- Year: 2023
- Articles: 25
- URL: https://journals.rudn.ru/semiotics-semantics/issue/view/1699
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.22363/2313-2299-2023-14-3
Full Issue

Language Means of Expressing Politeness in the Context of Russian Business Communication
The subject of the study is the concept of “politeness” in business communication, its lexical and grammatical ways//means of expression in Russian. Particular attention is paid to the social relationship between interlocutors in a communicative situation. The purpose of the study is to describe the concept of “politeness” and identify its linguocultural features. In accordance with the purpose and objectives of the study, the paper analyzes the features of the implementation of the concept of “politeness” in the system of language functions and considers the strategies of positive and negative politeness in speech behavior in the field of business communication. Based on the analysis of the content of the main functions of language, it was concluded that the category of politeness is realized within the framework of the communicative function of language; The study analyzed the strategies of positive and negative politeness and the peculiarities of its implementation within the framework of private//specific individual communicative functions that correspond to various areas of communication. As a result of the analysis of speech behavior strategies in accordance with the rules of politeness, it was concluded that politeness is an important component of business communication, and speech behavior strategies are based on the difference in the cultural values of a particular society and depend on the models of social behavior adopted in it. If the lines of behavior underlying the first of them are associated with the involvement of the interlocutor in the conversation, paying attention to him, then the second strategy contains lines of behavior associated with the provision of freedom to the interlocutor.

LABOR in the Paradigm of the Values of European and Asian Peoples: on the Basis of Russian, French and Kalmyk Proverbs
The paremiological fund of language either explicitly or implicitly expresses information about the value system of the people. The study is devoted to the description of labor as a value of European and Asian peoples on the basis of paremiological material. The novelty of the study lies in the fact that, proceeding from the analysis of authentic dictionaries of proverbs, the main semantic dominants of Russian, French and Kalmyk proverbs about labor were identified, as well as linguistic means of representing this value, due to both - universal features and the specifics of the studied linguistic cultures. Through a continuous selection of published and handwritten paremiographic sources, the author’s card file was compiled, numbering about 1000 items. The most representative examples served as illustrative material for the study, in the description of which the descriptive-analytical method was used, as well as the linguo-axiological and linguo-culturological methods which have received theoretical justification in recent years. Comparative analysis showed that in the three linguistic cultures a positive attitude towards labor dominates, which is a value opposed to laziness and idleness, which act as anti-values in proverbs. The following were established as the main axiological dominants: the connection between work and life in abundance, the need for effort and effort in work, the assessment of labor activity based on its results. An important function belongs to the components of proverbs related to labor (names of professions and occupations, attributes of labor that have certain symbols), through images, models of human behavior are transmitted. The mentioning of these components is associated with the development of various types of labor activity that were developed during the creation of proverbs. In French proverbs, the emphasis is made on the fact that labor is a value bringing material wealth, they value individual labor, and not the collective one, which is associated with the orientation of European French culture, belonging to the individualist type, being not at all the characteristic of the Eurasian Russian and Asian Kalmyk cultures. Among the axiological markers, the means of different language levels were singled out: a special rhythmic organization of the text; lexemes with evaluative semantics; the reception of repetition and the use of contrast, which allows, in particular, to express scenarios of behavior through anti-scripts, specific grammatical constructions. In Russian proverbs, proper nouns with the suffix of subjective evaluation -к- can be attributed to the means of expressing evaluation; in French and Kalmyk material, such axiological markers are absent, due to the typological features of the languages under consideration.

