Issue |
Title |
File |
Vol 28, No 2 (2024): CARDIOLOGY |
Traumatic brain injury: basic cellular mechanisms and new approaches to therapy |

Sudina A.K., Grinchevskaia L.R., Goldstein D.V., Fatkhudinov T.H., Salikhova D.I.
Vol 27, No 1 (2023): GINECOLOGY |
Treatment and rehabilitation of patients with temporomandibular joints pathology |

Yatsuk A.V., Sivolapov K.A.
No S7 (2012) |
Treatment of arterial hypertension in postmenopausal women considering the time organization of cardiovascular system |

Gadieva V.A., Khetagurova L.G., Takoeva Z.A.
No 4 (2010) |
Treatment of compensative horizontal increased dental abrasion of the second degree |

Linchenko I.V., Zukanova F.N.
No 2 (2010) |
Treatment of damage of the rotary cuff of the humeral joint with use of art roskopichesky technics |

Majdi Zahra -., Savitskiy P.P., Kopylov А.А., Lazko F.L.
No 4 (2009) |
Treatment of enthesopathy of the hip: glucocorticoids or platelet-cytokines? |

Shirokova L.Y., Parulya O.M., Fufina V.A., Lavrukhin V.V., Krasivina I.G., Noskova A.S.
No 1 (2009) |
Treatment of fournier's disease |

Dobrovolskiy S.R., Chinikov M.A., Dedenkov O.A., Ramazanova A.R.
No 4 (2015) |
Treatment of gigant postoperative ventral hernia |

Protasov A.V., Shemyatovsky K.A., Blohin A.V., Polyakova E.V., Gusev S.S.
No 3 (2016) |
Treatment of intraarticular fractures of the proximal tibia (review) |

Toledo K.V.
No 3 (2011) |
Treatment of migraine in general practice |

Kuznetsov V.I., Sturov N.V., Mansur T.I., Kobylyanu G.N., Maslova A.N.
No 2 (2011) |
Treatment of the mixed bacterial and virial infections of the bottom department of sexual ways of women |

Belopolsky H.А., Sidorova I.S., Kuznetsov V.I.
Vol 28, No 4 (2024): ONCOLOGY |
Tumor hybrid cells in non-small cell lung cancer: population structure and contribution to prognosis |

Khozyainova A.A., Menyailo M.E., Tretyakova M.S., Bokova U.A., Korobeynikova A.A., Gerashchenko T.S., Rodionov E.O., Miller S.V., Denisov E.V.
Vol 22, No 2 (2018) |

Hoang H.T., Kitbalyan A.A., Lazarev P.V., Maiskov V.V., Shkolinikova E.E., Meray I.A.
Typological features of the brain in normal conditions and in cerebral hypoperfusion |

Chrishtop V.V., Rumyantseva T.A., Nikonorova V.G.
No 3 (2010) |
Typological groups of metropolitan areas of Republic Bashkortostan on level of disease of adult population illnesses of urinogenital system |

Sharafutdinov M.A.
No 1 (2011) |
Uapplying of point system in evaluation of some gerontological change in the eye of ophthalmoligical profile patients |

Frolov M.A., Gonchar P.А., Boryanova N.V., Radish B.B.
No 1 (2014) |
Ultrasound semiotics of kidney and upper urinary tract with internal drainage and after stent removal in the experiment |

Shkodkin S.V., Kogan M.I., Ivanov S.V., Idashkin Y.B., Stepchenko O.I.
No S5 (2013) |
Underweight and gynecological disorders young women |

Purshaeva E.S., Khamoshina M.B., Lebedeva M.G., Taraskina E.V., Dokuchaeva T.S., Orlova Y.S.
No 4 (2010) |
Unsuitable to use food supplements as the waste of the pharmaceutical market |

Ivanova N.A., Vikhareva Е.V., Suldin А.V.
No 2 (2011) |
Urgency of the development and introduction of the pathogenetic dental caries therapy protocols |

Guilyazeva V.V.
Urgent total pancreatoduodenectomy for profuse gastro-intestinal bleeding caused by renal cancer metastases to the pancreas |


Mylnikov A.G., Klimov A.E., Kurbanniyozov T.S., Bujmestru N.V., Chernjaeva A.A., Gusarova T.A.
No 3 (2016) |
Use of alcohol in oculographic studies as an experimental model of abnormal states |

Zakharchenko D.V., Mankaeva O.V., Torshin D.V., Sveshnikova E.D., Dementienko V.V., Dorokhov V.B.
No 4 (2010) |
Use of control cards of Shuhart for certification immunobiological preparations |

Orlova E.V.
No 4 (2009) |
Use of criteria of quality of life in choice of treatment methods for patientes with malocclusion |

Mansour J.P.
No 4 (2008) |
Use of farmacoepidemiologicalresearches for forecasting of expenses for treatment of childern with thiroidgland diseases |

