No 1 (2010)
- Year: 2010
- Articles: 30
- URL:
Meningococcal polyvaccine on the basis of cleared IgAI protease
IgA1-protease allocated from the culture N. meningitidis serogroup A. As original materials were used three different intermediate products of vaccine production: cultural fluid, cetavlon supernatant and cetavlon precipitate. IgA1-protease was used to evaluate their protectivity and immunogenity. It was shown, that isolated IgA1 protease from the meningococcus serogroup A is able to protect mice, infected by meningococcus serogroup B.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2010;(1):7-12

Emoxypin effect on some of the immune protection indices against the background of introduction of first line eradicate medications
It has been noted in experiment on white rats that emoxypin reduces CIC-level and NBT-test and increases the quantity of Ig M, Ig A and phagocytes against the background of gastrozol introduction. Antioxidant reduces indices of phagocytosis and Ig M in combination with amoxicillin. In conjunction with klaritromycin introduction emoxypin increases Ig M - level. It has been shown no changes of investigated indices when emoxypin incorporated against the background of combined application of gastrozol, amoxicillin and klaritromycin.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2010;(1):13-17

Antagonistic activity of bacterial spore former probiotics in respect to mycobacteria species and susceptibility changing to antibiotics
Studies on antagonistic activity of three bacterial spore former probiotics in respect to mycobacteria species were conducted. The influence of spore probiotics on a susceptibility to antibiotics were examinated. Сell suspensions or sterile filtrates of bacilli were put on the medium of Levenstein-Yjensen, on which the indicator strains were seeded.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2010;(1):18-24

Role of natural antihypoxants in increase adaptation reserve of human organism
Influence of bioantioxidants to parameters of system of blood circulation: SaO2 and adaptable potential, was studied. The increase in a degree of saturation of haemoglobin and stabilization of fluctuations of SaO2 has been revealed. There is an improvement of parameters cardiovascular sistem, to what increase adaptable potential testifies.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2010;(1):25-30

The influence of electrical stimulation (es) of paleocerbellar cortex upon penicillin-induced foci induced in brain cortex of kindled rats
Electrical stimulation (ES) (0,25 ms, 100 Hz, 150-250 mcА) of paleocerebellar cortex (pyramis and culmen) caused the suppression of epileptogenic foci, induced in frontal cortex via application of penicillin solution (16 000 IU/ml) to male Wistar rats in three weeks from the moment of last corazol kindled administration. Antiepileptic effects have been pronounced in form of suppression of amplitude and frequency of spikes as well as in the net shortening of life-span of foci. Lower and higher intensities of ES did not cause suppression of focal epileptogenesis.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2010;(1):31-35

The levels of polyamines in autopsy materials of some structures of brain lymbic system and reticular formation of patients with schizophrenia
The polyamines levels in autopsy brain materials of 8 patients with paranoid schizophrenia with continuous progredient type of course of disease who died of pneumonia or sharp heart deficiency at the age of 44-58 have been investigated. The results of investigations of spermine, spermidine and putrescine content in 8 autopsy brain structures of patients with schizophrenia (frontal and temporal lobes, convolution of the cingulum, hypothalamus, thalamus, almond-shaped core, caudate core, black substance) have been demonstrated. The highest concentrations of spermidine, calculated per 1g of raw materials or per 1 mg of protein, were discovered in grey substance of frontal lobe, in grey and white substance of temporal lobe. The lowest level of putrescine was discovered in thalamus as compared to an other tested structures. The greatest concentration of spermine was discovered in black substance, in white substance of frontal lobe and convolution of the cingulum. It was established, that levels of spermine in grey substance of the frontal and temporal lobes as well as in the grey substance of convolution of the cingulum have been the lowest. Possible role of polyamine's interference in mechanism of psychosis development is discussed.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2010;(1):36-41

«Use of an electronic medical record system Medwork© in quality assurance of medical care»
This report presents modifications made to the electronic medical record system of «Medwork» from company Master Lab, using a quality improvement approach, to support these recommendations and office system changes. Although it is possible to make practice changes secondary to electronic medical record system enhancements, challenges to development and implementation exist.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2010;(1):42-46

