Vol 14, No 1 (2023)
- Year: 2023
- Articles: 15
- URL: https://journals.rudn.ru/semiotics-semantics/issue/view/1639
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.22363/2313-2299-2023-14-1
Full Issue
Methodology and Technique for Assessing the Terminology Consistency in Translations: Based on Latvian and Russian Economic Texts
Relevance of the issue: the topicality of the issue of terminology consistency in translations of economic texts is currently emphasized by the Latvian State Language Center and determined by the fact that many economic terms emerged in Latvian and Russian relatively recently, during the transition from a planned economy to a market economy. It remains disputable how to define and assess the terminology consistency in translations of economic texts. The corpus of the study comprises Latvian and Russian textbooks on economics of three generations (1990s, 2000s and 2010s), and in addition to them - bilingual and multilingual dictionaries of economic terms published in Latvia and Russia since 1990. The paper proves that that terminology consistency in translations of economic (and not only) texts can be assessed and compared (between text corpora and time periods) using scientific methodology and a special technique. The method of research are linguistic discourse analysis, which includes both quantitative and qualitative methods. General results, which also form the scientific novelty of this study include: (1) the put forward conceptual understanding of the terminology consistency as the structural component of the overall quality of terminology translation as well as the definition of the terminology consistency in translations; (2) the elaborated original methodology and technique for assessing the terminology consistency in translations not in the categories of ‘good-bad’, but in the conditionally ambivalent categories ‘consistent-inconsistent’ (for the incidental identification of processes occurring in the studied economic discourse); (3) the explained essence of discourse in translation studies, which is the target text within the background processes of the social reality that determine the creation (synthesis) and perception (analysis) of the translation.

Phenomenon and Concept of EMANCIPATION
The study of the conceptual sphere is a field of linguistics which is closely related to the study of culture, the mentality of a particular linguistic personality or society of a certain epoch, the people as a carrier of mentality. Research in this area is important not only in synchrony, but also in diachrony, due to the historical variability of cultural codes, the volume and content of language resources as the means of representation of concepts, the evolution of the social substratum of language in the developing world. This determines the relevance of addressing the phenomenon of emancipation, since it is associated with shifts in social (primarily legal) relations of various kinds, in culture, rightly regarded by science as having humanitarian value. The aim of the study is to characterize from a linguistic point of view the content features of the concept of EMANCIPATION, which are determined by social trends, the passionarity of the epoch, the intentions of individuals evaluating the phenomenon, taking into account the noticeable stability of the core of Abstract semantics of its most important representative - the word emancipation. The research is carried out from anthropocentric positions, in synchronous-diachronic terms, using a set of methods: descriptiveanalytical, elements of component analysis, comparative analysis, synthesis, methods of cognitive linguistics, sociolinguistic (survey). The main material was the data of the National Corpus of the Russian Language (Ruscorpora), namely, the contexts of a sample of documents presented in it from different eras with the word emancipation in various grammatical forms. The research has shown that the word emancipation in the Russian conceptual sphere is consistently represented primarily by the concept, the semantic dominant of which is formed by ‘woman’ ( the phenomenon of women’s emancipation, female emancipation ), so that we can talk about its prominence in the Russian culture with this name: EMANCIPATION. Artistic and journalistic works of Russian writers, including “women’s prose”, contributed to the isulation of this concept. The word emancipation, used with other pragmatic attitudes, performs the function of one of the verbalizers of the concepts of related spheres: INDEPENDENCE, FREEDOM of CREATIVITY. The practical application of this material can be associated with its use in university linguistic courses, in the study of terminology, in lexicography, in literary studies, in explaining the scope of the term emancipation in the official business style, modern legal discourse.

