No 4 (2009)

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Characteristics of cardiac contractile function changes in combined model of experimental arterial hypertension and acute coronary insufficiency after treatment with calcium channel blockers

Kasem K.Y., Frolov V.A., Zotova T.U., Blagonravov M.L.


The functional state of cardiovascular system was studied in a rabbit model of acute coronary insufficiency and arterial hypertension treated with Calcium channel blocker verapamil. It was established that the potential working capacity of cardiac left ventricle decreases more significantly in case of 6-week experimental model of arterial hypertension in comparison with acute coronary insufficiency, which affect more considerably the working capacity of the right ventricle. We also assume that the favorable effect of verapamil on the parameters of heart contractile function in case of arterial hypertension with consequent development of acute coronary insufficiency is linked to the preservation of right ventricle's functional reserve.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):23-28
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Chronobiology and chronomic (the international symposium to 90-year Franz Halberg)

Chibisov S.M., Agarval R.K., Frolov V.A., Kharliskaya E.V., Skrilev D.S., de la Pena S., Singh R., Fabiene M.


In July, 2009 90 years from the date of a birth of the great scientist of present Franz Halberg (USA) were executed.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):29-33
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Single local interleukin-2 treatment against transplanted and spontaneous mammary cancer

Moiseeva E.V., Shigabutdinov A.F., Chaadaeva A.V., Semushina S.G., Kessler J.V., Otter W.D.


Immunotherapy is currently emerging mode of breast cancer therapy as efficacy of traditional therapies seems to reach plateau nowadays. First transplanted generation from non-SPF spontaneous BLRB mammary adenocarcinoma (MAC) were used as appropriate mouse model to examine whether single local interleukin-2 (IL-2) is efficient against mammary cancer. We showed that survival dynamics of syngeneic BLRB males with early emerging transplanted mammary cancer (short subclinical period) taken from naturally arisen female mammary carcinoma could be significantly improved by a single IL-2 treatment (2,5 × 106 IU per mouse) applied locally two weeks after MAC cell inoculation. However, the same IL-2 therapy mode applied to later emerging tumors (long subclinical period) of the same average size of 5 mm as late as eighth week after tumor cell inoculation notably shortened the survival of tumor-bearing mice. So, both the fundamental significance and applied implications of biphasic IL-2 effect on mammary cancer growth was shown.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):34-37
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Forecasting pre-natal infected the fruit at pregnant women with the chronic current of the gerpetic infection

Lipatov I.S., Tezikov U.V., Santalova G.V., Valeeva G.R., Kondorova E.A.


The purpose of the present research was working out prognostic scales of risk factors pre-natal infected a fruit a virus of a simple herpes. Are surveyed 182 children born from mothers with a latent current herpetic of an infection, from them at 70 children took place pre-natal infected. The obstetrics and gynecologic anamnesis, presence extragenital pathologies, features of a current of pregnancy and sorts, age, presence of bad habits has been analysed. On the basis of the analysis risk factors have been revealed and the scale is made prognostic.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):38-41
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Over-the-counter drugs and self-medication

Okonenko L.B., Antropova G.A., Egorova E.S., Bryzhahin G.G.


The incidence of self-medication among the population of Novgorod region has been investigated. 100 persons have been offered to answer a questionnaire. 69% of the population are engaged in self-medication. It is necessary to inform persons when providing them with over-the-counter drugs, to warn against the unjustified using of remedies, to increase the efficacy of self-medication.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):42-46
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Seasonal emergency treatment of patients with bronchial asthma

Okonenko I.I., Revina N.E., Veber V.R., Tockmachyov M.S.


Considering the age-sex aspect we have investigated the data of bronchial asthma incidence among the adult population of Veliky Novgorod depending on how often the medical aid has been sought. The rate of emergency treatment (among BA patients of all ages) of male and female population differs significantly in each season of year, the frequency of emergency treatmeat of females being significantly higher than the incidence among males.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):47-51
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Assortment and marketing researches of medical products for treatment of the dysbacteriosis of intestines

Okonenko T.I., Okonenko L.B.


The dysbacteriosis makes heavier a current of many diseases. The most sold preparations in a chemist's network are Lineks, Bifiform, Eubikor, Djufalak. Relative density of the medical products used at treatment of a dysbacteriosis makes about 2% from the general goods turnover of a drugstore.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):52-57
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Some approaches to research of molecular mechanisms of action three-terpens glycoside

Nikolaeva I.A., Mineeva M.F., Kolhir V.K.


For the first time in one research were studied three-terpens glycoside (TG), different among themselves a structure of genin-three-terpen and-or a structure of a carbohydrate part. Direct influence studied TG on enzymes glutationreductase (GR), catalase (CAT) and NADFH-oxidase, playing a regulatory role in adaptation processes was defined. It is established for the first time that TG a various structure make direct, unequal impact on speed reactions of GR, CAT and NADFH-oxidase, differing on a sign and expressiveness of shown effect.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):58-62
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Development of ways of identification and quantitative definition new вas, wich shows antihypertensive activity

Nepogodina Е.А., Chekrishkina L.А.


In the Perm state pharmaceutical academy new biologically active substance (ВAS) - N-2(2'-methylphenoxy)-ethylmorpholine hydrochloride, shown high antihypertensive activity in test for cats is synthesized. The complex of researches have leads with the aim of development of ways of identification the method of quantitative definition in not water medium. Estimation validity of technique has bad on parameters: linearity of results, reproducibility and accuracy in analytical area of method. The results of our work have recommended for including in project pharmaceutical paper for investigated ВAS.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):63-67
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The structure of pyelonephritis agent in children from Barnaul

Micheeva N.M., Lobanov Y.F., Vychodceva G.I.


Authors studied etiologic structure of pyelonephritis in 95 children of Barnaul in the age of 1 month - 14 years old. As for etiology of pyelonephritis in children the E.coli occupies the leading place. It has high sensitivity to cephalosporines, aminoglicosides, which can be recommended as start therapy for children with infections of the urinary system.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):68-71
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Organizational medical technologies of work with patients: classification, experience of instillation in non-state health-care establishments

Mushnikov D.L., Polyakov B.A., Kukanova N.N., Krasnova S.A., Uglanova N.N., Sibireva I.I.


The article is devoted to improving the system of providing the technological aspect of medical aid quality. The authors offer a new classification of medico-organizational technologies of work with patients in the health-care establishments, and also present the data of investigation, reflecting the experience of instillation of these technologies in the practice of a non-state health-care establishment - the Ivanovo Interregional Ophthalmo-surgical clinic.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):72-79
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Medical and social aspects of burn injuries in Bashkortostan Republic

Muhametzyanov A.M., Mukhametzyanov A.M.


The results of analysis of medical and social aspects of burn injury according to the burn center of Bashkortostan Republic in 2008 were given. Among children who were in the Burn Center, the largest share of children of early age, among adults - those aged 50-54 years, 30-34 years and 40-44 years. The analysis of hospitalizations depending on the season was carried out. The classification of hospitalized patients with burn injuries was carried out by social status, by reasons, by depth and localization of lesions for thermal burns. The results are intended to improve the organization of medical care for victims of burns and prevention of burns.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):80-83
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Age of formation of narcotic dependence at patients of the narcological clinic

Minakov S.N.


Given article is devoted to the analysis of age of the beginning of the use and the beginning of regular reception of drugs by patients of a narcological hospital.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):84-86
pages 84-86 views

Cytostatic disease and lipid peroxidation

Mikulyak N.I., Mikulyak A.I., Goldhaur S.A.


We studied the state of LPO in the animals in experimental radiation sickness and cytostatic (cyclophosphamide and doxorubicin) disease. It is shown that the effect on the body of cytostatic factor activated LPO, increased level of MDA, decreased antioxidant enzyme activity. Last determines the feasibility of control LPO during chemotherapy and radiotherapy and adequate timely correction of lipid peroxidation during their activation.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):87-89
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Complex estimation of the state of health of agricultural population

Evsjukov A.A.


Ranging 40 municipal areas of Republic Bashkortostan on average for 2002-2007 72 by parameters of health of the population (parameters of desease, death rate, average duration of a forthcoming life, physical inability) is carried out. Areas are distributed on 4 groups on an average rank of 72 parameters, and a standard deviation of an average indice.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):90-93
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Stress-induced dynamics of erythrocytes hemolytic resistance at various types of injury

Mikhailis A.A.


In this paper the dynamics of acid resistance of erythrocytes (ARE) for various types of experimental stress were investigated. It was find phase character, stereotypes, sex and nosological nonspecific stress dynamics of the studied parameter. Dependence between the ARE dynamics and stress, nature of the flow and outcome of the basic pathological process were observed. The possibility of using the method of acid erythrograms as a way to study specific and nonspecific patterns of stress was proposed. The observed nature of the stress-induced dynamics of the ARE should be regarded as a manifestation of the erythron model reaction to injury.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):94-100
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Estimation of quality of life of healthy children in Barnaul

Mikhaleva M.A., Sklarova Е.B., Lobanov U.F., Ustkachkintsev V.A.


Research objective: to estimate the quality of life of healthy schoolboys in Barnaul. The received results: after research of all kinds of functioning was found out the decrease of emotional and role functioning of children, that gave the decrease of psychosocial functioning. After interrogation of parents, the statistically significant deviations from an estimation by schoolboys of the quality of a life has not been revealed.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):101-103
pages 101-103 views

Regeneration of the purulent wound at application nanooxidaised antibacterial mixed-preparations

Melnikov V.V., Iscanderov Z.M., Abdulaeva Z.S., Cazimagomedov A.S.


The article deals with the results of comparative analysis in treatment of purulent wounds among 89 patients by using nanooxigenerizing antibacterial mixed-preparations.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):104-108
pages 104-108 views

Character of changes of parameters of the obverse skeleton at the diabetes

Shereshovets A.I., Matveev R.S.


Measurement of parameteres of an obverse skull and some odontologicheskih parametres at healthy and sick with a diabetes of the first and second type is made. From results of inspection are revealed faciometricheskie changes at a diabetes, but the most expressed changes were observed in the bottom jaw.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):109-111
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Reactions of soft tissues on introduction of implants made from different metals

Trubin V.V., Lishtvan S.P., Mansurov R.R., Matveev R.S., Karyshev P.B., Saposzhnikov S.P.


The reactions of using implants made from different metals without covering and covered by linear-chain carbon were carried out. It was noted that thickness of connective capsule in the group of the experiment with covering was not significant and in the cases of all metals it was practically the same. The signs of inflammation are minimal; impregnation of soft tissues is absent.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):112-115
pages 112-115 views

Reaction submaxillary salivary glands on the use of drinking water with multicomponent composition

Kozlova A.Y., Matveev R.S., Karyshev P.B., Sapozhnikov S.P.


The article describes the study of reaction Wharton's salivary glands on the use of animals drinking water with different qualitative composition. Revealed that the high concentration of silicon increases the excretory activity of serous division, without a significant effect on the mucous membrane. Then, as high concentrations of calcium increased as the excretory and secretory activity of mucous and serous departments.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):116-118
pages 116-118 views

Biogeochemical aspects of faciometric's research of inhabitants of the Chuvash Republic

Matveev R.S., Ilina I.V.


The faciometric's researches results in this article, to a floor-chennyh are discussed at inspection of inhabitants of the Chuvashiya divided into three subregions of biosphere with the account before spent biogeochemical division into districts. Also the oral cavity volume by own technique and influence on the given indicators macroglossii is investigated.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):119-122
pages 119-122 views

Clinical-experimental experience of teeth hypersensivity correction by means of diode laser therapy

Mandra J.V., Ghegalina N.M., Dimitrova J.V., Vlasova M.I., Svetlakova E.N., Votjakov S.L., Glavatskih S.P.


The analyze of the result of the complex treatment of teeth attrition supporting marginal periodontal diseases with including of diode laser therapy based on the objective researching estimating of hygienic and periodontal indices, and the Digitest let us to speak about the efficacy of this method. During the using professional oral hygiene the reducing processes inside the periodont have proceeded in examined and control group. After diode laser therapy tooth hypersensivity has decreased for 1 year observation in examined group. In control group negative subjective patient's sensations were still staying in 33% cases.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):123-127
pages 123-127 views

Biorhythmical organization of diagnostic information-bearing parameters of human oral liquid

Maloletkova A.A., Shemonaev V.I., Motorkina T.V.


The present study is devoted to biorhythmical organization of human oral liquid parameters such as total volume, secretion rate, acid-base balance and stickiness. With the use of Cosinor method, a modeling of oral liquid average daily secretion rate was carried out. A definite temporary structure of oral liquid parameters modification in the range of circadian rhythm was detected.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):128-133
pages 128-133 views

Teplovision visualisation medicinal facilities and infiltrovannych by them fabrios at injections

Маlchikov А.J., Urakov A.L., Каsатkin А.А., Мichailova N.А., Urakova N.A.


