Issue |
Title |
File |
Mitochondrial DNA copy number level in the culture medium of human embryos as a factor in predicting the onset and prolongation of pregnancy |

Lisitsyna O.I., Makarova N.P., Krasnyi A.M., Ekimov A.N., Romanov A.Y., Dolgushina N.V.
No S6 (2013) |
Model building of cost for ambulatory drug insurance program |

Moshkova L.V., Permyakov Y.V., Korzhavykh E.A.
No 1 (2012) |
Modelling of inguinal ligament in the surgical treatment of recurrent inguinal hernias |

Mizaushev B.A., Kumishev A.N.
No 4 (2012) |
Modern approaches to administration of enterosorbatesfor treatment of acute intestinal diseases |

Tokmalaev A.K., Polovinkina N.A., Besborodov N.G., Popova S.P., Golub V.P., Barisheva I.V.
Vol 22, No 1 (2018) |
Modern approaches to diagnosis and prediction of course of urothelial cancer |

Salnikova S.V., Slavyanskaya T.A., Sepiashvili R.I.
No 2 (2016) |
Modern aspects of the treatment of HPV-associated cervical disease |

Aminodova I.P., Posiseeva L.V., Lebedeva M.G., Pogasov A.G.
Vol 28, No 2 (2024): CARDIOLOGY |
Modern assessment of epidemiology and complications of gastric and duodenal peptic ulcer disease |

Perehodov S.N., Milyukov V.E., Bartosh N.O., Krasnoperova M.S.
No S5 (2013) |
Modern concepts of management normal labor |

Orazmuradov A.A., Paendi F.A., Golikova T.P., Startseva N.M., Lebedeva M.G.
Vol 21, No 2 (2017) |

Ovsyannikov D.Y., Strutynskaya A.D., Kantemirova M.G., Karnaushkina M.A.
No 3 (2016) |
Modern opportunities in cosmetology at regional clinic |

Pozdnyakov M.A., Krasil’nikova O.N.
Vol 27, No 3 (2023): PHYSIOLOGY |
Modern osteoplastic materials |

Salekh K.M., Dymnikov A.B., Mukhametshin R.F., Ivashkevich S.G.
No 2 (2014) |
Modern principles of conservative treatment of pulpitis |

Nikolskaya I.A.
No 1 (2011) |
Modern problems of male mortality (on an example of the Republic of Bashkortostan) |

Fattakhov I.A.
No 1 (2011) |
Modern tendencies of reproductive process and the organization of service of obstetric aid in republics of the North Caucasus |

Badoeva Z.A., Salbieva S.Z., Yachyaeva Z.I., Djioeva I.A., Gogichaeva M.T.
No 4 (2010) |
Modern treatment strategy of gastroduodenal ulcer bleeding |

Schyogolev A.A., AlSabunchi O.A., Klochneva E.А., Azimova J.A.
No 1 (2016) |
Modern trends in perinatal and neonatal mortality in the Moscow region |

Konovalov O.E., Haritonov A.K.
No 2 (2011) |
Modification of immune response in women with genital and extragenital diseases |

Fominа O.A., Peshev S.L.
No 1 (2011) |
Modulation in cardiodynamics in women - operators of personal computers |

Tumaeva Y.A., Peshev L.P.
No S7 (2012) |
Modulation of activity of the suprachiasmatic nucleus neurons by orexigenic and anorexigenic regulators |

Inyushkin A.N., Mistrugov K.A., Inyushkina E.M., Belyakov V.I., Meissl H., Dyball R.E.
No S5 (2013) |
Molecular and cellular determinants in the diagnosis endometrial hyperplasia |

Shapievsky B.M., Pavlova E.A., Arakelov S.E., Ordiyanc I.M.
No S5 (2013) |
Molecular and genetic predictors of benign breast disease |

Pavlova E.A., Ordiyants I.M., Plaksina N.D., Sokhova Z.M., Pogasov A.G.
Vol 28, No 4 (2024): ONCOLOGY |
Molecular genetic signatures of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma and their changes induced by proton irradiation |

Jumaniyazova E.D., Sentyabreva A.V., Kosyreva A.M., Lokhonina A.V.
No S7 (2012) |
Molecular mechanisms of peptidergic regulation of pineal gland and thymes’ function |

Linkova N.S.
No 2 (2016) |
Molecular-based diagnosis methods of the endometrium hyperplasia |

Slyusareva O.A.
Vol 28, No 4 (2024): ONCOLOGY |
Molecular-biologic and immunohistochemical features of undifferentiated pleomorphic sarcomas |