Linking Word Use and Personality Characteristics: A Contrastive Study into Parliamentary Communications of Labour Leaders Jeremy Corbyn and Keir Starmer
Over the past thirty years, Russian linguistic studies have noted terminological heterogeneity in the concepts of “jazykovaja lichnost” and “kommunikativnaja lichnost”, literally “linguistic personality” and “communicative personality”, however, in the field of political communication, due to the inextricable connection of political discourse with the socio-cultural, historical, or political context that constructs it, their differentiation was observed rather than interchangeability. This research seeks to characterise “kommunikativnaja lichnost”, a key concept in linguopersonology. The evidence base is parliamentary speeches of Jeremy Corbyn and Keir Starmer, previous and current leaders of the Labor Party of Great Britain. The results of a qualitative analysis have been verified through the Sketch Engine content analysis program, and they demonstrate how a politician’s rhetoric can change depending on situational factors - in this case, the foreign political situation and domestic political processes. The overarching theme of the politicians’ communications is the termination of the UK’s membership in the European Union and the protracted coronavirus pandemic, which is the root of all social and economic ills. The words frequently used by Corbyn and Starmer are predetermined by the communicative behaviours of the politicians. The article attempts to determine the ‘communicative personality’ of Corbin and Starman using the leadership typology proposed by Harold Lasswell. This work thus contributes to the development of linguopersonology provisions and raises the necessity to develop types of the ‘communicative personality’ of a politician. Given the analysis results, the article suggests interpreting the Russian concept ‘kommunikativnaja lichnost’ as ‘linking word use and personality characteristics’.

Paroemia in the Context of Modern French Public Internet Advertisin
The research is devoted to the study of the functioning of paremias in the discourse of modern French social advertising. The relevance of the problem under consideration lies in the insufficient knowledge of the representation features of the French language paroemiological fund in modern public Internet advertising published in France. The utmost aim of the paper is to describe the main constitutive and linguistic features of modern French public Internet advertising and the specifics of the realisation of language paremiological units in it. The research material includes 312 objects of French public advertising distributed on the Internet in the period from 2016 to 2022. The study used methods of comparative, lexicographic and statistical analysis, as well as the method of semantic analysis of linguistic units. The results revealed that the use of paroemias as figure of speech in modern French public advertising is insignificant, due to the fact that the semantically complex message of the original proverbs and sayings can significantly narrow the target audience of public advertising. The use of paroemias as an element of public advertising (In its original, partially or completely modified form) makes it more intellectual and attractive directly to native French speakers.

Multilingual Corpus of Terms: Content and Tools
Developping a multilingual corpus of terminology in linguistics can contribute to better organization and standardization of Russian and Chinese terms in the chosen field on the base of the existing works on the material of the English language. The scope of the project is to fill the lacunae, to disambiguate homonymy, to facilitate the choice of appropriate translation of a linguistic term and understanding of its context. The issue of the absence of Russian-Chinese-English and Chinese-Russian-English terminological dictionaries and the general desynchronization of terminological systems have been repeatedly mentioned in scientific works focused on the description of the language for special purposes. The search for a solution to these theoretical issues will help to find an algorithm for organizing the corpus of terms both within individual scientific disciplines and in interdisciplinary areas of arts and humanities. Multilingual corpus of terminology in linguistics implies the development of methodological recommendations and a complex of teaching materials including the digital ones, which will help foreign students to use the terms according to their level of language proficiency. The project is a continuation of a collective work oriented to the research of a language for professional communication. Language for professional communication is a functional type of a natural language the units of which transfer special knowledge. The absence of this knowledge makes professional communication impossible in the ways of perception, interpretation, translation and, creation of scientific texts in writing.

Semantic development of Arabic-Iranian borrowings in the Kazakh language: Analysis of Religious concepts
The original meaning of many modern Kazakh words of Arabic-Iranian origin is associated with ethical categories, spiritual and moral values. In this study aimed at identifying a layer of words borrowed by the Kazakh language from the Arabic and Iranian languages, and investigating their semantic development a descriptive method and methods of lexicographic and lexico-semantic analyses of words were applied. The study results demonstrated that the semantic development of Muslim terms in the Kazakh language included reinterpretation, and their acquisition of new meanings in the Kazakh literary language. Desacralization of religious concepts signified by these words occurred in the languages from which these words were later borrowed by the Kazakh language.

