No 2 (2016)

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The effective hyberbaric oxygenation in the complex treatment of pregnant women with high perinatal risk of chronic kidney disease

Orazmuradov A.A., Paendi O.L.


The given article presents the comparative analysis of treatment of 53 pregnant women with high perinatal risk suffering from chronic kidney disease divided into two groups: the main and a checking one. Common nonmedical and medical therapy was conducted in the checking group. The patients of the main group besides this therapy received courses of hyperbaric oxygenation 5-7 times a day, duration of each - 40 minutes. Pregnant women received 3 courses GBO. The first course was performed during 6-8 weeks, the second one during 16-18 weeks and the third course during 22-24 weeks of pregnancy. The choice of given terms of pregnancy was conditioned by important periods of forming uterine-placental area. Evaluation of treatment efficiency was based on data from phetometria, Doppler and cardiotocography, as well as morphological research of placenta. The research proved that the use of hyperbaric oxygen therapy in the complex treatment of pregnant women with a chronic kidney disease contributes to reduction complications connected with pregnancy, labor, perinatal morbidity, mortality complications and improvement of perinatal outcomes.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2016;(2):11-16
pages 11-16 views

Regional features of obstetric and gynaecological care in Russia

Mitkovskayia E.V., Kostin I.N., Smirnova T.V., Kuznetsova O.A.


The study presents peculiarities of the organization of obstetric care in regions of the Russian Federation. The dependence of the maternal mortality and geographical, demographic, economic, medical, organizational factors in the regions was analyzed. The main determinants associated with maternal mortality rate were defined. The power of influence of the organizational, demographic and economic factors on the maternal mortality rate was determined. The clinical and anamnestic risk of the maternal mortality was evaluated. The clinical features of pregnancy and childbirth, forming maternal mortality in different regions, were identified. The complex of priority measures to reduce maternal mortality in the regions was developed and implemented.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2016;(2):17-22
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Regional aspects of prevention and treatment of anemia pregnant: pharmaco-epidemiological study

Archegova E.G., Bolieva L.Z.


The results of the pharmaco-epidemiological study of actual practice of prophylaxis and treatment of iron deficiency anemia in pregnant in medical institutions of Republic of North Ossetia - Alania are presented. The discrepancies of physician’s prescriptions and current clinical recommendations were identified. 56,7% of hospitalized pregnant women and 16,8% of those during outpatient treatment didn’t receive any treatment, more than 70% didn’t receive prophylaxis. At the same time contraindicated drugs, irrational drug combinations were prescribed, the guidelines for duration of therapy and dosage were not followed.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2016;(2):23-27
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The outcomes of extremely early preterm births

Gondarenko A.S., Galina T.V., Markaryan N.M., Obukang A., Orazmyradov A.A.


The paper presents the assessment of neonatal and maternal outcomes of extremely early preterm births based on retrospective analyses of 74 cases.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2016;(2):28-32
pages 28-32 views

The awareness of postpartum women on the breastfeeding problems

Khamoshina M.B., Rudneva O.D., Zakharova N.I., Sojunov M.A., Lebedeva M.G., Lukaeva D.D., Esipova L.N.


Our objective was to examine the awareness of women, living in Moscow, at postpartum period after vaginal fullterm birth of main steps to successful breastfeeding and of actual international and local recomendations concerning its duration (exclusivity) and length. The results of the study showed the necessity to develop and implement to practice an effective educational programs for those who are planning pregnancy and getting prepared for birth because of their poor knowledges of mentioned questions.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2016;(2):33-38
pages 33-38 views

Breastfeeding practices after vaginal delivery

Khamoshina M.B., Rudneva O.D., Zakharova N.I., Sojunov M.A., Lebedeva M.G., Lukaeva D.D.


Our objective was to improve health of women and children by appropriate breastfeeding practices and developing в implementing to practice an algorithm of prophylactics and correction of breastfeeding complications.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2016;(2):39-46
pages 39-46 views

The effectiveness of medical care ectopic pregnancy

Gott M.Y., Semyatov S.M., Konnon S.R., Totchiev G.P., Demina O.A.


