No 1 (2014)
- Year: 2014
- Articles: 21
- URL:
Editorial note
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2014;(1):5

Ecological civilization: utopia or the future world?
The construction of the ecological civilization is a task which could be solved by the contribution on behalf of the peoples representing different cultures. Plurality of axiological orientation makes culture multidimensional, dialogical, allows the latter to transform itself, moving to the periphery that was yesterday dominant in the culture and putting forward that what responds to the needs and demands of the new times. Any utopia, as inversion of an existing society transformed by the author's imagination, not only foretells but also diagnoses the need for the correction of a social order. It opens up new possibilities, offers options for changes. The construction of ecological civilization could be compared with the scheme of growing the ‘Rose of the World’ dreamed by Daniel Andreev.
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2014;(1):6-14

Symbol as a means of cognition of consciousness in the works by M.K. Mamardashvili
The article reveals the specificity of understanding the symbol as a means of cognition of consciousness in the works by M.K. Mamardashvili. It demonstrates the difference between his interpretation and the analogues existing in neo-Kantianism and Russian Silver Age metaphysics (P.A. Florensky, A.F. Losev, etc). The symbol of consciousness is seen as an “empty shape”, a transcendental issue, through which transcendence generating man as a spiritual and moral being becomes possible Mamardashvili’s criticism of the naturalized theory of ideas (“Platonism”) is analyzed. The idea itself is seen as a symbol of consciousness, a unit of its description. The entire history of philosophy is considered from the same point of view.
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2014;(1):15-23

Image of truth in traditional indian philosophy
Truth is one of the key values in Western culture, and in the History of Western Philosophy it had different images. The position of truth in the History of Indian Philosophy was similar. But sometimes in India it is very difficult to retrace the way from the word ‘truth’ to the philosophical category. In this article are traced main lines of discussions about the truth and principal senses of Indian terms (satya, j¤аna, Dharma, prаmахya). Buddhists were the firsts who introduced the concept of truth, originally in a form of the Four noble truths doctrine then as Mahayana concept of the two truths (conventional and absolute). In Indian tradition, as well as in Western philosophy, truth was considered differently in existential, moral, ontological, soteriological, epistemological and logical perspectives. Indians also distinguished between inferential and semantic concepts of truth. From Western point of view their aspiration to build a theory of the World, which will explain the existence of its different natural and supernatural levels, which are cognizable by rational and super-rational means, brought Indians to paradoxical, contradictory results. Typical example of such contradictory theory of truth can be found in Jaina relative truth doctrine about impermanent and pluralistic reality (syаdvаda or anekаntavаda).
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2014;(1):24-31

Communication mediators: the cognitive and pragma-stylistic aspect of tropes in modern mass media discourse
The paper focuses on the communicative aspect, stylistics and pragmatics of lexical tropes in mass media discourse, primarily in the press. The cognitive aspect of tropes in modern non-literary discourse is discussed to show that they are not merely expressive means of the language but complex cognitive structures which can either affirm our schematic knowledge or bring substantial changes to it. By having an insight into some aspects of cognitive metaphor theory we look upon the cases when new or alternative knowledge structures function as source domains and discuss the way in which individual authors, using both conventional and unconventional conceptual metaphors can change the role that mass media audience take in interpreting texts thus giving mass media tropes a chance to influence and mold social practice.
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2014;(1):32-39

Lines of development of the tibetan editions of gzungs bsdus collection first printed in the rtag brtan monastery founded by Tāranātha
The paper is devoted to the collection of canonical, apocryphic and post-canonical texts known under the brief title Gzungs bsdus which was first printed at the Rtag brtan monastery founded by the famous figure of Tibetan Buddhism Tāranātha in 1619 as a monastic center of Jonangpa school later converted to Dge lugs pa and renamed to Dga’ ldan phun tshogs gling after Jonangpa was crushed by the government of the Fifth Dalai Lama in the mid of the 17th century. The paper is based on an unique collection of various editions of Gzungs bsdus kept at the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, the Russian Academy of Sciences. The author discovered some editions which had never been introduced to the academic work, including the possibly oldest one printed in Mongolia and most close to the original edition (non-available) and two early Beijing editions, one of which is also close to the Rtag brtan edition while the other one was probably made right before the first official edition made in 1674 in Beijing for Kangxi, the Manchu Emperor of China. Some other sources, primarily later Tibetan editions of Gzungs bsdus available at the TBRC e-library, were also used. On the basis of comparison of all the editions found, from the earliest ones to the last Lhasa edition made in 1947, the author could present the first rather valid, from textological point of view, picture of development of this colelction of texts with two major lines clearly ascertained — the Original Tibetan one and the Imperial Beijing one.
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2014;(1):40-52

Concerning the philosophical background of lyrical poetry: some preliminary notes
The phenomenon of lyric poetry is described as a special, internally necessary form of self-realization of person in culture and, moreover, as a special form of self-realization of culture as it is. At the heart of this phenomenon there are the principles of spontaneous self-discovery of human personality in a rhythmic speech flow and at the same time — spontaneous integration of personality into trends and meanings of language and culture. Both of these principles assume, first, expansion of a search field of human memory and associations, and, secondly, a search field of communication between people. Thus, the lyric poetry appears to be a necessary, though semi-hidden, ingredient of sociality and civil relations, accustoming us to involuntary self-knowledge and aspiration to find contacts with the other person and, therefore, to wisdom and tolerance.
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2014;(1):53-58

