Vol 14, No 2 (2023)
- Year: 2023
- Articles: 18
- URL: https://journals.rudn.ru/semiotics-semantics/issue/view/1667
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.22363/2313-2299-2023-14-2
Full Issue
Representativeness of the Phraseological Zones in “The Great Universal Dictionary of the Russian Language”
The phraseological array and the universal content of the phraseological zones of dictionary entries in “The Great Universal Dictionary of the Russian Language”, wherein phraseological units are repeatedly presented depending on the grammatically supporting component according to the alphabetical arrangement of a heading word, are of interest in the aspect of a research corpus for creating a vocabulary of an online Russian phraseological dictionary (VORPD). The purpose of the study is to determine the indicators of the representativeness of phraseological zones in the structure of the explanatory dictionary and present phrase-statistical models of the frequency ratio of heading words as a structural-semantic component of phraseological units in alphabetical order. The materials of the research make 2545 phraseological zones grouped according to the letters of the Russian alphabet. Combinations of the linguo-statistical method, the sampling method in the empirical study, and the methods of statistical modelling were used as a part of the research corpus. The scientific novelty of the research is determined by the conceptual approach to the “The Great Universal Dictionary of the Russian Language” - an explanatory paper dictionary - as a lexicographic corpus in the study of the usage (frequency) of phraseological zones in dictionary entries. The parameters of the representativeness of phraseological zones define the general linguistic set and the selective linguistic set as a working corpus. Phrase-statistical models are grouped according to the domain of definition - the set of all heading words fixed by one letter of the Russian alphabet. A consideration of phraseological zones is aimed at a detailed study of their quantitative characteristics and the percentage ratio of statistical sampling parameters. The technology of the study and the formula for calculating the indicators of phrase-statistical modelling are given. The results of the study are illustrated by diagrams and determine the objectivity of the research corpus, its nuclear and peripheral spaces. These factors will be a determinant for modelling the vocabulary of the pilot corpus of the electronic dictionary aimed at the semantic realization of phraseological units.

Re-thinking Semiotics: a New Categorization of a Sign?
The study discusses the fundamental issues of semiotics. Semiotics still involves no broadly agreed upon theoretical assumptions, models, or empirical methodologies. Faced with much disagreement among notable semioticians about what semiotics actually entails, the study opens up the way to its theoretical re-thinking. Starting from the analysis of the discussions of scientists it indicated that the signs are not identical to what they represent this studies the issue through a theoretical concepts analysis, literature review, combined with comparative analysis of the main classical theoretical parameters of signs. The basic approach of this study is that signs, whether it is symbolic, iconic, or indexical, are not what they mean. The nature of the sign, whether it is symbolic, iconic, or indexical, determines the way it is used, and the same signifier can be used in different ways in different contexts. The role of an interpreter should be taken into account. A sign meaning is not inherent in it; rather, it is determined by how it is interpreted. The relevance of the research is due to a new complex approach to statements about users, signs or referents that could never be made in isolation from each other. A statement about one of those always contains implications about the other two. Rather than specific «types of sign», we're talking about symbolic, iconic, and indexical forms of relationships. The hypothesis is as follows: the nature of the sign determines the way it is used. Moreover, the same signifier can be used both iconically and symbolically in different contexts. The novelty of the research is related to the idea of the sign that can be interpreted in different ways depending on who observes it: as symbolic, iconic or indexical. In other words, signs cannot be classified according to the classical semiology canons, but only with regard to the goals of their users and a certain context. Regarding this, we will propose a comparative analysis of the classic models of the sign to prove the hypothesis. The hypothesis is proved due to the provided comparative analysis of the classic models of a sign and modes of its relationship. The findings of this study have to be seen in light of some major limitations. First, the main primary research problem we have to solve was the semiotics of contemporary cartoons. Facing the lack of previous research studies and the theoretical foundations for the research on the topic, we decided that prior theoretical research studies that are relevant to our specific topic are needed, which is why the article is aimed at theoretical issues. Theoretical and methodological limitations are addressed to our future studies. The research instruments and techniques used to collect the empirical data will have to be identified. Intercultural specifics connected with the personalities of the authors - Russian and Iranian researchers - influence the study but also limits it.