New Words in Greek and Russian During the COVID-19 Pandemic
The description of the facts of the lexical dynamics of the coronavirus period focuses on identifying similarities and differences in the linguistic practice of neologization of Greek and Russian languages. The features of the incorporation of loanwords and the subsequent adaptation of new lexical items in the modern socio-cultural context of these languages are considered through the prism of the impact of global processes. The research is conducted at the lexical-semantic, word-formation, and partially morphological levels. The material of the research was taken from lexicographic sources of modern Greek and Russian languages. The comparative analysis revealed processes common to both languages, such as vocabulary replenishment by borrowing from the same source donor language, and processes specific to each language, such as reborrowing in Greek in a different form or with a different meaning. Based on this analysis, we can conclude that most of the neologisms in these languages come from English, the donor language of the coronavirus lexicon in other languages. At the same time, despite certain similarities in the processes of penetration of new elements into Greek and Russian, the further assimilation of lexical units in each language has an individual character and features that often activate their own mechanisms of neologization.

Questions of Lexicographic Description of French-Russian Lexical Parallels
The research discusses key issues of the dictionary description of formally coinciding and semantically similar/dissimilar units of the vocabulary of the French and Russian languages. The relevance of the study is dictated by the absence of a dictionary of French-Russian lexical parallels in Russian lexicography and the significance of such a dictionary for the translation and linguo-didactical sphere of activity in the conditions of the spread of artificial bilingualism in modern globalized world. The novelty of the research lies in the representation of the dictionary description of French-Russian lexical parallels, different from the lexicographic experience of V.L. Muravyev. The purpose of the article is to analyze the existing interlexical semantic relations of dialexemes of the Russian and French languages and selectively present the results of their systematic lexicographic description in a number of so-called ‘new generation dictionaries’. The research material was associatively correlated lexemes of the Russian and French languages, identified and selected by bilingual and explanatory dictionaries, as well as national text corpora of the languages under consideration. The methodology of the study consisted of the methods of continuous and selective sampling; quantitative, contrastive, comparative analysis; description; as well as the distributive method. The research focuses on the selection of a word-list, on the specifics of its organization and representation in dictionary entries. The work on the format and content of the dictionary is based on the standard model of the dictionary of lexical parallels for two synchronously compared languages, developed and implemented by V.V. Dubichinsky. The article presents a brief-course into the history of the description of lexical parallels, including false friends of the translator, lexical internationalisms of French origin and gallicisms in the Russian language and identifies the main points of V.V. Dubichinsky’s theory of lexical parallels. The authors comment on the issue of the terminological apparatus of the phenomenon described and analyze the typology of French-Russian lexical parallels and the principles of their lexicographying. Each of the existing types of French-Russian lexical parallels is considered separately. In order to internationalize Russian as a second language in the global communicative space and to facilitate the study of the Russian language by French-speaking students, we propose a modern model of the dictionary description of full, partial and false lexical parallels, as well as interlingual homonyms and interlingual paronyms of Russian and French.

Seventy-Year History of Sino-Russian Relations through the Prism of Borrowed Vocabulary
The purpose and objectives of this study relate to the field of interlanguage contacts and, in particular, to the observation of the process of lexical borrowing as a result of the interaction of non-closely related Russian and Chinese languages. This article discusses the question of the correlation between the nature of Sino-Russian relations and some processes in the vocabulary of the languages of these states. The objective of the study is to identify patterns in the change in the volume and features of borrowed vocabulary, depending on the specifics of the development of interstate relations between China and the USSR, and later the Russian Federation in the period from 1949 to 2022. Within 70 years since the establishment of diplomatic contacts between China and the Soviet Union in 1949, relations between the two countries have gone through three different stages - from warm to cool, and then a period of strategic cooperation - in all areas of public life: humanitarian, scientific, educational, political, military and economic. During these three different periods, the number and nature of Chinese borrowings in Russian and Russian borrowings in Chinese also underwent significant changes. They are reflected in the features of the process of adaptation of borrowed words at the phonetic, grammatical and semantic levels. The frequency of borrowed words use in the period under review in the media texts of both countries is of particular interest. Statistical data on the use of lexemes of Russian origin in Chinese and lexemes of Chinese origin in Russian, obtained from the data of national corpora of the two languages, allow to draw some conclusions about the popularity of certain foreign words at each of the three identified historical stages.