Thrombus aspiration catheter in acute coronary occlusions
There were analyzed 38 patients with acute coronary syndrome with ST segment elevation. Every patient was revealed by coronary angiography to have an occlusion in one of the main coronary arteries. The patients were divided in two groups by the technique of percutaneous coronary intervention. In the first group (n = 18) after mechanical recanalisation with wire we used a catheter for thrombus aspiration. Furthermore according to results after coronary angiography these patients underwent either direct stenting or predilatation with further stenting. After mechanical recanalisation in the second group (n = 20) routine stenting with predilatation were performed. The reperfusion quality was evaluated by TIMI scale by the angiography and ST segment decrease during 30 minutes after the intervention. It was statistically proved that adequate reperfusion was achieved in the group with thrombus aspiration catheter.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2010;(1):47-52

Analysis long-term results of radical correction of the common truncus arteriosus with the high pulmonary hypertension by implantation of conduits for newborns and infants
The paper provides the results of studies of the clinical and homodynamic status of 25 patients who have successfully undergone radical correction of the common truncus arteriosus with high pulmonary hypertension by implantation of conduits for newborns and infants.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2010;(1):53-58

Kliniko-haemodynamic results after mitral valve prosthetics of heart, correction of the hemostasis by anticoagulants
Correction of hem stasis disbalance was contacted for 57 patients after mitral valve prosthetics. The average age of the patients was - 45,18 ± 1,14, duration of observation was 3,57 ± 2,8. OAC -Warfarin (Nycomed) was given to patients after PMV. This patients need constant correction of symptoms of failure and screening of the dose anticoagulant in accordance with INR (2,0-3,0). Insufficient hypo coagulation increased risk of thromboembolic complication: signs of trombinemia were noted. Correction of hem stasis disbalance included prescription of the course of low molecular-wight heparini during 7-10 days with simultaneous increase of the doses of Warfarini in order to rich INR therapeutic level during 3-5 days. Cardiomagnili 75 mg every day (n = 24) was added to patients hair risk development of the systemic embolism. Tendency of little bleeding was noted: three cases of gums bleeding, too cases of microhematuria one case of spitting blood.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2010;(1):59-63

Comparative efficacy of modern anesthetic techniques at bronchoscopy in children
The study, described in this article, was conducted on the basis of 45 bronchoscopies of children ill the age from 6 months till 14 years old. The aim of the studv was a determination of optimum anestesiоlogical procedure. The analysis of hemodynamic data, pustanestetie recovery and conscious mind activityof patients who underwent narcosis was made in different groiip of the patients, the result presented tallies I'licre are also given several charts of the anestesiоlogical procedures.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2010;(1):64-68

Analysis of errors and complications during surgery of patient with jaw deformities
The results of analyses of surgical treatment on 296 patients with deformity of jaw bones carried-out during a period of 2-25 years, established that all complications which could occur in the process of medical rehabilitation of patients with deformities of jaws can be divided into three groups in relation to the treatment applied: pre-operationals; Intra-operationals; post-operationals. After a long duration of time following surgical treatment certain, complications were noted: re-occurence of deformation (1,35%), dissatisfaction with aesthetic result (5,49%), damage of sensitivity of tissue in the area of convergence of trigeminal nerve (16,22%), occurence of malfunction of temporomandibular joint (12,16%). Results found show that the complex approach of treatment of patients with deformity of jaws used in our clinic affords a high functional and aesthetic result.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2010;(1):69-74

The pharmacokinetical aspects of nifedipine in pregnant women with placental insufficiency in the phone preeclampsia
In 55 cases of nifedipine usage it's pharmacokinetics and placenta permeability index (PPI) at 25 women of the main group were studied. Pharmacokinetical parameters showed that nifedipine usage at non-severe forms of preeclampsia with placental isufficiensy in the dosage of 10 mg every 6 hours makes equivalent concentration in blood serum. 23,2 ± 1,2 ng/mg is the concentration which gives optimal antihypertensive effect. The study of nifedipine revealed that it possesses with transplacental crossing. At the average concentration of nifedipine 10,8 ng/ml, PPI was 77% during repeated usage - 75% is reflection of placenta barrier functions. Pharmacokinetical investigations permited to reveal that peroral usage of nifedipine during labors makes low concentrations - 16,4 ± 0,8 ng/ml, this doesn't give the desired therapeutical effect. Thus, sublingual usage is more preferable. It means that observing of optimal regimes of introducing, dosage and differencial approach to it's usage helps to achieve the desired therapeutical effects and to prevent undesirable and side effects on mother and fetus. Regular nifedipine therapy in pregnancy associated hypertension facilitates effective blood pressure control and prevents hypertensive crises.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2010;(1):75-80