The Opposition of the ‘Own - Alien’ Space in the Anglo-Saxon Charms
The study is devoted to the peculiarities of the representation of the category of space in Anglo-Saxon charms. The linguo-semiotic model of space allows accentuating a charm text’s binary structure, which, within the framework of the study, is considered as the opposition of the ‘own - alien’ space. The relevance of the research is due to the unfailing interest in the study of traditional folk spiritual culture and the reconstruction of ancient world visions, such as, in particular, archaic concepts of space. The latter invites a question about ancient charms as a source to restore the picture of the world of the primitive worldview since the charms had clearly preserved some value-semantic elements of the archetypal image of the world. The scientific novelty of the paper is attributed to the description of the dichotomous structure of spatial representations in Anglo-Saxon charms, with an emphasis placed on revealing spatial objects in rituals and charms. Of particular attention are the vertical and horizontal models of the representation of the ‘own - alien’ dichotomy in the texts of the charms and prayers. As a result, it was determined that their binary structure has a border zone where the ‘own’ space has a specific objectification in the material world while ‘alien’ space is reflected Abstractly, at the associative level, and does not possess pronounced distinctive features.

Comparative Semantics in Russian and Chinese Languages: Integrative Approach
The study deals with the proverbs of the conceptual field “Directness - Slyness” expressing comparison in Russian and Chinese. The relevance of the study is due to the fact that the comparative analysis of these units from the structural-semantic, linguocognitive and linguocultural points of view in Russian and Chinese languages hasn’t been previously carried out yet. The novelty of the research lies in the integrative approach to the study of proverbs in two structurally different languages. The aim of the study was to compare Russian and Chinese proverbs of the conceptual field “Directness - Slyness” with the semantics of comparison to identify the conditionality of similarities and differences in the analyzed fragment of the proverbial space in two languages. Structural models of proverbs are studied, their classification in two languages is given. The authors analyzed the figurativeness of proverbs, expressed cognitemas, characteristic similes and oppositions. As a result of the comparative integrative analysis of proverbs selected from the section “Directness - Slyness” of the collection of V.I. Dal “Proverbs of the Russian people” and “The Big Dictionary of Russian Proverbs”, as well as the “Great Dictionary of Chinese Proverbs”, there have been drawn the conclusions about the similarities and differences between the proverbs of the two languages bot at the levels of syntactic models of paraemias, expressed cognitemas and figurativeness of proverbs. The similarities consist in the presence of matching types of structural models in two languages, the coincidence of the most cognitemas expressed in the proverbs of both languages, the dominance of animal images and the reflection of value preferences. In the proverbs of both languages, there is a contamination of the selected structural categories of proverbs and the inconsistency in some of the cognitemas, which is due to the situational nature of proverbial units. The differences are found in the composition of the categories of proverbial structural models, which is associated with the different linguistic structure of Russian and Chinese languages, in the predominance of comparative turns in Russian proverbial models, and the syntactic parallelism in Chinese ones, which is due to the figurative structure of Chinese language. The differences in figurativeness and private cognitemas results from the geo-sociocultural context of two linguocultures.

“Russian Idea” Ideologeme in the Russian Conceptual and Linguistic Pictures of the World
The study examines the specifics of understanding the Russian idea ideologeme in the Russian conceptual and language pictures of the world. The subject of the study is the compound name of the Russian idea, used in philosophical and political discourses, fragments of which are included in the National Corps of the Russian Language. The purpose of the study is to perform linguocognitive modeling of the ideological concept of the Russian idea as a unit of thinking, justifying the structural and semantic components. The cognitive matrix of the concept includes the following levels: precedent, prototypical, ideologicalevaluative, national-cultural, identification and association-shaped. having substantiated the structural and semantic components. The cognitive matrix of the concept includes such levels as: precedent, prototypical, ideological-evaluative, national-cultural, identification and association-shaped. Using the methodology of cognitive matrix analysis of knowledge representation, it was proved that the plane of expressing the ideologeme is represented by five main and four marginal options; the plane of the content of the ideologeme is determined, on the one hand, by the conceptual base, the projected historical and cultural component of the semantic field, on the other hand, by the content updated in the second half of the 20th - early 21st centuries. The ideological component of the concept is ambivalent, due to the paradigm of situational models (frames) of a socio-political, philosophical, religious nature, the representation of which by speakers implies an explicit or implicit assessment of the event. The results of the study extend the boundaries of linguocognitive modeling of concepts. The proposed model of cognitive interpretation of an ideological concept can be used in describing a wide range of ideologues.