In presented article the analysis of efficiency of introduction in clinical hospital of algorithm of inspection of patients with the ectopic pregnancy which purpose was improvement of outcomes of treatment and reproductive health of women is carried out.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2016;(2):47-53
pages 47-53 views

Diagnosis of biocenosis of the vagina of women with recurrent miscarriages

Totchiyev G.P., Akhmedova A.E., Konnon S.R., Semyatov S.M., Sokhova Z.M.


We investigated the vaginal microbiome of 67 patients with threatened pregnancy using bacterioscopic method and qPCR of vaginal swabs, vaginal pH measurement, and FISH to evaluate desquamated epithelial cells of vagina in urine sediments. Vaginal dysbiosis of women with miscarriage was detected by evaluation of vaginal pH, vaginal swabs bacterioscopy, qPCR in 59,7%, 62,7% and 52,7% of women respectively. Gardnerella vaginalis associated vaginal dysbiosis was determined by qPCR and FISH in 14,9% of women. Enterobacteriaceae in urine sediments were highly presented in women with vaginal dysbiosis (54,8%) and pelvic and/or abdominal cavity inflammatory diseases (46,2%).
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2016;(2):54-62
pages 54-62 views

Early pregnancy miscarriages in Rostov Region. Technology for record of early reproductive loss

Bushtyreva I.O., Kuznetsova N.B., Kovaleva A.V., Milovanov A.P.


To assess the dynamics of early reproductive loss in Rostov region was used Form 13 for the period 2009-2014. After code O.02 which stands for attempted abortion was added to Form 13 in 2011, there was an increase in number of miscarriages in Rostov region before reaching 12 week mark which indicates previous miscount of early reproductive loss. It doesnt seem possible to get realistic results for the number of reproductive losses due to non developing pregnancy because Form 13 which is the only statistical document used to collect the numbers for early reproductive loss does not include a line for non developing pregnancy.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2016;(2):63-67
pages 63-67 views

Surgical correction of recurrent genital prolapse

Mitichkin A.E., Apresyan S.V., Dimitrova V.I., Slyusareva O.A.


Genital prolapse (GP) issue is important due to high prevalence, early onset and high rates of recidivation. The basic principle of surgical treatment of GP recidivation is an individual method selection for a specific patient. This paper presents individually selected methods of surgical correction for GP recidivation treatment. Timely selected surgical correction method of the prolapse recidivation is effective, reliable and affordable way to improve the quality of women's live.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2016;(2):68-72
pages 68-72 views

Possible orthoor heterotopic transplantation of cryopreserved ovarian tissue

Levakov S.A., Borovkova E.I., Gromova T.A.


The article presents information on the possibilities for the cryopreservation of ovarian tissue with subsequent ortho - and heterotopic transplantation in patients receiving cytotoxic therapy.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2016;(2):73-75
pages 73-75 views

Sexual function in patients with early forms of pelvic organ prolapse

Dubinskaya E.D., Babicheva I.A., Kolesnikova S.N., Dorfman M.F., Lapteva N.V.


Analysis of the sexual function revealed that dyspareunia and decrease the frequency of orgasm as sexual dysfunction symptoms significantly more frequently observed in patients with pelvic organ prolapse. That, of course, reduces the quality of life of women with early forms of pelvic organ prolapse.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2016;(2):76-81
pages 76-81 views

Modern aspects of the treatment of HPV-associated cervical disease

Aminodova I.P., Posiseeva L.V., Lebedeva M.G., Pogasov A.G.


Assessed the effectiveness of treatment of cervical disease on a background of HPV infection for inclusion in the complex treatment of photodynamic therapy (PDT). The results confirmed the high antiviral activity of PDT and feasibility of incorporation this technique in the algoritm of treatment cervical intraepithelial dysplasia (CIN).
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2016;(2):82-86
pages 82-86 views

Rational pharmacotherapy of uterine fibroids in their reproductive years

Galina T.V., Stykin Y.O., Ermolova N.P., Golikova T.P.


