
Risk factors for recurrence of vulvovaginal infections
Kolesnikova E.V., Osipova L.K., Zharov A.V.
Mechanisms of Regulation Allergic and Autoimmune Reactions by Bacterial Origin Bioregulators
Guryanova S.V., Sigmatulin I.A., Gigani O.O., Lipkina S.A.
Inflammatory response modulation by epinephrine and norepinephrine
Guryanova S.V., Ferberg A.S., Sigmatulin I.A.
Immunotherapy at the modern stage: types and tactics of application
Korzhenevsky A.A., Korzhenevskaya N.P.
Influence of muramyl peptides on the production of chemokines, growth factors, pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines
Guryanova S.V.
Novel approaches to increase resistance to acute respiratory infections
Guryanova S.V., Kudryashova N.A., Kataeva A.A., Orozbekova B.T., Kolesnikova N.V., Chuchalin A.G.
Immunologichesky infringements at children during the sharp period of burn illness
Saharov S.P., Ivanov V.V., Ananeva O.V., Ananev V.N.
Lignogumat's action on the cellular and humoral immunity in the experimental inflammation model
Buzlama A.V.
Khabarova I.A., Zhukova S.I., Rotov K.A., Snatenkov E.A., Toporkov A.V., Viktorov D.V.
Emoxypin effect on some of the immune protection indices against the background of introduction of first line eradicate medications
Zorkina A.V., Stenshina A.V.
Positive effects of the immunomodulatory therapy in rehabilitation of children with congenital cleft lip and cleft palate on stages of the surgical treatment
Mitropanova M.N.
Indicators of the cellular component of immune system and blood proteinogramms In children with herpetic stomatitis
Kazantseva I.A.
Vaginal microbiocenosis in the 2 nd trimester of pregnancy
Shurnyak S.A.
Antidiphtheria immunity at children with allergic diseases
Labushkina A.V., Kharseeva G.G., Moskalenko E.P.
The influence of efferent-quantum methods on the immunity in patients with psoriasis
Baityakov V.V., Filimonkova N.N.
Modification of immune response in women with genital and extragenital diseases
Fominа O.A., Peshev S.L.
Functional activity of platelets in allotransplantation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis
Kirpatovskiy I.D., Smirnova E.D., Kaitova Z.S.
Treatment of the mixed bacterial and virial infections of the bottom department of sexual ways of women
Belopolsky H.А., Sidorova I.S., Kuznetsov V.I.
Specific features of noninvasive diagnostics of local balance immunity in infalammatory chronic parodontal diseases in young individuals living in the region with hazardous environment
Usmanova I.N., Gerasimova L.P., Kabirova M.F., Khusnarizanova R.F., Usmanov I.R.
1 - 19 of 19 Items

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