Philosophic content of Anton Chekhov’s work
Understanding of the philosophic content of the A.P. Chekhov’s oeuvre, which is based on the writer’s idea of the original religious and philosophic world view and at the same time of him as a thinker of an existential type, who had a significant impact on the development of Russian philosophy of the XX-th century is presented and exposed in the article.
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2014;(1):59-63

Soteriological capacity of the godhead and a problem of individuals’ dependence and release according to hindu tantrism
The issue of the spiritual liberation in Hindu Tantrism is closely linked with an idea of the primeval source of everything, or of that supreme, absolute Reality, God. Only such a free divine Being who has never known any bondages, can provide the release for the poor samsaric souls. The participation of the Godhead in life of suffering beings looks like a manifestation of a compassion. The divine grace is expressed in sending down of the blessed power (anugraha). Tantric deities paradoxically combine in themselves truly incompatible things, for example, knowledge and illusion. However, the duality of the tantric Deity is rather apparent than real. It is a consequence of the distorted focus of perception and of the unenlightened level of a person. The great soteriological gift bestowed by God, is rarely obtained by an adept without any effort or intent on his (adept’s) part. The spiritual path unfolds as from below, i.e. from a position of the subject, and from above, i.e. from the ultimate Reality.
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2014;(1):69-77

Oneself as Another: the Bengal Renaissance thinker in a dialogue with the West
Personal peculiarities of Eastern subjects of dialogue with the West are described in the paper based on Paul Ricoeur’s conception of “Oneself as Another” (“Soi-même comme un autre”) On the example of the Bengal Renaissance thinkers (XIX — early XX century) from new intellectual elite are demonstrated otherness and identity of their personal positions. They are Others both for their own Indian social-cultural surroundings and for Western subjects of inter-cultural dialogue. Otherness along with Indian identity had determined the specific role and works by Bengal thinkers in dialogue with the West.
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2014;(1):78-86

The denial of semantic relation in Indian classical culture
The existence of semantic relation was postulated in Katyayana’s Varttika (3 B.C.E.), which served a key-stone for the further development of Indian language philosophy. However in different Sanskrit texts (Tantras, the Nirukta, works on ritual and poetics) the existence of semantic relation had been denied explicitly. This paper considers specific characteristics of extralinguistic kinds of activities that stipulated the genesis of these texts and elicits the reasons why their authors rejected to use ordinary language, for the sake of establishing new semantic relations.
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2014;(1):87-93

Happiness as self-realization: two islamic approaches
Al-Suhrawardī, the founder of Ishrāqī school of Illumination, understands happiness as ultimate self-realization. According to al‑Suhrawardī, the human self, or ego ( ’anā ), is light embedded and immured in material body, and to attain ultimate happiness means to knock off the shackles of dark matter and, breaking free, to merge with the Absolute Light. This goal is attained after a painstaking vertical ascend and is reached only by a few. Ibn ‘Arabī, on the contrary, holds that happiness is not only attainable, but actually attained by everyone, placing it not above, but within the horizon of human existence. This view is backed by Akbarian ontology of God-to-world relation and his understanding of human being and his universal significance. The universally attainable happiness in Akbarian perspective is human self-realization as well, though with the different understanding of the human self.
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2014;(1):94-100

The concept of pugdala in the buddhist school of pudgalavāda: the problem of interpretation and the evolution of the conception
The article investigates the notion of the self in Pudgalavāda — one of the least studied schools of Buddhism. The Pudgalavāda is an “unorthodox” trend of early Buddhism, which holds the doctrine of the existence of the self, or person — pudgala. The author examines the history of the formation of the Pudgalavāda, makes an overview of available literature on the topic and analyzes the concept of the self in the key texts of this philosophical trend, analyzes in detail the philosophical arguments of debating parties — classical Buddhism and Pudgalavāda Buddhism. The author comes to the conclusion that the apparent contradictions in the interpretation of pudgala can be explained by the consistent and logical evolution in the understanding of the concept of pudgala in the school of Pudgalavāda. The article will be of interest to researchers in the fields of history of philosophy, philosophy of mind, cognitive psychology and to scholars investigating the problem of the self.
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2014;(1):105-111

The self/other conceptual binary in the persian lingua-cultural area
In the article the particularities of lingual representation of the SELF / OTHER binary in the Persian lingua-cultural area on the basis of the Persian phraseological fund are researched and interpreted within the terms of cultural codes.
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2014;(1):112-119

Historiography of Al-Qushayri’s heritage
This paper is to name and characterize the most notable works devoted or even just mentioning a famous sufi author of the 11 th century al-Qushayri, the author of well-known treatise “Risāla”. Despite of his significance in the history of Sufism, not much attention he did capture from the European (as well as the Eastern) researchers of Sufism, and almost all what he was honored by in the modern Orientalism is his “Epistle on Sufizm”.
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2014;(1):120-125

World-order and justice in the context of ancient egyptian pre-philosophical categories of the first intermediate period and the middle kingdom
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2014;(1):126-131

Dialogue of civilizations in Iran: Mohammad Khatami
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2014;(1):132-136

Explication of one known but not popular fact
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2014;(1):137-142

On Our Authors
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2014;(1):143-144