
What is the Philosophy We Need?
Kolychev P.M., Losev K.V.
In the Problem Field of Public Philosophy
Kozlova N.Y.
Primary Sources of History of Russian Philosophy of the XIX-XX Centuries in Russian State Archives: the Current Condition and Prospects of Study
Chernyaev A.V., Korsakov S.N., Makarova A.F.
On the Advantage of the Physics’ and Lyrics’ Cooperation: Usage of the Exact and Natural Sciences’ Conceptions in Social and Humanitarian Knowledge
Tsibizova I.M.
How social ontology is possible from the point of view of epistemology and philosophy of language?
Antonovskiy A.Y., Barash R.E.
The Unknown Reviews by S.L. Frank in the “Neue Züricher Zeitung”
Tsygankov A.S., Obolevitch T.
The Image of C.S. Peirce in Russian Philosophy: From the History of the Creation of the “Canon” of American Philosophers
Vanchugov V.V.
“Teaching” of Vladimir Monomakh as Synthesis of Ethical Traditions Byzantine Patristics and National Paganism
Volkova A.A.
Immanuel Kant “on the Borders” of A. Bely’s Symbolism
Marchevsky O.
Philosophy and Neurosciences: Perspectives for Interaction
Chaly V.A.
Towards Methods and Tasks of the Digital Indology
Bilimoria P., Paribok A.V., Pskhu R.V.
“Knowledge” and “Action”: al-Ghazali and Arab Muslim Philosophical Tradition in Context of Interrelationship with Philosophical Culture of Byzantium
Kirabaev N.S.
The Beginnings of Metaphilosophy: Heinrich Struve vs. Morris Laserowitz
Skripnik K.D.
Simon L. Frank on J.W. Goethe’s Spiritual Personality
Rezvykh T.N.
Logical and Epistemological Doctrine of Leonid E. Gabrilovich on Mathematical Thinking and Actual Form
Shevtsov A.V.
The Events of N.O. Lossky's "History of Russian Philosophy" and the Debate Around it in the 1950s
Serdyukova E.V.
Wolfgang Marx as a post-Neo-Kantian: The Reflection of the Reflection of the Reflection
Edel G.
Historiography of Yogācāra Philosophy in 20th Century India
Burmistrov S.L.
The Bhagavad Gita through the Prism of Kantian Ethics
Kortunov V.V., Lapshin I.Y., Panyukov A.I.
Analytic and Synthetic Propositions: I. Kant’s Criticisms and N.O. Lossky's Intuitionism
Babina D.A., Serdyukova E.V.
Сommunicative Discourse of Tattvasaṅgrāha by Śāntarakṣita
Ivanov V.P.
Mahayana Philosophy: Problems and Research
Lysenko V.G.
Changes in French Thinking" (1935), "Soul and World" (1938). Reviews
Frank S.L., Tsygankov A.S., Obolevitch T.
“Overcoming Transcendentalism” in the Theory of Knowledge V.V. Zenkovsky
Lagunov A.A., Ivanova S.Y.
Inclusivism, Perspectivism and Pluralistic Tendencies in the History of Indian Culture
Desnitskaya E.A.
Epistemological Problems of Quantum Mechanics Following Ernst Cassirer and Richard Hönigswald
Breil R.
Relevance of Interdisciplinary Approach in the Study of Consciousness
Sokolova J.V.
Philosophy of Mind: Introduction
Vasilyev V.V.
Russia Abroad: 100 Years After the "Philosophical Steamer"
Steila D.
Morphology of V.N. Ilyin in the Context of World Philosophical Thought
Ermishin O.T.
Moral Foundations of Power and State in Teachings of Ibn al-Azraq
Al-Janabi M.M., Alyousef Shirin M., Pochta Y.M.
Philosophy of Accelerationism: A New Way of Comprehending the Present Social Reality (in Nick Land’s Context)
Chistyakov D.I.
Mārganāṭyam: Ancient Indian Theater in India Today. Philosophy, Discipline and Artistic Experience
Ryzhakova S.I.
Individual and Social in L.I. Petrazhitsky's Philosophy of Law
Kornilaev L.Y.
Lvov A.A.
Hellenic Theology of the Formation of the Late Cassics
Naidysh V.M.
Existential Sources of School Shootings and Columbine
Baeva L.V.
Environmentalism in Modern Islamic Philosophy
Ragozina S.A.
An Old Annex, Long since Unhabitable: The Critique of Practical Reason as an Offspring of Architectonic Classicism
Sudakov A.K.
Kant’s Transcendentalism as Metaphysics of Possible Experience and its Realistic Interpretation in Analytical Philosophy
Katrechko S.L.
The First Century of Getting Used to Kant's Ideas in Russian Universities
Orlova N.K.
Kantian Motives in Work of Ludwig Wittgenstein
Sokuler Z.A.
Two Letters from the Correspondence of V.E. Sesemann and B.D. Dandaron
Nesterkin S.P.
Rosenzweig and Bakhtin. Hermeneutics of Language and Verbal Art in the System of the Philosophy of Dialogue
Dvorkin I.
From Russian Theurgical Aesthetics to the Utopian Theurgy of Beauty and Art in the Russian Diaspora Philosophy
Kolomiets G.G., Lyashenko P.V.
Formation of history of Chinese philosophy as academic discipline in China
Kiselev V.A.
The Refraction of Byzantine and Ancient Russian Ideas in the Ethical and Political Writings of John IV the Terrible
Volkova A.A.