Kosyreva A.M., Jumaniyazova E.D., Dzhalilova D.S., Sentyabreva A.V., Miroshnichenko E.A., Fetisov T.I., Lokhonina A.V.
No 4 (2009) |
Molekular-genetic markers citokines: population prevalence and communication with the multifactorial pathology |

Kalmykova E.V., Tikunova Т.S., Yushina I.А., Dyomin S.S., Sirotina S.S., Krikun Е.N., Churnosov M.I.
No 3 (2010) |
Monitoring microalternations the ECG-signal and the analysis the characteristic of flicker-noise |

Ivanov G.G., Dvornicov V.E., Maha M.A., Ahmed E.A., Elgaily A., Soula A.S., Prilutzkii D.A.
Monitoring of Neuromuscular block during emergency abdominal surgery |

Dhunputh N., Petrova M.V., Moroz V.V., Butrov A.V., Magomedov M.A.
No 1 (2016) |
Monitoring of regional indicators of morbidity, mortality and lethality Orendurg region population as result of vascular diseases |

Aprelev V.E., Aprelev E.V., Markelova E.N., Kalinina E.A.
No S6 (2013) |
Monitoring research of development trends range of preparations of acetylsalicylic acid on the russian pharmaceutical market |

Dremova N.B.
Vol 22, No 2 (2018) |

Nesterova I.V., Khalturina E.O.
Monomorphic type сlinical features of maculopapular cutaneous mastocytosis |

Kasikhina E.I., Nada A.Y., Ostretsova M.N., Zhukova O.V., Kochetkov M.A., Khanferyan R.A.
No 2 (2015) |
Moral lessons from Nikolai Pirogov or questions of life |

Abdulhabirov M.A.
No 4 (2009) |
Morphofenotypes of constitution in obstetrics |

Tomaeva K.G., Gaidukov S.N.
Vol 25, No 3 (2021): PULMONOLOGY |
Morphofunctional characterization of rat thymus mast cells after administration of magnesium orotate mechanically activated forms |

Chuchkova N.N., Smetanina M.V., Shklyaev A.E., Pazinenko K.A., Kormilina N.V., Kanunnikova O.M.
No 2 (2016) |
Morphologic characteristics of the biological fluids in abnormal uterine bleeding |

Zoeva A.R., Dikareva L.V., Ukhanova Y.Y., Tishkova O.G., Sluvko N.P., Ayupova A.K.
No 1 (2013) |
Morphological analysis of shape changes in human carcinoma cells in vitro |

Strelkova O.S., Gusarova Y.N., Savrova O.B., Alieva I.B.
No 2 (2014) |
Morphological changes of adrenal cortex and medulla during the first 24 hours after acute hemorrhage |

Yunyashina Y.V., Chekushkin A.A., Mozerov S.A., Myalin A.N.
No 4 (2014) |
Morphological changes of aortic subendothelial layer and internal elastic membrane in modeling of chronic adrenergic and cholinergic stress |

Rumyantsev Y.Y.
No 4 (2009) |
Morphological changes of the mucous membrane of small intestines of the experimental animals at the chronic alcoholic intoxication |

Yakovleva L.M., Krotkova O.S.
No 4 (2009) |
Morphological characteristic during third week experimental nephrolithiasis model |

Motina N.V., Lepilov A.V., Talalaev S.V., Polezhaeva S.A., Motin Y.G.
No S5 (2011) |
Morphological criteria of ptimary placental insufficiency |

Kuznetsov R.A., Peretyatko L.P., Rachkova O.V.
Vol 23, No 3 (2019) |
Morphological Features of the Burn Wound of Skin at Rats Against the Background of Correction by Stimulators of the Reparation of Tissues |

Azhikova A.K., Fedorova N.N., Zhuravleva G.F.
Vol 27, No 1 (2023): GINECOLOGY |
Morphological features of various variants of the course of scleroatrophic lichen of the vulva |

Kolesnikova E.V., Zharov A.V., Todorov S.S., Penzhoyan G.A., Mingaleva N.V.
No 4 (2009) |
Morphological state of lymphatic and bloods vessels at alloxan diabetes |

Abdreshov S.N.
Vol 23, No 4 (2019) |
Morphology of GFAP-Positive Cells in Male and Female Rats’ Cerebral Cortex during the Cerebral Hypoxia Development according to the Stress Tolerance Level |

Chrishtop V.V., Rumyanceva T.A., Pozhilov D.A.
No 4 (2014) |
Mortality analysis from acute cerebrovascular disturbance |

