No 3 (2013)


Category of Cognition: Its Content, Functions and Language Expression

Shalamov V.D., Gladkaya T.G.


Category of cognition is one of the most important cognitive, communicative, informational and logical categories. As a cognitive component it belongs to the system of language behaviour. Cognition might be investigated from different points of view. The foremost relevant interpretation of this term accentuates it is a confirmed result of current reality cognition. The article describes the most important specifications of cognition with complete reflection of its essence and functions.
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2013;(3):5-12
pages 5-12 views

The Term “Concept” in Cognitive, Semiologic and Discursive Research. Article 1

Fedulova M.N.


The term “concept” takes an important place in the cognitive linguistics despite of the fact that there are similar related terms the differentiation of which is one of the debatable problems in theoretical linguistics. The author points out that the background of concept emergence is based on the processes of conceptualization, which are supported by the basic types of metaphorical judgment (understanding) and associations which emerge not only from а cognitive experience but also from a functional activity.
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2013;(3):13-21
pages 13-21 views

The Correlation of the “Dialogicity” and “Intertextuality” Concepts

Orekhova D.V.


The paper deals with the analysis and identification of relationships between “dialogisity” and “intertextuality” concepts. There is provided the distinction of these concepts to their further use in the analysis and interpretation of texts which belong to different types of discourse.
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2013;(3):22-27
pages 22-27 views

Implicit Aggressiveness of Mass-Media Discourse

Buryakovskaya V.A.


The article deals with the issue of implicit aggressiveness of Russian mass-media discourse. The author comes to the conclusion that the main discursive markers of implicit aggressiveness in mass-media discourse are non-standard language usage along with agnonymic lexis represented by professional terms, barbarisms and occasionalisms.
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2013;(3):28-35
pages 28-35 views

Evaluative Utterances in the of Pedagogical Discourse

Gabidullina A.R.


The article is one of the series of publications dealing with the genre peculiarities of the pedagogical discourse. Evaluative utterances of a teacher are analyzed in terms of linguistics, psychology and pedagogical rhetoric. Special attention is paid to investigating such speech genres as praising and censure.
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2013;(3):36-45
pages 36-45 views

Morphological and Phonetic Alternations in Russian Noun and Verb Inflection Forms

Denissenko V.N., Barro Makhamadu -., Shuraeva E.L.


The article treats morphological positions and functions of morphological and phonetic alternations of Russian inflection forms, the regular occurrence of the alternations in expressing grammatical meanings and their role in the design of different parts of speech.
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2013;(3):46-52
pages 46-52 views

The Role of Borrowings in the Development of Swahili Vocabulary (on the Material of Arabic Loan Words)

Semenkova L.A.


The article deals with the problems of Swahili vocabulary development by means of borrowings from the Arab language. A lot of borrowed words and word combinations belonging to different semantic groups are being analyzed here.
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2013;(3):53-57
pages 53-57 views

Interior and Exterior Human Universe in Russian and English Paremiae Linguistic Analysis Essay)

Orlova T.G.


The article is devoted to the structural and semantic analysis of English and Russian proverbs, reflecting the attitude of Englishmen and Russians towards the interior and exterior human universe. The aim of the article is to show similarities and differences of English and Russian proverbs by means of comparing their phraseological meaning, inner language form and expressive and emotive connotations. The analysis of lexical components, syntactic structure, rhythmical organization of English and Russian proverbs revealed specific role of linguistic means in expressing cultural and national types of mentality both of the English and Russian nations.
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2013;(3):58-67
pages 58-67 views

Lexicographical Codification of Terms in the Plural Form

Kakzanova E.M.


The article is devoted to the investigation of the plural forms of mathematical and medical terms. The conclusion is made that the eponymic terms in the plural as the terms in the singular are absolutely independent terms.
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2013;(3):68-72
pages 68-72 views

Kulumba-Sutta: Excluded or Forgot? An Inquiry of non-Pali Canonical Excerpt in DhSA 91-92

Dr Aruna K Gamage -.


The articles treats a number of questions concerning the origins and status of Kulumba Suttanta (KS hereinafter) and the spiritual impact of the Pali Canon. It also involves a discussion on the topic of the authenticity and trustworthiness of KS, and whether it should be rehearsed in three Buddhist joint-recitations.
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2013;(3):73-81
pages 73-81 views

Photography as a Reflexion of Political Communicative Theatricalization: Semiotic Aspects of Communication

Berezin V.M.


In the article Soviet era photos of demonstrations and rallies are being reviewed from the perspective of semiotic principles of imaging as well as functioning of two propaganda streams of the time — game-play and pragmatic outdoor agitation.
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2013;(3):82-91
pages 82-91 views

The World of Things in the Conception of Childhood by Z. Prilepin

Guseva E.V.


The article deals with a number of recurrent images in the presentation of the theme of childhood by Z. Prilepin, a modern Russian writer. As the characters of his stories look at different things that surround them (such as toys, swings, fruit, etc.) their imagination takes them back to their early years which the author sees as a rather important period of their lives. These material objects take on a symbolic meaning that helps the reader understand the characters’ psychology and explain their behaviour.
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2013;(3):92-101
pages 92-101 views

Individual Graphical Means of Foregrounding in the Literary Text (Cognitive Stylistic Approach)

Dzhusupov N.M.


The article considers cognitive stylistic peculiarities of graphical means of foregrounding in the English language literary text. Cognitive stylistic analysis of graphical means is conducted on the basis of the text of the story by D.H. Lawrence «Lovely Lady».
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2013;(3):102-109
pages 102-109 views

O.M. Brik as an Ideologist and Empiric of “Russian Formalism” (Speculations and Chronicles)

Preobrazhensky S.Y.


The article touches upon a revaluation of O. Brik’s role in the forming of “Russian formalism” methods in all its numerous theoretical and practical aspects. It also includes the analysis of the results of two scientific conferences: Osip Brik International Colloquium-I and Osip Brik International Colloquium-II .
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2013;(3):110-114
pages 110-114 views

Z.K. Temirgazina. Selected Works in Linguistics. — Pavlodar, ECO Publishing House, 201. — V. 1—2

Krasina E.A.
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2013;(3):115-120
pages 115-120 views

The International Scientific Conference “Language Systemology: Towards the 85 th Anniversary of Prof. Gennady Prokopyevich Melnikov”. — Moscow, the PFUR, February, 21 st, 2013

Perfilieva N.V.


Международная конференция была подготовлена и проведена кафедрой общего и русского языкознания, НОЦ «Теоретическое и прикладное языкознание» и филологическим факультетом РУДН. Председатель оргакомитета конференции — декан филологического факультета РУДН д.ф.н., проф. А.Г. Коваленко, сопредседатель — заведующий кафедрой общего и русского языкознания д.ф.н., проф. В.Н. Денисенко. Рабочие языки конференции — русский и английский языки. В работе международной конференции «Языковая системология» приняли участие 51 человек, включая 16 зарубежных участников из 8 стран: России, Украины, Казахстана, Белоруссии, Южной Кореи, Узбекистана, Марокко, Мали, представители 26 университетов России, СНГ и дальнего зарубежья.
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2013;(3):121-122
pages 121-122 views

Computation Linguistics Seminar

Chulkina N.L.
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2013;(3):123-124
pages 123-124 views
pages 125-126 views

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RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2013;(3):127-128
pages 127-128 views

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