The article presents comparative research data to improve the reproductive health of women with uterine fibroids with antiprogestins, selective progesterone receptor modulators (SPRM) and gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH), depending on the size, location and clinical manifestations of leiomyoma. To evaluate the effectiveness of therapy was carried out clinical and statistical analysis of the survey results in patients with uterine myoma patients and analyzed the results of laboratory and instrumental methods of examination in dynamics during treatment and for 6 months after graduation.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2016;(2):87-91
pages 87-91 views

Morphologic characteristics of the biological fluids in abnormal uterine bleeding

Zoeva A.R., Dikareva L.V., Ukhanova Y.Y., Tishkova O.G., Sluvko N.P., Ayupova A.K.


«Litos-system» - as a method of laboratory study of menstrual discharge is up till now poorly studied, non-invasive, promising method of early diagnosis of female reproductive organs. This study allowed us to obtain an integrated assessment of both systematic and local homeostasis in abnormal uterine bleeding in women of reproductive age.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2016;(2):92-97
pages 92-97 views

An interesting case of metroplasty in utero-peritoneal fistula by vaginal access

Konnon S.R., Shalaev O.N., Shmanaeva I.I., Simakova N.V., Stepanova N.V.


The aim of this article is to describe an interesting case of metroplasty exclusively transvaginally in utero-peritoneal fistula after laparotomic myomectomy in nulliparous patient with scar dehiscence. A 32 year old patient with primary infertility was admitted with a defect, suspected by ultrasound (US) examination of pelvic organs and confirmed by hysterosalpingography (HSG) 17 months after laparotomic myomectomy.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2016;(2):98-102
pages 98-102 views

The prevention of development of sharp pulmonary damage in patients with the severe combined injury

Tyurin I.N., Rautbart S.A., Shurygin S.N., Salikov A.V.


The retrospective analysis of clinical records of 25 patients with the severe combined injury for the purpose of an assessment of influence of changes of volemichesky support on development of sharp injury of lungs is made. Monitoring of haemo dynamics and the volemichesky status carried out by means of technology of the modified PiCCO plus termodilyution (Pulsion Medical Systems, Germany). During the analysis it was revealed that application of haemo dynamic monitoring with use of a transpulmonalny termodilyution and the PiCCO technology, allows to improve authentically oxygenation index indicators, to reduce duration of respiratory support and a ball assessment of weight of a condition of patients, on an integrated scale of SOFA. From this it is possible to draw a conclusion that application of volemichesky monitoring of PiCCO allows to prevent development of the sharp injury of lungs (SIL) in patients with the severe combined injury.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2016;(2):103-109
pages 103-109 views

Preterm labour - a medical and social problem

Gace V., Olenev A.S., Kriuchkova D.I., Shuravin V.M.


Preterm labour is one of the most important issues of protection of maternal and child health, since it determines the level of perinatal morbidity and mortality. Despite the variety of tocolytic therapy, during its using polypragmasy is observed. To prevent or to stop preterm labor is not easy, and perhaps it is possible to prolong the pregnancy for only 2-7 days, and rarely to the calendar date. One of the most controversial issues is the method of delivery before 28 weeks of gestation. On the one hand the survival of these children is low (≈13%), on another - cesarean section is more sparing method of delivery for preterm infants. The most important parameter for evaluating the effectiveness of the obstetric care is evaluating of the long-term outcomes of the development of children.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2016;(2):110-115
pages 110-115 views

Forecast of development of gestational complications in women with alimentary-constitutional obesity type

Arshinova O.V., Kuznetsova O.A., Smirnova T.V.


In this review, there is the analysis of domestic and foreign literature on the study of mechanism and diagnosis of complications in pregnant women with obesity.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2016;(2):116-122
pages 116-122 views

Immunologic aspects of pathogenesis of endometrial disease

Babayeva E.I., Aryutin D.G., Novginov D.S.


Endometrioid disease (ED) is multifactorial nature of etiopathogenesis. Since the control of hemostasis in human tissue provided by the immune system, it is clear that the basis of violations of the timely elimination of the altered cells are the body's immunological disorders. Consequently, the basis of endometriosis should lie immune disorders. The article is devoted to the currently existing problems and controversial issues in relation to the pathogenesis of external genital endometriosis. The review presents the national and international research, as well as its own approach to the problem, the prospects and possible solutions.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2016;(2):123-126
pages 123-126 views

The modern concept of the pathogenesis of chronic pelvic pain syndrome induced denomyosis

Orazov M.R., Bikmaeva Y.R., Novginov D.S., Babayeva E.I., Aryutin D.G.