Teplovizion visualisation of area of an injection after initiatings to subdermal-fatty cellulose solution medicinal of medical facilities of different volumes and the temperature provides safe and timely revealing post-injections iflammations.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):134-136
pages 134-136 views

Determination of tianeptine in urine

Lyust E.N.


The article deals with the forensic analysis of tricyclic antidepressant Coaxil (tianeptine). Various colored and microcrystal reactions and thin layer chromatography (both normal and reversed phase variants) are presented to identify Coaxil. Also HPLC-UV technique is developed for qualification and quantification of Coaxil in biologic samples.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):137-140
pages 137-140 views

Effectiveness of different oral vestibule correction techniques in preparation for orthopedic, implant and orthodontic treatment

Lukyanenko A.A., Kravtsova A.V.


For elimination of soft tissue abnormalities such as marginal muscular or frenulum attachment and compensation of the insufficient attached gingiva the correction of the oral vestibule may be necessary. Various techniques of its correction with or without grafts or other biomaterials have previously been described. This study is carried out to increase effectiveness of oral vestibule correction techniques in different clinical cases. Results: the maximum augmentation of the oral vestibule depth has been achieved after the Edlan-Meichar vestibuloplasty, but the substantial growth of the attached gingiva has been observed in patients treated with the vestibuloplasty with free gingival grafts.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):141-143
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Antidiphtheria immunity at children with allergic diseases

Labushkina A.V., Kharseeva G.G., Moskalenko E.P.


Levels of antitoxic and antibacterial antibodies against diphtheria were estimated at 151 children without vaccination and 152 vaccinated ones with DPT-vaccine and revaccinated children with ADT-M anatoxine (1-15 years) with allergic diseases (bronchial asthma, atopic dermatitis, pollynosis). State of antibacterial immunity not correlated with process of antidiphtheria medicines' vaccination, but depends on natural circulation of incinant. Risk group to diphtheria consisted of 1-6 years children, having the lowest level of antibacterial antibodies. Process of antidiphtherial antibacterial IgG formation is slower than antibacterial IgM and IgA formation and reaches their maximal level at 7-8 years, while IgM and Ig A - to 4-6 years.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):144-148
pages 144-148 views

Features of adaptation of medical college's students to process of training according to cardiointervalography

Savelieva A.V., Saburcev S.A.


It is lead studying dynamics of vegetative regulation of intimate activity of students of medical college during training. It is shown, that at students of the first year of training the moderate prevalence of a tone of a sympathetic department of vegetative nervous system is observed. On the second to year of training of value of an index of a pressure decrease, the share of sympathetic decreases too. On the third year stabilization of the studied parameters develops, and by fourth year of training some increase in a pressure of regulatory systems is marked.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):149-153
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The influence of Escherichia coli specific surface cell structures on the process of polycellular forms creation in liquid medium

Syroeshkin A.V., Buyanova N.I., Sokolova S.L., Shchipkov V.P.


Capacity of Escherichia coli strain bacteria containing F-like plasmids to create polycellular forms was studied. The influence of conjugative pili produced under genetic control of such plasmids on the efficiency and character of creating cell associates was shown.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):154-157
pages 154-157 views

Diagnostics of the hepatic fibrosis and cirrhosis in children by means of serum markers

Surkov A.N., Potapov A.S., Smirnov I.E., Kucherenko A.G., Chetkina T.S., Tatyanina O.F.


Possibilities of application of hyaluronic acid and type IV collagen levels in serum for noninvasive diagnostics of various stages of hepatic fibrosis in children with chronic liver diseases are studied. It is established that serum concentration of these biochemical markers significantly change at the expressed sclerotic processes in hepatic tissue. Hyaluronic acid and type IV collagen are reliable noninvasive markers of severe fibrosis and cirrhosis of liver, can be used in pediatric practice for specification of a stage of process in hepatic parenchyma at impossibility of carrying out liver biopsy, and also for an estimation of dynamics of fibrosis and monitoring of efficiency of therapy at chronic liver diseases.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):158-162
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Frequency of marriages and divorces in Republic Bashkortostan in 1984-2007

Soultanaeva Z.M., Sharafutdinova N.K.


There are has been studied frequency of marriages and divorces and their influence on birth rate in Republic Bashkortostan in 1984-2007 гг. Decrease of marriages and increase of divorces was accompanied by reduction of birth rate in the investigated period. Inside of the period dynamics of the studied parameters was non-uniform, the birth rate was the most unstable (С = 28,1%). Despite of direct strong correlation connection between frequency of birth and marriages, speed of decrease of birth rate above speed of decrease marriages.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):163-166
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The state of neuromediator system in course of complex treatmen of experimental intensification by ethanol

Slutchanko O.K., Baljasnaya V.A.


During the experiment on rats the influence of the overvein laser blood irradiation on the neuromediation in the muscular membrane of small intestine of the animals with ethanol intoxication was studied. The use of OLBI (overvein laser blood irradiation) in the treatment of ethanol intoxication during the experiments on rats in average three days after the modelling of ethanol intoxication enabled to reestablish precise indices, which reflect the state of neuromediation in the muscular membrane of small intestine of the animals. The analysis of the obtained data of experimental research enables to express the supposition concerning the relatively beamed influence of OLBI (overvein laser blood irradiation) on the vegetative nervous system.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):167-170
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Problems in the choice of the medical profession

Shurupova R.V.


The analysis of a sample of 127 questionnaires in Sechenov Moscow medical academy shows that the students and PhD-students have different motives about education in academy. The findings draw attention upon the way in which teachers look on motives of students to their professional self-determination.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):171-174
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Asarum europeum. Chemical compounds, pharmacological properties and application in medicine

Tschurevitch N.N., Markarian A.A.


The purpose of this study is determined by research of chemical compounds and pharmacological properties and application in medicine by raw material of Asarum europeum and the drugs base upon the raw material. In article authors report about pharmacognostic characteristics by drug raw material of Asarum europeum; chemical compounds, which containing in different parts of the plant and possibility by application freshly gathered and desiccated raw material in medicinal and homeopathic practice.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):175-179
pages 175-179 views

Prognosis of individual nociceptive response in dental patients

Shemonaev V.I., Efremova I.N., Maloletkova A.A.


Using data of multiple correlation and regression analysis we defined prognostic criteria of individual nociceptive reaction according to temperature, mechanical and electric component of this reaction. We took into consideration the patient's personal, vegetative characteristics and their chronoprofile. The obtained mathematical models make it possible to work out a prognosis of individual sensitivity to pain in dental patients.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):180-186
pages 180-186 views

The analysis of legal regulation of the additional health centre system of working citizens on an example of employers opinion

Shastin I.V.


The article provides the analysis of legal regulation of the additional health centre system of working citizens. The author shares useful information on this matter and reviews the opinion of the employers.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):187-190
pages 187-190 views

Features of territorial incidence of diseases of urogenital system of the population of Bashkortostan Republic

Sharafutdinov M.A.


We studied the rate of the population of Bashkortostan physicians-urology and the incidence of diseases of urogenital system, depending on the type of territories. Revealed that both primary and overall incidence of negotiability of the genitourinary system diseases is higher in municipalities with urban and rural populations than in rural areas and urban districts. However, the correlation dependence between the secured areas by physicians and the level of incidence is not revealed.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):191-194
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Food behaviour of a HIV-infected of patients

Sergeeva I.V.


The author has estimated a food of a HIV-infected of patients which is recognised as sufficient, but having errors which can be corrected individually and they concern, basically, frequencies of consumption of separate products.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):195-197
pages 195-197 views

Evolution, trends and prediction of mortality in Tver region

Sayed K., Ivanov A.G.


The article discusses one of the most pressing medico-demographic issues of the Tver region - a high mortality rate, which is particularly disturbing with regard to the able-bodied population. The authors analyze the frequency and proportional distribution of major death causes and attempt to predict mortality rates in the long-term.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):198-201
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Complex estimation of risks in hospital

Savinova A.V.


At the beginning of ХХ century a concept of «risk» appeared in our country, which since got large distribution and used in the different areas of human activity. As a rule, this determination is carried by subjective character. Thus, at the increase of role of man the problem of management risks does not lose the actuality. Especially it touches a health protection, where key figures are a doctor and patient. We analysed numerous factors, influencing on forming of the system of risks in hospital.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):202-204
pages 202-204 views

Devise are method Techniques of identification and quantitative definition nefopam and tramadol by means of HPLC its vadidation

Sarkisyan M.S., Lazarjan D.S.


The technique of identification and quantitative definition analgesic the central action - nefopam and tramadol with application of method HPLC is developed. It is spent validation the developed technique on following indicators: reproducibility, specificity, linearity, accuracy, a range. It is established, that the developed technique under all characteristics is valid and can be used for the chemical-toxicological analysis nefopam and nefopam.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):205-209
pages 205-209 views

The analysis of the somatic pathology of nowborn children from the herpes-infected of mothers

Santalova G.V., Valeeva G.R., Lipatov I.S., Tezikov U.V.


The purpose of the present research was influence studying herpetic infections on a condition of the newborn children who were born from a herpes-infected of mothers. 216 newborn children are surveyed. The akushersko-gynecologic anamnesis, presence extragenital pathologies, features of a current of pregnancy and sorts at women, a condition of somatic health of newborn children has been analysed. On the basis of the received results the structure of a somatic pathology at newborns has been revealed.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):210-214
pages 210-214 views

The pathophysiological approach in acute iridocyclitis treatment

Saltiyeva Z.D.


Increasing of the level of tumor necrosis factor and interleukin-1 antiinflammatory cytokines and B-lymphocytes pathophysiological changes, leuko-T-cellular index, immunoregulatory index are defected in iridocyclitis patients. The application of tamerit preparation along with the standard treatment allowed us to accelerate the process of normalization of clinical and laboratory indexes. It provided earlier recovery of patients compared with the methods of iridocyclitis treatment, accepted in ophthalmology.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):215-216
pages 215-216 views

The content of interleukin-6 in the oral fluids of patients with multiple myeloma

Sakhapova G.F., Gerasimova L.P., Kabirova M.F., Usmanova I.N., Masyagutova L.M., Rybakov I.D.


Complex dental examination of patients with multiple myeloma has been done. Eighteen subjects with immunoglobulin A (IgA) secretion and 30 subjects with Ig G secretion were entered into the study. We have studied IL-6 content indicators in the oral fluids and blood serum. The dependence of interleukin-6 (IL-6) indicators on duration of the underlying disease, and conducted chemotherapy has been detected.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):217-219
pages 217-219 views

Characteristics of somaticathions disoders by patients of gynecologicals hospitals

Reznik V.A., Gajdukov S.N., Antonenko V.S., Magradze R.N.


Psychological testing of 60 women hospitalized in a gynecologic ward urgently (uterine bleeding) and in routine order (uncomplicated endometrium hyperplasia) was carried out using following tests: Spilberger-Khanin test, Zung anxiety scales. High level of reactive anxiety and connected with it somatic disorders were found.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):220-222
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Polymorphism of genes-candidates and ehokardiographic indicators at pregnant women in norm and at preeklampsia

Reshetnikov E.A., Akulova L.Y., Dobrodomova I.S., Elykova A.V., Jakunchenko T.I., Churnosov M.I.


Research about interrelation of some ehokardiographic indicators of heart with polymorphic markers of genes angiotensinogen (-6A/G AGT) and chimasa (-1903 G/A СМА) at pregnant women is conducted at preeklampsia. Polymorphism associations -1903 G/A СМА and -6A/G AGT with increase final diastolic left ventricular at pregnant women are found the size at preeklampsia.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):223-224
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Thyroid status of children having hyperactivity and attention-defisit syndrome

Pervova U.V., Reznikova O.I.


The article presents the results of examining pre-school children diagnosed as having hyperactivity and attention-deficit syndrome, prevalence and types of dyslexic disorders, minor motility, hyperactivity as well as the information about thyrotropic, thyroid hormones and T-cohesive ability in blood and oral fluid. Hyperactive behaviour of school children is a crucial medical and social problem today. This problem is dealt with by various specialists, such as neurologists, pediatricians, psychologists and teachers. Such phenomena as variability, different clinical manifestations, varied methodology of testing children in order to define the clinical forms of the syndrome by different specialists leads to the lack of accurate terminology and objective diagnostic criteria. The data about the patients diagnosed as having hyperactivity and attention-deficit syndrome described in the periodicals are mostly concerned with children aged 6-11 [1, 2].Consequently the children of a younger age, adolescents and adults are not given due attention.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):225-228
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Influence рН environments on antioxydantes action chlorophylle α, contained in some food plants

Remezova I.P.


