Vol 28, No 1 (2024): DENTISTRY


Magnetic field application in bone tissue regeneration: issue current status and prospects for method development

Muraev A.A., Manukyan G.G., Salekh K.M., Bonartsev A.P., Volkov A.V.


Relevance. Magnets have long been used to treat various diseases, especially in inflammatory processes. According to existing historical data, magnetotherapy was already used in ancient times by the Chinese, Egyptians and Greeks. Different magnetic field strengths affect cells in different ways, with medium-strength magnetic fields being the most widely used. The review presents a brief history and current state of the issue of using a magnetic field in bone tissue regeneration. Modern knowledge about the mechanisms of physiological and reparative regeneration, restoration of bone tissue is clarified, and modern areas of bone tissue engineering are considered, taking into account the characteristics of microcirculation and the effect of a magnetic field on the physiology of bone tissue and reparative regeneration. One of the key findings of the review is that the magnetic field improves bone tissue repair by influencing the metabolic behavior of cells. Studies show that magnetotherapy promotes the activation of cellular processes, accelerates the formation of new bone tissue and improves its quality. It is also noted that the magnetic field has a positive effect on microcirculation, improving the blood supply to tissues and facilitating a better supply of nutrients to the site of injury. This contributes to faster wound healing and early rehabilitation of patients. Conclusion. Magnetotherapy is one of the effective physical and rehabilitation methods of treatment that will become increasingly important in modern medicine. However, further research is needed to better understand the mechanisms of action of a magnetic field on bone tissue and to determine the optimal parameters for its application.

RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2024;28(1):9-22
pages 9-22 views 849

An integrated approach to the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of caries in early and preschool age children

Simonenko D.A., Zhurbenko V.A., Karlash A.E.


Relevance. Dental caries, according to World Health Organization, is one of the most common diseases in children throughout the world. In the absence of timely diagnosis and treatment, the carious process can affect not only the efficiency of chewing function, but also speech, smile and, as a consequence, psychosocial adaptation, as well as the quality of life of the child and family. Despite the fact that the etiological factors have been well known for many years, reducing the number of teeth affected by caries in children still remains an urgent task. This article is a review of information sources about the prevalence, etiology and integrated approach to the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of dental caries in children. The authors analyzed scientific data in the search engines PubMed, Google Scholar and eLibrary. Conclusion . Based on the literature review, a number of modern trends were identified that define a series of key hypotheses that summarize the accumulated material and confirm the prospects and relevance of the problem. The goal is to help clinicians recognize common patterns of caries in children and make appropriate decisions regarding the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of carious lesions, taking into account available methods, materials, knowledge, age and patient history. It is also important to create a comfortable and safe environment during the appointment, as unfamiliarity with a new physical interaction can provoke anxiety as a standard response to uncertainty, which often results in childhood dental phobia, contributing to behavioral resistance to return visits. In general, based on the analysis, we can conclude that the use of an integrated approach to diagnosis and treatment has great potential for achieving better results in working with dental patients of early and preschool age, the development and improvement of which should remain a priority to ensure more complete and effective treatment of children and maintaining their health in the long term.

RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2024;28(1):23-34
pages 23-34 views 510

Study of various adhesive systems’ bond strength for bracket placement

Almokaddam H., Tuturov N.S., Katbeh I.


Relevance . Today, the dental market offers a large selection of adhesive systems developed based on various concepts. Improving adhesive technology in orthodontic practice is aimed at simplifying methods of use, improving the composition and ability of adhesion of orthodontic elements to the tooth structure. The aim of this study is to compare the shear bonding strength of different generations of adhesive systems for metal brackets placement. Materials and Methods . The study sample consisted of 40 recently extracted human upper premolars. The premolars were divided into four groups 10 each. The first group used the bond Transbond XT 3M Unitek (USA), the second - Beauty Ortho Bond (Japan), the third - Tetric N bond Universal (Vivapen) (USA) with acid etching with phosphoric acid (LI), the fourth - Tetric N bond Universal (Vivapen) (USA) without acid etching with phosphoric acid. The study used metal brackets for upper premolars (Gemini Bracket MBT, 3M Unitek, USA) with a micro-patterned base, the area of which was defined as 10.61 mm2. Mechanical shear strength tests were carried out using the Instron Universal Test machine (USA). One-way analysis of variance and the TUKEY test were used to examine significant differences in adhesive strength and shear strength between study groups. Results and Discussion. The highest adhesive shear strength was established when using the Transbond XT adhesive system (12.28 MPa) and the Tetric N Bond Universal system using the total etching (12.66 MPa) and self-etching (11.44 MPa) techniques; statistically significant differences between these adhesives were not detected. The second group of Beauty Ortho Bond (5.34 MPa) demonstrated the lowest adhesion force among the studied adhesives, with a statistically significant difference from the other groups. Conclusion : This study concluded that there are no notable differences in the comparison of the universal system with or without etching with the Transbond system. Regarding the use of the beauty Ortho bond, it obtained the lowest strength with significant difference from the remaining groups.

RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2024;28(1):35-45
pages 35-45 views 514

Role of child behavior management in forming positive associations with the dentist

Lupeychinkova K.N., Sorokina D.S., Zhurbenko V.A., Karlash A.E.


Relevance. The psychological adaptation of a child to a dental appointment is of particular relevance today. This study analyzes the literature on the role of child behavior management in pediatric dentistry. The causes of dental fear, its manifestations and consequences are considered. Also, various methods of adaptation of the child and the results of studies evaluating the effectiveness of such methods are analyzed. The goal is to find out which ways of managing a child’s behavior are able to form positive associations with dentists as well as overcome anxiety and fear of treatment. Conclusion. The results of the literature analysis show that even the simplest methods of interaction with children are effective in reducing anxiety and fear before visiting a dentist. In addition, working with parents and using various forms of interactive communication helps to create a positive atmosphere in the dental clinic and form a positive experience for children. In general, based on the analysis, it can be concluded that the control of the child’s behavior has great potential to achieve better results in the work of a dentist. The development and improvement of methods of controlling the behavior of children in dentistry should remain a priority to ensure more complete and effective treatment, as well as maintaining their health in the long term.

RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2024;28(1):46-56
pages 46-56 views

Techniques for conservative treatment of peri-implantitis

Burlakova L.A., Dymnikov A.B.


Relevance. Dental implants are widely used to restore the patient’s teeth. They have become a worthy alternative to removable dentures. With the accumulation of clinical experience, the indications for dental implantation expanded, and as a result, the evaluation of long-term results became possible. In parallel with the expansion of clinical use of dental implants and the introduction of the technology into everyday practice, the experience of complications and errors accumulated, and from single publications in the 1990s, at the very beginning of development, to large-­scale studies in the 10s. And if in the early period of implantology development the success of treatment was mainly associated with implant survival, then modern research focuses on the state of tissues around the implant, and the influence of processes in them on the overall outcome of treatment. One of the main complications is inflammation of peri-implant tissues - peri-implantitis. Modern authors define peri-implantitis as an inflammatory process affecting the tissues around a functionally integrated implant, resulting in loss of supporting bone. Continued bone loss around the implant can significantly impair implant stability and function. The authors review the scientific literature describing experimental conservative treatment protocols for peri-implantitis and attempts to achieve osseointegration. Conclusion. The reviewed literature advocated various methods of surgical regenerative treatment for peri-implantitis, including the use of bone substitutes, methods of detoxification of implant surfaces, and the administration of antimicrobial agents. There are many different protocols for the treatment of peri-implantitis; they all share the same goal of reducing disease progression and bone loss by eliminating bacterial infection. The controversy over the proper approach to treating peri-implantitis and restoring osseointegration clearly demonstrates the need for more research to answer this question.

RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2024;28(1):57-67
pages 57-67 views

Impact of three types of music on patients during dental implant surgery and wisdom tooth extractions

Dagher S., Dymnikov A.B.


Relevance. Many patients suffer from anxiety when planning a surgical procedure, which leads them to either postpone it or go through it with all those negative feelings that may affect the course of the surgical work or even its outcomes. Modern medicine aims to find non-pharmaceutical ways, such as music, to put these emotions under control so that the patient feels a sense of calm and tranquility throughout the surgical operation and comes out with less negative feelings and good memories, which prevents the formation of any psychological trauma. Our investigation aims to study the effect of three types of music, on the psychological state of the patient during surgery, by evaluating the data of systolic and diastolic pressure, pulse, and oxygen level in the blood. Materials and Methods . 36 patients who visited the Medical Center of the RUDN University on a daily basis for dental implants and wisdom tooth extractions were randomly selected to undergo the experiment. They were divided into four groups, the first was the control group which was not exposed to music, the second was exposed to classical music, the third was exposed to Buddhism music, and the fourth was exposed to music generated by Artificial Intelligence. Pressure, pulse, and oxygen level were recorded in three phases and changes assessed using Student’s t-test and Mann-Whitney U analyses. Results and Discussion. The final results obtained did not show any significant changes in the values of pressure, pulse, and blood oxygenation during the period of exposure to music when compared with control group. Conclusion. Exposing to music didn’t show any positive effect on stress levels during dental implantation and extraction.

RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2024;28(1):68-75
pages 68-75 views 450


Predicting the development of vulvar lichen sclerosus

Kolesnikova E.V., Zharov A.V., Osipova L.K., Dupleev A.I.


Relevance. The issue of timely diagnosis and treatment of vulvar lichen sclerosus has become especially acute in recent years due to the “rejuvenation” of the disease and the risk of its malignancy. In this regard, it is urgent to search for effective methods for predicting and early detection of the disease. The aim of the study - to develop a model for predicting vulvar lichen sclerosus based on established clinical and anamnestic risk factors. Materials and Methods. The prospective case-control study included 404 women aged 20 to 70 years, of which 344 were patients with vulvar lichen sclerosus and 60 were women without vulvar diseases. At the first stage, a comparative statistical correlation analysis of the clinical and anamnestic data of the subjects was carried out using the Spearman correlation coefficient (R > 0.15), Chi-square tests, Phi and Cramer statistics, the Mann-­Whitney U test and the Student t test (p  <   0.05). The data obtained were used to develop a neural network model for predicting vulvar lichen sclerosus in the second stage of the study. Results and Discussion. Based on established reliably significant (p  <  0.05) obstetric-­gynecological, somatic, infectious, hygienic and household factors influencing the risk of developing vulvar lichen sclerosus (R indicator - from 0.16 to 0.38 confirms the statistical significance of correlations), a neural network model for predicting vulvar lichen sclerosus was developed (the percentage of correct classification on the test sample is the maximum possible value - 100%) and a computer program was written that automates the procedure for predicting the disease. Conclusion. The neural network model for predicting the disease, developed on the basis of reliably (p  <  0.05) significant risk factors for vulvar lichen sclerosus, has high prognostic properties, and a computer program written on its basis allows the doctor in a matter of minutes to identify the patient at risk for the development of vulvar lichen sclerosus and give she needs preventive recommendations aimed at preventing or early detection of the disease.

RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2024;28(1):76-85
pages 76-85 views

Obstetric, somatic and infectious risk factors for vulva sclerotic lichen

Osipova L.K., Kolesnikova E.V., Zharov A.V., Penzhoyan M.A.


Relevance. Until now, disputes among scientists about its etiology, pathogenesis, nomenclature and risk factors for the development of vulvar lichen sclerosis have not subsided, which actualizes the need for scientific research aimed at solving these problems. The aim of the study - to establish statistically significant clinical and anamnestic risk factors for vulvar lichen sclerosis. Materials and Methods. An electronic database was formed with data from 344 patients with lichen sclerosus of the vulva and 60 women without vulvar diseases aged 20-70 years on hereditary, obstetric-­gynecological, somatic and infectious history. A statistical comparative correlation analysis of the obtained data was carried out using the Spearman correlation coefficient (R > 0.15), nonparametric Mann - Whitney U test and Student t test (p < 0.05), Chi-square tests, Phi and Cramer statistics. Results and Discussion. Statistically significant (p < 0.05) risk factors for the development of vulvar lichen sclerosus (R, in descending order) were established: the presence of fibrocystic mastopathy (-0.29); late menarche (15 years and older) (-0.28); onset of menopause (-0.25); recurrent vulvo-­vaginal infections (-0.18); recurrent bacterial vaginosis (-0.18); autoimmune thyroiditis (-0.16) and stage II obesity (-0.16). Also, the average number of abortions and births (1.23 and 1.49, respectively) in the group of patients with lichen sclerosis of the vulva is statistically significantly greater (p < 0.05) than the average value (0.27 and 1.13, respectively) in control group. Conclusion. The data obtained on the impact of obesity and autoimmune thyroiditis on the risk of developing vulvar sclerotic lichen are consistent with the results of global studies and confirm the association of the disease with autoimmune and metabolic disorders. Recurrent vulvo-­vaginal infections and dysbiotic processes in the vagina can be both a cause and a consequence of vulvar lichen. The relationship between fibrocystic mastopathy and vulvar lichen sclerosus remains debatable and requires further research. Late menarche, the onset of menopause, a large number of abortions and childbirth can also be considered triggers for vulvar lichen sclerosus in patients with a genetic predisposition to the disease.

RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2024;28(1):86-103
pages 86-103 views


Combination of neuromuscular block monitoring and hand grip strength assessment for patients undergoing emergency abdominal surgery

Dhunputh N., Petrova M.V., Moroz V.V., Butrov A.V., Magomedov M.F.