Max Müller in History of Linguistics: Forgotten Classics or Springboard to Future? 200th Anniversary of Birth
The study is devoted to the actualization of the ideas of the great comparative scholar of the XIXth century Max Müller (1823-1900), a contemporary of A. Schleicher, who, as is traditionally believed, worked mainly in the naturalistic trend. The authors of the study show that the achievements of M. Müller were unreasonably underestimated, calling the scientist a popularizer of science. The victory of positivism in German linguistics weakened interest in the works by M. Müller: linguistics was no longer perceived as a natural science. It is noted that the positivist approach denied the “metaphysical” typology, close in spirit to M. Müller. The authors come to the conclusion that M. Müller’s ideas and methodological attitudes survived his time into the future and sound relevant in the humanities of the XXIst century, based on the anthropological understanding of linguistic phenomena. M. Müller was one of the first scholars to distinguish between philology and linguistics, he boldly extrapolated the attitudes of comparative studies to other areas of humanitarian knowledge - mythology, religion, innovatively applied a socio-cultural approach to the analysis of language features and the study of archaic texts. The study compares M. Müller’s ideas with traditional historical observations of national comparativist- and-historical observations of Russian comparativists - F.I. Buslaev and I.I. Sreznevsky. It is emphasized that his works reveal the connection of philosophy with private sciences: linguistics, theology, cultural history. In this sense, “The Science of Language” can be regarded as an original experience of creating philological hermeneutics. It is stated that M. Müller studied the historical space of language from the point of view relevant to the modern science of comparative semasiology. The refraction of his ideas is observed in the works of modern scientists - typologists, comparativists, conceptologists: V.A. Dybo, V.V. Ivanov, V.N. Toporov, Yu.S. Stepanov. Once again, the naturalistic approach is reaching a new level of development in the XXIst century, and the comparative method - the main research tool of M. Müller and other scientists of the Schleicher era - is being actualized not only in linguistics, but also in philology, history of religion and ethnology. The dialectical approach to typological linguistics applied by M. Müller, remains in demand by the science of modern times.

Image of a Woman in Chineese and Russian Paroemiae
Paremiological comparative studies are a relevant area of modern linguistics, since the corpus of paroemiae of a particular language reflects the peculiarities of the worldview of an ethnos, its value guidelines, established social connections, prohibitions, priorities, and traditions. In this regard, it seems interesting to compare the language signs and the meanings behind them, which coincide in two different Chinese and Russian linguistic cultures. The similarity that underlies our comparison is due to universal human values, the foundations of traditional society and the biological nature of family relationships. The result of the study was the recording of eleven coinciding meanings of paroemiae about a woman: daughter as a beloved female child; daughter as an extra mouth in the family; daughter as a potential member of another family; daughter as a family member opposed to daughter-in-law; qualitative description of a bad wife; qualitative description of a good wife; wife-partner; tradition of wife beating; mother as the basis for the life and upbringing of a child; mother as a bearer of love; opposition of mother and stepmother. The study can be continued by identifying and describing means of expressing these meanings in Chinese and Russian paroemiae about a woman. A separate aspect of the comparative analysis can be identification of divergent meanings in paroemiae about women, which we understand as a fixation of gender norms of traditional society.

In the Labyrinths of Time and Language: on the 85th Anniversary of Prof. L.G. Zubkova
Lyudmila Georgievna Zubkova was a professor, Doctor of Philology, famous Russian linguist, author of more than 100 works on general and comparative historical linguistics, philosophy and theory of language, history of linguistics, methodology of linguistics, phonology, morphonology, morphology of the Russian language, linguistic semantics and semiotics. She supervised more than 20 candidates of philological sciences. L.G. Zubkova worked at Peoples’ Friendship University named after Patrice Lumumba (1960-2002), taught at Lomonosov Moscow State University and was a professor of the Department of Russian Language and General Linguistics at Moscow State Pedagogical University (2002-2021). The study gives a review of the most significant stages of professor L.G. Zubkova’s scientific activity and her scientific heritage.

Geopoetic Image as a Cultural Token, Process and Result of Aesthetic Reality Modeling
The research field of geopoetics as the theory of studying creative forms and ways of human interaction with the geographic space, the multidimensional concept shaped by the syncretic perception of reality, is expanding dynamically in the aspect of space interpretation and modeling. Such research prism facilitates addressing projective meanings of the modeled reality, studying geopoetic image as a cultural sign, process and result of aesthetic display and representation of reality. Taking into account the relevance of the problem, the authors of the article set a goal to investigate the semiotic triad of St. Petersburg, the emotional component of the axiological model and its semantic transformations: Petropol’ - Petrograd - Leningrad, that permits to present a multilateral description of geopoetic image modifications. The research logic is dictated by the fact that the conceptualization of space in its various manifestations is associated with the study of the territory as an object of aesthetic reflection. The study analyzes creative embodiment of a particular toponym in its dual rational and emotional essence as a fact of verbal art. Transformation and treatment of geopoetic image meanings of St. Petersburg based on the spheres of urban semiotics are analyzed in the aspect of giving new meanings and semantics to the place in the context of spatial and cultural historical relations and models. The authors argue that geopoetic image is a special representation of geographical space in its historical and cultural, value and semantic nature and fusion in their unity. The existing territory can be presented as a compact axiological model through the “prism” of socio-cultural values, signs and symbols. Actualization of the palimpsest concept based on the combination of textual layers, research of peculiarities of structural meaning modeling enable addressing the reconstruction of the semiotic system and variant semantics of “city mirror” texts.

