
Blood pressure status in patients with metabolic syndrome
Sorout J., Kacker S., Saboo N., Kumar M.
The role of endogenous H2S in experimental metabolic syndrome
Birulina J.G., Ivanov V.V., Buyko E.E., Voronkova O.V., Chernyshov N.A., Gusakova S.V.
Analysis of pregnancy, childbirth, postpartum and fetal development in women with obesity and metabolic syndrome
Muradyan E.M., Orazmuradov A.A., Zlatovratskaya T.V., Saschenko A.I., Saiunov M.A.
Тhe possibilities of complex correction of antiagregational activity of the vessel wall in patients with arterial hypertension and metabolic syndrome, who suffered from the occlusion of eye vessels
Danilenko O.A., Medvedev I.N.
Diagnosis and treatment of metabolic syndrome in health centres
Chernyshev A.V., Sorochinskaya I.N.
Features of the endotelian disfunction at women with arteriаl hypertensia and the metabolic sindrom in menopausal period
Ishmanova А.R., Karamova I.M., Nikolaeva I.E., Yanbaeva S.M., Zakirova A.N.
To the question of the prevention of severe pre-eclampsia in pregnant women with metabolic syndrome
Savel'eva I.V., Barinov S.V.
The estimation of risk factors of repeating myicardial infarction at patients with metabolic syndrome
Mikashinowich Z.I., Gridasova R.A., Olempieva E.V.
Blood pressure time load formation in patients with arterial hypertension without metabolic syndrome
Zotova T.Y., Lukanina A.A., Blagonravov M.L.
Of antiagregational activity of the vessel wall in patients with arterial hypertension and metabolic syndrome, who suffered from occlusion of eye vessels
Medvedev I.N., Danilenko O.A.
Oxidative stress correlates well with markers of metabolic syndrome in clinically hypothyroid cases: a hospital based study in a remote tribal district
Panda S., Dash M.K., Thatoi P.K., Dandapat J., Rath B.
Chumakov P.I., Marchenko L.A., Kravchenko I.V.
Clinical application of direct renin inhibitor aliskiren in combined therapy of patients with arterial hypertension and metabolic syndrome
Dralova O.V., Maximov M.L., Ermolaeva A.S.
1 - 13 of 13 Items

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