No 4 (2015)
- Year: 2015
- Articles: 25
- URL:
Editorial note
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2015;(4):7-8

“Meditations” of Marcus Aurelius: The attempt of existential-phenomenological analysis
The article is aimed to confute the belief held about the nature of the world view of Marcus Aurelius as pessimistic. The analysis of “Meditations” demonstrates that the text represents a dialogue between a stoic sage and an ordinary man, Marcus Aurelius being in the guise of both. The article proves that the guidance of the philosopher king is positive in its nature, calling one to fulfill manfully their duties aimed at the welfare of the World and Rome while manifesting love to people and showing no fear of failure, suffering or death.
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2015;(4):9-16

The concept of “Mytho-theology” in the context of prephilosophical tradition
The paper analyzes the concept of “mytho-theology” in the works of V.A. Tobin and methodological aspects of its application to the problem of the genesis of philosophy. Special attention is paid to the role and the structural characteristics of the myth in the process of formation of philosophy in the Eastern Mediterranean cultural area. In addition, the issue of the basic characteristics of the pre-philosophy as a special form of spiritual culture of ancient man.
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2015;(4):17-22

Being as intentional object of thinking and “Unity of being” in Parmenids
We propose the interpretation of Parmenides’ poem in which “indivisibility” of things is justified. It is shown that there are good reasons for the interpretation of what-is in Parmenides as an internal object of thinking, which is defined only all at once, completely, by all the characteristics that are attributed to that object in subject’s act of thinking. So, we develop J. Barrington’s treatment of what-is in Parmenides. We also show that Parmenides could mean in Doxa that any apprehended objects are different if and only if they can be apprehended separately. We propose a formalization of these Parmenides’ assumptions on objects of thinking. We construct this formalization by the instrumentality of B. Linsky & E. Zalta’s Theory of abstract objects . We demonstrate how this formalism imply Parmenides’ thesis on “indivisibility” of what-is, which we interpret as assertion of our inability to distinguish between propositions, which are defining an internal object of thought, or to distinguish between properties attributed to the internal object of thinking. We also point out the respects in which our interpretation is similar to “predicational monism”, attributed to Parmenides by P. Curd, and in which respects it is different from it.
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2015;(4):23-36

Reason and faith in religious philosophy of al-Ghazali
New methodological approaches to the study of the philosophical heritage of Al-Ghazali (1058-1111) related to the understanding of the concept of “a culture alterity and logic”, the new idea of “philosophical and Sufi synthesis” doctrine of al-Ghazali and “ideal knowledge” in the Muslim tradition, and consideration of the Arab-Muslim culture as “the phenomenon of cross-cultural interaction”. On the basis of the new methodological approach makes it clear that it is the decision of al-Ghazali, the question of the relationship between faith and reason a key basis for the understanding of the integrity of his doctrine, in which the existing regulatory role shows antinomy of reason in philosophy and science, and the possibility of submission of theoretical reason to practical.
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2015;(4):37-49

Philosophical prortotypes of “Te Chinese dream”
The article analyzes philosophical prototypes of modern concept “The Chinese dream” - great revival of the Chinese nation. The main subject is Confucian model - xiao kang (small prosperity), which is represented in “Shi jing” (Book of Poetry), “Li ji” (Book of Rites) and Taoist model of the Dream, which is represented in “Le zi”. Results show that the ancient concept “xiao kang” is based on spiritual archetype of five-and-five constancy, Taoist model of the Dream is based on mechanism of a palingenezis - spiritual immersion in a first-born nature, moral clarification and appeal to reality. The author puts forward two new provisions in sinology: а) the ancient concept of “xiao kang” isn’t an utopia, “xiao kang” was realized during the transition of archaic society “da tong” to the civilization; b) at a present historical stage at end by 2021 of creation of “xiao kang” society (average prosperity) and during the way to “da tong” society will be changed ideal subjects of Confucianism and Taoism, the noble husband “jun zi” will delegate the creative powers to the Taoist great person (at least they will add each other). The author assumes great revival of Taoism basing on a mirror historical paradigm of interface “da tong” - “xiao kang” × “xiao kang” - “da tong”.
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2015;(4):50-59

Īçvara-vāda in theistic context
This article is devoted to theistic contents of the Indian teaching of Personal God/Īçvara in Hindus Philosophical systems. In spite of various opinions main features of the category “theism” in contrary to the concept of Impersonal Absolute are to be the concept of a Personal God the Initiator and benevolent Guardian over the world. Īçvara-vāda plays significant role in the History of Indian Philosophy, i. e. the title of philosophical school yoga is seçvara-sāņkhya. The strict polemic opposition of īçvara- and nirīçvara-vadas enriched the Indian philosophical culture as a whole. Comparing to monotheistic religiosity, particularly the proofs for the existence of God in medieval scholastics, īçvara-vāda differs from Western theism by its non-creational character.
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2015;(4):60-67

“The Book of Changes“ from the depths of time
This article seeks to systematize the earliest copies of the “Book of Changes” discovered in archaeological excavations in China during the 20th century. The main focus is laid on the description of the silk manuscript discovered in 1973 in Mawangdui (Changsha), which also indicates some scholarly debates on the structure of the canonical text “64 hexagrams” and its commentaries. It is shown that the Mawangdui manuscript might also be in correlation with the text “Guizang” which has long been considered lost. This article also gives a brief description of 2-other copies of the “Book of Changes”: texts on bamboo strips found during excavations in Shuanggudui in 1977, and texts on bamboo strips, published by Shanghai Museum in 2003.
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2015;(4):77-86