Cognitive Research Methods in Linguistics: Conceptual-Inferential Analysis
In studying language modern linguistics takes into account the users’ personality and their role as interpreters, arguing that language does not only convey a person’s knowledge of the world in one format or another, but also interprets it in a certain way. The leading role of the anthropocentric factor in linguistic research, as well as focusing on the cognitive and linguistic mechanisms of meaning construction makes the problem be discussed in the study up-to-date and significant one within the framework of the cognitive-discursive paradigm. The authors put forward an idea of conceptualinferential analysis as a new research method which can be effectively applied to language data within the framework of a cognitive study of language. The aim of this article is to substantiate the possibility of using this method in modelling the processes of interpretation and representation of world knowledge in language. The application of the method of conceptual-inferential analysis is illustrated by the example of quantitative interpretation of quality in language as a complex mental processing of quantitative-qualitative relations in the world. Based on the analysis of the linguistic means of the quantity concept representation, the article gives a deeper insight into processes of quantitative interpretation of quality, describes the repertoire of potential inferenced qualitative meanings and demonstrates their dependence on the cognitive context. In addition to the proposed method, the authors also use other research methods and techniques of conceptual analysis and conceptual-definition analysis. The evidence data (12000 examples) is retrieved from the works by modern authors. The integrated application of conceptual-inferential and conceptual-definition analysis methods reveals a high interpretive potential of quantitative meanings in representing quality in language. It also helps identify cognitive mechanisms of the quantitative-qualitative meanings construction, and to detect various types of knowledge available to an individual as an interpreter of quantitative-qualitative relations and their representation in language.

Linguistic Analysis of a Literary Text as the Key to its Comprehension: Cognitive and Discoursive Aspect
Structural and semantic linguistics has accumulated colossal experience in the systematization of language units, the relationships between them, has formed a unified view of the language as a complex system. Cognitive and discursive paradigm in linguistics has made it possible to explain linguistic and speech characteristics with the context and attracted the cognitive nature of the linguistic sign as a full-fledged component of analysis. Transferring the idea of anthropocentrism to the figure of the second participant in communication, it came to the conclusion that the last component plays large role in the communicative interaction between addresser - text - addressee, and that the interpretive potential of the text depends on the cognitive abilities of this addressee and his discursive baggage. In the/given article the listed characteristics of the state of modern linguistics made it possible to try to identify an interdependent relationship between the structural and semantic characteristics of language units selected by the author of a literary text from the arsenal of the language and woven into its syntagmatics, and the cognitive and discursive «subtext» that linguistics extracts from the text, which helps expose the author’s intentions more clearly. The material for the analysis made fragments of works by the classical Russian literature authors (I.A. Bunin, I.A. Goncharov, M.M. Prishvin, A.P. Chekhov), structural and semantic analysis was used as a leading method, supplemented with elements of content and discourse analysis. The novelty of the research lies in the desire to make a linguistic analysis of the speech canvas of a literary text in the context of new explanatory «horizons» that have opened up due to the cognitive-discursive paradigm. The study of the linguistic «details» of specific fragments of literary texts has shown that the interpretation of a literary text is based on the characteristics of linguistic units (morphemes, words, word forms, syntactic constructions, CSI, etc.) described in detail within the framework of the structural and semantic paradigm, expanding the view of the contextual environment (in this case - already broad context) allows introduce into the interpretation arguments that depend on the interpreter’s own reading and within his value system.

Linguistic Means of Constructing ‘Enemy Number One’ in the US Cold War Cinema
The study examines how the US Cold War cinema employed linguistic means to construct images of the USSR and American communists. The research relevance is determined by: the need to study the techniques of creating the enemy image as one of the crucial issues in international relations; and the importance of the topic amidst the aggravation of Russia- US relations. The study aims at analysing the usage of linguistic means in such practices of constructing/deconstructing the images of ‘enemy number one’ as dehumanisation of the enemy, its normalisation, domestication, and rehumanisation. The research novelty lies in the fact that, for the first time, the language as a resource for constructing enemy images in the Cold War films is analysed. The material for the study makes American films of the 1940s-1960s, in which contaminated speech for depicting Soviet characters is extensively used. Particular attention is paid to the means of creating speech portraits of Soviet characters. The research methods used are descriptive, linguistic, and sociolinguistic methods, and discourse analysis. The authors conclude that linguistic means (primarily linguistic competences and accent) were instrumental for creating enemy images in the cinematic Cold War. Linguistic otherness served as a means of emphasising second-rate culture, which in turn was intended to mark political foreignness. Linguistic means helped fulfil functions of the enemy image: showing its otherness; depriving it of the linguistic abilities as an essential attribute of humanity, helping dehumanise it; emphasizing its civilisational inferiority; and making the enemy comical. Finally, attention is drawn to the fact that the cinematic image of ‘enemy number one’ contributed to the hierarchisation of languages; everything Russian was associated with communism and therefore perceived as inferior and hostile.

