No 4 (2016)

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Editorial note

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RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2016;(4):7-8
pages 7-8 views

Prolegomena to metaphysics of al-Ghazali

Kirabaev N.S., Al-Janabi M.M.


The paper considers the basic approaches and issues al-Ghazali's teachings about the reason and faith in the context of the ideal knowledge of the “golden period” of the classical Arab-Muslim philosophy. The basic approach to the understanding of al-Ghazali’s system was formulated by Ibn Rushd, who said that in al-Ghazali’s books he did not associate themselves with any of the exercises, being “with Ash'arites Ash’arites, with Sufis - Sufi, with philosophers - philosopher”. The problem of faith and reason is considered it from the point of view of kalam (“speculative theology”), fiqh (Islamic law) and Sufis. It is noted that a key reason for the understanding of his teachings as a system of metaphysics is the study, in which faith and reason complement each other on the field of knowledge, ie, it is a question of the unity of knowledge, both secular and religious.
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2016;(4):9-15
pages 9-15 views

The classification of fallacious reasons in “nyāyapraveśaka-śāstra”

Kanaeva N.A.


The article contains the translation from Sanskrit to Russian of the fragment (sutras 1, 2, 4, 9-13) of the short logic work “Nyāyapraveśaka-śāstram” (“Treatise bringing in the rules [of reasoning]”) and some comments. Text was written in VI CE in the school of the founder of Buddhist logic Dignāga. The fragment is dedicated to 14 errors of the reasons of inference, (unproven, uncertain and contradictory), and contains restrictions for the rule of three characteristics for hetu (trairūpya). Full Russian translation of the text isn’t published yet.
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2016;(4):16-27
pages 16-27 views

Modern Indian thinkers’ philosophy: methodology of reconstruction (on the example of Rammohun Roy’s philosophy)

Skorokhodova T.G.


The methodological model for reconstruction of Modern Indian thinker’s philosophy is described in the article. It substantiates the understanding of Modern philosophical texts based on both taking into account the outer and inner contexts of ones’ creation and the consciousness, thinking and personality of its authors.
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2016;(4):28-35
pages 28-35 views

Conception of man’s development in M.K. Gandhi’s philosophy

Bitinayte E.A.


The author investigates M. K. Gandhi’s anthropological views and his ideas on individual development. Indian thinker distinguishes Spiritual and brute principles in human nature, sees matter of self-improvement in understanding by person his Divine essence and considers spiritual salvation as a final goal of this process.
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2016;(4):36-42
pages 36-42 views

Human nature in the Guodian bamboo slips

Blazhkina A.Y.


This article analyzes the problem of human nature in the Guodian Bamboo Slips. The idea of human nature consists in the text, named as “Nature Derives from Mandate” (“Xing zi ming chu”) which belongs to early Сonfucian’s philosophical thought. According to the Guodian Bamboo Slips, human nature differ from another beings, because only human has an opportunity to change his nature. Human nature is given by Mandate Ming, which is given by Heaven Tian, and also connected with Tao.
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2016;(4):43-55
pages 43-55 views

The problem of “freedom” in Dostoevsky’s views. (The predefiniteness of the world events and rebellion against it of miserable man)

Pavlenko A.N.


This paper considers Dostoyevsky’s understanding of human freedom. It is shown that Dostoevsky reduced the freedom of Human being to a freedom of will and thought that “the predefiniteness of the world events” is the main obstacles in its implementation. The work promoted a logical analysis of the difficulties associated with the reduction of human freedom to the “freedom of will” and to the “freedom of choice”. Has been demonstrated the reception of Dostoevsky’s ideas by F. Kafka in “Process” also.
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2016;(4):56-69
pages 56-69 views

Philosophy of symbol by Vyacheslav Ivanov and Pavel Florensky

Buzhor E.S.


The paper analyzes the philosophic and artistic principles of the theory of symbol developed by two prominent personalities of Russian Silver Age: poet, Vyacheslav Ivanov and philosopher, Pavel Florensky. The role of the symbol as a link between empiric and noumenal worlds is shown as being fundamental for both thinkers.
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2016;(4):70-77
pages 70-77 views

The tradition of the academic teaching of philosophy in the context of globalisation: an introduction

Fornet-Betancourt R.