Comparative Analysis of Phonetic Systems of the Russian, French and Chinese Languages
This choice of this material for comparison - the phonetic systems of three languages: Russian, French and Chinese - is due to the fact that in the process of teaching the Russian language to foreign students, teachers face the need to work with a multilingual audience, which may include speakers of different and often unrelated languages while the formation of phonetic skills is an indispensable condition for adequate verbal communication and successful verbal communication in general. It was these circumstances that led to the choice of three languages for comparative analysis. The main purpose of such a comparison is the possibility of predicting possible interference errors in the speech of foreigners at the phonetic level. Comparative analysis revealed that, despite the colossal structural difference between French and Chinese, there are many points of contact, on the basis of which it is quite realistic to predict common pronunciation errors for French and Chinese audiences. As a result of the study, the authors came to the conclusion that similar features of the phonetic systems of French and Chinese, leading to interference errors, can be due to the belonging of both languages to the vocal type. Problems related to the rules of positional changes associated with the consonantism characteristic of the Russian language are also common to speakers of French and Chinese. When comparing the rhythmic and intonational features of the three languages, it becomes obvious that in this aspect, the speakers of French and Chinese are also characterized by common typical mistakes: the lack of reduction of unstressed vowels, the incorrect allocation of a stressed syllable, and the indistinguishability of intonational structures. The relevance of the study is due to the need to develop nationally-oriented courses in phonetics, which would allow to correctly build work on the localization and prevention of interference errors in the speech of foreign students in a multilingual audience.

Ethno-cultural Aura of Language Images in the Light of Cognitive Linguopoetics
The nature and essence of the language image are considered from the standpoint of modern cognitive linguopoetics, its differences from the general philological concepts of “image” and “imagery” are shown. According to the authors’ idea, the language image is considered in line with creative discursive activity. It is proved that language images integrating real ideas about the world picture and the author’s emotional attitude to them synergetically create an ethno-cultural aura of a literary text. Discourse, due to the multiplicity of its components, is a speech-thinking platform for forming a language image. The latter is considered by us as a synergetic phenomenon in the aspect of a multichannel derivative stimulus and a self-organizing phenomenon in open systems of linguocreative thinking. The article substantiates that in a literary text a language image is generated not by a real, but by a so-called communicative and aesthetically significant event, i.e. a literary discourse - the denotative aura of language images. The analysis shows that the language image is formed not only by the text itself, but also by various extralinguistic factors (knowledge of the world, opinions, values) that play an important role in understanding, interpreting and perceiving verbal images of a communicative event. Therefore, the work interprets all the main (event and non-event) elements of the text’s discursive situation, forming a complex language image. The extralinguistic factors determining the semantic architectonics of the internal context and actively participating in the formation of the ethno-cultural shell of language images are revealed. Each of these images serves as a shadow cloud of the internal context, an element of the ethno-cultural aura of the speech activity. In contrast to the existing stereotypes, according to which the concept and image are considered products of different mental operations: the first is analytical, and the second is synthetic, the article proves that the genesis of language image is characterized by their fusion. At the initial stage, there is an analytical perception of the signs of a denotative situation, and at the final stage, their synthesis. Ultimately, the genetic connection of such phenomena as literary text, discourse and concept generates the ethno-cultural aura of a pictorial-speech work.

Mythologism of Modern Kazakhstani Prose: Lexico-Semantic Aspect
The research attempts to determine the nature of mythologism in modern prose of Kazakhstan, to explain the use of myths in the novels by Abdizhamil Nurpeisov, A. Zhaksylykov and N. Verevochkin, which are representatives of the spiritual and intellectual stream in the modern literary process. The subject of the authors’ research is the multifunctionality of myth, its semantics and structure-forming function in the works of Kazakhstani prose writers of the late XXth - early XXI centuries. In the first part of the article, the main attention is paid to the mythopoetics of A. Nurpeisov’s dilogy “Last Duty”, the interpretation of mythologeme and the meaning of the actions of the protagonist, which we consider as a mythological hero. The second part is devoted to the analysis of the mythological plot of Aslan Zhaksylykov’s novel “Singing Stones”, the interpretation of the symbolism of the sacred stone Yin-Yang. The next section deals with the novel of Nikolai Verevochkin, which we treat as a myth-novel.

