Russian Cognitive Terms as a Result of Integration Processes in Scientific Discourse
- Authors: Romanova T.V.1, Kolchina O.N.1
- National Research University Higher School of Economis
- Pages: 972-988
- URL:
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The term system of cognitive linguistics is formed from different areas of knowledge and discursive practices. These terms are usually of English origin. But this system also includes Russian-language words of a commonly used nature, which, as a result of systemthesaurus connections with other terms in scientific communication, acquire the status of a cognitive term. The paper discusses the methodological foundations for understanding these integration processes, which is possible only when considering a system of terms as a form of explication of knowledge at the mental and linguistic levels. The nationwide existence of Russian-language words, possible shades of meaning, which allowed such lexemes to move into a group of terms and replenish the cognitive terminological system, are analyzed. The object of analysis is the original Russian lexemes knowledge and consciousness. The subject of analysis is the components of semantics that have become the basis of the terminological meaning of the indicated lexemes; new systemic connections that arose in the words knowledge and consciousness already as in terms of Russian origin when entering the cognitive terminological system: synonymous, antonymic, hyper- and hyponymic, derivational-epidigmatic. Observation of the functioning of the lexemes knowledge and consciousness in popular and scientific discourses, as well as analysis of the interpretation of these terms in scientific discourse, made it possible to clarify the process of terminology of the commonly used vocabulary of the Russian language. The paper presents the results of using corpus and software tools for modeling the functionality of this knowledge format. The collected information is supported by the results of an associative experiment to verify the data sources obtained through automatic processing. The revealed frequency and specificity of the use of cognitive terms on modern material will allow us to draw meaningful conclusions about a qualitatively new state of cognitive terminology.
About the authors
Tatiana V. Romanova
National Research University Higher School of Economis
Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-1833-2711
DSc, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Fundamental and Applied Linguistics, Faculty of Humanities
30, Sormovskoe highway, Nizhny Novgorod, Russian Federation, 603014Olga N. Kolchina
National Research University Higher School of Economis
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-5206-5103
PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Fundamental and Applied Linguistics, Faculty of Humanities
30, Sormovskoe highway, Nizhny Novgorod, Russian Federation, 603014References
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