Kant’s Project of Practical Anthropology and the Teachings of Vl. Solovyov on the Primary Data of Morality
Lugovoy S.V.
Receptions of Kant’s Philosophy in Russian Empiriocriticism
Rybas A.E.
Hermann Cohen, Martin Buber, Franz Rosenzweig on Torah: Jewish Teaching versus Law
Wiedebach H.
Vaishnavism in Nammalvar’s Poem “Tiruviruttam”
Moiseev S.R.
Theory of “Cultural Memory” by J. Assmann and Reflection of Multiculturalism: Myth, Memory and Remembrance in Cultures of “Axial Age”
Zhdanov V.V.
What has been done by western scientists studying Russia in the context of Russian philosophy
Vanchugov V.V.
I. Kant and Russian Symbolism: Criticism of the “Enchanted Distance”
Romanov D.D.
Hegel’s Bellicis View of War. Mature Works
Krouglov A.N.
Georg Northoff's Neurophilosophical Approach
Zhudina A.A.
Georgii Fedotov as a Theologian of Culture
Mjør K.J.
Vorozhikhina K.V.
Problem of religious foundation's essence determination of Solovyev's philosophy
Glazkov A.P.
Aliaiev G.E., Tsygankov A.S.
Stepanyants M.T.
The problem field of philosophical discourse of national (Turkish) culture
Satybaldinova K.M.
History of Medieval Philosophy as a Problem of Contemporaneity: Construction or Interpretation?
Khorkov M.L.
Antinomy of «social service» and «smart doing» in the orthodox tradition: Nil Sorsky and Iosif Volots
Gordeev A.S.
Philosophy in the context of classical Arab Muslim culture: issues of ideas and categories
Kirabaev N.S.
Wagner-Blashe dispute in light of Russian “love of wisdom”
Martseva A.V.
Concepts and issues of classical arab-muslim philosophy
Kirabaev N.S.
Philosophical Problems of Linguistics
Baryshnikov N.P.
Russian philosophy in Italy. Historiographical essay
Kusenko O.I.
Is Hermann Cohen a Classical Philosopher?
Poma A., Belov V.N.
Perspectivism as a philosophical strategy in Bhartṛhari’s 'Vākyapadīya'
Desnitskaya E.A.
Lao_zi or Confucious? Hu Shih's position in the discussion about the first chinese philosopher
Kiselev V.A.
Understanding of Historicity in Philosophy of Neo-patristic Syntesys G.V. Florovsky
Glazkov A.P.
Hermeneutics of Aristotle and Hermeneutics of Sophists in Terms of Dialogue Philosophy. Part 1
Dvorkin I.
Postcontinental Philosophy: Post- and Neometaphysical Turn
Tlostanova M.V.
Corporate social responsibility in the context of philosophy of marketing
Mamchenkov D.V.
Orekhov A.M., Skachko E.L.
Nietzsche’s early work of Frank
Kiseleva E.S.
Jewish philosophy as a Direction of the World philosophy of Modern and Contemporary Times
Dvorkin I.
“Maqamat as-Sufiyya”: Introduction and Part “Proof of the Immateriality of the Soul” (Translation from Arabic and Prolusion by V.N. Putyagina)
Shihab A.a., Putyagina V.N.
Skorokhodova T.G.
The Study of Russian Religious Philosophy in Freiborg (Afterword of the Translator)
Tsygankov А.С.
Paribok A.V., Pskhu R.V.
Philosophic content of Anton Chekhov’s work
Grevtsova E.S.
Influence Schelling philosophy of identity and philosophy of unity Vl. Solovyov on the principles of business ethics at the S.N. Bulgakov
Gordeev A.S.
Landscape Philosophy in Relation to the Description of Contemporary Society and its Environment
Milykh A.O.
The Idea of the Church as the Best Social Structure: F.M. Dostoevsky and V.S. Soloviev
Besschetnova E.V.
Problem of Intellectual Doubles in Contemporary Research of Russian History of Philosophy (an Example of Russian Narodism)
Marchevsky O.
Leo Tolstoy and Russian Religious Philosophy (part II)
Zwahlen R.M., Tsygankov A.S.
Pavlov A.V.
Modern Indian thinkers’ philosophy: methodology of reconstruction (on the example of Rammohun Roy’s philosophy)
Skorokhodova T.G.
Concerning the philosophical background of lyrical poetry: some preliminary notes
Rashkovsky E.B.
Moral and legal norms of family life in the philosophy I.G. Fichte
Tatarnikova Y.M.
Dillem of the wisdom and shariat (philosophy and religion) in conception of the Brethren of Purity (Ikhwan al-Safa)
Al-Ganabi M.M.
Rousseau and Descartes: confrontation of the traditions?
Krotov A.A.
Philosophy in Moscow Ecclesiastical Academe in the XIX century
Tsvyk I.V.
The destiny of a person in L.P. Karsavin’s philosophy of history
Malgina N.Y.
Do is it necessary to resist to the evil by force? (on the foundation of humanistic policy)
Nizhnikov S.A.
Interpretation of Concepts Identity and Interpersonality in Philosophy of Fichte
Tatarnikova Y.M.
Historical and Philosophical Arabic Studies in Russia at the Turn of the Century (the 2nd Half of the XX - Early XXI Centuries)
Kirabaev N.S.
1 - 100 of 194 Items 1 2 > >> 

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