Chronic pelvic pain (CPP) is a significant public health problem affected women in the world. Although many pathologies are associated with CPP, the pain experienced is often disproportionate to the extent of disease identified and frequently no pathology is found (chronic pelvic pain syndrome). Adenomyosis - a pathological condition characterized by the presence of ectopic endometrial glands and stroma in the myometrium thickness combined with hyperplasia of muscle fibers [6]. The syndrome of chronic pelvic pain of endometriosis is one of the most urgent problems of modern gynecology [8]. The evidence reviewed in this paper demonstrates that CPP is associated with significant central changes women. Moreover, the presence of these changes has the potential to both exacerbate symptoms and to predispose these women to the development of additional chronic conditions.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2016;(2):127-132
pages 127-132 views

Vulvar dystrophic diseases in menopausal women

Blbulyan T.A., Klimova O.I., Pogasov A.G., Sokhova Z.M.


Dystrophic processes of a vulva were and remain a problem of both practical and theoretical medicine. Despite considerable achievements on the basis of highlighted fundamental medicine questions of an etiopatogenesis, it continues to remain not fully elucidated. It is supposed that more thorough investigation skin aging processes can conceptually change our pathological understanding, in this case dystrophic changes of skin of a vulva and vagina. Correction methods remain unresolved, although there is obvious progress in this field.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2016;(2):133-137
pages 133-137 views

The condition of reproductive system and ovarian reserve of women with tumors and tumor-like formation (long-term results)

Vartanyan S.L., Babaeva E.I.


In recent years there has been an increase in benign tumors of the ovaries from 11% to 25% of all tumors of the genital organs. This group of diseases occurs in active reproductive age with almost 60% of patients and has a significant impact on women's ovarian reserve. Until the present it still remains unstudied the effect of tumors and tumor-like formations of ovaries on ovarian reserve depending on the type, size, and surgical methods of treatment. The need for medical intervention in newly diagnosed asymptomatic cysts of small size is controversial issue, as well as the feasibility of surgical treatment when they have uncomplicated clinical course.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2016;(2):138-142
pages 138-142 views

Caesarean section. Unresolved questions

Markarian N.M., Golikova T.P., Esipova L.N.


This article deals with the problem of choosing the optimal technique of caesarean section, which effects on early and late postoperative complications and uterine scar in the future. The frequency of complications in reoperation far exceeds the risks of the first caesarean section. On the formation of a full scar is influenced by many factors, including the method of performing a caesarean section. The solution to the problem of repeated cesarean section can serve not only the frequency of the first caesarean section, but the possibility of delivery in women with scar (if opulence on the uterus through the birth canal.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2016;(2):143-149
pages 143-149 views

Gestational diabetes. Modern diagnostic criteria

Makhtibekova Z.A., Vasina A.A., Golikova N.S., Babich K.A.


This article deals with the problems diagnostic criteria ki different types of diabetes in pregnant women. According to recent randomized trials of diabetes is a serious medical and social problem as greatly increases the incidence of adverse pregnancy outcomes for the mother and for the fetus and newborn. On the basis of the latest statistical data rapid urbanization, changing diets, decreased motor activity, the tendency to postpone marriage and the increase in the number of age- nulliparous, and the growing epidemic of obesity and type 2 diabetes, increases the prevalence of GDM. The results of studies in recent years have shown the various schools that previously used diagnostic criteria for GDM need to be revised. Needed uniform standards of diagnosis and treatment of carbohydrate metabolism during pregnancy. The terms “diabetes”, “symptomatic (newly diagnosed) diabetes during pregnancy” and directly “HSD” requires a clear clinical and laboratory deffirintsirovki.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2016;(2):150-159
pages 150-159 views

Epigenetics and epigenetic mechanisms in myoma

Eseneeva F.M., Kiselev V.I., Salimova L.Y.


This article is about main modern aspects of pathogenesis of myoma, including epigenetics. The authors made an attempt to demonstrate the most investigated epigenetic mechanisms, perspectives of their researching and possible application in practice.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2016;(2):160-170
pages 160-170 views

Inflamation and genetic part in preterm birth realization

Musalaeva I.O., Makhtibekova Z.A., Kostrikova A.V., Efendieva Z.M.