Linguocultural Markers of Literary Texts by B.L. Vasiliev
The effectiveness of speech communication depends on the immersion in the uniqueness and specificity of the national culture through the knowledge of reality. A literary text transmits background knowledge and experiences, which in the process of perception are not only interpreted by a reader, but also form the value universals. Dialogue as a form of intercultural communication is due to the impact on the addressee, that is, a pragmatic approach that contributes to: 1) tolerance of thinking, 2) the preservation of traditions and cultural experience, 3) acculturation as a process and result of speech and thought activity. The purpose of the study is to identify linguistic and cultural markers of literary texts by B.L. Vasiliev, which represent the national and cultural specifics of the verbalization of a literary word, since those are linguocultural factors that make it possible to reveal the mental nature of the text and interpret the ethnoculturally conditioned semantic content. The anthropocentric orientation of the communicative-cognitive methodology and the tasks set predetermined the nature of the research methods. The leading method of describing the ethno-cultural universals of a literary text is contextual-semantic, since the actualization of ethno-cultural influence is interpreted in context. The contextual-semantic method allows explore ethnocultural constants in the following areas: 1) identifying and comprehending ethnocultural markers of literary texts by B.L. Vasiliev; 2) perception and interpretation of ethno-cultural constants in the literary texts of B.L. Vasiliev. Note that the literary texts of B.L. Vasilyev allow to form the culture of a reader’s personality.

Intertextual Character of Poetic Philological Discourse
The poetic-philological discourse functions as a linguocultural phenomenon in the Russian intertext. The relevance of the study is due to the consistent systematization of knowledge about philological poetry as a special type of discourse, a multidimensional analysis of the literary works of poets-phraseologists is carried out. The purpose of the work undertaken was to form ideas about the elocution of the scientist’s artistic world, that is, the materialization of the cognitive program, in the creative workshop of his philological experience. Poetry collections of modern researchers of the Russian language, specialists in the field of linguoculturology and phraseology, paremiology, and byword studies served as materials. On the basis of the predecessor works devoted to the Russian text, discourse, intertext, interpretative, linguoculturological and axiological accents are placed in the study of idiostyle, taking into account the professional position of the author. The methods of work included the observation of philological poetry and the description of its characteristic features, the systematization of the verbal tools of philologists-poets, analytical work with theoretical and factual material, deepening and expanding existing research on the specifics of Russian intertext and discourse. The main points of the study were the coverage of the intertextual properties of Russian discourse in the linguoculurological aspect, the analysis of the distinctive features of philological poetry in the conditions of intertext and in the interaction of creativity and science. The conclusions made in the course of the study determined the unique intertextual position of the poetic experiences of linguists, based on the shift of the center of poetic thought towards epistemological tendencies. In conclusion, the innovative nature of images, symbols, ideas in philological poetry is noted, directions for its further study, as well as the study of Russian intertext and poetic discourse, are outlined.

An Emotion-evoking Text in Cross-Сultural Aspect: Attitude and Evalution
The success of reading, including reading as a part of foreign language acquisition, depends on numerous factors, such as motivation, academic emotions, engagement in reading, etc. Although the necessity to take into consideration a reader has been pointed out on many occasions, the culture-specific paradigms of emotional situations and their role in learning have hardly been discussed. The current study is aimed at exploring an emotional response to a humorous Russian-language text by representatives of two cultures; its primary target is to identify similarities and differences in the reactions of Russian and Chinese readers to a short story and the behavior of its characters. The survey was offered to Russian and Chinese university students, who had to evaluate themselves as emotional or reserved readers; to express their attitudes towards using emotion-evoking texts in the classroom and to evaluate a story from this perspective; as well as to use a list of emotional responses to choose the options describing how they felt about the story. The respondents also added to the list to specify their feelings and provided some comments. The experiment showed that emotion-evoking texts generate interest, creating a high learning motivation, which goes in favor of selecting educational texts that not only present a target language, but also truly engage learners. The survey results revealed the similarities and differences in selfidentification through the lens of emotions and in the affective comprehension of a funny story, caused, among other things, by the nationally specific value systems of the respondents. Different proportions of particular emotions and different responses to the same situation in the Russian and the Chinese samples indicate the important role of cultural traditions and ethnically specific mentality. The characteristics of speech and verbalized thought observed at the emotional level of students of different cultural backgrounds should be taken into account by teachers of foreign languages.