Stereotypical Representation of a Cybervictim in Russian Students’ Language Consciousness based on the Material of the Chain Associative Experiment
Currently, the study of victimization and victim behavior as phenomena of modern cyberspace in the aspect of their stereotyping in the language consciousness of young people is a topical problem due to some extralinguistic reasons, such as massive involvement of young people in virtual communication, anonymity of cybercommunication and lack of legal liability for deviant behavior on the Internet, people’s ignorance of the need to correctly configure the privacy settings of their personal accounts, etc. This research is aimed at revealing the stereotypical representation of a cybervictim in the language consciousness of Russian students. The novelty of the phenomenon of cybercommunication and the insufficient scientific research data within the framework of psycholinguistics indicate the theoretical and practical significance of such studies. To solve the tasks set, the chain associative experiment in the form of an online questionnaire was conducted among students of all educational specializations of Kemerovo State University. The study of the respondents’ associative reactions with the use of methods of morphosyntactic analysis and semantic gestalt analysis made it possible to identify the semantic domains, on the basis of which the associative field was modeled, which characterizes the stereotypical representation of a cybervictim in the linguistic consciousness of Russian students. The results allow the authors to conclude that, from the viewpoint of young people, a cybervictim as a participant in the Internet communication does not evoke associations related to nationality, sex, age, profession. With a generally positive attitude to a cybervictim arousing sympathy, respondents point out the inability of such a person to take actions, which makes it possible to interpret the stereotypical image of a cybervictim as of a person without their own life philosophy or unable to defend it for physiological or psychological reasons, that negates the possibility to influence the communicative situation of this type.

The Role of Linguocultural Studies in Modern Times: Basic Principles and Method of Research
The author presents the arguments for the defining role of linguocultural studies at the present stage of the development of linguistics. It is noted that linguistics continues its search for the space of language studies in the light of integral human knowledge. Whereas structural approach views any language as an autonomous semiotic formation, “self-enclosed and self-supported”, as a rule, without taking into account extralinguistic aspects, which are studied in the framework of other humanities, anthropological approach is based on understanding language as a constitutive human property, as a part of humans’ daily living activities and their spiritual life. Linguistics has reached the point of studying language as an anthropological phenomenon and at this point solely linguistic analysis is not enough as it is insufficient to rely just on the traditional pattern including linguistics plus deep introspection or accidental, non-systematic knowledge taken from various humanities and sciences. It is suggested that anthropological “twist” in linguistics will let us overcome the long-running stage of spontaneous connection of the existing and potential linguistics. The article highlights the process of differentiation of linguistic approaches existing on the neighboring, but not identical, scientific platforms. At the same time the research conducted reveals the trend towards their convergence in the framework of the unified linguo-anthropological methodology. It is claimed that the defining role in this process belongs to linguocultural studies. The study deals with the basic principles of linguocultural approach. Various signs such as words, phraseological units and even the signs of the text size are used to identify the points of convergence between so similar, though not identical, branches - linguocultural studies and ethnolinguistics. The processes of interaction of mental structures and the language forms of their representation are explicated. Culturally marked signals in the semantics of language signs are identified and described.

Functional and Semantic Dominants of the Digital Transmedia Language in the Context of Topical Problems of Intercultural Communication
The study is devoted to the identification and systematization within the thematic framework of some key functional and semantic characteristics of the landscape of modern transmedia, a multi-format media space consisting of thematically interconnected media resources reflecting a single event in the fields of online media, social network аnd new media. Having examined examples of special social significance (pandemics) events in Russian and Italian transmedia, the authors come to the conclusion that the language of digital transmedia demonstrates trends of universalization, which contributes to reducing information risks and weakening threats of information confrontation, despite the differences in the functioning of the language systems.

