Vol 15, No 3 (2024)
- Year: 2024
- Articles: 23
- URL: https://journals.rudn.ru/semiotics-semantics/issue/view/1806
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.22363/2313-2299-2024-15-3
Full Issue
Environmental Discourse in the “Telegram” Social Network: Methods and Means of Speech Influence
Texts covering environmental problems act as translators of socially significant information that constructs a system of value coordinates and require comprehensive scientific understanding. The parameters of environmental discourse are considered in the «Telegram» social network. The relevance of the study is due to the need for a comprehensive study of the corpus of the latest texts, the unifying thematic component of which is nature and environmental protection. The purpose of the paper is to study the environmental discourse represented in the accounts of eco-bloggers in the Russian-language segment of the «Telegram» social network, in terms of the implementation in it of techniques of speech influence on the recipient. The functional and content complexity of the texts updated in the discursive space under study predetermined the variety of research methods used: from direct observation, continuous and random sampling, content analysis to linguopragmatic and structural-linguistic analysis of eco-blog texts. The study of eco-blogs made it possible to identify their specifics, as well as the range of methods and means of speech influence at the levels of composition and content, used by eco-bloggers in order to have a maximum impact on the worldview and behavior of the addressee and encourage him to take active actions in favor of preserving the cleanliness of the environment peace.
Representation of Metaphor ‘FUTURE EVENTS ARE AHEAD’ in German Political Cartoons
The paper studies the actualization of the metaphor ‘FUTURE EVENTS ARE AHEAD’ in the German political cartoon as a polycode text. The author of the article finds out that images and situations, which the cartoonist uses for the purpose of its actualization, gravitate towards centers in the associative field of the concept WAY: movement by land, by water and in the air. Its actualization is realized through the taxonomical class exchange of participants in the translocation situation, which are an agent, destination or direction and initiator. As a result, the transposition in the area of temporal relations takes place. The analysis of cartoons allows the author discover transposition indications, which direct the addressee to correct decoding of caricaturist’s message. Transposition indications are (1) the taxonomical class exchange of the agent, namely: depicting the social wholeness as a character; incarnating an Abstract notion as a creature; representing the social wholeness as a transport facility; (2) the taxonomical class exchange of the destination or direction, exactly: indicating the event as an aim of movement; naming the direction with the name of a political leader; (3) the taxonomical class exchange or specification of the initiator, such as: depicting a political leader at the control stick of an airplane or at the helm of a ship; superposition of both images: a political leader and a transport facility. The paper notes that the metaphor under research forms the temporal structure of the message and takes place in the forming of its modality by means of detailing the picture.
Event Construal through Spatial Relations in Science Documentaries: Language and Image
Information construal in cinematic discourse employs different semiotic modes; meanwhile, their variance is yet to be explored. The study is aimed at exploring spatial event construal in the language and image modes of science documentaries. We hypothesise that three major event types - environmental events, human-environment interaction events and interpersonal interaction events - employ different spatial construal patterns in language and image, which results from mode allowances and constraints. To verify the hypothesis, we use spatial image schema topology while identifying the image schemas in the lexical and grammatical structure of language and in the layout of the objects, the manner of their movement and interaction in image. The research data include 353 events in single clauses and in shots extracted from two English-language science documentaries. The results show the prevalence of the source-path-goal schema in both semiotic modes, which consequently prevents it from differentiating between event types both within and across the modes. The schemas scale, straight, and near-far display a tendency to differentiate between events; however, no significant distinctions were observed, presumably due to the ontological nature of events as well as the semiotic characteristics of the modes. Additionally, the study reveals that spatial construal of events can follow parallel alignment, commonly with the schemas source-path-goal, contact, near-far, and complementary alignment with the schemas centre-periphery, scale, up-down, front-back, straight, left-right, which reflects a complex nature of inter-semiotic relations in cinematic discourse. The findings of the article contribute to the understanding of event construal in the multimodal discourse of science documentaries.
Illocutionary Acts in EFL Teaching: Balancing Authority and Engagement
This study investigates illocutionary acts in the context of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) education, focusing on their types and functions. The research centers on an EFL teacher as the subject and employs conversation analysis as the methodological approach. The primary aim is to explore how teachers utilize illocutionary acts to influence language learning experiences. The findings underscore the inherent authority of teachers in shaping classroom discourse and instructional interactions. Specifically, the study reveals that teachers predominantly exert influence through assertive acts, utilizing these to convey information effectively and provide instructional guidance. However, in an ideal classroom environment, there exists a harmonious balance of authority where teachers maintain instructional leadership while also empowering students to actively participate in their learning process. This balance fosters a collaborative atmosphere conducive to effective communication, mutual respect, and meaningful engagement in educational activities.