This article about actual problem preterm birth, witch unknown to date. In this described main methods determination previous preterm birth, methods revealing chorioamnionitis on early age pregnancy. And also described link preterm birth with genetic markers witch may can using for screening preterm birth at women on early age pregnancy. That perhaps using to highlight the high-risk groups and timely conduct of their preventive measures.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2016;(2):171-175
pages 171-175 views

Molecular-based diagnosis methods of the endometrium hyperplasia

Slyusareva O.A.


Modern endometrium hyperplasia molecular-based diagnosis methods described in the article.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2016;(2):176-180
pages 176-180 views

Preterm birth in women obstetric trauma to the perineum

Kostrikova A.V., Musalaeva I.O., Dmitrieva E.M.


According to various authors, the frequency of preterm labor is from 5 to 12% per year and tends to increase over the past 20 years. Despite the constant improvement of knowledge about the causes and mechanisms of preterm birth, the world still cannot cope with the problem of premature birth, which has a much greater range of uncertainty. One of the most compelling reasons in the development of PR is cervico-vaginal infection refers to a vaginal dysbiosis. Dysbiosis of the vagina is one of the most frequent infectious diseases among women of fertile age. One of the reasons for the development of vaginal dysbiosis is the lack of anatomical relations between components of the pelvic diaphragm, which can occur during normal labor and childbirth with visible and invisible injuries of the perineum. Given the increasing frequency of preterm birth and perineal trauma in childbirth, identifying cause-and-effect relationship in this matter is relevant and pending for the moment.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2016;(2):181-188
pages 181-188 views

Determination of quality of life of patients (IKZh) morbidny obesity with the one-stage analysis of three questionnaires - SF-36, GIQLI and questionnaires of IKZh

Egiyev V.N., Mayorova Y.B., Meleshko A.V., Zorin E.A.


Nowadays in the world a great number of different questionnaires and forms for estimation of the quality of life of patients, including patients with morbid obesity, have been worked out and used. For the estimation of the quality of life we use three forms: SF-36, GIQLI and the original form for the estimation of the index of quality of life, worked out by us especially for patients with morbid obesity. The main group consisted of 26 patients with morbid obesity, the average age of which was 36,7 ± 0,3 years. The average weight was 125,1 ± 24,5 kgs (from 93 to 160 kgs), the average BMI was 42,8 ± 8,1 kg/m2. The control group consisted of 26 healthy persons without any comorbidities and morbid obesity. There are true differences between the two groups in all the blocks of questions which shows a lower level of quality of life of the patients with morbid obesity than the healthy patients. The analysis of the index of the quality of life gave similar results. The analysis of the three forms truly proves the difference in quality of life between the patients with morbid obesity and the healthy ones. These scores are different as for the total amount of points and the particular blocks of questions. Studying the correlation between BMI and the scores of the quality of life demonstrated that it doesn’t exist due to GIQLI. Due to the results of studying the answers in the form SF-36 there is mutual connection between the scores of physical health and the body mass of the patients. There is such a connection in the form “IQL” in the block of disease-specific questions.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2016;(2):189-196
pages 189-196 views

The microbiota of the female genital organs of women with pelvic inflammatory diseases

Nurgalieva E.V., Dukhin A.O., Gushin A.E.


Pelvic Inflammatory diseases (PID) is one of the most pressing and debated issues of modern gynecology. A special place is devoted to the study of the microflora of female genital mutilation, where there are many unresolved issues. This review presented the modern data of domestic and foreign researches of microbiota of female genital mutilation in inflammatory diseases.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2016;(2):197-201
pages 197-201 views

Prospects for the use of modern methods of drug treatment of uterine fibroids

Stykin Y.O., Galina T.V.


In the present review of the literature discusses treatment options for uterine fibroids in women of reproductive age based on current possibilities of pathogenetic therapy.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2016;(2):202-207
pages 202-207 views

Preterm Labor. Risk factors. Prediction

Khapova T.V., Olenev A.S., Vyhristjuk Y.V.


The overview presents the possible causes of preterm labor and the analysis of a variety of risk factors.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2016;(2):208-211
pages 208-211 views

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RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2016;(2):212-219
pages 212-219 views

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