Realization of the Patriotism Idea in Film Discourse Based on Russian Patriotic Cinema
- Authors: Anisimov V.E.1, Gafiyatova E.V.2, Kalinnikova E.D.1
- Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN university)
- Kazan Federal university
- Issue: Vol 13, No 1 (2022)
- Pages: 96-124
- URL:
- DOI:
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In recent years due to a significant increase in the interest of the Russian film audience to the patriotism topic and the emergence of a social demand for Patriotic cinema, there has been a significant growth in the film distribution share that affects the historical and social aspects of patriotism. The reflection of the idea of patriotism in the modern Russian film discourse has a number of specific structural and semantic features, which present an extensive representative material for linguistic and cultural studies of modern discursive practices. The purpose of this article is to identify the structural and semantic features of functional and pragmatic units of the small texts of the modern Russian film discourse (movie titles, synopses and slogans) in terms of representation of the idea of patriotism and statistical processing of the data obtained as a result of the study. The research material includes 21 Russian films released in the period 2014-2019, which are directly related to the idea of patriotism in their genre and stylistic orientation. In the course of the analysis, the authors define the concept of “patriotism” as a complex sociopsychological phenomenon characterized by a high emotional saturation of semantic and pragmatic categories of representation associated with it. This article analyses the main ways of representing the idea of patriotism in the modern Russian film discourse. The paper uses methods of semantic, pragmatic, contextual, linguoculturological and statistical analysis. The object of the analysis are the functional and pragmatic elements of the film text: movie titles, slogans and synopses. The subject is syntactic-grammatical and semantic (structural-content) features of the movie titles, slogans and synopses creation. Structural analysis of parts of speech and syntactic components of functional and pragmatic units of the film text of Russian Patriotic films allowed us to identify the relationship between the structures of movie titles, synopses and slogans of the films under consideration. A distinctive feature of the structural and content characteristics of the analyzed functional and pragmatic elements of the film text is their relationship with each other within this class of elements. The idea of patriotism in the functional and pragmatic elements of the film text of the films under consideration is conveyed by means of emotionally colored vocabulary, which encourages potential viewers to be proud of their country, the feat of its outstanding citizens, and also to feel part of a great country and syntactic features, such as the chopped narrative style and the presence of exclamation and question sentences in synopsis texts and movie slogans. The special significance in transmitting the idea of patriotism in Russian Patriotic films to the audience are played by precedent names, situations and statements aimed at activating the associative ties of a potential viewer and awakening in him a sense of pride in his Homeland.
About the authors
Vladislav E. Anisimov
Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN university)
Author for correspondence.
PhD, Assistant Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages, Faculty of Philology 6, Miklukho-Maklaya str., Moscow, Russian Federation, 117198
Elzara V. Gafiyatova
Kazan Federal university
DSc, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Theory and Practice of Teaching Foreign Languages, Institute of Philology and Intercultural Communication 18, Kremlyovskaya str., Kazan, Russian Federation, 420008
Ekatherina D. Kalinnikova
Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN university)
PhD student of the Department of Foreign Languages, Faculty of Philology 6, Miklukho-Maklaya str., Moscow, Russian Federation, 117198
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