Mukhametzyanov A.M., Sharafutdinova N.K., Kireeva E.F., Pavlova M.Y.
No S6 (2013) |
Multi-criteria approach as the basis concept of formation of the product portfolio of pharmacy organizations |

Loskutova E.E., Sudarenko K.V.
No S6 (2013) |
Multifactorial mathematical modeling of demand for medications to treat bronchial asthma for the hospitals of the republic of Tatarstan |

Shakirova D.H., Fassakhov R.S., Kamaeva A.Z., Shubina K.A.
No 3 (2015) |
Myotonometry of patients with transverse incisor occlusion |

Bogaevskaya O.U., Peshkin V.I.
No 4 (2009) |
Nanohardness and young's modulus of tooth enamel |

Lebedenko I.Y., Arutyunov S.D., Muslov S.A., Useinov A.S.
No 3 (2011) |
Nashi avtory |

- -.
No 1 (2012) |
Natural nonspecific resistance in patients with primary syphilis |

Minasyan M.M.
No 4 (2009) |
Necessity of timely expose tuberculosis disease in modern condition |

Trifonova N.Y., Stakhanov V.A., Galygina N.E.
No S5 (2011) |
Negative impact of chronic pyelonephritis on the gestation |

Orazmuradov A.A., Boltovskaya M.N., Shmelkov A.V., Apresyan S.V., Nazimova S.V., Terentieva S.L.
No S7 (2012) |
Neurohumoral dysregulation of the pineal gland |

Pishak V.P.
Vol 27, No 3 (2023): PHYSIOLOGY |
Neurophysiological cognitive assessment and its association with neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio |

Rajprabha -., Sharma A., Sorout J., Kacker S., Jangid N.
No 1 (2012) |
New approach to connection of abutment and implant. pecularities of prosthetic procedure using LEONE IMPLANT system |

Kaplan M.Z., Romanova O.V., Bikovskiy A.V., Prokop'ev V.V.
No S5 (2011) |
New approach to forecasting and prevention of complications of gestation in patients with thrombophilia |

Putilova N.V.
No 2 (2009) |
New approaches to diagnosis intestinal dysbiosis of patients who have psoriatic disease |

Gumayunova N.G., Potaturkina-Nesterova N.I., Nesterov A.S., Magomedov M.A.
No 1 (2014) |
New approaches to prevention of excessive weight gain during pregnancy |

Pokusaeva V.N.
Vol 28, No 4 (2024): ONCOLOGY |
New approaches to quality control of drugs from the group of branched polymers on the example of dextran |

Marchenkova L.A., Safdari A., Uspenskaya E.V.
Vol 26, No 4 (2022): GINECOLOGY |
New aspects in the surgical correction of pelvic organ prolapse |

Vardanyan V.G., Alekhin A.I., Mezhlumova N.A., Pevgova G.Y., Alekhin A.A.
No 4 (2016) |
New aspects of the clinic, pathogenesis and treatment of algesis temporal-mandibular joint dysfunction syndrome in patients with psychoemotional disorders |

Tatintsyan L.V.
No 1 (2015) |
New effective approaches in compensation of health workers |

Borisova E.A., Savina N.V., Lutskan I.P., Timofeev L.F.
No 4 (2010) |
New form of the reducing treatment of patients with the vegetative disfunctions |

Polyakova A.G., Drubich T.V.
Vol 22, No 4 (2018) |

Hijazin V.H., Solod E.I., Abdulkhabirov M.A., Karpovich N.I.
Vol 23, No 2 (2019) |

Kang X., Kosykh N.E., Levkova E.A., Razuvaev V.A., Savin S.Z.
No 1 (2015) |
New medical devices for phototherapy of corneal diseases |

Drozdova G.A., Bikbov M.M., Khalimov A.R., Kazakbaeva G.M., Kharitono S.V., Halimov T.A.
No S7 (2012) |
New method of the mathematical analysis of spatial biorhythms of flora and fauna of the Earth |

Kharitonov A.L., Kharitonova G.P., Buzin V.B.
No 3 (2008) |
New methods for laboratory diagnostics and control of efficiency of therapy of allergic diseases |

Ezova O.A., Kylebnikova N.N., Alchinova I.B., Arhipova E.N., Karganov M.Y., Torshin V.I.
No 4 (2008) |
New methods of immunohistochemical diagnostic of tumor grows |