Actualization of the Socially Oriented Anti-Value Concept of GREED in Humorous Discourse of the English Linguistic Culture
The peculiarities of the comic objectification of the socially oriented anti-value concept GREED are determined by applying an axiological approach consisting of five stages. The article considers the features of comic objectification of the anti-value concept of GREED. The research proves relevant as humorous characteristics of greed have been analyzed in detail. The corpus of the study comprises recordings and scripts of 500 episodes of various sitcoms and more than 70 stand-up specials by American and British writers. Disapproving exclamations accompany laughter periodically while actualizing GREED. In addition, the manifestation of greed is evaluated negatively either by the authors of the sitcoms or by its characters. In humorous discourse the concept is emphasized both manifesting the desire to be wealthy and the desire to save wealth. While the desire of being wealthy is expressed through committing immoral acts in order to achieve wealth and through thieving goods the desire to save wealth is realized either by the unwillingness to share goods with other people or by the priority of wealth over other values. The main sociocultural characteristics that are comically exposed in modern humorous discourse while specifying greed include characteristics of success (rich people), professional characteristics (politicians, bankers, etc.), ethical characteristics (Americans) and gender characteristics (women seeking to get the wealth of the men). The main language means of expressing the analyzed concept in humorous discourse are antithesis and hyperbole. In addition, GREED is mocked through actualizing such concepts as ‘intelligence’, ‘cynicism’, ‘anger’ by a comic addresser.
Strategies of Power in Political Discourse: Analysis of the Communicative Situation Between Equal Communicators
The notion of ‘power’ is one of the most important for humanities. The article’s objective is to discover strategies of power in particular in the situation of communication between equal interlocutors. The goals of the study include: explication of terms ‘power’, ‘strategy of power’, ‘impoliteness’, ‘manipulation’, ‘language game’, critical discourse analysis taking into account social characteristics of speakers, which are not unchangeable social phenomena but are always constructed / reconstructed in discourse, finding those fragments of discourse that in this or that way demonstrate power relations and interpretation of them in accordance with linguopolitical theories, conclusions and assessing further prospects and vectors of study of power within an interdisciplinary framework. The methodology of the study is primarily based on the critical discourse analysis and kratological analysis presupposing that any communication - not just the political one - can unfold in the situation of symmetric / asymmetric power relations between communicators. The material of the research encompasses the texts of debates and rally speeches created in the American political discourse of the years of 2015-2016 and broadcast on the video platform of YouTube: 13 texts are considered, with the overall watching time exceeding 10 hours. During the research it has been found out that politicians using different types of impoliteness, for example the attack on the opponent’s face, can refuse to recognize his high social status, question his achievements and merits, come up with categorical demands. The speaker trying to present himself before the audience as a powerful man can break maxims of ethical speech behavior, not considering the interlocutor’s opinion. Following the foreign scholars, it is suggested to interpret such cases of the use of language power games in accordance with the term ‘strategy of power’.
Resistance to Objection in Nonfiction Discourse: Promotive and News Text
The topicality of the study of nonfiction journalistic discourse concerning the communicative action of objection is connected with the existing changes which happened in the perception of science by the public and the journalistic interpretation of this sphere of activity. The scientific sphere becomes more transparent which demands extra efforts in the broadcasting of scientific knowledge and representation of achievements and discoveries in the field of science to the public reader. This explains the necessity to increase the resistance of mediatext about the science to the objection and denial by the target audience. The purpose of the article is the analysis of mechanisms for increasing the resistance of mediatext to objection. The empiric base includes hypermediatext about scientific discoveries of Rosatom in struggling against cancer. Under the development of new media it is impossible to ignore the new methods of information broadcasting to the final consumer, therefore the base for analysis includes sources which interact differently with the audience: TG-channel “Country Rosatom”, cognominal house publication, non-special media. The selected sources were analyzed from the viewpoint of meaning positions of speech subjects - modality, denotation, communicativeness. It is interesting that in each source there dominates one of meaning aspects, thus, providing the resistance to objection on each stage of information cause presentation. In contemporary media the news discourse is the continuation of promotive discourse, the mechanisms of increasing the text resistance to objection, developed on the stage of promotive discourse, are later performed in the news one. After the analysis it was revealed that the dominant aspect of meaning position of speech subject on TG-channel is modality as a generalized announcement about the significance of the discovery, because it is the first appearance and the easiest for perception. In house publication which follows the TG-channel in the discussion the communicativeness goes forward, here happens the approval of mechanisms for resistance to objection, develops the main system of images, metaphors, representing the role of the discovery for the society, later the approved methods are applied in non-special media - namely journalistic publications. On the last stage in hypermediatext we see the traditional mass media, here denotation as the message about the effectiveness and the opportunity to ensure wide spread and appliance of new technologies goes forward.