Polycode Representation of Kinesthetic Phrasemes: Metaphorical and Semiotic Perspectives
The study is devoted to the analysis of somatic metaphor in the political communication, considered as a syncteric metaphorical-semiotic structure, which serves as one of the ways to encode ideological, cultural, evaluative, emotional, argumentative and other types of meanings. The necessity for a detailed analysis of the implementation of the actional code in the media political space was dictated by the need to study the mechanisms of interaction between kinesthetic and linguistic signs as powerful means of persuasion and effective impact on the readership. The study is based on an integral semiotic approach which involves the use of semantic-cognitive analysis, discourse analysis, content analysis, methods of contextual interpretation and conceptual metaphorical modeling, as well as the involvement of interdisciplinary information of the fields of cultural studies, sociology, psychology of communication and political science. The material of the study is represented by electronic mass media analytical and news reports on the political subjects with the focus on verbal and non-verbal somatisms. It was found that the system of archaic ideas and ritual actions determines the metaphorization and symbolization of related and free phraseological formations, the origin of which is due to the markedness of the elements of the non-verbal body code. Intercultural analogy and pragmatic parallelism of non-verbal and verbal representations of somatic units along with semiotic interpretation of the original meaning is revealed. Differences in communicative pragmatics and axiology of somatisms identical in structure and content in the intercultural aspect are characterized. Techniques for constructing the external and internal syntax of the actional code are described, models for assembling kinesthetic phrasemes into gestalt are demonstrated, and algorithms for unpacking/decoding of their meaning are demonstrated. The synergy of verbal and actional languages of communication in the construction of a cognitive-linguistic picture of the political world is noted.

Parametric Triangulation in Forensic Linguistic Expertise: on the Example of Insult
The article presents the theoretical substantiation of the author’s methodology for conducting a forensic linguistic examination of the text - parametric triangulation. Its essence is to attract to the previously verified method of parameterization the principles of triangulation - the use of several methods to solve one problem, as well as several sources when working with dictionaries and reference publications. The developed technique includes three consistent aspects of expert work: 1) the establishment of the parameters of identification of the offense committed in a verbal way; 2) determination of the list of methods and algorithm for studying language material in order to establish the compliance of its characteristics to the specified parameters; 3) quantitative-qualitative assessment of the results of the research. Practical issues of using the proposed methodology are considered in detail on the example of an expertise of speech activity products containing signs of insult. It has been established that based on the definition recorded in the Belarusian legislation, the insult is identified by the parameters of attributivity (status decrease in the image of the object of speech influence), non-normativity (the use of linguistic units related to the vocabulary as a part of the attributive constructions of the vocabulary) and deliberateness (In expert practice, most often replaced by factology), i.e., presence of intention to create a negative image of the victim. The conclusion on whether the conflictogenic text corresponds to one of the parameters is drawn from the results obtained through application of several methods: logical-and-semantic, lexiscentric and comparative analyses to identify attributivity; lexical, stylistic and genre analyses to identify non-normativity; syntactic, pragmalinguistic and contextual analyses to identify deliberateness (factology).Examples of the study of actual material are presented, including texts from the author’s practice of conducting judicial linguistic research. The relevance of the proposed methodology is proved by the achievement of a positive effect in the leveling of the possible subjectivity of expert conclusions and an increase in their level of visibility, as well as minimizing the assumption of inaccuracies in the conclusion of a specialist.

Language as an Instrument of Social Control and People Management
Since ancient times the importance of human language in the process of social management has been very high. The emergence of rhetoric in Ancient Greece and Rome as an art of eloquence and its further development in the theory of argumentation (In the Russian science - the theory of persuasion) contributed to the understanding of language as an instrument of control and management of public opinion. In today's world of information wars, the policy of soft power acquires particular relevance, primarily based on these functions of language. Word is now not only a key tool in information wars, but also one of the most efficient means of defense. Of course, there is already a number of researches on the role and place of language as a management tool, but it is generally dominated by works of foreign scientists. It seems important to follow the development of Russian in-home scientific thought regarding the issues under study, as well as to determine within which sciences at the present stage this issue is being studied. In this regard, the purpose of the research is to streamline approaches to understanding language as a tool of control and management of a society and assess the prospects of language development as an efficient tool of society management, which would help to identify the key aspects for the implementation of efficient language policy of the state in the era of world information wars.

Specifics of Lexical and Grammatical Rules in the Chinese Language
The study conducts a survey about the use of grammatical verbs in the Chinese language through the descriptive perception of linguistic information in connection with the meaningful world structure of the Chinese language and its characters. The research advices on the need to closely evaluate the European approach to the basics of the Chinese language in connection with teaching methods. The particular idea (research) provided by examples with verbs of movement in space. The authors judging by them long teaching experience advices and considers to revise some methodological rules that are general present in curricula and other materials, in addition, the authors suggests an alternative approach of mastering Chinese language for the western trainees by including into account their cognitive and psychological thinking process. Strong attention is focused on the underestimation of specific dimensional structure of the Chinese language the main reason of this statement is proven by the lack of cognitive-semantic patterns. The article also puts into a question the general methods of teaching Chinese famously known as the westernized which is significantly different in way of structural and content parameter.

