The Image of Chelyabinsk in the 20th century British Media Discourse (1901-1950)
- Authors: Solopova O.A.1, Koshkarova N.N.1, Sibiriakov I.V.1
- South Ural State University
- Issue: Vol 13, No 1 (2022)
- Pages: 9-26
- URL:
- DOI:
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The paper studies the evolution of the image of Chelyabinsk in the 20th century British media discourse. The research proves relevant as it involves both linguistic and historical analyses; it aims at retrospective study of the evolution of the image of the foreign city in British media discourse over a large time span. A wide range of methods is employed in the study: comparative, diachronic, cognitive-matrix, cognitive-discursive methods, source study, and content analysis. The source of the data is a digitized archive of British historical media texts. The authors fixed nine variations of the city name. The frequency of modeling the image of Chelyabinsk is dissimilar: it is rather high at the beginning of the century, declines in the second decade, reaches its minimum in 1921-1930, and rises again in the subsequent decades, which is explained by the interest of the British media to industrialization and the events of World War II. Most of the newspapers and magazines that modelled the image of Chelyabinsk were published in the capitals and large industrial centres, which is explained by the peculiarities of British print media, a higher level of education of large cities residents, and Britain’s economic interests in Russia / the Soviet Union. The significant difference in the images of Chelyabinsk across the time is in their emotive load: negative images of the beginning of the century are contrasted to positive images generated in the latest time span.
About the authors
Olga A. Solopova
South Ural State University
Author for correspondence.
SPIN-code: 6992-0076
PhD (Advanced Doctorate) in Philology, Professor, Professor at the Department of Linguistics and Translation, Institute of Linguistics and International Communications 6, Lenin prospekt, Chelyabinsk, Russian Federation, 454080
Natalya N. Koshkarova
South Ural State University
SPIN-code: 3844-0536
PhD (Advanced Doctorate) in Philology, Associate Professor, Professor at the Department of International Relations, Political Science and Regional Studies, Institute of Linguistics and International Communications 6, Lenin prospekt, Chelyabinsk, Russian Federation, 454080
Igor V. Sibiriakov
South Ural State University
SPIN-code: 3918-4851
PhD (Advanced Doctorate) in Historical Sciences, Professor, Professor at the Department of National and Foreign History, Institute of Media and Social Sciences and Humanities 6, Lenin prospekt, Chelyabinsk, Russian Federation, 454080
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