Linguocultural Aspects of PR Translation in the Modern World
The present study deals with the topical issue of professional public relations (PR) terminology translation into the Russian language. The discipline and the field of professional activity, which emerged in Russia in the late 1980s, still poses lots of problems in terms of translation. The aim of the study is to reveal what translation procedures are applicable in rendering subject specific terminology into the target language with the absence of equivalents in the professional field. The novelty lies in the disclosure of translation features as well as translation procedures applied to PR terminology with special attention to linguistic and extralinguistic factors. The methods of comprehensive analysis of English PR terms, comprising the general scientific method, the communicative method, the method of comparative analysis, the dictionary definitions method, as well as the method of translation adequacy and the method of analysis of translation procedures and transformations have allowed to reveal the peculiarities of PR terms’ meanings and their functioning in the English professional discourse to be rendered into the Russian language. The findings illustrate the most adequate procedures to be used for the purpose of rendering PR terms and terminology as units of specific meaning into the target language. The conclusion drawn from the study postulates that along with the borrowing of PR terminological field, the English cultural and conceptual worldview was also adopted to produce a hybrid professional worldview sharing similar PR subject specific language units, which is a great advance towards English as a global language.

Semiotics of Song Discourse During the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939)
Song discourse, as a type of discourse, represents a special field research. A piece of music related to a certain historical context is part of the expression of culture, memory and identity of the nation. The aim of the study is the interpretation of song and poetry works from the period of the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939), one of the difficult stages in the history of the country, as well as a semiotic analysis of the song texts of the two fighting parties. The analysis of the lyrics makes it possible to determine the key features of the depiction of the military conflict within the linguocultural, linguocognitive, social and political context. The role of song discourse as part of propaganda and a way to rally the population against the designated enemy is defined. In addition, the relevance of the study is consonant with the socio-political course of Spain in the last few years to deal with the traumatic past of the Civil War and the consequent dictatorship of F. Franco. The material of the study is Spanish-language song texts about the period of the Spanish Civil War (1936- 1939). The main research methods are lexical-semantic, contextual, corpus analysis, methods of semantic and pragmatic interpretation. In addition to the study of the song discourse of the Civil War period, the song discourse of the post-war period is also analyzed. The authors conclude that song and poetry texts acted as an effective tool for rallying the people and quickly conveying the position of the conflicting parties, strengthening propaganda. To date, the musical works of the supporters of the Republic who lost the war in 1939 and after 1939, which were censored in Spain, basking in the popularity, given the campaigns of Spanish public organizations to search for the remains of soldiers and perpetuate the memory of the victims of the Civil War of 1936-1939 and the dictatorship.

Linguopragmatic Scopes of Modern Media Texts
The study is devoted to the description of the linguopragmatic potential of media texts in the context of the informational and psychological impact on the individual and collective addressee of mass information broadcasting. As the key modern form of text existence in the information space, a media text contains not only verbal elements that influence the audience through either spoken or written words, but also non-verbal ones, introduced through video, picture and various sound means other than speech. The combined combination of communicative means of linguistic and non-linguistic nature enhances the information-psychological impact on the audience by achieving a synergistic effect. Due to the fact that with the complex use of verbal and non-verbal means, the media text acquires such essential characteristics as polycode and multimodality, its analysis should take into account not only the linguistic proper, but also the extralinguistic aspects of communication. Modern media text has a complex communicative structure that combines a text, hypertext, dynamic (static) image and sound, and provides a non-linear, multi-channel, multi-layered and multidimensional perception of the embedded conceptual and stylistic meanings. The aim of the study is to analyze linguopragmatic characteristics of a media text as the primary form of the informational and psychological impact realization in the modern mass media discourse. Descriptive, synchronic, diachronic and functional methods of research, as well as methods of contextual and communicative-pragmatic analysis have been employed. As to the material, the study is based on the analysis of theoretical works by Russian and foreign linguists for the past 30 years. The authors concluded that the information-psychological impact is enhanced by the use of PR and advertising techniques in the media text and is largely based on their application.