Semiotic Approach in Psycholinguistics
The study is devoted to psycholinguistics as one of the angles of the study of consciousness. The relevance of the study is due to the fact that psycholinguistics has not yet succeeded in constructing a valid ontological picture defining the specific “reality” of a given science, and finding a place for it in the scientific picture of the world. If we take into account the spatial structure of the sign, then we can assume the presence of at least three points of view on semiotics as a subject of study of the sign organization of consciousness. These are linguistic semiotics, philosophical semiotics and psychological-hermeneutical semiotics. The novelty of the study lies in the introduction of psycholinguistics into the intersubject communicative space of disciplines that study consciousness in order to highlight its subject-methodological features. The symbolic nature of consciousness makes it possible to consider semiotics not only as a scientific subject of study, but also as a method of organizing and transferring experience. As a result of the analysis of the problem, the statement can be proposed that psycholinguistics methodically explores understanding as an accompanying function of text creation. In culture, relations between people are reified, and this reification is semiotic. In the psyche, these relationships are psycholinguistic. The socio-cultural encounter of these relationships occurs at the metacognition level.

Factors of the Dynamics of Language Situations in the Regions of Russia on the example of the Arkhangelsk Region, the Perm Region and the Udmurt Republic
The purpose of this study is to identify and study factors of the dynamics of language situations in the information society and to identify speech trends that are characteristic of a number of constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The results of the study are based on a survey of 1,050 Russian speakers living in the Arkhangelsk Region, the Perm Territory and the Udmurt Republic. The survey was carried out in two forms: an online interview using audio calls and an Internet survey using Google Forms. The speech features of the colloquial speech of the inhabitants of the analyzed subjects have been studied. A number of integral and differential tendencies have been identified that are characteristic of the speech of a Russian-speaking linguistic personality in Russia as a whole and in its individual regions. The ways of activating the language policy in these subjects are proposed.

Emotions in the Mental and Linguistic Space of Lyric Poems
The article is based on a report given in course of the round table meeting 'Language as an art', dedicated to the 90th anniversary since the birth of the outstanding linguist L.A. Novikov, whose reknown works on the issues of linguistic meaning and the aesthetic aspects of language have attracted wide critical acclaim and become a valuable part of philology as a science. The choice of the topic is methodologically adjusted to L.A. Novikov’s conception of verbal arts, which is succinctly represented in the term 'poetheme'. Emotives (vocabulary that names, expresses and describes emotions) can be categorised as poethemes, since the verbalisation process of emotions in poetry is related to their aesthetic transformation. The description of emotions in the article is conducted in multiple directions, each of which is significant in order to understand the specifics of the verbalisation of emotions in poems. The author relates the new aspect of viewing the poetic semantics of emotives to the influence of the grammatical meaning of the verb mood on the illocutionary function of verbalised emotions that take part in the declaration of intent. Besides, the imperative mood and the infinitive accentuate the extravert semantics (emotions for others and for oneself), the subjunctive mood being introvert (emotions for oneself). Additional information regarding the contextual features of emotions could be acquired through the emphasis on the indefinite, demonstrative, negative and possessive pronouns, which accompany emotives. The article demonstrates that metaphorical rows of emotions organise the personal mental image of the poet’s world. Basic poetic emotions, established due to the fact of attractiveness (mutual attraction, approach), are related to Russian mentality as a whole. The range of problems dealt with in the article is significant to filling the forming term 'emotional picture of the world’ with content.

Textual Microfields WINTER and MAN in Short Stories by Soviet Writer Yuri Shamshurin
The research addresses to the anthropocentric aspect of a literary text and mental representations of the Arctics in the author's image of the world. The relevance of this study is defined by the demand for humanitarian knowledge and culture of the inhabitants of the Arctic regions in connection with the technological development of the Arctics. The goal of this article is to design a model of textual associative semantic micro-fields WINTER and MAN in the Arctic discourse of Soviet-era author Yuri Shamshurin and identify the points where these micro-fields meet or cross each other. The study is focused on those lexical items which participate in building the secodary reality in Shamshurin’s short stories. The novelty of the study lies in applying congnitive-discursive approach to the study of the Arctic fictional discourse. The key methods of analysis used in this study are field analysis, lexical-and-semantic analysis, contextual analysis and cognitive interpretation method. As a result of the study, the nuclear lexical-and-thematic groups of the microfields MAN and WINTER were identified, such as CRAFT and WIND, as well as the intersection points of lexical-and-thematic groups for both microfields. The main attributes of winter identified in the mental representation of the Arctic discourse in Shamshurin’s short stories are wind and cold, being the phenomena which a man encounters first and foremost during his daily activities. The northern lights, which have no intersections with the microfield MAN but represent a unique natural phenomenon, are also one of the main attributes. In addition, it has been revealed that when lexical-and-thematic groups intersect their boundaries become mobile, which can lead to the creation of a new lexical-and-thematic subgroup within the microfield. An issue has been revealed that is connected with defining the lexical-andthematic groups containing lexical items that perform an artistic function in a particular story, such as a plot-forming or symbolic function. In this case, they are not representative of their group in a given microfield.