Itravascular activity of trombocytes in arterial hypertension patients with dislipidemia on a background fluvastatine
The purpose of this work was the study of irregularities in the blood. Patients were patients with hypertension and narushezhira. All patients were treated fluvastatinom.
We treated 32 patients with hypertension 1-2 risk 2-3. 26 people were in the control group. All patients were treated for fluvastatin 40 mg / day for 4 months.
As a result of treatment in all patients decreased platelet abnormality in many cases, the number of round cells increased (38,5 ± 0,15%). Reducing their varieties. Small aggregates of platelets in the blood decreased to 10,2 ± 0,16 to 100 platelet isolated, medium and large aggregates up to 3,0 ± 0,12 to 100 platelet isolated. The number of platelets in the aggregates decreased (9,9 ± 0,06%).
Thus, fluvastatin resulted in the restoration of the metabolism of lipids in the blood.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2010;(1):81-87

The track record of some echocardiography factors under the repeated angina
Infectious process development of the expressed syndrome is accompanied under the repeated angina endotoxicosis, reinforcement free radicals oxidations membranes that can bring about breach of the metabolism and breach function conducting systems heart. In article are presented results of the studies speakers some echocardiography of the factors under the repeated angina.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2010;(1):88-91

ECG diagnostics of left ventricular hypertrophy in case of left bundle-branch block
For diagnostics of LVH two basic methods are used: electrocardiography (ECG) and echocardiography. The problem of ECG diagnostics of LVH becomes almost insoluble at presence of left bundle-branch block. Echocardiography can't be used for screening of LVH.
It is set that size of ΔQRS in case of left bundle-branch block determines mass of myocardium of left ventricle: ΔQRS less then zero shows absence of left ventricular hypertrophy, more then zero - presence of increasing mass of myocardium of left ventricle.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2010;(1):92-97

Testing of indicators dispersive mapping on the database «the PTB diagnostic ECG database»
Work is devoted, studying in indicators of alternation of electrophysiological indicators of a myocardium according to a method dispersive mapping the electrocardiogram on a basis «The DIAGNOSTIC DATABASE of cardiogramme PTB» national Institute of Metrology of Germany. Obtained results shown perspectivity uses of dispersive method in distribution of group of a cardiovascular pathology and the acquisition of fibrous structure predicting ventricular fibrillation and ventricular tachycardia.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2010;(1):98-101

Thyroid status of children having hyperactivity and attention-deficit syndrome
The article presents the results of examining pre-school children diagnosed as having hyperactivity and attention-deficit syndrome, prevalence and types of dyslexic disorders, minor motility, hyperactivity as well as the information about thyrotropic, thyroid hormones and T-cohesive ability in blood and oral fluid.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2010;(1):102-105

New possibility of the latent disease detection in students using the screening method in programme «health»: introduction and efficacy
The new method of the latent chronic disease detection in students using the screening was invented in programme «Health». It was research in students from the different climatogeographic regions for the detection of gastrointestinal disease. The special screening questionnaire designed by us was used in the study. The perceptibility and the diagnostic specificity was studied and estimated. The efficacy of screening use for gastrointestinal disease early diagnostic was ascertained as a result of study. It was marked the significant spread of intestinal dysbacteriosis in students form different climatogeographic regions in adaptation period.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2010;(1):106-111