Ebzeyeva A.M., Loskutova E.E.
Use of modern forensic methods for post-mortem diagnosis of blood loss |

Sundukov D.V., Putintsev V.A., Shekera V.V., Bogomolov D.V., Romanova O.L.
Vol 24, No 2 (2020) |
Use of modulation interference microscopy in applied immunology |

Gizinger O.A., Levkova E.A., Savin S.Z.
No 2 (2009) |
Use of new technologies in surgery |

Aslanov A.D., Logvina O.E., Bapinayev M.K., Khashkhozsheva K.I., Kalibatov R.M.
No 3 (2009) |
Use of ozone in women with placenta insufficiency after IVF |

Buranova F.B., Federova T.A.
No 4 (2009) |
Use of physical and chemical quality of drugs in the role nonspecific factors of their local action of a tissues of female reproductive organs |

Urakova N.A., Urakov A.L., Sokolova N.V., Nazarova L.A.
No 3 (2013) |
Use of physical factors in the medical rehabilitation in patients with atopic dermatitis |

Zhukova O.V., Malayrenko E.N., Kruglova L.S., Ponich E.S.
No 3 (2010) |
Use of plasmapheresis in women with placenta insufficiency after IVF |

Buranova F.B.
No 2 (2010) |
Use of plasmapheresis in women with placenta isufficiency after IVF |

Buranova F.B., Rogachevskiy O.V.
No 2 (2008) |
Use of the modified technique of an antrotomy at treatment of patients with dontogenous maxillary sinuitis |

Gunko V.I., Khudaibergenov G.G.
No 4 (2009) |
Using of new device of external fixation of humerus neck fracture |

Kireev S.I., Duhovnikov I.A.
Vol 27, No 1 (2023): GINECOLOGY |
Uterine fibroids: modern methods of treatment, advantages and complications |

Aleynikova E.Y., Solovyeva A.V.
No S5 (2013) |
Vaginal biotope in women of reproductive age with pelvic floor dysfunction |

Totchiev G.F., Toktar L.R., Tigieva A.V., Zavadina E.V.
No S5 (2011) |
Vaginal microbiocenosis in the 2 nd trimester of pregnancy |

Shurnyak S.A.
No 2 (2013) |
Value biomarker diagnosis and prediction of acute renal damage in patients with acute coronary syndromes without ST-segment elevation |

Avdoshina S.V., Villevalde S.V., Efremovtseva M.A., Kobalava Z.D.
No 3 (2011) |
Variant of auto-allopsychic depersonalization in patients with latent schizophrenia |

Suleymanov R.A., Artem'ieva M.S., Danilin I.E.
No S6 (2012) |
V.E. Radzinsky |

- -.
No 4 (2012) |
Vegetative dysfunction in patients with connective tissue dysplasia of heart |

Medvedeva T.V., Chizhov P.A., Gurmach M.A., Smirnova M.P.
No 1 (2009) |
Ventricular fibrillation and ventricular tachycardia - base position and diagnostic criteria |

Ivanov G.G., Vostricow V.А.
Vol 22, No 1 (2018) |
Viral and bacterial coinfection as a global problem of modern medicine |

Balmasova I.P., Malova E.S., Sepiashvili R.I.
No 4 (2011) |
Viral and bacterial infections and coronary atherosclerosis |

Minevich U.V., Burmistrov V.G., Prokopenko V.D.
No S5 (2011) |
Viral hepatitis c and pregnancy |

Belopolskaya M.A.
No 2 (2012) |
Visualization of amplitude-phase relationships in entrainment processes |

Katinas G.S., Cornélissen G., Schwartzkopff O., Halberg F., Chibisov S.M., Shastun S.A., Dvornikov V.E., Frolov V.A.
Vitamin D deficiency conditions in children in the antenatal period from the perspective of prognosis and prevention |

Bogdanova S.V., Ilyenko L.I., Gureev A.N.
No 2 (2016) |
Vulvar dystrophic diseases in menopausal women |

Blbulyan T.A., Klimova O.I., Pogasov A.G., Sokhova Z.M.
No 4 (2009) |
Way and conditions of living among the medical personals |

Guryanov M.S.
No 4 (2009) |
Way of life, state of health of heads of bodies and establishments of public health services and the organization it of medical aid |

Tolchenova E.A.
No 1 (2012) |
Why decades-long chronobiologically interpreted blood pressure and heart rate monitoring (C-ABPM) coperiodisms toward a chronousphere? |

Halberg F.F., Sothern R.B., Katinas G., Cornélissen G., Watanabe Y., Chibisov S.M., Shastun S.A., Frolov V.A.
No S5 (2013) |
Will missed abortion repeat again? Programme of action |