Emoticeme SURPRISE in the News Discourse of Russia, Armenia, Kazakhstan and China
Any news shows the full range of people’s emotional assessments. The authors analyze the news about migration, single out emotive linguomigrationology separately, since emotions play a leading role in the development of the linguocultures of the host country and host communities. Migration transforms the language of communication, creating new forms of language at the intersection of linguistic and cultural realities in the form of pidgins and enriching ways of perceiving the world with emotives of contacting linguistic cultures. According to the authors, surprise is one of the leading emotions in the migrants’ emoticon. The authors prove that post-socialist Russophony has a significant linguistic and cultural distance, depending on the country of reception. The article analyzes the specifics of the emoticeme in the lexical characteristics of the emotion “surprise” in the news discourse about migrants and migration in Russia, Kazakhstan, Armenia and China. The analysis of the emotive space of news discourse on the topic of migration is based on the theory of emotions (V.I. Shakhovsky’s term) and linguomigration (I.S. Karabulatova’s term), taking into account the principle of representativeness. This approach allows us to analyze the structure of polycode news discourses about migration in Armenia, Kazakhstan, China and Russia, interpret these discourses in the context of emotionality of various linguistic cultures and in accordance with communicative tasks. The authors believe that gaps in the background knowledge of the host country become a source of manifestation of emotional realities among migrants. The article is written on the material of open media sources and media discourse. The authors offer this article to specialists in the field of political science, linguistics, history, psychology, etc. © Karabulatova I.S., Anumyan K.S., Korovina S.G., Krivenko G.A., 2023

Images of a Good and Evil Person in Russian and Chinese Paremiological Pictures of the World
The linguoculturological studies in paremiology make one of the most actively developing, researchers have repeatedly analyzed the concepts of GOOD and EVIL on the material of paremias of a particular language. However, the study of character traits «good» and «evil» on the basis of the proverbs of the Russian and Chinese languages has not yet been considered, which is the novelty of this study. The article studies paremiological units of the Russian and Chinese languages, representing a good and evil person. The goal of the work is to identify common and peculiar ethno-specific features reflected in the proverbs of the Russian language against the background of their counterparts in the Chinese language, as well as to establish their motivation. To achieve this goal, methods of comparative and linguoculturological analyses were applied. The sources of the material were the proverbs dictionary, as well as data from Russian and Chinese corpora. The paper concludes that there are much more different cultural attitudes contained in the proverbs we are interested in than common ones, which causes a big difference in understanding the character traits of «good» and «evil» between native Russian and Chinese speakers. Understanding the universal and nationally marked ideas of Russians and Chinese effectively contributes to cultural communication between peoples.

The Stylistics of English Headlines in Promotional Discourse: a Multidimensional Study
The study is relevant due to the needs of studying promotional discourse in terms of effective use of linguistic means for product and service promotion in a competitive market. The aim of this study is to study the stylistic and communicative features of headlines in promotional discourse in the English language. The research material included 2092 headlines from 115 automobile brochures (44 car brands). The research methods include discourse analysis, linguocognitive categorization by semantic and functional criteria, quantitative analysis, and cognitive mapping. As a result of the study, it was found that the headlines contained a wide range of stylistic devices. The most numerous are lexical means - hyperbole, metaphor, epithet, personification, idioms, metonymy, repetition, incorporation, and blends. The figures of speech based on syntactic means - hyperbole, comparison, antithesis, parceling, parallelism, emphasis, inversion, framing, anaphora, chiasm, and pun - occurred less frequently. However, considering the syntactic organization of the headlines with the predicative, imperative, gerundial, attributive and interrogative structures, syntactic means were found dominant due to their wider functionality. Among phonetic devices, alliteration prevailed. The communicative techniques included customization, text navigation, storytelling, informative facts and issues related to driving. The majority of the headlines epitomized a synthesis of various stylistic means whose classification was fulfilled only for the purposes of the linguistic research. The headline length varied within 1-23 words (average 5, median 4, STD 2.75); standard being concise, while creative - more extended. Thematically, the headlines accentuated comfort, emotional commitment to the brands, engine capacity and their low footprint. The obtained results could be used in the practice of teaching English for specific purposes to students specializing in marketing, advertising and public relations.