For finding - out of influence рН environments on antioxydantes action of a chlorophyll is investigated change of his maintenance in buffer solutions with values рН, appropriate to the environment of a mouth, a stomach and intestines. Results of research testify that appreciable decrease of the maintenance of chlorophyll a would be observed at change рН environments in conditions of oxidizing stress that specifies it antioxydantes action in conditions of model of digestive system during 30 minutes.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):229-230
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Functional morphology of heart at experimental influences and possibility of regress of destructive changes of the myocardium against introduction of preparations

Proshina L.G., Veber V.R., Rubanova M.P., Gmaylova S.V., Biykova O.S., Feodorova N.P., Gubskay P.M.


Extreme influence results in marked destructive changes of cardiomyocytes, rebuilding of cardiac parenchyma and stroma with the index change in their ratio and abrupt decrease of respiratory enzyme activity. Bisaprolol leads to regress myocardial distractive changes caused by cardiac failure.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):231-233
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Experimental research abilities guacarben to reduce atherogenic fats of blood

Ponomarenko E.V., Kotegov V.P.


In experiences on healthy rats and with a steroid diabetes influence of long introduction antidiabetic a preparation guacarben on the maintenance in blood of the general cholesterol, triglyceride and β-lipoproteid is investigated. Ability of a preparation to reduce atherogenic properties of blood is shown.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):234-236
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Probiotics in complex treatment of piogenic diseases of maxillofacial region

Polyakov K.A.


The piogenic diseases of the maxillofacial region are still of a high risk of severe complications. Therefore diagnostic procedures and methods of treatment should further be developed. The laser fluorescence diagnostic method is proposed for a quick and easy follow-up of the theatment and the use of probiotics for piogenic processes elimination in the wound resulted in faster healing and recovery.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):237-239
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Features of influence of smoking on the intimate rhythm variation in persons of youthful - of medical students

Perminov A.A., Kuvshinov D.Y., Rybnikova O.S.


In 50 young men and 76 girls - students of medical high school was variability of an intimate rhythm estimated by means of the program «Status PF». Results of the research have shown gender features of influence of smoking on parameters cardiorhythm. It has appeared that smoking more considerably influences regulation of an intimate rhythm at girls, raising a level of its sympathetic activation. During analysis of changes of cardiorhythm parameters in students at various duration and intensity of smoking it has appeared, that at smoking duration less than 3 years and more than 10 cigarettes sympathetic influence on heart cardiorhythm considerably decreases in young men and girls.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):240-244
pages 240-244 views

Тне health of children visiting preschool institutions in town orenburg (by the results of prophylactic medical examinations)

Pavlenko T.N., Murzyna Y.M., Katsova G.B., Shukurova T.O.


The results of the prophylactic examinations of the children visiting institutions of preschool education in town Orenburg are presented in this article for the period of 2006-2008 years. The predominating classes of the diseases of this category of the population are determined. The results of this research underline the importance of carrying out the improving measures among children visiting preschool institutions.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):245-247
pages 245-247 views

Teraherts therapy: new ability in treatment of a stable angina pectoris

Parshina S.S., Golovacheva T.V., Afanasjeva T.N., Vodolagin A.V., Gluchova N.A., Vodolagina E.S., Petrova V.D., Fedorova O.F.


For the first time there were studied clinical efficiency of electromagnetic radiation of terahertz range at the frequencies of molecular spectrum of nitric oxide (150,176 ... 150,664 GHz) (THz-NO EMR or THz-therapy-NO), the influence of THz-NO EMR on the indices of hemocoagulation in patients with angina pectoris. It was ascertained the positive influence on procoagulant link of the haemostasis system. There was established the dependence of hypocoagulant effect from the given render regimen.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):248-250
pages 248-250 views

Role of heads of bodies and public health services establishments in health protection of military men and military pensioners

Tolchenova E.A., Grigorenco L.A.


In RSMU is conducted research of a way of life and a state of health of military pensioners. The military service often makes negative impact on health. In disease structure the first 5 places occupy illnesses of system of blood circulation (32%), traumas, poisonings and other consequences of influence of the external reasons (18,2%), new growths (17,4%), mental frustration (7,6%), illnesses эндокринной systems (7,2%). In Penza the organisation of medical aid to veterans of the Second World War, the Chechen and Afghani campaigns is improved.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):251-252
pages 251-252 views

The clinic refraction rating of children preschool and school age

Vasilyeva N.N.


The work is devoted to the clinical refraction rating of 5-16 years old children. There have been got data about its aged changes in the period of preschool preparation and in the period of school studying. There has been revealed the fact that at the age of 10, 13, 16 the optic eye system has stronger tension that in other age periods.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):253-255
pages 253-255 views

Improvement of educational space of a medical university by educational training of physicians

Vasiliev Y.M.


Data obtained from sociological studies performed in Sechenov Moscow medical academy shows, that additional educational training of physicians (pharmacists) is one of the mechanisms of improvement of educational space of a medical university. Portrait of a professional, educational technologies and feedback are detailed.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):256-258
pages 256-258 views

Circannual oscillations of psychophysiologic indices in medical students

Urumova L.T., Khetagurova L.G.


The research of psychophysiological functions in 400 students 3-5 courses NOSMA at the age of 20-25 years, during the periods of semestrial educational activity in different seasons 2002-2007 was carried out. There were revealed seasonal fluctuations of time and space perception of chronotop and their correlation interrelations with bioelectric brain activity.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):259-264
pages 259-264 views

Use of physical and chemical quality of drugs in the role nonspecific factors of their local action of a tissues of female reproductive organs

Urakova N.A., Urakov A.L., Sokolova N.V., Nazarova L.A.


We show that the physical, chemical and physico-chemical principles of local action of drugs due to performance quality and may have independent significance for the achievement of therapeutic and side effects in female reproductive organs. Suggest ways and means of local medication influences that improve the effectiveness and safety of treatment of postpartum uterine bleeding and purulent-inflammatory processes in the female reproductive organs.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):265-271
pages 265-271 views

Clinical effectiveness of different methods for teeth erosions treatment

Danilina T.F., Tsertsek A.P., Tsertsek R.P.


Among non-carious teeth affections teeth erosion takes the main place. Many researchers state that one of the major reasons of teeth erosion is impact of acid. Clinical experience shows that treatment of teeth erosion without elimination its' reasons is not always successful. If restoration is made without taking into account etiological factors of erosion occurrence, it will lead to further progress of affection and early filling failure. This article presents results of three-years observation of effectiveness of using dentin-hermetizing liquid and nano-filled sealant in treatment of teeth erosion. Non-carious affections, teeth erosion, dentin-hermetizing liquid, nano-filled sealant.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):272-274
pages 272-274 views

Anterioposterioris changes of tooth alignments after treatment of myofunctional trainers of children with distoocclusion

Tsareva T.G., Kosyreva T.F., Laponikova A.V.


In work the analysis of indicators of length of a forward piece of tooth alignments before treatment myofunctional trainers Т4К and Т4А at children in a replaceable bite is carried out at research of diagnostic and control models of jaws.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):275-277
pages 275-277 views

Necessity of timely expose tuberculosis disease in modern condition

Trifonova N.Y., Stakhanov V.A., Galygina N.E.


The problem of necessity of timely expose tuberculosis disease, especially non-pulmonary tbc very important. In article was pick out risk group for tuberculosis disease.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):278-281
pages 278-281 views

Morphofenotypes of constitution in obstetrics

Tomaeva K.G., Gaidukov S.N.


The constitution of human and its morphological expression - somatotype is a determining factor in many physical and mental manifestations of human life. Constitution - a combination of morphological and functional characteristics of the organism, formed on the basis of inherited and acquired characteristics of an organism (B.A. Nikityuk, 1991, 2000). Morphofenotype constitution (somatotype, somatic type, somatotype) is the most accessible to study, relatively stable during ontogenesis and genetically determined characteristic of the integrity of the organism. Recently, our country has received widespread use method of determining somatotype R.N. Dorokhov (1985, 1991). So do not lose their relevance research somatotype characteristics of man, which significantly affects, in the future, to pregnancy and childbirth. The purpose of this study was to study the characteristics of pregnancy in women with different somatotypes.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):282-283
pages 282-283 views

Tables for scrining estimations of visual acuity and early diagnostics age maculodistrophy

Tlupova T.G.


Tables offered by us for visual acuity definition contain only alphabetic optotypes with prevalence of vertical strips П, Н, Ш, И, and geometrical figures: the triangle, a square, a circle, allow to define visual acuity to 2,0. The small 0,05 step of the table allows to carry out researches with accuracy that is especially important at visual acuity definition above 1,0. Unlike others, allow to reveal and estimate change of visual acuity for the purpose of early diagnostics of a pathology of an eye bottom (maculodistrophy, etc.).
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):284-286
pages 284-286 views

Adaptation of students with various categories of professional psychological selection to the conditions of studying at the military aviation institute of radioelectronics

Timofeyev D.A., Tsvigailo M.A.


Differences in adaptation of students with varied categories of professional psychological selection to the conditions of studying at the Military Aviation Institute of Radioelectronics allow us to manage the effectiveness of their professional training within the framework of psychophysiological assistance in the learning process. Functional state of the organism, military professional adaptation, functional system.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):287-289
pages 287-289 views

Preliminary data of an investigations of the influence weather factors on hemodynamics in patients with arterial hypertension and ischmic heart disease in traditional therapy and complex therapy with melaxen

Zaslavskaya R.M., Shcherban E.A., Logvinenko S.I., Tejbloom M.M.


There were investigated two randomized groups, suffering from arterial hypertension (AH) and ischemic heart disease (IHD), received traditional therapy (TT) and complex therapy (CT) with including melaxen (Unipharm, USA). All 31 pts registered arterial blood pressure (BP) and HR in the morning and evening. Correlation analysis was realized between hemodynamic data and weather factors, obtained from IZMIRAN. There were found 64 significant correlation in a group with TT. Atmosphere pressure, temperature, div point were influense in bigger grad in the group with TT. Sencitivity was the most to HR, registered in the morning and evening. Including melaxen in a dose of 3 or 6 mg produced decreasing number of correlations till 35. Melaxen caused reduction of influence of temperature on hemodynamics. There was not found an influence of dew point, direction and velocity wind on same status as dew point, direction and velocity of wind on status in cardiovascular system.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):290-293
pages 290-293 views

The telecommunication technologies in diagnostics and treatment of the cardiovascular diseases. online consultation of cardiac patients: the technological aspects

Zalilov R.Y., Veber V.R., Lebedeva N.A.


Technological questions of the organizing and conducting medical online consultations on telecommunication networks are considered.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):294-296
pages 294-296 views

Cytokines in antituberculosis immunity

Zakharova M.V., Stakhanov V.A., Mezentseva M.V.


This article is about some peculiarities of the immunity response to the m. tuberculosis. Mechanisms of influence of m. tuberculosis on the immunocompetent cells and response there of are presented. The role of cytokines in the antituberculosis immunity is revealed.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):297-300
pages 297-300 views

Efficiency of intra-articular ozonotherapy in the treatment of knee's traumatic injury in experiment

Zachvatov A.N., Belyaev A.N., Kozlov S.A., Piyanzina M.I., Kuznecov S.I., Leshanov A.M.


Posttraumatic arthritis in experiment is followed by overexpression of anti-inflammatory cytokines and imbalance in the exchange of collagen. It's proved that ozonotherapy in the dose of 5 mg/l reduces inflamation, prevents free radical destruction of collagen structures and stimulates reparative processes.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):301-303
pages 301-303 views

A quantitative analysis and characteristics of cardiomorhogenezis with babies at the first year of life died at home

Yunusova Y.R., Rozumnii D.V.


One hundred sixty-six dead babies in the age of 1-12 months were examined during 1999-2008 years in DGCB № 1 from Samara. 45 babies died from SIDS. About 82% babies died at home at first six months of their life, with top mortality to 3 months. There was sexual difference - 58% boys existed. Majority number of home death cases was in summer months - 49 babies (30%), top in august - 19 chances. In morphological investigation was revealed that the most constant symptoms in gross examination were hypertrophy left parts heart, ventricular index - 0,66 ± 0,03, and in microscopic examination fibrosis endocardi, hypertrophy cardiomyocytes in subendocardial lamina of left parts, hydrox stromae, local miolisis, dystrophic changes of cardiomyocytes were found.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):304-307
pages 304-307 views

Interrelation of antropometric, labolatories parametres of metabolic syndrom and dermatoglyphic features unde type 2 diabetes

Yakusheva M.Y., Sarapultsev A.P., Dmitriev A.N., Futerman E.M., Perminova L.R.


The aim of this research was to study the relation of anthropometric parameters of metabolic syndrome to dermatoglyphic features in type 2 diabetes patients. Having examined 53 type 2 diabetes patients we have discovered a firm connection between anthropometric, laboratories parameters and some dermatoglyphic features which shows the existence of an morphogenetic (dermatoglyphic) phenotype of type 2 diabetes.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):308-312
pages 308-312 views

Morphological changes of the mucous membrane of small intestines of the experimental animals at the chronic alcoholic intoxication

Yakovleva L.M., Krotkova O.S.