In the article the author considers the future of the academic teaching of philosophy in the contemporary world of globalization. The theme is much more difficult as it seems to be. It can be considered from the different point of views. For example, we can engage in a critical study of cultural context of our tradition of the academic teaching of philosophy (and in this case our analyze will a particular part of more general consideration of European tradition of the university education) or we can propose the ways alternative for our tradition. Any way we will have to take our traditions to the tribunal of our present life in order to answer the question whether they are still relevant and whether we can still live from them today. But it is also useful to consider us ourselves and our present life from another side, and namely from our traditions, and allow them to be that tribunal, which makes a decision about what we are today.
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2016;(4):78-86
pages 78-86 views

Philosophy and culture: the role of religion?

Alam E.J.


In the article the author concerns the question of correlation and interaction of culture and philosophy, and namely, whether culture emerges from philosophy or quite the contrary? Analyzing the history of philosophy from the ancient time until today he concludes the unity and diversity of culture can be considered and explained in the way we can interpret the process of the development of humanity as a combination of different cultures, where each of them is a representation of the common culture of humanity understood as an idea of Plato. Herewith it depends on the philosophy as a structure of principles in what way the culture of the humanity will be embodied and what form it will take. And for the forming of the philosophy the livin religious culture is quite important what is confirmed with the fact the development of philosophical ideas was the most fruitfully there and in the time where and when they were originally derived from the religious polemics (as it was in 7-11th centuries in the Middle East countries.
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2016;(4):87-95
pages 87-95 views

The architectonics of the Latin American self-identity discourse in the 20th century (Part 2)

Bondar O.Y.


The axis of the publication is the self-identity discourse unfolding in close connection with the socio-political situation in Latin America in the first decades of the 20th century. The characteristics and specificity of the peripheral forms of modernization processes are highlighted. The author takes “Mexican essence” philosophy development as an example to discuss cognitive strategies of national reflection associated with different ways of transition to modernization experience.
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2016;(4):96-105
pages 96-105 views

Religious-philosophical hermeneutics of Gerhard Oberhammer (based on Ramanuja’s ‘Sharanagatigadya’)

Pskhu R.V.


The paper deals with some religious and philosophical ideas of the Austrian philosopher Gerhard Oberhammer, who analyses the religious text of vishishta-advaita tradition from the point of Levinas’ philosophy.
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2016;(4):106-108
pages 106-108 views
pages 109-115 views

Vasubandhu. Pudgalavinishchaya. Excerpts 943-948. Trans. from Sanskrit

Titlin L.I.
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2016;(4):116-127
pages 116-127 views

The intercultural dialogue: China and Europe

Nimenskaya O.S.


Throughout XX century and the beginning of XXI century, China shows its desire to move away from the classical tradition and the transition to new “modern” values in various areas of life. But does this really mean a departure from the classical tradition? In the context of multiculturalism and the transition from archaic dialogue countries it seems possible today only by a comprehensive concessions and privileges from the member countries of this dialogue. China as a Great power with more than three thousand years of history requires special attention and special treatment. It is about finding such an approach, and the characteristics of intercultural dialogue between China and the world says in her speech A. Chen, with an emphasis on the postulates of the ethical and philosophical teachings of Confucianism. The main question the researchers is whether such traditional areas as Confucianism promote China to other countries “openness”? In an effort to get an answer to her question, A. Chen refers in her speech to the analysis of contemporary political, economic and spiritual life of China.
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2016;(4):128-131
pages 128-131 views

Cheng A. On the universality in China. Trans. from French

Nimenskaya O.S.
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2016;(4):132-138
pages 132-138 views

The early reception of the philosophy of Arthur Schopenhauer (Part 2)

Sattar A.S.
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2016;(4):139-144
pages 139-144 views
pages 145-153 views

The characteristics of confucian in Vietnam from XVI to XVIII centuries

Nguyen Van Duong -.
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2016;(4):154-160
pages 154-160 views

The problem of recognition in Charles Taylor’s philosophy

Tukhikyan V.A.
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2016;(4):161-163
pages 161-163 views

In memory of George F. McLean

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RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2016;(4):164-165
pages 164-165 views

On our authors

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RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2016;(4):166-167
pages 166-167 views

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