Structural and Semantic Features of Oman’s Toponyms as the Reflection of the Country’s Linguistic Situation and Material and Non-Material Culture
Toponyms of the Sultanate of Oman so far have not been studied in Russian linguistics in general, and in Russian Arabic studies, in particular. Due to the fact that in Oman there is a specific landscape and peculiar material culture, and the local variation of the Arabic language is characterized by multi-level dialectal peculiarities, the authors assumed that the toponyms of this country should demonstrate certain trends in the place names formation against the backdrop of the common Arabic toponymy. The object of the research is a wide range of toponyms of the Sultanate of Oman - from the names of the largest locations to the ones which are less significant in historical and economic terms, but are of interest from the viewpoint of the linguistic material analysis. The authors examined a large sample of toponyms of various categories, above all, oeconyms and hydronyms; due to the local natural conditions, their share in the country’s toponymy is very significant. The article is aimed at highlighting both the universal, pan-Arabic features and solely the Omani ones in the semantics and algorithms of toponymic word-building of the country. The main local toponyms were considered in terms of their origin, etymology, frequency of formants, morphological composition, as well as in relation to certain semantic fields. This made it possible to systematize the toponyms of Oman and draw a number of conclusions regarding the historically conditioned absence of loan words among Omani toponyms, their complexity with the predominance of specific lexemes characterizing the local landscape, the inclusion of Omani toponyms in lexical groups related to water, as well as the nationally-oriented world picture reflected in characteristics-indices of similar objects of Omani geography. To this end, the researchers used data from subsidiary and related humanitarian areas - geography, history, sociology, ethnopsychology. The work contributes to the study of the semantics of toponyms, comparative toponymy, Arabic lexicology, Russian Arabic studies as well as regional studies.

WIND: Semantics of the Symbol in Boris Pasternak’s Novel “Doctor Zhivago”
The study was conducted at the intersection of semiotics, linguoculturology and linguopoetics of the text and is devoted to one of the urgent issues - the identification, semantic description and linguistic representation of one of the significant symbols of national mythological thinking - WIND. The purpose of the study is to present a model of the symbolic structure of the symbol WIND and to consider its linguistic transformation in the novel «Doctor Zhivago». The main research method is a semantic-semiotic description of the symbolic structure of the symbol WIND in the categories of signifier A and signified B. By symbol’s semantics we mean the peculiarities of its linguistic embodiment and, as a consequence, the emergence of the author’s transformation of the general cultural symbolic code of a word. The signifier of the symbol - the sensual image of the air flow - in the text can be semanticized both by the words wind, blizzard, storm, etc., and by different syntactic constructions. The signified is a number of symbolic meanings which have developed in the culture of the people as a result of the mythological identification of the air element of nature and man. As a result of the study, five symbolic meanings were found, for the objectification of which dictionary data and folklore texts were used: 1) WIND→SPIRIT, SOUL, 2) WIND→ BIRTH AND DEATH OF A PERSON, 3) WIND→WORD, MESSAGE, 4) WIND→EVIL, MAGIC, 5) WIND→LIFE. In the text, each of these general cultural meanings is transformed into a system of events and characters of the novel. So, the second meaning is represented by four variants of the signified: ‘death of Zhivago’s mother’, ‘birth of a son’, ‘death of Antipov’, ‘death of Yuri Zhivago’. The most frequent in the representation of the two-component structure of the symbol are ascending gradation series, indicating the growth of wind power and its transformation into rain or blizzard. At the same time, a gradation series of words unfolds, conveying the dynamics of the psychological or physical state of the hero. The symbolic meaning is often actualized with the help of other symbols whose signified duplicates the wind symbol. The result of the study is the conclusion about the ambivalent nature of the symbol WIND, which occurs at key moments in the of Yuri Zhivago’s life. The wind is life itself in its mystical understanding like immortality.

Genre Varieties of Modern Kazakh Russian Story
The purpose of this article is to identify and describe the two main genre varieties of the modern Russian Kazakh story. In the course of the study, the following methods were used: theoretical, historical-literary, system-typological approach, poetic-structural analysis of the work. In Russian Kazakh literature, realism and postmodernism are developing in parallel. The story of Nikolai Verevochkin “Singing in the transitions” is a realistic work. Its artistic world contains an image of a system of literary heroes based on determinism, the conditionality of the formation and development of a person’s character by various factors. Determinism contains the strong connection of the structural elements of the story. Verevochkin gradually reveals the characters of the heroes in various situations. The problematics of the story also has a traditional character for the literature of realism. The author demonstrates commitment to humanism, which is the ideological basis of realism. The article also analyzes the work of postmodernism - the story of Asel Omar “Alphabet”. The definition of “story-lexicon”, introduced by the author of the article, reflects the genre and generic features of this work. The story-lexicon Asel Omar consists of micro-novellas, which at the same time are dictionary entries. The peculiarity of these articles is that they are based on a certain storyline. The micronovelas are arranged in alphabetical order, which gave the author of this article reason to call them dictionary entries. Asel Omar’s lexicon story, in contrast to Nikolai Verevochkin’s story, is written in a freer plot form. The application of the essay principle allowed the author to create a reasoning story. The main thing for Assel Omar is to express her thoughts on various topics. The work of Nikolai Verevochkin is a narrative story. Thus, in modern Russian Kazakh prose, two main types of story are presented - realistic and postmodern story. Due to historical and cultural reasons, the realistic story prevails. The work of Asel Omar “Alphabet” is a unique example of a postmodern story-lexicon in modern Kazakh literature.