The digestive path is subjected to ethanol influence at a chronic alcoholic intoxication. The influence of different terms of an alcoholic intoxication on morphological characteristics of small intestines has been investigated. In 2 months after the beginning of taking alcohol in the following indicators increased: fiber height, the volume of enterocyte kernels, specific quantity of mitoses in basal layer of mucous small intestines. In 6 months the decrease of mitotic sharing cages was observed, at the same time the volume of enterocyte kernels both in fiber and in crypta increased. Thus, there is a decrease in regenerative ability of small intestine, mucous membrane of a in a tandem with the increase of functional activity of this department of a digestive path.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):313-315
pages 313-315 views

Spectral analysis of heart rate variability at the different types of hemodynamic of cadets

Schatrova N.V., Voronin R.M.


The article deals with the connection between the indexes of spectral analysis of heart rate variability and the types of hemodynamic of cadets.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):316-317
pages 316-317 views

Influence nootropil on experimental spasmes

Alikina N.A., Kotegov V.P.


In experiences on mice influence nootropil on spasmes has been investigated. It is shown, that nootropil protects mice from action korazol.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):318-319
pages 318-319 views

Economic efficiency in health system and methods of its increase

Arkhipova E.I., Grigoryeva E.G.


In this article presents two components of medical expenses: direct and indirect, and women sick of a syphilis before planning pregnancy, diring pregnancy, in different stages of a treatment process.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):320-323
pages 320-323 views

Action of seleno-organic compound on clinical strains Staphylococcus aureus

Babushkina I.V., Puchinjan D.M., Borodulin V.B., Rusetskaya N.J., Merkulova E.P., Drevko B.I.


The research concerns the action of seleno-organic compound 1-tetrachlorinephosphate-2,6-phenyl-4-(n-methoxyphile) seleno-cycloxan on 10 polyantibioticoresistant strains Staphylococcus aureus, exuded from patients with purulent complications of a traumatological and orthopedic hospital. It is revealed, that the compound concentration 0,1 mg/ml suppresses the bacteria growth 99-100% as much depending on the impact duration, 0,01 mg/ml is for 22-100% and 0,001 mg/ml is for 43-100% in comparison with the control.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):324-327
pages 324-327 views

Influence of lipid metabolism disorder on the formation of experimental gastric ulcer

Bagel K.O., Rogova L.N.


The article is devoted to lipid metabolism and role in mucosal protection and local resistance of gastric tissue in an experimental ulcer model. The experiments were carried out in rats (n = 34). Conclusion: small size of ulcer is associated with a significant increase of triglycerides level and decrease of fatty acids, phospholipids level in stomach tissue. Such lipid composition of stomach tissue increases its local resistance.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):328-331
pages 328-331 views

Functional aspects in complex diagnostics of chronic pain syndromes

Barulin A.E., Kurushina O.V.


In work new diagnostic approaches to revealing altical displays taking into account the psychoemotional status and parametres of an impellent stereotype are presented.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):332-335
pages 332-335 views

Characteristic of psychophysiological functions of deprived in hearing elementary school pupils

Belova O.A., Romanova N.A.


For the last 10 years there have been various investigations of motor skills, functional readiness and working efficiency development among children deprived in hearing. There was found a connection between school maturity and development of motor skills among pupils with different psychophysiological characteristics.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):336-338
pages 336-338 views

A short abstract of the article «medico-social anamnesis of the first aid in a town with the population of half a million»

Bolotnikova N.I.


The structure of calls of Astrakhan first aid brigades in 2008 reflects the total sick rate of the population of the town. Throughout 2008 the level of application for urgent help was equal to 337,9 people out of 1000. Among the reasons for such application circulatory system complaints occupied the fist place; the second place was taken by respiratory pathologies and the third - by injuries and poisonings.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):339-342
pages 339-342 views

The time and space organization physiological, psychophysiological functions and vegetative regulation of the sportsmen-sprinters

Botoyeva N.K., Lunyova O.G., Belyayeva V.A., Krasnobayev A.F.


The article contains the results of the investigation of the time and space organization of physiological and psychophysiological functions of an organism and heart rhythm variability of 35 athletes. It is revealed that the excessive forced training in the precompetitive period can lead to overfatigue, disadaptation and to decrease the sports productivity that requires the timely correction of the revealed infringements with the aiming at normalizing the adaptable possibilities of an organism.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):343-346
pages 343-346 views

Immediate-prosthetics actuality in modern stage of dentistry development

Bryncev A.S.


Immediate-prosthetics application after teeth extraction and appearance of included denture defects directed for acceleration and forming of prosthetic area in denture defects zones, that favourable for following prosthesis. This method assist in restoration of neccesary dentition morphologic, functional and aesthetic optimum for receiving prolonged stability of results.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):347-349
pages 347-349 views

The actual practice of clinical nitrition application in the hospitals of Rostov-on-don city and the region

Bychkov I.N.


The article is devoted to the problem of actual practice of clinical nutrition in the hospitals of Rostov city and Rostov region. The large reserve in application of clinical nutrition - its use in preoperative period. Defects of nutritional support quality are due to absence of necessary knowledge about dietology among medical personnel. Cost saving tactics - total enteral nutrition of those patients who are on tube feeding or on diet therapy (surgical diets 1, 2, 3). Inclusion of enteral nutrition in all medical standards for the patients with nutritional deficit.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):350-354
pages 350-354 views

Nutritional status of surgical patients, who underwent operations on gastrointestinal tract

Bychkov I.N.


The article is devoted to the problem of nutritional insufficiency among surgical patients at admission and after operation. In 7 days after operation about 44% of patients had nutritional insufficiency medium and severe degree. Indicators of somatic and visceral protein pool decreased in all patients in 7 days after operation, but only changes of body weight, albumin and hematocrit had statistically significant difference.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):355-357
pages 355-357 views

The estimation of functional reserves of organism of children and teenagers health

Chekalova N.G., Silkin U.R., Shaposhnicova M.V., Chekalova S.А., Bogomolova Е.S., Glushenkova D.A., Sсherbaneva M.S.


The unified methodic of level of functional reserves as the basic indicator of children and teenagers health was represented. Age-sexual standards of functional reserves of children and teenagers 5-18 years were determinated. The 5-step algorithm of functional reserves of estimation that provide donosological diagnostics and prophylactic program was established. Estimation of functional reserves of children and teenagers, screening diagnostics, functional tests, age-sexual standards of functional reserves, donosological diagnostics.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):358-362
pages 358-362 views

Oral cavity state estimation of patients with gastric and duodenal ulcer

Chemikosova T.S., Bashirova T.V.


Patients with gastric and duodenal ulcer have passed dental examination and chronic parodontal treatment with usage of lyophilized kumyss lactic acid bacillus and bismuth preparation. Measure time course of dental health (PHP, PMA, OHI-S, CPITN) in 1 and 6 months is positive.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):363-365
pages 363-365 views

The effect of magnesium containing composition on lipid peroxidation in the blood and stomach tissues in its experimental erosive and ulcerative lesions

Chemordakova N.V., Rogova L.N.


Lipid peroxidation in the site of the ulcered tissues and red blood cells from portal and subclavian veins increases in 7 days from modeling acetic gastric ulcers in rats. diene conjugate and malon dialdehyde level most evidently reduces in the injured tissues and less decreases in red blood cells under influence of magnesium containing composition. Catalase activity rises to the maximum in the blood but not in the tissues.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):366-369
pages 366-369 views

Genetic and morphological factors of nephritic survival rate

Churnosov M.I., Dolzhikov A.A., Kalmykova E.V., Aristova I.K., Vaschilin V.S., Nesterov V.G.


The present research is devoted studying of influence of genetic and morphological factors on nephritic survival rate. Interrelation VNTR of polymorphism IL-1Ra with the accelerated falling of function of kidneys is revealed. The factors reducing nephritic survival rate are established: allelic variations -889C IL-1А, -592A IL-10, presence of an arterial hypertensia throughout chronic glomerulonephritis, and also a combination allelic variation -511T IL-1B, presence nefrotic a syndrome and an arterial hypertensia in current chronic glomerulonephritis.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):370-371
pages 370-371 views

Estimation of physical development on recurrent haemartrosis at the hemophilia

Davidkin I.L., Kosiakova Y.A., Kartamisheva L.V., Sizonenko Y.V., Kurtov I.V., Gricenko T.A., Noskova M.C.


In work the data on interrelation of parameters of physical development and expressiveness of inflammatory changes in joints are submitted according to clinical and termografical researches at patients with a hemophilia.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):372-374
pages 372-374 views

Repeat endodontic treatment in cases of use pastes root seals

Dmitrieva L.A., Butenko I.V., Kleshenko A.V., Zuzina T.V.


The findings established that a variety of paste can be effectively removed from the root canal with endodontic instruments. As with the removal of gutta-percha, crown of the root canal must use the tools of big taper, mainly bora (Gates-Glidden), as well as (Orifice Shapers) or files GT (Dentsplay-Maylifer; DentsplyMaillefer). Correct application of endodontic instruments can reduce the duration of the procedure and create good access to the deep parts of the root canal.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):375-377
pages 375-377 views

Synthesis and anaigetical activity of derivatives of 1-indolilethil-3-pirrolin-2-ones

Dozmorova N.V., Gein V.L., Kasimova N.N., Varkentin L.I., Syropyatov B.Y., Danilova N.V.


Interaction of methyl esters of acylpyruvic acides with mixture of aromatic aldehyde and tryptamine or 5-methoxytryptamine leads to 5-aryl-4-acyl-3-hydroxy-1-[2-(3-indolil)-ethyl)-2,5-dihydropyrrol-2-ones (I). The compounds (I) were transformed to 3,4-diaryl-1,4,5,6-tetrahydro-6-oxo-5-(2-(3-indolil)-ethyl)pyrrolo[3,4-c]pyrazoles (II) by reaction with hydrazine-hydrate. The structure of received compounds is established. The analgetical activity of compounds (I б-е) and (II) is investigated.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):378-380
pages 378-380 views

The change of the concomitant systems of POL, AOS and hemostasis in vascular complications forming under the experimental diabetes mellitus and their antioxidant correction

Dzugkoev S.G., Khetagurova L.G., Dzugkoeva F.S.


In ESD experimental diabetes mellitus on the background of vitamin E and mildronate introduction, an activation of amino acid system: SOD and catalaza and decrease of MDA content in erythrocytes. Normalization of POL on the background of vitamin E and mildronate leads to improvement of a pro-coagulant chain in homeostasis and fibrinolytic blood system.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):381-384
pages 381-384 views

Efficiency of use intraosseus infusion of natrium hydrochlorite 0,03% in the therapy of chronic traumatic osteomyelitis of the lower jaw during the early period

Efimov Y.V., Yarygina E.N., Efimova E.Y., Maksyutin I.A., Dmitrienko D.S., Dolgova I.V., Moukhaev K.K., Ivanov P.V., Stomatov A.V., Gribovskaya Y.V.


45 patients with traumatic osteomyelitis of lower jaw were divided into two groups. We used standard surgical treatment in the first group (29 patients, 64,4%). Complex therapy of the second group (16 patients, 35,6%) were suppelmented with intraosseous infusion of natrium hypochlorite 0,03%. The results of our investigations allow us to speak about enhancement of efficiency in the treatment of chronoc traumatic osteomyelitis.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):385-386
pages 385-386 views

The analysis of medical-demographic exponent for organization preventive meintenance

Efimova O.S.


Epidemiologic situation in the world on cardiovascular pathologies it is characterized by universal prevalence and high morbidity. The analysis of medical-demographic data has allowed receiving the information in cases of diseases, to carry out epidemiologic monitoring a situation, to develop and apply preventive action.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):387-389
pages 387-389 views

About experience of multidiscipline team in supervising patients, being strucked by hard infringement of brain blood circulation

Epelman B.V.


In article the operational experience of the new form of rendering of medical aid to the patients who have transferred sharp infringement of brain blood circulation is resulted: treatment in-home the multidisciplinary brigade including doctors, psychologists, the average medical personnel and social workers. The detailed characteristic of treated patients, volume of the rendered services is resulted, efficiency of treatment is estimated.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):390-394
pages 390-394 views

The estimatin of leves of bioamines in the blood cells by infuzion ozone therapy at patients with parodontitis

Epifanova Y.V., Hitrov V.Y., Avanesov A.M.


Here are the results of studying the levels of histamine, serotonin and catecholamines of the blood cells by infusion ozone therapy at patients with parodontitis. It is established that the bioamines in the blood cells is depended on sex and age of a patient, a stage and intensity of inflammatory process.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):395-397
pages 395-397 views

Results of application of «Proroot МТА» in therapeutic and surgical practice

Filippova E.A., Lukyanenko A.A.