Dimitrova V.I., Dimitrova D.A., Slusareva O.A.
No 2 (2011) |
With chronic hepatitis C and insulin resistance, treated with PEG-Interferon-α 2b and ribavirin effect of metformin on sustained virological response in patients |

Khafisova O.O., Polikarpova T.S., Mazurchik N.V., Ogurtsov P.P.
No 1 (2008) |
Women contraceptive choice in sakha republic (Ykutia) |

Duglas N.I., Borisova E.A., Riad Y.G., Pavlova T.Y.
No 1 (2008) |
Women contraceptive choice in sakha republic (Ykutia) |

Duglas N.I., Borisova E.A., Riad Y.G., Pavlova T.Y.
No 4 (2011) |
Wound healing properties of ointments with different copper nanoparticles containing |

Rakhmetova A.A., Bogoslovskaya O.A., Ganzhigaeva A.N., Mbasha M.J., Olkhovskaya I.P., Glushchenko N.N.
No 4 (2013) |
X-ray study of kidney and upper urinary tract in internal drainage and after stent removal in the experiment |

Shkodkin S.V., Kogan M.I., Ivanov S.V., Idashkin Y.B., Shlokin N.A.
Young people awareness about possibility of transmitting microorganisms by kissing |

Streltsova T.A., Chislova I.A.
No 3 (2010) |
«Provisional-t» stenting: possible risk factors |

Shugushev Z.K., Movsesyants M.Y., Maksimkin D.A., Baranovich V.Y., Veretnik G.I., Faybushevich A.G., Tarichko U.V.
No 1 (2010) |
«Use of an electronic medical record system Medwork© in quality assurance of medical care» |

Bockeria L.A., Krupianko S.M., Luchetsky A.S., Arslanov S.S., Kuptsova I.V.
No 4 (2009) |
β2-adrenoretseptry arteries of back finiteness at adaptation to a cold |

Ananev V.N., Ananeva O.V., Ippolitov I.V., Ananev G.V., Ippolitov E.V., Furin V.A., Aminev R.S.
No 1 (2012) |
β-adrenoreception in the aged patients with recurrence of chronic obstructive bronchitis |

Malykhin F.T.
No 3 (2011) |
Аbout typical responses of the damaged heart |

Frolov V.A., Bilibin D.P., Blagonravov M.L., Drozdova G.A., Chibisov S.M.
No 3 (2012) |
Аmino acids in serum and cerebrospinal fluid of children with Kanner syndrome |

Gorina A.S., Kolesnichenko L.S., Mikhnovich V.I.
No S5 (2011) |
Еfficiency of ultrasound diagnostics of the chronic endometritis for women with early-term pregnancy losses |

Petrov Y.A.
No 4 (2010) |
Мagnetiс-resonance imaging of damage of the shoulder against presence of the accompanying impingement syndrome |

Аkimkinа А.М., Goncharov E.N., Rodionov A.V., Tereshchenko G.V., Znamenskiy I.A.
Vol 22, No 2 (2018) |

Trapeznikova T.V., Pisklakova T.P., Gubina V.O.
Vol 26, No 4 (2022): GINECOLOGY |
Рrediction of infertility in patients with uterine leiomyoma |

Semyatov S.M., Leffad L.M.
No 1 (2009) |
Сhronic fatigue syndrome in patients with chronic cerebral ischemia |

Mokina T.V., Antipenko E.A., Gustov A.V.
No 4 (2010) |
Сlinical manifestation and phatomorphological illustration of massive hypoxical intraventricular hemorrhages in newborn babies |

Ledyaikina L.V., Balyukova L.A., Razdolkina T.I., Naumenko E.I., Vereshagina V.S., Samoshkina E.L., Dzubich L.I., Garina S.V.
No 3 (2010) |
Тhe influence of etoxidol upon the indications of functional activity and lipid erythrocytes exchange at endotoxicosis |

Vlasov A.P., Drozdova G.A., Mustyatsa V.F., Tarasova T.V., Nachkina E.I., Leschankina N.U.
No 4 (2010) |
Тhe possibilities of complex correction of antiagregational activity of the vessel wall in patients with arterial hypertension and metabolic syndrome, who suffered from the occlusion of eye vessels |

Danilenko O.A., Medvedev I.N.
No 4 (2009) |
Тне health of children visiting preschool institutions in town orenburg (by the results of prophylactic medical examinations) |

Pavlenko T.N., Murzyna Y.M., Katsova G.B., Shukurova T.O.
No 1 (2008) |
Тне intranatal causes of grave condition at premature newborns |

Radzinskiy V.E., Starceva N.M., Devyatova E.A., Zlatovratskaya T.V., Kotaysh G.A., Zayakina L.B., Tarasova I.V.
No S6 (2012) |
“Treatment” pregnancy in captivity dangerous delusion |

Zaripova L.R., Galina T.V., Durandin J.M., Zlatovratskaya T.V., Startseva N.M., Startseva T.A.
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