Proper Names in English Humorous Discourse: at the Crossroads of Fundamental Theories and Entertainment
The aim is to reveal the role of personal names in creating comic effect in different types of humorous discourse. A special focus is placed on J.S. Mill’s, A. Gardiner’s, B. Russel’s theories of proper names. Emphasis is also laid on the contribution of H. Spencer, Ch. Darwin, B. Jonson and W. Shakespeare to the development of the general theory of humour. The basic research methods are semiotic, linguo-stylistic and etymological analysis, data interpretation, website traffic analysis. Theoretical works by British philosophers, scientists and writers can be used as a methodological foundation for studying personal names in humorous discourse. Analysis of English onomastic jokes, puzzles, articles from British magazines and internet-memes proves the pervasive nature of onomastic humour in English. The author hypothesizes that the interest of the most outstanding British thinkers taken in personal names and humour are hardly accidental and can be explained by the uniqueness of British culture and national identity.
Units of Cultural Code as an Exponent of the Author’s View of the World in M. Stepnova’s Novel “Surgeon”
One of the topics relevant today regarding the peculiarities of the author’s discourse is the codes of culture, common to native speakers of the same language, but gaining originality in the artistic text. In the selection of units of language, their obvious thematic proximity and concentration, in their content, refracted by the writer’s vision, the originality of the word master is manifested. The novel «Surgeon» by M. Stepnova, one of the prominent writers of our time, has not yet been considered from the point of view of the peculiarities of understanding the vital subject area. The analysis of the novel is aimed at determining the functions performed in the text by units of gastronomic code, such as the names of dishes, drinks, products and their various characteristics. This allowed us to see that the use of edible nominations is one of the striking features of the writer’s style. The meal, as the author shows, occupies a significant place in the value system of the representatives of the older generation of the Khripunovs, and its features were most directly reflected in the formation of the personality and fate of their son - the main character of the story. The theme of food runs through the whole novel: it participates in showing the lifestyle and welfare of the characters, mentality and social position, the nature and motivation of actions, relationships between people, and meeting family members at a common table becomes a measure of the well-being of the family hearth. The author’s amazing skill manifests itself in showing both mouth-watering food and a food nightmare - fatty or sweet; these two vectors in the development of the gastronomic theme are the main ones in the novel, and it was gastronomy that influenced the choice of the main character of the life path. The sweet motif is most widely represented in the novel; it participates in the presentation of events, causal relationships and plot twists - the ostentatious concern of parents for their unloved son, the honey-unnatural manner of behavior and speech of the characters, the rejection of a woman because of her fundamentally different taste preferences, etc. Food code units are used both in direct meanings - when showing «non-conceptual» food, and take on an ideological, figurative and plot-forming function in the text of the novel.
Associative Experiment on the Material of Abstractness / Concreteness Ratings: a Comparative Aspect
An important parameter in the studies of associative fields is the characterization of words by concreteness and Abstractness. In a recently published article we analyzed associations to 100 Abstract and concrete stimuli. The associations were selected from the Russian associative dictionary of Yu.N. Karaulov (hereinafter referred to as RAS), which was created during the period from 1988 to 1990. It should be noted that, at the moment, Yu.N. Karaulov’s dictionary is the only nonregional associative thesaurus of the Russian language with a voluminous vocabulary of stimuli. There is a question: has the nature and structure of associative fields changed over more than 30 years? This article compares associations from the Russian Associative Dictionary with associations that were obtained in the new experiment. The list of stimuli included the same 100 Abstract and concrete words on the basis of which association analysis was performed in the work. The experiment described in this work makes it possible determine whether there are any systemic changes in associations, and, since the stimuli are Abstract and concrete substantives, to analyze possible changes in the perception features of nouns which refer to two lexico-grammatical groups.The paper analyzes quantitative indicators of associations on the basis of statistical methods and considers the peculiarities of associations in terms of their semantic content and the type of connection with the word stimulus. For a detailed analysis all associations are classified into groups, the comparison of the data obtained in the experiment with the data of Yu.N. Karaulov’s dictionary is carried out on the basis of the created classification. The analysis reveals a number of important changes in the structure of associative series, which indicate not only the development of new linguistic world image, but also some transformations in the system of mental lexicon of native speakers. The article also proves the tendency to preservation of the difference between associations to Abstract and concrete nouns, which confirms the theory of context accessibility in dynamics.