The studies of material «ProRoot MTA» in vitro, in vivo have revealed its conformity to requirements for an ideal material. These properties cause a wide spectrum of indications for application of «ProRoot MTA». In this article two studies of this material used in the biological method of treatment of pulpitis of permanent teeth and retrograde filling of teeth with destructive periapical processes are described. Results: material «ProRoot МТА» can be recommended in ambulatory practice in different clinical situations taking into account indications for its application.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):398-400
pages 398-400 views

Reological and biochemical indexes of lymph at alloxan diabetes

Abdreshov S.N., Bulekbayeva L.E., Balkhybekova A.O.


In the present research their biochemical indicators were studied reologiq properties of a lymph and blood, and also at experimental aloksanov a diabetes at rats. Has been received at rats aloksanov a diabetes of 1st type, with absolute insulin insufficiency with glucose level in blood 20,5 ± 2,7 mmol/l. On this background increase of speed of a fibrillation and a lymph, their viscosity, shift рН a lymph and blood in the sour party, increase hematocrit, with number increase erythrocytes and thrombocytes in blood are found out. Infringements not only a carbohydrate exchange in a lymph, but also albuminous and accumulation in a lymph of end-products of a nitrogenous exchange were observed.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):401-404
pages 401-404 views

The impact of smoking and somatic abnormalities on mineralizing action of oral fluids

Golub A.A., Chemikosova T.S., Gulyaeva O.A.


The purpose of the investigation was to study dependence of the mineralizing action of oral fluids on smoking and somatic abnormalities. The assessment of the microcristalizing action of saliva taken from the students with somatic pathology and without it, non smokers and smokers with various duration of smoking was performed. Direct correlation between microcristalization degree of saliva, fact and duration of smoking, the presence of somatic abnormalities has been detected.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):405-408
pages 405-408 views

Parameters of stress reactivity and no metabolism in persons with various capacity for cerebrum work

Kuvshinov D.Y., Tarasenko N.P., Tarasenko A.A., Barbarash N.A.


In this investigation it was determined that in youthful age persons high capacity for cerebrum work combines with high functional mobility parametres and NO metabolites concentration in expired air condensate, an in male persons - with high stressreactivity level and more number of coronary behavioral type A persons.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):409-412
pages 409-412 views

Results of treatment patients with tibial shaft fractures by combined stabil osteosynthesis

Kuvshinkin A.A., Morozov V.P., Edijev M.S., Gаваtкin A.I.


The tibial shaft fractures are 60% among all long bones fractures. The treatment is still most important problem of modern traumatology. The innovated method of combined osteosynthesis of the tibia by screws and external fixation apparatus allows to optimise biomechanical conditions of consolidation and to carry out functional rheabilitation during early postoperative period. The performed biomechanical researches have shown reliability of this kind of fixation. The method was applied at the treatment of 54 patients. The good functional results were achieved in 100% of patients. The assesment was based on clinical findings, X-ray picture pattern. Complications were not observed in any case.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):413-416
pages 413-416 views

Comparative estimation of influence 3-oxipiridin acetyicysteinate and ambiol on myelosupression cyclophosphamide at mice with lewis lung carcinoma

Kulikov O.A., Siprоv А.V., Kuznetsova V.A.


It is shown, that in experiment in mice of line С57BL/6 with Lewis lung carcinoma 3-oxipiridinacetylcysteinat (3-OPC) and ambiol reduce myelosupression of the cyclophosphamide, not reducing its antitumor efficiency with respect to primary tumorous knot. The 3-OPC more effectively than ambiol restores erythroid cells of the marrow.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):417-420
pages 417-420 views

Efficiency of treatment by acenocoumarol in patients with permanent form of atrial fibrillation, with using models of personalized medicine

Kukes I.V., Shan V.N.


Acenocoumarol is the global standard of anticoagulant therapy, but often treatment with acenocoumarol accompanied by adverse drug reactions. Model of personalized medicine, actively developing now, can reduce the number of side effects during therapy of Acenocoumarol, mainly due to individual genetic characteristics (polymorphisms of genes CYP2C9 and VKORC1). This will help to reduce side effects of therapy and reduce treatment costs.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):421-423
pages 421-423 views

Estimation of operators emotional stability according to the spectral analysis of a cardiac rhythm

Kudrin R.A., Lifanova E.V., Kochegura T.N., Klitochenko G.V., Fokina A.S., Budnikov M.Y.


This work is devoted to studying of operators emotional stability according to the spectral analysis of cardiac rhythm. The found out changes of spectral indicators of a cardiac rhythm during stress show strengthening of activity of sympathetic system at a sufficient tone parasympathetic that proves to be true increase HF and LF components of spectral capacity in absolute, percentage and normalized units. Similar regulation of a cardiac rhythm promotes increase of adaptable possibilities in extreme conditions and is the optimal for an organism.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):424-426
pages 424-426 views

Experience of usage of partial fixed dentures made of «Turkom-cera» in complex treatment of chronic generalized periodontitis

Kravtsova A.V., Lukyanenko A.A.


The periodontal diseases are an important problem of modern dentistry as they are accompanied with expressed morpho-functional disturbances of the dentoalveolar system and characterized by complex etiology and pathogenesis. The orthopedic stage has an important value in the complex treatment of chronic generalized periodontitis. The system «Turkom-Cera» is made of aluminium oxide and opens up possibilities in the orthopedic treatment of chronic generalized periodontitis. In this study the dentures made of the material «Turkom-Cera» has positively proved when they were used in the orthopedic treatment of early/moderate chronic generalized periodontitis.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):427-429
pages 427-429 views

Chronic catarrhal gingivitis treatment in the orthodontic patients

Kosyreva T.F., Bagdasarova I.V., Safroshkina V.V.


This article observes the efficiency of the treatment of chronic catarrhal gingivitis with a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug «OKI» in orthodontic patients. The examination and treatment of 23 orthodontic patients in the age group between 16 and 26 years old with the appearance of chronic generalized catarrhal gingivitis (appeared during first two months of orthodontic treatment) was conducted. The research result indicated high anti-inflammatory efficiency of the drug with no allergic reactions.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):430-435
pages 430-435 views

Definition of the factor of pathogenicity of microorganisms in the oral liquid at children with gingivitis

Kosyreva T.F., Zaporozhskaja-Abramova E.S.


By means of microbiological research of an oral liquid microorganisms producing specific bacterial IgA1-proteazu have been revealed. After the spent treatment of 15 schoolboys at the age of 9-15 years with the phenomena of a dysbacteriosis and генерализованного гингивита average (85%) and heavy (15%) severity levels treatment-and-prophylactic preparations of a phytogenesis of «Tonzinal» and «Plate ЦМ2», microorganisms producing bacterial IgA1-proteazu were absent.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):436-440
pages 436-440 views

Risk factors of development of complications at the hemophilia

Kosiakova Y.A., Davidkin I.L., Lebedeva E.A., Kudinova N.A., Proshina O.A.


In work the data on influence of internal factors on current congenital coagulopathies. Groups of risk on development of complications are allocated at a hemophilia.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):441-443
pages 441-443 views

Social and hygienic aspects of dental cases among pregnant women

Kosenko I.B., Sharafutdinova N.K.


Social and hygienic aspects of dental cases among pregnant women have been studied by means of sociological interviews. Dental health care of pregnant women depends on their age and social status. It has been stated that 71,5% of pregnant women have been tested and got dental treatment since the beginning of pregnancy, 28,5% haven't got dental treatment. We have received the information about the reasons of dental cases among pregnant women, their attitude towards the organization of medical dental treatment among pregnant women during their pregnancy period.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):444-447
pages 444-447 views

The gerontological aid: correlations between positions of patients and medical specialists

Кiselevich M.M., Prashchayeu K.I., Varavina L.Y., Bolhovitina O.A., Ilnitski A.N., Medvedev D.S.


The some problems of gerontology take part today. The positions of patients and doctors are described in this article. The problems of prevention in elders and medical education of patients are investigated.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):448-451
pages 448-451 views

Using of new device of external fixation of humerus neck fracture

Kireev S.I., Duhovnikov I.A.


It was innovated the new device of external fixation of prorximal humerus with using of helix wire. Conduction of the wire through bone narrow with proximal fragment fixation allows to provide controlled compression in facture field and to decrease quantity of pins and screws. The features of the device help us to improve results of surgical treatment of the patient.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):452-455
pages 452-455 views

Chemical and toxicological analysis of zolpidem

Khomov Y.A., Egorova E.I., Koksharova N.V., Shilova E.A.


Methods for measuring zolpidem are suggested: thin-layer chromatography, high-pressure liquid chromatography, ultrtaviolet spectrophotometry, gas chromatography with mass selective detector can be used for identification zolpidem in chemical toxicological analisys.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):456-459
pages 456-459 views

Diagnostic importance of ferritin and lactoferrin in acute calculous cholecystitis

Kchibekov E.A., Zhurikhin A.V.


The research is dedicated to determination of importance of ferritin and lactoferrin for evaluation of inflammatory activity in gall bladder. 308 patients have been examined. It has been found that the proteins content in blood sera clearly depended on destruction degree in the gall bladder. The results demonstrate the advisability of immunochemical reactive protein test use in the diagnosis of acute cholecystitis. Ferritin, lactoferrin, acute cholecystitis.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):460-463
pages 460-463 views

Indicators of the cellular component of immune system and blood proteinogramms In children with herpetic stomatitis

Kazantseva I.A.


The lymphocyte subpopulations and blood proteinogramms were studied in children with acute and recurrent herpetic stomatitis. Changes of concentrations of the CD4+ inductors-suppressors, CD16+ natural killers, CD4+/CD8+ ratio, dysproteinemia have been detected.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):464-466
pages 464-466 views

Improvement of the functional condition of organism by the use of rock reliefs simulator

Katkova A.M.


Using of the rock reliefs simulator is favoured the strengthening of the organism and formed a habit of healthy life among the modern young people.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):467-468
pages 467-468 views

The registration of postinstillative hyperthermia in eyes with the help of a thermograph as a means of displaing iatrogenic conjunctivitis

Kashkovskiy M.L., Urakov A.L., Urakova N.A.


Physicochemical parameters concerning qualities of medicines are different from corresponding characteristics of tissues of eyes which are able to cause while using medicines into the conjuctive space the change of temperature. The use of eye drops having room temperature causes reversible local hypothermia which in case of irritable factors change to the period of local hyperthermia. The registration of eye temperature with the help of a thermograph allows to detect the presence of postinstillative hyperthermia quickly safely and exactly. The evidence and duration of it indicates local drug toxicity.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):469-472
pages 469-472 views

Liver morphology changes in patients with cholelithiasis and ther management

Kashaeva M.D.


200 cases of cholelitiasis of various durations were analysed to reveral the impact of the case history on morphostructural changes in liver. If the disease last less than a year, morphostructual changes are not evident, and only laparoscjpic cholecystectomy is indicated for such patients. If the anamnesis duration comprises from 3 to 5 years, liver morphostructural changes of various grades are noted. For these patients the electrocoagulation of liver gives improvement and reverses morphostructural disorders that have occurred. The combination of liver electrocoagulation with hepatophrenopexia gives the best results.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):473-475
pages 473-475 views

Comparative analysis of pseudomonas aeruginosa phenotypes, isolated in multi-specialized surgical clinics

Karpunina T.I., Nicolaeva N.V., Kuznetsova M.V., Demacov V.A.


After the phenotypic studying of Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains, circulating in different departments of multi-specialized surgical clinic, we revealed, that the part of multi-resistant cultures accounts for 86,2%, but the isolates from different departments differed importantly in their spectrum of sensitivity towards basic antipseudomonade drugs. All strains produced the pigment and showed the hemolytic activity. The expression of phospholipase activity and the capacity for generation of biofilms were significantly variable.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):476-479
pages 476-479 views

The dependence of oral membrane keratoses and oral fluid chemiluminescence workers of hazardous productions

Kabirova M.F., Usmanova I.N., Masyagutova L.M., Rybakov I.D.


Examination of 1500 petrochemical workers and 420 glass filament production has shown the dependence of oral membrane keratoses and free radical oxidation of the oral fluid determined by chemiluminescence.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):480-483
pages 480-483 views

The programme for treatment and prevention of dental diseases in petrochemical workers

Kabirova M.F., Usmanova I.N.


To develop the programme for prevention and treatment of dental diseases in petrochemical workers it is necessary to take into account the clinical condition of oral organs and tissues, the state of free radical oxidation of the oral fluid and local immunity.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):484-486
pages 484-486 views

The effectiveness of medical prophylactic measures for main dental diseases among petrochemical workers

Kabirova M.F., Usmanova I.N.


The programme of adequate medical prophylactic measures carried out among workers of hazardous petrochemical productions allowed to achieve significant improvement of clinical indicators of the paradontal tissue condition and oral mucous membrane.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):487-490
pages 487-490 views

Efficacy of periodontal diseases treatment by means of diode laser therapy

Ghegalina N.M., Beresneva O.U., Sazonov S.V., Mandra J.V., Grigorjev S.S., Shimova M.E., Svetlakova E.N., Vanevskaja E.A.