Life of an idiom - Experimental Research Definition of Actual Corpus of Phraseological Units:
The “life” of an idiom, the frequency of its use in speech is limited by the time frame: those elements that were actively used a hundred years ago are gradually disappearing from the lexicon of a modern person. Therefore, it seemed to us relevant and important, both in theoretical and practical aspects, to develop a methodology for identifying only those phraseological units that are used in the live speech of modern native speakers and are necessary for communication in the Russian-speaking environment today. The study was conducted on the material of idioms with somatic components, including the word heart. We emphasize that the object of our analysis were only phraseological units used in oral speech. The work consisted of 2 stages: at the first stage, a general group of phraseological units with a heart component was identified, a component analysis of the dictionary definition of the word heart was carried out, and phrase-forming semes were identified. Each of these semes motivated a certain subgroup of phraseological units with heart component as part of the general group. At the second stage of the study, we conducted a survey of 100 informants belonging to different age groups. Analysis of the results made it possible to single out a group of 25 active speech idioms units that is relevant for a modern native speaker of the language. The proposed methodology is universal, it can be applied to any other group of phraseological units, so it could allow to determine what kind of idiomatic material should be included in the Russian as a foreign language course for active assimilation.

Strategies for Сreating the Image of a Politician in an Arabic Polycode Text of the Series “٣ اختيار”
According to the classification of speech strategies by O.S. Issers, semantic, lexicogrammatical, and pragmatic indicators act as linguistic indicators of speech strategies. The article is devoted to the analysis of the most significant linguistic and extralinguistic aspects of speech strategies that are used to create the image of the President of Egypt Abdel Fattah Khalil El-Sisi in the movie series “٣ اختيار ” (The Choice 3). These strategies were considered as part of the analysis of the Arabic polycode text, which is presented as the integrity of verbal and non-verbal components. The material of the study was the communicative acts of the main characters and the video sequence of the analyzed series, in which the authors recreated the revolutionary era of Egypt in 2013. The novelty of the study is an attempt to characterize Arabic political discourse as an independent linguistic phenomenon. As a result of the study, the authors arrive at the conclusion that the creation of the image of a politician requires such semantic indicators of speech strategy as: submission, threat, discrediting; lexico-grammatical indicators: syntactic synonyms of various types, paremiae, dialectal forms. The effect of applying these communication strategies, which create the image of the Egyptian president, is enhanced by extralinguistic parameters and symbols studied within the theory of the polycode text. The analysis of the interaction of codes of various genres of the polycode text in the Arabic political discourse is of interest for further research.

Lexico-Semantic Group of Verbs of Interpersonal Relations in Russian and Chinese: based on the Translation of F.M. Dostoevsky’s Novel “Crime and Punishment”
This study is devoted to the analysis of lexico-semantic group of verbs, which express attitude to someone in Russian and the ways of their translation into Chinese. A group of emotional and evaluative verbs included in the lexico-semantic field of interpersonal relations is analyzed. The choice of the study material is determined by the fact that this group of verbs is one of the most frequent in the use and widely represented in the novel “Crime and punishment” by F.M. Dostoyevsky, occurring 561 times. The significance of this research lies in the absence of a special systematic study of this lexico-semantic group on the material of literature in Russian and Chinese languages, as well as in the need to develop a comprehensive research methodology, methods of comparative and contextual analyses. The study reveals the semantic features of verbs in the Russian and Chinese languages. It is established that the lexico-semantic group under study consists of verbs that are perceived as categorical-lexical semes “relation” and can have both positive and negative semantic meaning. The semes ‘positive attitude’, ‘love’, ‘faith’, ‘respect’, ‘compassion’, ‘pity’ and ‘negative attitude’, ‘suffering’, ‘doubt’, ‘fear’ are subjected to study. These features determine the structure of the group in question in the lexical and semantic system of the Russian and Chinese languages, are expanding the understanding of the content and structure of the group of verbs. The result of the study is that the analysis of interlingual gaps reveals the presence of incomplete lexical correspondence to a foreign language word. The analyzed linguistic material made it possible to identify similarities and differences in the semantics of verbs when translating the text of the novel into Chinese.