Electrophysiological feature of the preclinical stage of the initial manifestations of insufficiency brain blood circulation of decreed persons in Republic of Kareliya
To discover legitimate diagnostics methods of precerebral thrombosis diseases some actions were made: we learned physiological characteristics (electrocardiogram, tetrapolar rheography, rheoencephalography, ultrasonic dopplerography of cervical and cerebral arteries, transcranial dopplerography, electroencephalography of preclinical stage of the initial manifestations of insufficiency brain blood circulation, during the dispensary doctor's examination of decreed contingents in Republic of Karelia (workgroup - patient- military personnel, n = 108; control group - people in good health, n = 35). People with preclinical stage of the initial manifestations of insufficiency brain blood circulation were discovered disturbance of phase of repolarization and heart rhythm; normal hemodynamics type, double-sided high-to-low speed transition of bloodstream through the front cerebral and vertebral arteries, diffusive hypertension of head main artery with the loss of their elasticity in carotid pools and pulse blood filling in the pool of the left vertebral artery; diffusive hypertension of arterioles and brain veins; desynchronized and disorganized types of electroencephalography (concernment level < 0,05). We discovered the specificity of the electrophysiological indexes depending on principal etiological reasons of preclinical stage of the initial manifestations of insufficiency brain blood circulation (somatic vegetative dysfunction, osteologist of spine neckerchief), arterial hypertensia, cerebral atherosclerosis, sclerosis, obesity, depressive frustration). Doctors offered diagnostic toolbox for screening-diagnostics of preclinical stage of the initial manifestations of insufficiency brain blood circulation of military men: electrocardiogram, tetrapolar rheography by Kubichec (systolic index, specific peripheral resistance, systolic and diastolic arterial pressure), rheoencephalography (indexes: reographical, dikrotic, diastolic, Q_x, α, α1, α2) - for all etiological subgroups. Electroencephalography, ultrasonic dopplerography of cervical and cerebral arteries and transcranial dopplerography is reasonable to do because of the development of preclinical stage of the initial manifestations of insufficiency brain blood circulation at the background of osteologist of spine neckerchief, arterial hypertensia and cerebral atherosclerosis.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2010;(1):112-119

Role of the regular observed in cases of prosthetic devices use on dental implantates
The conclusion was drown of the necessity of effective educative work among patients with dental implants and inflammatory diseases of parodontium in those case history. As the result of the studies it was determined optimal timing for the regular observed those patients - four visits in a year.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2010;(1):125-129

Choice of the optimal method of treatment of patients with Mirizzi syndrome
Retrospective analysis of treatment of 53 patients with Mirizzi syndrome was made. Diagnostic algorithm included transabdominal ultrasound - 53 (100%), ERCP - 39 (74%). Surgery was performed in 35 patients, in 21 (40%) cases - after endoscopic intervention. Post - ERCP complications were observed in 2 (5,1%) patients, complications after surgery - 2 (5,7%) patients. Lethality was 3 (6,7%).
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2010;(1):130-132

Radical correction of the tetrology of fallo' by conduit after waterstone-coly for newborn patient
Tetrada of Fallot, is the famous one of a complex cyanotic congenital cardiac defects, which have a 8-13% from all congenital heart defects. This defect had a difference levels of defuses of infundibular stenosis and hypoplactic pulmonary arteries.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2010;(1):133-136

The factor of the immune status of the mouth at children
In work the definition analysis Lezocim in an oral liquid of schoolboys of different age groups with the phenomena cataral gingivitis is carried out. After treatment by anti-inflammatory preparations of a phytogenesis the quantity Lezocim has increased on the average in 2,9 times.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2010;(1):141-142

Metformin and local anesthetics normalize the immune and metabolic parameters in experimental models of inflammation
Chronic low-grade inflammation is a significant factor in the development of obesity associated diabetes. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the anti-inflammatory effects of metformin (lidocaine) and the related molecular mechanisms. In light of these findings, we suggest that metformin (lidocaine) attenuates the LPS-induced expression of proinflammatory and adhesion molecule by inhibiting NF-kappaB activation. The received results testify to ability of metformin (lidocaine) to decrease adhesion and modulation of apoptosis and PMN free oxygen radicals production. It was established that the inflammation development was accompanied with pronounced proatherogenic blood lipid and lipoprotein metabolism disturbances in association with insulin resistance, hyperglycemia. The drugs' effect: the inhibition of lipid metabolism observed in all lipid fractions (i.e. free cholesterol, free fatty acids, triglycerides. Lidocaine is a commonly used local anaesthetic agent which has also been found to possess anti-inflammatory activity in several disorders. Lidocaine has been reported to attenuate the inflammatory response in addition to its anesthetic activity.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2010;(1):143-144

The review of monography by Y.V. Kalinina, T.T. Beriozova, N.N. Chernova, A.H. Saprina «Oxidative stress and glutathione-dependent processes in cancer cell's drug restistance development»
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2010;(1):145-146

Our authors
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2010;(1):147-148

Pravila oformleniya i podgotovki stateyv Vestnik RUDN, seriya «Meditsina»
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2010;(1):149-151