Tools of Creating Emotional Climate in Knowledge-Based Television Space
- Authors: Gladko M.A.1
- Minsk State Linguistic University
- Issue: Vol 12, No 3 (2021): Linguistic dominants of grammar and lexics
- Pages: 789-805
- URL:
- DOI:
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The relevance of the article is due to the need to comprehend and identify the specifics of the formation of emotional mood in modern knowledge-based TV texts of an advisory nature. It will make possible to better understand the specifics of educational genres. The purpose of the work is to establish and describe the repertoire of tools for the formation of emotional mood and linguistic means of their representation in a knowledge-based television discourse. The research material was TV broadcasts of thematic groups as follows: leisure, health and healthy lifestyle, home improvement, food, driving, beauty and fashion. The corpus of the texts under analysis is represented by advisory-instructive and informative-demonstrative genres. The novelty of the research lies in the fact that in the texts that broadcast everyday, practical knowledge, tools are recorded and described that simulate the emotional mood of the viewer in the process of learning process. The research reveals that the textual representatives of the advisory and instructive genres of relaxation and hedonistic themes construct an impressions and pleasure zone. At the same time, the accents of texts describing ways of behavior in danger-associated situations (for example, health topics) are focused on regulating the mood and emotions of the media audience. Such texts are constructed based on an emotionally sensual modality that swings the viewer's emotions from negative to positive. The formation of such a diverse emotional tone is aimed at creating a positive attitude towards specific health improvement actions, as well as encouraging adherence to the rules of a healthy lifestyle in society. The article describes the triggers that produce positive and negative emotions, as well as tools for their activation in the text (the image of the author and the image of the addressee; genres of everyday communication, designed in a friendly-informal register; linguistic means). The research reveals functions of impression producing (attracting attention, positive emotional modeling, formation of a positive attitude to the object of expression and persuasive influence) and regulation of emotional mood (socially stabilizing, regulation of behavior, persuasive influence).
About the authors
Marina A. Gladko
Minsk State Linguistic University
Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-5268-960X
PhD of Philology, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Speechology and Communication Theory
21, st. Zakharova, Minsk, Republic of Belarus, 220034References
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