The analyze of the result of the complex treatment of periodontal diseases with including diode Sirolaser therapy based on the objective researching estimating of hygienic and periodontal indices let us to speak about the efficiency of this method. During the using diode laser therapy the reducing processes inside the periodont have been proceeded for the three months of observation. The application of diode laser method in periodontology has allowed to reach such results in shorter term and to diminish to minimum the gum inflammation and negative subjective patient's sensations. In control group negative subjective patient's sensations were still staying in 33% cases.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):491-495
pages 491-495 views

Features of the endotelian disfunction at women with arteriаl hypertensia and the metabolic sindrom in menopausal period

Ishmanova А.R., Karamova I.M., Nikolaeva I.E., Yanbaeva S.M., Zakirova A.N.


For women increase of cardiovascular disease (CVD) in menopausal period is characteristic. Epidemiological and clinical researches reveal distinctions in development of atherosclerotic defeat of vessels in the person depending on a floor. Along with the general risk factors, such as the hereditary anamnesis, a food, adiposity, smoking, low physical activity, a diabetes and an arterial hypertensia (АH), is available for women a unique risk factor of cardiovascular diseases - development of deficiency of an estrogen in menopausal period.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):496-498
pages 496-498 views

Socio-hygienic assessment of rural people suffering from the circulatory system

Ibrahimova Z.R., Sharafutdinova N.H.


Were studied 600 patients with diseases of the circulatory system in rural areas, and presented their socio-hygienic characteristics. The most frequent diseases of the villagers were hypertension (approximately 50.0%), ischemic heart disease (about 25,0%). The lower level of education, the more frequent incidence of diseases of the circulatory system. Studied the lifestyles of patients, which is characterized by temperate consumption of alcohol, the small number of smokers, favorable living conditions. However, revealed that most were heavy and harmful working conditions.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):499-502
pages 499-502 views

The ketorolak trometamine's modificating action on the erythrocyte's membranes

Holodov D.B., Nikolaevsky V.A.


The article concerns the research's results, deals by the ketorolak trometamine's influence on the cells, using the model «drug - erythrocyte». Authors established that ketorolak trometamine in various concentrations during the contact by the live cells can interact with the membrane's proteins forming complexes «drug - protein». This drug can cause the membrane's structural changes. Also, it was determined the time value on the preparation's effects.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):503-506
pages 503-506 views

Way and conditions of living among the medical personals

Guryanov M.S.


The research of medical staff's opinion about the factors causing an aggravation of their health has allowed determining they not quite realize true causes of their own diseases. Careless attitude to own health appears in the irrational behavior: neglect of preventive health activities and healthy life-style. According to that it is considered to be expedient the regular reports to them about results of medical inspection - about determined diseases and abnormality.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):507-510
pages 507-510 views

Prevalence of smoking among the medical workers

Guryanov M.S., Kamaev I.A., Ivanov A.A., Mironov S.V.


The sociological research of medical staff about the smoking prevalence has allowed determining a big part of doctors and nurses having the nicotine dependence. The most part of smoker had been smoking since student years, and they not correlate their own diseases with the smoking. Not quite realize true causes of their own diseases appear in the neglect of preventive health activities and healthy life-style.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):511-514
pages 511-514 views

Prevalence and structure of headache among students

Kamaev I.A., Guryanov M.S., Ivanov A.A., Mironov S.V., Egorova E.A., Grigoryeva V.N.


In article are presented the research results of prevalence and structure of a cephalgia among the students from Nizhniy Novgorod medical academy. The research has carried out by means of a special computer programme «Headache Test», and supplement with the information from outpatient buck of record and the resalts of medical examination by the neurologist.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):515-517
pages 515-517 views

Scheme-tests as mode of ethnic adaptation of student's knowledge control

Gubareva A.E.


The results of teacher's and student's estimation of different control modes of student's knowledge are represented. «Test-schemes» are proposed as new mode of computer control. These tests are especially suitable for foreign students studying in Russian.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):518-522
pages 518-522 views

Electrophysiological and genetic aspects of predisposition to development of paroximal av node reentry tachycardia. The role of connexin

Gubaev K.I., Karamova I.M., Nikolaeva I.E., Nagaev I.A.


In the last decade developing of human's molecular genetics has also touched genetic aspects of regulation and functioning of heart conducting system. The complex analysis of comparison of the genetic and clinical data shows the existence of a direct link between the genetic defect, features of a clinical picture and the forecast of disease. Fibers of connexin which are now examined as one of the key molecular substrate of intercellular pulse transmitters represent a particular interest in this area.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):523-525
pages 523-525 views

Role of the ambient temperature and fluctuations of a geomagnetic field in formation of seasonal dynamics of the traumatism

Grechuhin I.V.


Correlation of connections of seasonal cyclicity of a traumatism, temperatures of atmospheric air and an index of geomagnetic activity (Ар) in the Astrakhan region were studied. Mathematical processing of dynamic series was applied. The augmentation of amount of traumas in summer months with hot weather is revealed and at fluctuations of a geomagnetic field.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):526-527
pages 526-527 views

Studying of the role of a genetic variety of the tumor necrosis factor at hyperplastic processes of the uterus

Goryainova N.A., Altuhova O.B., Koneva O.A., Orlova V.S., Pahomov S.P., Churnosov M.I.


The article gives the results of research of polymorphism of genes, coding tumours necrosis factor α (TNF-308 G/A) among patients with hyperplastic processes in a uterus and control group.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):528-529
pages 528-529 views

Risk factors of formation of congenital cleft of face

Fomenko I.V., Kasatkina A.L., Filimonova E.V.


Risk factors of formation of congenital cleft of face are investigated. The most significant are: the heredity, age of mothers is more senior than 30 years; the fourth and more pregnancy, the transferred acute infectious diseases in the first trimester of pregnancy, reception of medical products, presence professional factors, smoking and alcohol in the first trimester of pregnancy.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):530-533
pages 530-533 views

The use standard emotiogenic test for estimation of vegetative reactivity of people with different stress resistance

Fokina A.S., Evdokimov A.G., Bubnova A.E., Kazantceva N.N.


The results of modeling of emotiogenik lood with the use of the test «falling down knees» are analyzed. This test is aimed at estimation of individual vegetative reactivity. The influence of sympathetic-parasympathetic correlation on the development of individual reaction to stress is studied using spectral analysis of cardiac rhythm variability at the stage of test fulfillmtnt.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):534-538
pages 534-538 views

The herbalmedicine with nondirect antibacterial action in the complex therapy of patients with odonthogenic flegmons

Mustafaev M.S., Kharaeva Z.F., Rekhviashvili B.A., Gendugova O.M.


The investigation of the clinical effectiveness of the complex treatment with BioReks was done. This therapy leads to more fast elimination of the main inflammations markers and to more effective reparation. The good effect of the BioReks connects with decreasing of defence of inflectional agents to bactericidal actions of neutrophils and antioxidant properties if medicine.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):539-542
pages 539-542 views

Complications of the first trimester of pregnancy and feature biocenoza of the vagina

Melnikov V.A., Lazareva N.V., Tyumina O.V.


In the given work results of researches on studying of complications of pregnancy, including connected with infringements биоценоза vaginas are presented. The prospektivnyj analysis of results of research at 128 women has allowed to establish certain laws: development of complications of the first trimester of pregnancy depending on a condition биоценоза vaginas. Risk factors of adverse influence on the woman and a fruit are revealed.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):543-546
pages 543-546 views

Prognostic criteria of the estimation of the state of health of the pregnant woman and the newborn

Lazareva N.V., Minaev Y.L.


Are developed прогностические criteria and models, check of possibility of use of the given models in obstetrics and gynecology, for forecasting of a state of health of pregnant women and новрожденых at 155 women, with high risk of development of complications of pregnancy is spent. Acknowledgement of efficiency of model offered by us, being based on data acquisition проспективного researches, we have carried out calculation of indicators of its sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative прогностической the importance. As a result of the conducted research it has been established that on прогностическим to criteria it is carried out authentic significant indexes of a condition of the pregnant woman and the newborn.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):547-553
pages 547-553 views

Efficiency of action various analgetics in stomatology

Drozdova G.A., Meladze S.A., Chibisov S.M.


The fullest restoration practically all investigated parameters of variability of an intimate rhythm occurs at reception as anesthetic ketorolac, that it is possible to regard as early restoration of functional balance of the centers of vegetative nervous system.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):554-558
pages 554-558 views

The effect of prednisolone on the NSE- and CD-68-positive cells of the spleen

Luzikova E.М., Sergeeva V.E.


The aim of our research was to study the effect of prednisolone on the quantitative and morphological characteristics of NSE+ and CD-68+ cells in different functional zones of the spleen. During the morphometrical research we set up five morphotypes of NSE+-cells and four morphotypes of CD-68+ cells. It showed that CD-68+ cells of II type and NSE+-cells (II and IV types) are more sensitive to prednisolone. We came to the conclusion that there is a probability of identity of subpopulations I NSE+ and 2 CD-68+, II NSE+ and 4 CD-68+, III NSE+ and 4 CD-68+ because they are characterised by identical morphological indicators in norm and in experiment.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):559-561
pages 559-561 views

Comparative estimation of parameters of physical development of children of school age, growing in family and in conditions of a school - boarding school

Kuznetsova T.A., Ryazantseva O.G.


The crisis phenomena in a society, his socio economic stratification, causes decrease of quality of life, results in reduction of healthy children. The special uneasiness is caused by children growing in conditions of deprivation, which negatively have an effect on their health. The important stage of the control behind health of the child is the estimation of physical development. Thus, parameters of weight and growth both boys, and girls growing in conditions of deprivation, in comparison with the schoolboys from family, have disharmonious development at the expense of weight, inappropriate to growth, of a body. The revealed law is explained to that weight of a body is a sensitive parameter first of all reacting to influence of the adverse factors of external environment; one of such factors is deprivation (parent, emotional, touch, social).
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):562-565
pages 562-565 views

Seasonal variation of quality of life of women

Radysh I.V., Koroteeva T.V., Torshin V.I.


In clause the results of estimation of quality of life in women. 60 practically healthy women student's aged 17-20 years are surveyed. The estimation quality of life students was spent by the MOS 36-item short-form health survey (SF-36). Is established, that parameters quality of life had seasonal rhythms. Thus, the peak RF, SF and MH are observed in the winter, VT and RE - in spring, PF - in summer, HG and BP - in autumn.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):566-570
pages 566-570 views

Seasonal variation lipid levels in the patients with dyslipidaemia

Radysh I.V., Khisamutdinov A.F., Kisliy N.D.


The article is devoted to study seasonal variation in blood lipid levels in the patients with dyslipidaemia IIa type. The 185 men with dyslipidaemia IIa and 173 healthy men volunteers aged 28 to 50 years were examined four times during the year: in winter (December-February), spring (March-May), summer (June-August) and autumn (September-November). Is established, that in the patients the shift acrophases of seasonal rhythms total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, VLDL cholesterol and apoВ to the autumn, triglycerides - to winter was observed, and HDL cholesterol and apolipoproteinА-1 - to spring in comparison with healthy, that testifies to higher probability of development in them of atherosclerosis. Thus the maximal meanings index of atherogenesis and ratio of apoВ/apoА-1 were observed in the autumn and in the healthy - in winter. Is shown, that the peak C-reactive protein in the patients with dyslipidaemia was observed in the summer and in the healthy - in spring. Thus the shift acrophases of seasonal rhythms lipid spectrum in the patients with dyslipidaemia IIa type as to the autumn raises risk of development in them cardiovascular pathology
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):571-577
pages 571-577 views

Characteristics of some vegetative indexes of deaf pupils and pupils with poor hearing ability

Akulina M.V.


This article partially reflects the results of dissertation which is devoted to the research that includes the study of vegetative nervous system of children, deprived of hearing.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):578-581
pages 578-581 views

The professional formation of high school teachers

Pobedin О.А., Shurupova R.V.


The investigation of High School teacher essential qualities are discussed. The results of questionnaire among the participants of educational process in Sechenov Moscow Academy are represented and analyzed. Some suggestions in the improvement of teacher's work are proposed and discussed.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):582-584
pages 582-584 views

The forensic-medical expertise of injuries in elderly patients

Sidorovich Y.V.


The analysis of the literature data demonstrates that trauma often occur in elderly patients with underlying pathology. Preexisting diseases impact on the degree of bodily injuries and, conversely, bodily injury affects the progression of disease and complications. This problem requires further investigation.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):585-586
pages 585-586 views

Clinical-and-functional and immunological characteristics of secondary uveal glaucoma suffered by children and adolescents

Shkrebetz G.V.


We have examined 53 patients, from 6 to 19 years old, suffering from secondary uveal glaucoma. The ophthalmological, immunological and general clinical examination has revealed some peculiarities: different degrees of intensity of glaucoma symptoms, systemic and local humoral disimmunity in the form of immunodeficiency, susceptibility to infection, heavy clinical course of glaucoma, complications during the postoperative period.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):587-588
pages 587-588 views

Treatment of enthesopathy of the hip: glucocorticoids or platelet-cytokines?