Relevance. The hand grip strength measurement together with neuromuscular block monitoring played an important role during surgery. They both helped in losing less time during surgery and also facilitate the task of the surgeon. The aim of this study was to reduce time on intubation, facilitate the task of the surgeon and to limit post-surgical pain. In rehabilitation, hand grip strength helps in determining further recuperation measures after a surgery. There are three fundamental principles for an anesthesiologist to ensure that the patient after combined endotracheal anesthesia can be extubated, the first one is to ask the patient to move his head forward, the second one is to ask the patient whether the intubation tube is disturbing him in his mouth and the third most important one is to make the patient hold his wrist very firmly. Materials and Methods. Monitoring of muscle relaxant on induction, intra and post-surgery is carried out using a TOF Watch SX in coordination with handgrip strength measurement on 46 patients aged from 18 to 60 years of BMI of 18-30 kg/m² 15min before endotracheal intubation and 15min, 45min and 210min post extubation by using a dynamometer “MEGEON 34090” to help us understand whether after extubation muscle strength changes and to what extent. Also, pre-anesthesiology protocol, combined endotracheal protocol, Microsoft excel advanced, monitoring of hemodynamics, ECG, PEEP, PCO2, PO2, respiratory volume using Drager Fabius. Results and Discussion. The results showed that to reach deep muscle relaxation both atracurium benzilate (FKP Kursk Biofabric company, Kursk, Russia) at TOF 0 took 258.5 ±  83.5 secs and Cisatracurium benzilate (ZAO Obninsk Chemical pharmaceutical company, Obninsk, Russia) at TOF0-252.4 ± 100.1 secs in emergency patients and basically hand grip strength also was lesser as compared to planned cholecystectomy patients. Conclusion. Rehabilitation was necessary for patients undergoing massive abdominal emergency surgeries underlying the fact that on a pain scale 10/10 post surgery, further treatments should be implemented to reduce pain, reduce residual neuromuscular block and muscle weakness after extubation at TOF 90-95%.

RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2024;28(1):104-113
pages 104-113 views

Spleen white pulp structural and cellular composition in experimental furosemide-­induced hypomagnesemia

Smetanina M.V., Chuchkova N.N., Kormilina N.V., Pazinenko K.A.


Relevance. Magnesium deficiency in the blood (hypomagnesemia) is due to many reasons, among which loop diuretics (furosemide) occupy a certain place. The role of the spleen in this process has not been determined. The aim of the work was to elucidate the effect of furosemide-­induced hypomagnesemia on the immune structures of the white pulp of rat spleen. Materials and Methods. Furosemide (Lasix® Aventis Pharma Ltd, India) was injected daily intraperitoneally at a dose of 30 mg/kg to the experimental group of white outbred rats for 6 days, animals of the control group received an injection of 0.9% NaCl. Investigated: blood serum for the content of magnesium, calcium, sodium and iron; serial sections of the white pulp of the spleen after staining with hematoxylin and eosin to assess the structure and azure-­II-eosin to assess the cellular composition. With a microscope magnification of 280 times, the ratio (in %) of primary (PLNS) and secondary lymphoid nodules of the spleen (SLNS) was calculated, the following were measured (µm): the diameter of the germinal center (GC), the width of the mantle and marginal zone, the diameter of the periarteriolar lymphoid sheath (PALS). In GC, the peripheral zone of lymphoid nodules, PALS at a magnification of 1500 times per field of view (100 μm2) was counted and presented as a percentage of the number of lymphocytes; macrophages; cells, mitotic and apoptotic elements. Morphometric analysis was carried out using Image ProPlus 6.0 software (Media Cybernetics, USA). Statistical processing was carried out using the Statistica 10.0 software package with the determination of the arithmetic mean (M) and its error (m). Results and Discussion. The administration of furosemide led to a decrease in magnesium in the blood serum by 1.6 times (p < 0.05). In the white pulp of the spleen of animals of the experimental group, the proportion of SLNS decreased by 18.14%, the number of SLNS increased by 42.5% (p < 0.05). The diameter of SLNS increased insignificantly, the diameter of GC and the width of the marginal zone significantly increased by 27.1 and 24.8%, respectively. The proportion of macrophages increased by 20.6% in GC SLNS, and by 17.0% in PALS. The highest increase in the proportion of cells with signs of apoptosis was found in the periarteriolar lymphoid sheath of experimental animals - 34.6% (p < 0.05). Conclusion. Furosemide loading causes the development of dyselementosis, with the most significant loss of magnesium (hypomagnesemia) and has a pronounced effect on the immune parameters of the spleen, represented by white pulp structures. Therefore, correction of the elemental status and monitoring of the state of the spleen in hypomagnesemia caused by the use of loop diuretics is a necessary element in the prevention of complications associated with the use of diuretic drugs.

RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2024;28(1):114-122
pages 114-122 views