of the work, while the goal is to form a research picture based on a close ‘polyphonic’ connection between word and music. In polyphonic analysis, it is important to determine the content of choral compositions and the composer’s method of dealing with the structure of a text source. A whole poem can be taken as the basis of a musical work (an example is the text-musical forms of motets and madrigals), one strophe, one line, one word (the analysis of fugato and fugue becomes the evidence base). An interesting case is the use as a text base of a polyphonic composition of individual syllables and phonemes (preludes and fugue-vocalizes) and a ‘silent’ performance - with a closed mouth. Thus, it is proved that the musical text is a complex multimodal complex in which the main information is conveyed by semiotically heterogeneous components. It is concluded that, on the one hand, a literary text influences the choice of a polyphonic form, on the other hand, it is often a static text that does not have an external plot development in the context of polyphonic dramaturgy and form and acquires internal dynamics of development to expand its semantic field.

RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2022;13(4):1110-1121
pages 1110-1121 views

Bias Meaning of Symbols and Sings of Indonesian Topeng Malangan Puppet Show

Tayibnapis R.G., Muqsith M.A., Muzykant V.L., Kuswant A.


The study is devoted to the discussion of symbols and signs in the Topeng Malangan puppet mask show, which is a traditional heritage of the ancient Javanese society. The Wayang or mask show is described as a depiction of human nature. Its very existence gives rise to many interpretations of the symbolism and meanings contained in it, and these conflicting interpretations seek to convey to their public their own vision of human essence in various historical circumstances. The costumed show of masked characters, like the masks themselves, cannot be separated from historical stories, such as Malangan Topeng Wayang , which tells about the history of the kingdoms of Daha and Jenggala , where the conflicting interpretations contained in the narration of symbols and signs are fully observed. Using a semiotic approach based on the R. Barthes model, the article explores the mythologized mask show, analyzes the symbols rooted in ancient history, which have come down to us in the form of drawings documented on fabric painting, lontars - manuscripts on palm leaves or in ancient books. The results of the study proved that the symbolism of signs and ancient artifacts of Malangan Topeng Wayang is rooted in retold stories that turn into folk fantasy myths that celebrate the heroism and kindness of the people of Indonesia. Nevertheless, these stories also show the presence of shameful pages of the past, hushed up by the community, since they immanently have more negative connotations which contribute to the emergence of some semantic bias, that, if misinterpreted, can distort historical facts.

RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2022;13(4):1122-1135
pages 1122-1135 views

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