In article morphological features of skin of rats in the conditions of burn influence of skin without use of medicines and against the background of correction are studied by pharmaceuticals. A research objective was studying of morphological features of skin wounds of rats in the conditions of a thermal trauma and against the background of their correction was stimulators of a reparation of tissues. Materials and methods. As an object of a research served exemplars of the defective skin of non-linear rats males ( n = 50) excised from a zone of a thermal trauma in interscapular area of a back. The thermal burn of skin was caused imposing of a copper subject. Beginning from first day after a trauma put appliques of stimulators of a reparation of tissues daily during the entire period of an experiment. Results. Thermal influence led to development of the significant degenerative and dystrophic changes in skin. Restitution of a burn wound of skin of rats proceeded as the delayed partial reparative regeneration which is followed by the destructive phenomen and formation of cicatricial tissues. Conclusion. Application of stimulators of a reparation of tissues (cream Spacatel, spray D-pantenol) as means of correction of wound defects of skin promoted delay of the destructive processes within a false skin, a derma and a hypodermic fatty tissue, to an adhesion of a zone of damage (formation of tissues of skin and a cuticularization of a wound), in comparison with a case of correction of burn wounds of skin appliques of extraction alcoolique by Calendulae. Positive takes of our research prove effectiveness of their application in dermatologic and traumatology practice.