Shirokova L.Y., Parulya O.M., Fufina V.A., Lavrukhin V.V., Krasivina I.G., Noskova A.S.


The local therapy with platelet-rich plasma is more effective treatment than injections with glucocorticoids in patients of hip osteoarthritis with enthesopathy during the 12 weeks.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):589-590
pages 589-590 views

Distribution of molekular-genetic markers at sportsmen

Rudyh N.А., Sokorev V.V., Sobjanin F.I., Aristova I.K., Churnosov M.I.


Results of research polymorphism carrier genes hSERT, ACE, DAT1 at sportsmen of marksmen are resulted. High frequencies of gene DAT1*10 and genotype DAT1*10/DAT1*10 at sportsmen in comparison with population, and also high frequency of heterozygotes (68,96%) on a gene ACE in comparison with population control (50,5%, p < 0,01) are established.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):591-592
pages 591-592 views

Research of influence of genetic factors on formation of congenital developmental anomalies

Rudyh N.А., Evdokimov V.I., Sudakova N.M., Romanov T.A., Nesterov V.G., Churnosov M.I.


Influence of genetic factors on formation of congenital developmental anomalies is studied. It is established that display of congenital developmental anomalies influence age of spouses, andogamnost marriages and hereditary complication from outside relatives of spouses.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):593-594
pages 593-594 views

Forming of inherited pathology during pregnancy in condition of different ecological situations

Poltev M.Y., Lebedeva O.P., Pachomov S.P., Orlova V.S., Zhernakov E.V.


In the article data of ecological situation during the last decade and congenital malformation rate in Orel and Kursk region are considered. The dependence of congenital malformations from some kinds of industrial and agricultural pollutants was established.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):595-596
pages 595-596 views

Prevalence of certain forms of obstetric pathology and incidence of their implementation at pregnant women with infertility history

Platonova S.N., Sheveleva A.A., Kuligina M.V., Uglanova N.N.


The article presents data on the frequency prediction of pregnancy in women with a history of infertility, complications of pregnancy and labor. The study showed a higher frequency of the projected implementation obstetric pathologies in women with impaired reproductive function, hence the need to improve the quality of medical care provided since the preparation for pregnancy.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):597-598
pages 597-598 views

Rise of eficiency of alfa-fetopprotein screening in pregnant women for inherited pathology diagnostcs

Pachomov S.P., Orlova V.S., Lebedeva O.P., Poltev M.Y., Zhernakov E.V.


The article is devoted to measurement of the α-fetoprotein concentration in early and late pregnancy depending from different factors. 980 pregnant women were examinated. It was established, that level of α-fetoprotein became variable in late pregnancy, that decrease it's importance on this stage. Considerable differences in correlations between somatometric data and level of α-fetoprotein were also discovered.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):599-600
pages 599-600 views

Adrenoreactance of arteries of intestines and back finiteness at adaptation to a cold

Ananev V.N., Ananeva O.V., Miruk M.N., Pavlov N.B., Ippolitov I.V., Ananev G.V., Ippolitov E.V., Furin V.A., Aminev R.S., Kurochkina I.N.


At adaptation to a cold of rabbits for 1st, 5th, 10th, 30th day the quantity and sensitivity adrenoreceptors changes.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):601-602
pages 601-602 views

β2-adrenoretseptry arteries of back finiteness at adaptation to a cold

Ananev V.N., Ananeva O.V., Ippolitov I.V., Ananev G.V., Ippolitov E.V., Furin V.A., Aminev R.S.


At adaptation to a cold of rabbits for 30th day the quantity, but not sensitivity β2-adrenoretseptorov arteries changes.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):603-604
pages 603-604 views

Extraction of agaric acid of a fruit body of fomitopsis officinalis

Ayrapetova A.U.


The present work reflects a method of extraction of agaric acid (hexadecil citric acid) out of a fruit body of Fomitopsis officinalis (Will.: Fr) Bong. et Sing. The structure identity of the obtained samples was corroborated using UK-spectroscopy and NMR-spectroscopy.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):605-606
pages 605-606 views

Intraosseous infusion of medicines with autogenous thrombocytose gel in the therapy of chronic parodontal diseases

Efimov Y.V., Yarygina E.N., Efimova E.Y., Maksyutin I.A., Dmitrienko D.S., Dolgova I.V., Moukhaev K.K., Ivanov P.V., Stomatov A.V., Gribovskaya Y.V.


63 patients with parodontal diseases were divided into two groups. We used standard flap surgery in the first group (32 patients, 50,8%). Complex therapy of the second group (31 patients, 49,2%) were suppelmented with intraosseous infusion of natrium hypochlorite 0,03%. The results of our investigations allow us to speak about enhancement of efficiency in the complex treatment of parodontal disease.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):607-608
pages 607-608 views

Chronobiological aspect of studying of organism adaptation in the far north extremal conditions

Abubakirova O.Y., Fateeva N.M.


Our work respects chronobiological investigation of the human organism adaptation in the Far North extremal conditions with using of hemostasis and hemodynamic criterions; we have distinguished individual-typological reactions of organism which foresee the strategy of human adaptive behavior during expeditional-watch form of work in the Far North.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):609-610
pages 609-610 views

Researches on chemical composition and standardization of raw material and homoeopathic matrix tinctures by Rhododendron aureum

Kopnin А.А., Dargaeva T.D., Potriassay K.A.


Rhododendron aureum Georgi is widely used in folk medicine in Russia, Europe and South-Eastern countries. It contains many classes of chemical compounds - phenols and phenolglycosides, tannins, triterpenes saponins, organic acids, ethereal oil e.t.с. Despite of the fact, that there are 5 medicinal preparations based on homoeopathic matrix tincture (THM), which are registered in RF, there is no normative documentation on raw materials and THM of Rhododendron aureum.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):611-612
pages 611-612 views

Operations of foots at patiens with diabetes - as factor risk of relapses of ulcers and purulent complications

Kislyakov V.A.


After operations of foots with ulcers and purulent complications at sick of a diabetes, there are relapses. 107 cases are analyzed. Relapses arise because of preservation of major factors of risk and connection such as, deformation foots, ulcers, change foots loadings and a microbes landscape.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):613-614
pages 613-614 views

The influence citokines in relapses of purulently complications at the diabetic foots and opportunities immunokorection

Kislyakov V.A.


Studying of influence citokines in relapses of purulently complications at patients with a diabetic foots will allow to understand their function in development of pathological process. At 35 patients investigated levels: IL-1b, IL-4, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10 and FNO-a, ИНФ-γ in day of operation, for 3, 5, 7, 11, 21-22 day. There is an stimulaition only IL-8 up to 182,75 pg/ml in the first day before operation - to growth up to 245,5 pg /ml by 5 day and with decrease to 40,09 pg /ml by 21-22 days. With the purpose immunomodulation used polioksidoni at 12 patients. The effect of a preparation was shown in stimulaition citokines. 12 operations keeping to foots are executed. Use polioksidoni treatment of relapses of purulently complications is recommended at a diabetic foots.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):615-616
pages 615-616 views

Molekular-genetic markers citokines: population prevalence and communication with the multifactorial pathology

Kalmykova E.V., Tikunova Т.S., Yushina I.А., Dyomin S.S., Sirotina S.S., Krikun Е.N., Churnosov M.I.


Research objective: the analysis of distribution of frequencies alleles and genotypes of molekular-genetic markers citokines at patients with multifactorial pathology. The analysis of DNA-markers was carried out by means of standard molecular and population-genetic methods. It is established that the most widespread genotypes both at patients with multifactorial pathology, and in the control are-308GG TNF α and-471CC RANTES.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):617-618
pages 617-618 views

The studying of connection of molecular-genetic markers of interlakines with the clinical current chronic glomerulonephritis

Kalmykova E.V., Polyakova I.S., Proschaev K.I., Nesterov V.G., Vaschilin V.S., Churnosov M.I.


The present research is devoted revealing of interrelations of genetic markers interleukines with clinical signs chronic glomerulonephritis. It is established that a marker of development of mixed type chronic glomerulonephritis at a disease aggravation are genotypes 4R/4R a gene of the antagonist of a receptor interleukin 1 and -592AA, -592AS gene IL-10. The positive association of genotypes 2R/5R, 4R/5R IL-1Ra with type chronic glomerulonephritis in a disease current is revealed.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):619-620
pages 619-620 views

Application of medical products on the basis of gelatin

Ananev V.N., Furin V.A., Larionov L.P., Novikov J.T., Fatihov I.M., Latenkova N.J., Gatsko J.S., Ananeva O.V.


Application of medicinal gelatinous films provides fast improvement of a condition of patients at stomatologic and a number other diseases within 1-2 days.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):621-622
pages 621-622 views

Social and legal issues for treatment of anorexia and bulimia nevrosa

Artemieva М.S., Souleymanov R.А.


The article deals with clinical, social, economic and legal issues of treatment as well as psychiatric, somatic and social criteria of involuntary and urgent hospitalization and treatment of patiants with anorexia nervosa.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):623-625
pages 623-625 views

Conditions and clinical importance of the test with propranololume

Noskova T.S., Fomin A.N., Shirokova T.Y., Kuznetsov M.M., Smekalova M.M., Djurko Y.A.


It is developed the test with peroral reception of Propranololum and definition Cmax by methods HPLC and a capillary electrophoresis. At patients from an ischemic heart disease the size of the test the is more, than the chronic heart failure is more expressed.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):626-627
pages 626-627 views

Estimation of water homeostasis parameters at patients with cardiovascular diseases

Mikashinowich Z.I., Suroedova R.A., Olempieva E.V.


The aim of this study was the estimation of water homeostasis at patients with acute myocardial infarction (AMI) and cardiosclerosis. To prevent cellular dehydration bond water volume had risen both in whole blood and plasma in acute period of AMI. In contrast, at patients with cardiosclerosis the prominent elevation of free water was the possible reason of blood cells and cardiomyocytes hyperhydration.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):628-629
pages 628-629 views

Use of criteria of quality of life in choice of treatment methods for patientes with malocclusion

Mansour J.P.


Quality of life in two groups of patients with malocclusion and systemic hypoplasia of enamel was studied. These two groups of individuals received different programs of orthodontic treatment. Comparison of results in two groups revealed the difference between indexes of quality of life in scales of psychological condition, social interaction and aesthetic function.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):630-632
pages 630-632 views

Genes of vascular reactions and formation of the arterial hypertension at chronic glomerulonephritis

Litovkina O.N., Nekipelova E.V., Proshchaev K.I., Aristova I.K., Nesterov V.G., Churnosov M.I.


Research of polymorphism genes of vascular reactions AGT and ADRB2 at patients are resulted. Presence at patients chronic glomerulonephritis of genotypes -6GG and -6AG gene AGT is connected with the raised arterial pressure.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):633-634
pages 633-634 views

Genetic variability of the population of the south of the central Russia

Lependina I.N., Sorokina I.N., Batlutskaja I.V., Vashilin V.S., Aristova I.K., Churnosov M.I.


In work the data on studying of genetic variability of a genopool of the population of the south of the Central Russia with use DNA-markers (7 polymorphic (Alu-insertion) and quasigenetic markers is presented. Results of research allow to draw a conclusion on considerable local heterogeneity of a genopool of the population of the south of the Central Russia with prevalence the European lines in distribution of genetic markers.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):635-636
pages 635-636 views

Nanohardness and young's modulus of tooth enamel

Lebedenko I.Y., Arutyunov S.D., Muslov S.A., Useinov A.S.


The nanomechanical properties and roughness of tooth enamel are investigated.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):637-638
pages 637-638 views

Morphological characteristic during third week experimental nephrolithiasis model

Motina N.V., Lepilov A.V., Talalaev S.V., Polezhaeva S.A., Motin Y.G.


The results of kidney medulla morphological study from Wistar rats with ethylenglycol oxalate nephrolithiasis model are analyzed. Alteration of internal and external medulla, microliths allocation characteristics are evaluated.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):639-640
pages 639-640 views

Level of a narcotic factor of the tumour-α and soluble form FAS-ligand in plasma of blood of patients with papiloma virus infection

Mizieva S.M., Haraeva Z.F.


In work are studied concentration of the factor некроза tumours-α (FNO-α) and soluble form Fas-liganda (sFas, sFasL) in whey of blood by a method immunoferment analysis (IFA) at persons with herpetic and pappilomavirus infection different cancer risk. Concentration increase FNO-α is revealed at all infections investigated by us, correlating with disease severity level. Level sFasL is lowered in group of patients with ВПЧ 16,18-types, that is with high онкогенным risk.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):641-643
pages 641-643 views

The attestation of termostatic equipment

Orlova E.V.