Babichenko I.I.
No 2 (2010) |
New methods of laboratory training performance |

Igumnova O.V., Shimkevich E.M., Ananuin D.A., Gordon C.B., Lukyanova E.A., Protsenko V.D.
No 2 (2014) |
New opportunities in the diagnostics of stress state in surgical rhinology |

Kastyro I.V., Popadyuk V.I., Blagonravov M.L., Grinchuk V.I.
No 1 (2010) |
New possibility of the latent disease detection in students using the screening method in programme «health»: introduction and efficacy |

Vyalov S.S., Kuznetzov V.I., Khodorovich A.M.
Vol 22, No 1 (2018) |
New predictive factors determining the clinical flow of oral mucositis in patients with plane-cellar cancer of oropharyngeal region |

Avanesov A.M., Gvozdikova E.N.
No 4 (2016) |
New psychoactive substances synthetic kannabinoids clinical and social aspects |

Suvorov A.V., Larchenko A.V., Kaurov Y.V., Suvorov M.A.
No 2 (2008) |
New technologies in treatment of patients with the got defects and deformations of a facial skull |

Gunko V.I., Khudaibergenov G.G.
No 2 (2010) |
New views of mildronate use for the prevention and correction of impairment of adaptive processes |

Logunova L.V.
No 1 (2009) |
New views of mildronate use for the prevention and correction of impairment of adaptive processes |

Logunova L.V.
No S5 (2013) |
New ways to overcome infertility problem in women of advanced reproductive age |

Ermolenko K.S., Gagaev C.G., Soloveva A.V., Rapoport S.I.
No 3 (2011) |
Non-fixation method of abdominal wall hernia repair |

Protasov A.V., Smirnova E.D.
No S7 (2012) |
Noninvasive daily termokarting of the brain in ischemic stroke at of the craniocerebral hypothermia |

Butrov A.V., Shevelev O.A., Cheboksarov D.V., Khodorovich N.A.
No 1 (2014) |
Nonspecific prevention methods of postoperative complications after treatment of hip and tibial fractures in elderly patients |

Verkhovod A.Y., Mel’cer R.I.
No 4 (2009) |
Nordic walking in the modern system of physical training |

Solenova E.M.
No 4 (2010) |
Normative legal basis for rehabilitation medicine |

Prilipko N.S.
No 1 (2009) |
Not indenturing ami on clinic was course intraoperative left ventricular rupture |

Tarichko Y.V., Veretnik G.I., Faibushevich A.G., Stephanov S.A., Baranovich V.U., Maximkin D.A.
Vol 25, No 3 (2021): PULMONOLOGY |
Novel approaches to increase resistance to acute respiratory infections |

Guryanova S.V., Kudryashova N.A., Kataeva A.A., Orozbekova B.T., Kolesnikova N.V., Chuchalin A.G.
Vol 25, No 3 (2021): PULMONOLOGY |
Nursing awareness of oxygen therapy among nurses at selected district hospital in Nepal |

Katel K., Gurung S., Gautam S., Bhattrai M.
Vol 26, No 1 (2022): PHYSIOLOGY |
Nursing process application in Nepal teaching hospital |

Katel K.
No 1 (2016) |
Nutritional status disordes and comorbidities in children |

Gudkov R.A., Dmitriev A.V., Fedina N.V.
No 4 (2009) |
Nutritional status of surgical patients, who underwent operations on gastrointestinal tract |

Bychkov I.N.
No S7 (2012) |
Objectivisation of expert assessments for developing the chronomedical diagnostic system |

Krasnobaev A.F.
Vol 28, No 1 (2024): DENTISTRY |
Obstetric, somatic and infectious risk factors for vulva sclerotic lichen |

Osipova L.K., Kolesnikova E.V., Zharov A.V., Penzhoyan M.A.
Vol 22, No 4 (2018) |

Chkhikvadze T.V., Bekreev V.V.
No 3 (2010) |
Of antiagregational activity of the vessel wall in patients with arterial hypertension and metabolic syndrome, who suffered from occlusion of eye vessels |

Medvedev I.N., Danilenko O.A.
No 2 (2015) |
Of target programmes on women's health and child evaluation welfare |

Mustafina G.T., Kul’mukhametova N.G.
No 4 (2010) |
On improvement of cosmetology care by people |

Guryanov M.S., Archipova N.N.
No 2 (2011) |
On rheological properties erythrocyre at sick of the arterial hypertension with dyslipidemia |

Medvedev I.N., Skorjatina I.А.
No S6 (2013) |
One hundred anniversary of the outstanding figure of home and abroad pharmacy professor Tatiana Ivanovna Toltsman |

Lopatin P.V.
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