
Techniques for conservative treatment of peri-implantitis
Burlakova L.A., Dymnikov A.B.
An integrated approach to the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of caries in early and preschool age children
Simonenko D.A., Zhurbenko V.A., Karlash A.E.
Topical timolol maleate in the treatment of mixed and deep infantile hemangiomas: a report of two cases
Pavlovic M., Rokvic Z., Ilic T.
Analysis of the range of medications for treatment of psoriasis
Kaverina E.V.
Costs of treating community-acquired bacterial bronchopneumonia in pediatric patients
Ochoa Y.P., Abreu Y.J., Mateo G.P.
Treatment of intraarticular fractures of the proximal tibia (review)
Toledo K.V.
Short-term results of surgical treatment of retroperitoneal tumours
Kharchenko V.P., Chhikvadze V.D., Abdullaeva A.A., Sdvizhkov A.M.
Clinical particularies of schizophrenia paranoic comorbid to diabetes militan
Varnakova T.V., Artemieva M.S.
Improvement of herontological characteristics population by modern menagement of special hospitals
Lukashev A.M.
Probiotics in complex treatment of piogenic diseases of maxillofacial region
Polyakov K.A.
Comparative analysis of surgical interventions in the treatment of patients with metastatic lesions of the femur in combination with pathological fractures
Wang J., Kharchenko N.V.
Treatment of fournier's disease
Dobrovolskiy S.R., Chinikov M.A., Dedenkov O.A., Ramazanova A.R.
Repeated multi intervention on aorta and arteries of the lower extremities
Mizaushev B.A., Aslanov A.D., Taukenova l.I., Ishaq L.N., Havpachev A.S., Edigov A.T.
Results of parodontium treatment related to platelet-reach plasma
Machmutova A.F., Nasibullin A.M., Achmerov R.R., Ovechkina M.V., Daurova F.U.
Psycho-physiological correction of the functional state of patients' organisms in the denturing process with the application of dental implants
Timofeev D.A., Temnikov V.Y.
Regeneration of the purulent wound at application nanooxidaised antibacterial mixed-preparations
Melnikov V.V., Iscanderov Z.M., Abdulaeva Z.S., Cazimagomedov A.S.
Analysis of the vascular abnormalities of the patients with ankle joint mild osteoarthritis
Mombekov A.O., Karpovich N.I., Dogotar O.A., Dergunov A.V., Zagorodnyi N.B.
Analysis doctor's opinion about the quality of medical and pharmaceutical care of patients with chronic skin diseases
Kaverina E.V., Fomina A.V.
Antihypertensive agents safety during pregnancy
Karpova E.V., Orazmuradov A.A., Litvinenko I.A., Andreeva U.A., Kryukova E.N., Bratchikova T.V., Lusov V.A.
Modern principles of conservative treatment of pulpitis
Nikolskaya I.A.
Use of criteria of quality of life in choice of treatment methods for patientes with malocclusion
Mansour J.P.
Radiotheraphy as a part of multi-modality treatment of supratentorial infiltrative low-grade cerebral gliomas (grade II) in adults. Long-term results
Milyukov S.M., Kharchenko N.V., Kunda M.A., Tsallagova Z.S., Zapirov G.M., Morgunov A.A., Izmailov T.R.
Current issues of pathogenesis, diagnostic visualization and methods of treatment Peyronie’s disease
Kasenova B.G., Notov I.K., Verdiev R.V., Volobuev D.I., Aliev U.M., Mikailova S.E., Erkovich A.A., Tulupov A.A., Satinov A.V.
Pecularities of X-ray diagnostics and treatment of chronic periodontitis during repeated endodontic procedures
Gerasimova L.P., Sorokin A.P.
Physiotherapy in the system of medical aid for elders
Prashchayeu K.I., Medvedev D.S., Gurko G.I., Perelygin К.V., Kunitsyna N.М.
Application of medical products on the basis of gelatin
Ananev V.N., Furin V.A., Larionov L.P., Novikov J.T., Fatihov I.M., Latenkova N.J., Gatsko J.S., Ananeva O.V.
Trapeznikova T.V., Pisklakova T.P., Gubina V.O.
Awareness of patients of dermatovenerological institutions for prevention and treatment of syphilis
Volkova S.B.
Evaluation of effectiveness of solvent-detergent viral in activation in the manufacture of intravenous human immunoglobulin G in a model of virus diarrhea — mucosal disease of cattle
Kaz’yanin A.V., Zubkova N.V., Krasilnikov I.V., Lobastova A.K., Anastasiev V.V., Nikolaeva A.M., Glotova T.I., Kungurtseva O.V., Glotov A.G.
Surgical approach to restoring reproductive function in patients with tumors ovarian
Kuznetsova E.P., Tetelytina F.K., Serebrennicova K.G., Halilov R.Z.
The programme for treatment and prevention of dental diseases in petrochemical workers
Kabirova M.F., Usmanova I.N.
Viral and bacterial coinfection as a global problem of modern medicine
Balmasova I.P., Malova E.S., Sepiashvili R.I.
Diagnosis and treatment of metabolic syndrome in health centres
Chernyshev A.V., Sorochinskaya I.N.
Our experience of radio-waved surgery in oral and maxillo-facial region
Gun'ko V.I., Zandelov V.L., Trufanov V.D., Lezhava N.L., Uvarova E.O.
Adherence to drug therapy in patients with atrial fibrillation
Kachkovskiy М.A., Krasnoslobodskaya O.V.
Social and hygienic aspects of dental cases among pregnant women
Kosenko I.B., Sharafutdinova N.K.
Nazarov E.A., Ryabova M.N., Vasilieva A.V.
Modern approaches to administration of enterosorbatesfor treatment of acute intestinal diseases
Tokmalaev A.K., Polovinkina N.A., Besborodov N.G., Popova S.P., Golub V.P., Barisheva I.V.
Immediate and late outcomes ofsurgial and endoscopic treatment of patients with chronic pancreatitis with a primary lesion of the head
Klimov А.Е., Маliuga V.U., Gaboian А.S., Ivanov V.А., Fedorov А.G., Davidova S.V., Barhudarov А.А., Kuprin А.А., Novoselova V.V.
The effects of antiseptics miramistin and chlorhexidine on oral cavity of patients with chronic generalized catarrhal gingivitis
Avanesov A.M., Kalantarov G.K.
Results of application of «Proroot МТА» in therapeutic and surgical practice
Filippova E.A., Lukyanenko A.A.
Vasiliev A.E., Margolin O.V., Karagyulyan S.R., Rogov D.A., Gitelzon D.G., Vasiliev M.A., Gitelzon E.A.
The importance of pharmacogenetic research for optimization of antihypertensive treatment
Shevchenko O.V., Bychkov E.N., Posnenkova O.M., Dovgalevsky P.Y., Bogoslovskaya S.I., Svistunov A.A.
Malaria: current state of diagnostics and treatment
Tokmalaev А.К., Kozhevnikova G.М., Polovinkina N.А., Khodzhaeva N.М., Rabinovich S.А., Chentsov V.B.
Air cysts of the larynx (features of clinics, diagnosis and treatment)
Antoniv T.V., Antoniv V.F., Grinchyuk V.I., Aksenov V.M.
Repeat endodontic treatment in cases of use pastes root seals
Dmitrieva L.A., Butenko I.V., Kleshenko A.V., Zuzina T.V.
1 - 46 of 46 Items

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