In article questions of certification of chambers фриго by a method of measurement of a temperature field in the conditions of modelled switching-off of power supplies are considered.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):644-645
pages 644-645 views

Clinicomorphological parallels of physical and sexual development of juvenile girls in contemporary conditions

Shilova O.Y.


The data about features of physical and sexual development of juvenile girls in Krasnoyarsk city is presented. The evnuchoidisation of constitution, astenic somatic type, increasing of frequency of trophological insufficiency, disproportion of figure and intensification of functional disorders in reproductive system have been determined.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):646-647
pages 646-647 views

About sоme problems of avidence clinical practice

Polyakov I.V., Maksimov A.V., Savinov T.H., Ignatov A.M.


In article questions of quality and economic efficiency of a prescription of medicines to patients in modern conditions are considered. In work the analysis of the developed medicinal maintenance, an estimation clinical is carried out and economic efficiency of treatment, questions of dependence of a prescription of medicines from subjective factors, high quality of the pharmaceutical market are considered. On the basis of the spent analysis working out and introduction of the medicinal data cards developed from a position of demonstrative medicine that will allow to exclude use of unsafe and inefficient medical products is offered, to lower public health services expenses.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):648-654
pages 648-654 views

Improvement of quality and efficiency of medical aid in the light of modern approaches to management

Polyakov I.V., Maksimov A.V., Savinov T.H.


In article questions of an estimation of efficiency of activity of establishments of public health services in modern conditions are considered at insufficient financing and requirement of granting of qualitative medical services. The basic directions of development of a control system are considered by public health services; the estimation of results of work on rendering of medical services is offered. On the basis of the spent analysis of dependence of quality of medical service from available resources and a control system the formulation of social and economic efficiency of activity of establishments of public health services is offered, the general principles of an estimation of economic efficiency of use of resources in public health services are given, directions on improvement of quality of medical services are offered.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):655-661
pages 655-661 views

Optimization of education process of pharmaceutists in conditions of modern economic situation

Antonov S.A., Shurupova R.V.


Authors made analysis of motivation to education and selection of future profession of young specialists in this article. As a result of analysis of actual data conclusion was made that there is a necessity of optimization of educational programs, with consideration of modern trends and students opinions. Several recommendations were made to correct educational process in conditions of modern situation.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):662-665
pages 662-665 views

Scool phobia in the structure of social phobic phenomena adolescents

Golovina A.G.


The article discusses the problems of school phobia among adolescents and clarifies the factors contributing to an increase in the prevalence of it (somato-neurological, psychological, proper schooling). Presented data on the prevalence of school phobia among adolescents who seek ambulant medical psychiatric care. From the 330 patients 15-17 years with phobic disorders, social phobia was detected in 95 cases, a little less than half of them were people with a pathological fear of school. Analysis of the results of clinical follow-up survey of 43 patients, based on the mechanism of development of pathological fear (29 male, 14 female) made it possible to divide them into three groups of patients. Patients who belong to the first group presented school phobia developed on reactive mechanism, the second - reactive endogenous, the third - was determined by the regularity of flow of schizophrenic process. The complex therapeutic strategies used in the therapy of adolescents in each group were described.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):666-670
pages 666-670 views

Morphological state of lymphatic and bloods vessels at alloxan diabetes

Abdreshov S.N.


In the present research were studied morphofunctional a condition lymphatic and blood vessels, and also cont actactile activity of vessels at experimental allocsonic a diabetes at rats. It has been received,
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):671-673
pages 671-673 views

State of health of children who are being the state children's establishments (according to the Astrakhan area)

Afanasieva E.V., Abdrasitova A.V., Sagitova G.R.


On the basis of federal and regional normative documents Prophylactic medical examination of children concerning to a category children-orphans and children who have remained without care of parents is lead. The analysis of a state of health of children who are being 3 specialized Children's homes, on results of prophylactic medical examination 2007-2008 гг. is lead. It is established, that leading place illnesses of nervous system and borrow congenital anomalies. The basic diseases which have become by the reason of physical inability - illnesses of nervous system, congenital defects, mental frustration and frustration of behaviour.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):674-676
pages 674-676 views

Estimation of quality of the life of students of medical college (on the example of Krasnoyarsk mediko-pharmaceutical college)

Valentinovich L.I., Domrachev E.O.


Research was spent by means of a questionnaire of quality of life SF-36. Indicators of quality of a life of the population of St.-Petersburg have been analysed. Results of the comparative analysis with the similar data on students of Krasnoyarsk mediko-pharmaceutical college testify that the majority of indicators at them much more low.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):677-679
pages 677-679 views

Hygienic estimation of physical health rural schoolboys

Burya E.U.


Now at rural schools there are no the programs of physical training providing an impellent mode of pupils, necessary for development of the basic impellent qualities corresponding to age. Parameters of physical readiness at pupils 5-11 classes of rural and city high schools were compared. Authentic distinctions between separate parameters of physical health of rural and city schoolboys - boys are revealed.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):680-684
pages 680-684 views

The changes of immunologic parameters in patients with opioid narcomania with postinjected purulent-septic complications

Zhurbina G.V., Melnicov V.V.


The usage of cascade scheme of efferent methods scheme in combinations with endolymphatic introduction of antibiotics for patients with parenteral narcomania with purulent-septic complications almost twicely quicker may improve phagocitic activity of blood and decrease the level of pro-inflammatory cytokines in comparison with group of analogous patients treated by traditional methods.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):685-687
pages 685-687 views

Estimation of influence of motor transportation highways on the state of health of schoolboys in the place of their residing

Nikolaevich P.N.


The municipal motor-vehicle transport is the basic source of pollution of atmospheric air in modern cities, including in territory a vein of building. Correlation interrelations between expressiveness of symptoms of an illness at 100 learning 6-7 classes of the high schools living near to highways of different capacity were investigated. Direct authentic interrelations between expressiveness of complaints to health of schoolboys and capacity of autostreams on highways near to places of their residing are revealed.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):688-691
pages 688-691 views

Direction and experience of realization of innovation forms and methods of training pharmacognosy in preparation of the modern specialist-pharmacist

Chelombitko V.A., Popova O.I., Orlovskay T.V., Vdovenko-Martynova N.N., Lukashuk S.P., Lozovitskay-Sherbinina E.P.


In present research paper the directions of innovation forms and methods of training pharmacognosy and their role in formation of the modern expert-pharmacist are considered.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):692-696
pages 692-696 views

Role of management of the organization in formation of the ethical component of the way of life as means of education and health protection of children of school age

Tolchenova Е.А., Sokolova Н.В.


Children having chronic diseases in connection with whom it is long are on hospitalisation without near relations, demand special attention. In RSMU research of a moral component of a way of life as means of education and health protection of such children is conducted. The knowledge of management in public health services allows to optimise the organisation it of medical aid and educational process that leads to stabilisation of their psychological condition and on its background to health improvement.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):697-698
pages 697-698 views

State of health of the population of region as the major object managements in public health services

Tolchenova Е.А., Egorova O.V., Belozor Е.А.


The Major object of management in public health services is a population state of health. By us it is studied states of health of the population of the Penza region on demographic indicators, disease and physical inability indicators. Death rate peaks in age groups 21-24 and 45-49 years for the account of death rate of men as a result of traumas, poisonings and some other consequences of influence of the external reasons that is the extremely important for management of a state of health are revealed.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):699-700
pages 699-700 views

Organization's management in public health services

Tolchenova Е.А.


The knowledge of management of the organisation in public health services, constant perfection of technologies of management is necessary for Heads of bodies and public health services establishments. In studied region all heads of the first order have education on the organisation of public health services and public health. 63% give a priority to socially-psychological methods. Work occupies from 33% of heads more than 10 hours a day. 64% of heads are satisfied by the work. It is necessary to extend positive experience of the Penza public health services to all regions Russian Federations.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):701-702
pages 701-702 views

Realization of innovative educational project

Tolchenova Е.А., Sokolov Н.В., Belozor Е.А.


In Scientific council 8 statements from heads of public health services of subjects of the Russian Federation with the request have arrived to carry out in their regions educational activity on a speciality The organisation of public health services and public health. Scientific council 8 had the highly skilled personnel potential certificated on a specified speciality necessary and sufficient for realisation of declared retraining of heads of bodies and establishments of public health services. The innovative educational project has been successfully realised in the Penza region.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):703-704
pages 703-704 views

Role of the administrative board of establishments of public health services in health protection of working women of pension age

Tolchenova E.A., Egorova O.V.


In the Penza region fast rates increases a share of women of a pension age. In RSMU research on studying of their way of life and a state of health is conducted. 38,5% have noted negative influence of work on health. The syndrome of emotional burning out takes place. Direct correlation between age and presence of chronic diseases in a stage of subindemnification and декомпенсации is marked. To heads of establishments of public health services the knowledge of management in public health services for the medical aid organisation is necessary for an investigated contingent.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):705-706
pages 705-706 views

Way of life, state of health of heads of bodies and establishments of public health services and the organization it of medical aid

Tolchenova E.A.


In RSMU is conducted complex mediko-social research of a state of health of heads of establishments of public health services. Heads-physicians set an example a healthy way of life. 63% mark negative influence of work on health. 8% of heads do not pass prophylactic medical examination. Chronic diseases in the fifth part of cases have negative dynamics. 71% never passed sanatorium treatment. For improvement of a state of health of heads of sphere of public health services the complex approach is expedient.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):707-708
pages 707-708 views

Psycho-physiological correction of the functional state of patients' organisms in the denturing process with the application of dental implants

Timofeev D.A., Temnikov V.Y.


Complex application of psycho-physiological correction methods of the patient's organisms' functional state include competent consent to this type of denture, psycho-emotional state and pronunciation correction as well as adaptation to the dental implants. Recommendations on hygienic care of dental implants contribute to the patients' successful adaptation to the conditions of denture with the application of dental implants and increase the level of their satisfaction with the provided treatment.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):709-711
pages 709-711 views

The microcirculation in the prosthesis bed mucosa in totally toothless patients

Shashmurina V.R., Latyshev A.V.


Features of microcirculation in a mucous membrane of an alveolar shoot of the top jaw and adaptable possibilities of vascular system of an orthopedic bed at patients with a total absence of a teeth are investigated.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):712-713
pages 712-713 views

The possibility application «рН-metrе-150МИ» in dentistry

Shashmurina V.R., Savashinskaya N.S.


Application possibilities «рН-метра-ионометра-150МИ» for research of biological balance of an oral cavity and differential diagnostics of intolerance of artificial limbs from alloys of metals are shown.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):714-715
pages 714-715 views

Estimation of physical development and functional condition of girls of 16-18 years which are in conditions of penitentiary system

Nelina E.V.


Recently even more often speak about decrease in indicators of health, a functional condition and physical development of teenagers. From these positions the problem of research of the teenagers who have appeared in conditions penitentiary systems deserves special attention. At girls of 16-18 years isolated from a society, level of physical possibilities is estimated as low, physical development in norm, the biological age much more exceeds the passport.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):716-718
pages 716-718 views

Hyaluronic acid at osteoarthrosis: intraarticulate introduction or synthesis stimulation?

Mayorova S.M., Shirokova L.Y., Zhomova M.V., Moryakov A.S., Dolgova L.N., Noskov S.M.


In examination comparison of efficiency and safety of local therapy by a hyaluronic acid (HA) specimen and Autologous Conditioned Serum (ACS) is spent. The obtained data testify to the plus clinical effect of intraarticulate introduction ACS surpassing efficiency HA without essential side effects.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):719-720
pages 719-720 views

Main causes and consequences of road accidents in Republic of Chechnya

Temishev Z.V.


The article analyses the main causes of transport accidents in Republic of Chechnya using medical documentation and sociological survey of drivers and pedestrian s.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):721-722
pages 721-722 views

Creation of a new system of express air quality control in sea costal cities

Syroeshkin A.V., Kondranin T.V., Lapshin V.B., Polevshikov D.М., Chichaeva М.А.


With a problem it is abnormal high air pollution in a coastal zone (in comparison with continental industrial cities), increases in patients pulmonary and allergic diseases have already faced New York, Valetteis (an island Malta), a number of cities, including resort, the Mediterranean coast of Spain. One of the basic sources of toxic substances in air of seaside cities is sea the aerosol. For the purpose of air pollution forecasting in FGU ГОИН the system of monitoring of quality of air is created, a measuring basis of system is the measuring instrument of dispersion developed by us laser (ИДЛ-1).
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):723-724
pages 723-724 views

Nordic walking in the modern system of physical training

Solenova E.M.


Now in the Russian Federation the tendency of deterioration of health of citizens directly connected with an inactive way of life is observed. One of the reasons can name impossibility of realisation mostly the population of the right to employment by physical training and sports, and also absence at the population of possibilities and desire of active carrying out of a free time (the Federal target program «physical training and sports Development in the Russian Federation for 2006-2015»).
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):725-726
pages 725-726 views


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RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2009;(4):727-729
pages 727-729 views

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