Poetic Word in the Light of L.A. Novikov's Teaching on Aesthetic Perception
The subject of the study is the poetic word as a special kind of aesthetic instrument. The aesthetics is the universal relation of a person to the world, to himself, to art in general, and to the poetic text in particular. The purpose of the research is to establish the relationship between tradition and new ideas in L.A. Novikov's concept of language as art; to identify the specifics of the implementation of the aesthetic function of language in poetic texts. The methodological basis was the works of L.A. Novikov, M. Gasparov, R.O. Yakobson, and M.M. Bakhtin. Poetic texts of classical and modern authors were chosen as the material for the study. The research shows that the aesthetic meanings in the poetic text go beyond the meanings of the words used in the poem. On the examples of the poetry of M. Tsvetaeva and modern poets E.K. Olshanskaya and D.M. Burago we demonstrate a non-linear vision of the world, which provides an aesthetic effect. L.A. Novikov’s theory of the ornamental field and the theory of the aesthetic in language helps to understand the mysterious poetic meanings (connotations, subtexts, with the help of which the reader completes or transforms the author’s poetic image). The conducted research allowed us to draw the following conclusions: language is an object of aesthetics and a means of creating by the author a multidimensional reality, which is cultural; a full-fledged aesthetic perception of poetry is provided by the personality of the author himself, the phenomenon of the text (its motives, the palette of language means and techniques), the personality of the reader, the type of culture, etc.).

Pre-Texts and Post-Texts: on the Material of A.S. Green’s Prose
The study attempts to consider the process of searching for lines of convergence of A. Green’s work with the work of a number of other authors. The intertextual approach to the analysis of the writer's works allows the reader to expand the interpretation of the text in many ways and to discover intertexts and metatexts that are sometimes not revealed at the first acquaintance with the work. If earlier the study of the philosophical and moral aspect of the writer's work, the ideological content of his works and genre originality, the origins of which are seen in mythology, fairy tale, parable, were often brought to the fore, then the intertextual field of the writer's prose has been studied to a lesser extent. The intertextual approach to text analysis allowed us earlier to identify points of convergence of motives, images, language techniques used in the work of A.S. Green and writers of the 19th and 20th centuries. The main attention is paid to identifying parallels in the prose of A.S. Green and V.V. Nabokov.

Internal Press as Dialogue-Unison
Research argues that the rhetorical dialogue theory (Yu.V. Rozhdestvensky) is a sound approach to the analysis of corporate media. The first part of the research briefly outlines the evolution of corporate media and dwells on communication technologies used in magazines for employees today. Digital technologies have reinforced the emotional impact produced by the multimodality of media texts and made the narration which embodies various corporate values more explicit. Then the discussion addresses the rhetorical dialogue theory underscoring three main types of dialogue which manifest themselves in management: dialogue-difference, dialogue-unison and dialogue-theatre. In the third part the focus moves to some features of magazines for employees, refracted through the lens of the dialogue-unison perspective. It is shown that in-house magazines do not communicate any new knowledge and demonstrate no opposition between personnel and management. Thus, due to a new media environment, a full accord of the board and employees results in a dialogue-unison.

Lexico-Semantic Asymmetry in the Translation of Literary Text
Translation is a mental and intellectual activity that has always attracted the attention of linguists, literary critics, psychologists, ethnographers, etc. It is well-known that the lexicosemantic analysis of translation is important precisely for linguists, where they carry out in-depth scientific research. The purpose of this research is to analyze the lexico-semantic asymmetry in the translation of a literary text. The material of the study was the English translation of the Tajik novel “Memoirs” by S. Aini, the English translation of “Navruz-name” by Omar Khayyam and the poems of Kamol Khujandi. When comparing and contrasting samples of the translation of Tajik and English texts, it turned out that not always the realities were successfully identified. In most cases, under the influence of intercultural factors, the translation of the original text with the translated text is not equivalent. In the process of translating non-equivalent vocabulary, the translator uses the method of descriptive translation or the method of translation transformation.