Ethical-religious interpretation of poverty phenomenon in M.K. Gandhi’s social philosophy
Interpretations of poverty phenomenon by Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi are presentet in the article. The picture of ideal society is present in Gandhi’s philosophy as a society with overcome economic inequality and reasonable using of only necessary resources. Based on ambivalent relation to poverty, Gandhi constructs his ideal society. On the one hand, he considers mass poverty as a social problem, caused in economic factors, neglecting of the ethical principles, and weakness of religious faith. On the other hand, he lifts non-possession on the level of ethical value. He hopes, that cultivation of ones can help to achieve a spiritual salvation - moksha .
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2015;(4):87-95

Sense of “Axial time” in A.V. Semushkin and M.K. Mamardashvili’s creativity
In the article considers the concept of “axial time”, developed by K. Jaspers. Through a prism of A.V. Semushkin and M.K. Mamardashvili’s creativity opens its essence determined as “spiritual revolution”. Defined its specific features, as consequence of this “break to transcendent”: universalism, an opportunity of the communication, birth of philosophy, world religions and sciences; history, person and morals. Degradation the modern culture, expressing in growth of conflicts and wars, communicate the author with deviation from revelations of “axial time” that threatens mankind with self-destruction.
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2015;(4):96-105

Wagner-Blashe dispute in light of Russian “love of wisdom”
The article covers the historical and philosophical analysis of two texts of D.V. Venevitinov. The formal mistake made as a result of wrong interpretation of an autograph is regarded by the author as a marker of perception problematic moments of Venevitinov’s texts.
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2015;(4):106-114

Verbal and nonverbal components in the language system
The present article is devoted to the special role of nonverbal means in communication. It reveals the function of the latter in the language system. The author offers a system linguistic approach to the differentiation between linguistics and paralinguistics, proves the idea, that a considerable amount of paralinguistic phenomena, e.g. descriptive and symbolic gestures, which modern linguistics doesn’t regard as a part of language system, nevertheless should be included in it as its integral and organic but peripheral section.
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2015;(4):115-123

Mythopoetical space in the novel “The night inside” by P. Krusanov
The article presents the analysis of mythopoetical space in the novel “The night inside” by P. Krusanov. The aim is to show that the spatial structure of the work “The night inide” is a mythological character. Analysis of structure-semantic components (images, motifs, spatial oppositions) found that the basis of the work laid the eschatological myth organizes family space, the main features of which are the separation and alienation. The author concluded that the specificity of modern mythmaking writer is striving to create a new reality, which is modeled in accordance with the proposed law archaic consciousness.
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2015;(4):124-129

Latin American “philsophy of liberation" in search for the anthropological basis of the philosophical discourse
The article is about the research experience of the anthropological basis of the Latin American “Philosophy of Liberation”. Within the antithesis of “the Totality - the Other” is a classic critique of (Hegelian) version of the ontology. The philosophical discussion of the article involves ideas of the representatives of the Latin American “philosophy of liberation”, on the basis of which the conditions and parameters of the polylogical modern historical and philosophical process are determined. The author also specifies the substance of the key for the modern philosophy concept of the Other through its correlation with the notion of Otherness.
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2015;(4):130-138

Kant and Sun Tzu about an evil of the human nature: West Europian and far-east perspective
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2015;(4):139-152

Dialogue between Religions and Cultures
There can be little doubt that as we enter into newly global times we find the world sinking rapidly into mutual fear and conflict. Some would propose to solve this by a kind of spiritual lobotomy or negative mode of tolerance that leads via relativism to a flaccid indifference. If however, religion is the key to having life and that more fully - as is the very essence of religion - then abandoning faith commitments or employing them against one another is not a reasonable proposal. Rather it becomes the most urgent task of our day to search deeply into how our universal faiths relate to the diversity of the cultures they inspire and hence to their mutual encounters in global times. But were religion and culture to be two alien or even antithetic realities then we might be doomed to failure and hence to conflict. Our task would be simply one of conflict resolution or attenuation by external manipulation. The argument of this paper is the contrary, namely (a) that the history of thought indicates that originally religion and culture were one and not distinguished, but (b) that in the West the emphasis on objectivity from the time of Socrates and Plato directed the mind away from culture and in modern times has made it difficult to appreciate religion as well. In response (c) the important new appreciation of human intentionality and subjectivity opens new paths to understanding both culture and religion as it were from within and as mutually important.
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2015;(4):153-168

The problem field of philosophical discourse of national (Turkish) culture
The author considers it possible to speak of a new stage in the development of the philosophy of science, which is associated with penetration of the methods of synergetics in the methodology of modern science, including social Sciences and Humanities. This phenomenon is discussed on the material of formation of philosophical ideas in discursive practices of the Turkic cultures.
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2015;(4):169-175

Hu Shi about the cultures of East and West, and future world philosophy
This article is about the beginning of the tight interaction between cultures of East and West in China in the beginning of XXth century and about the role of Hu Shih in this interaction. The article describes main ideological debates in China of that time and disputes about material and spiritual essence of cultures of East and West. The article pays special attention to vision of Hu Shih to the future of world philosophy.
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2015;(4):176-185

Influence Schelling philosophy of identity and philosophy of unity Vl. Solovyov on the principles of business ethics at the S.N. Bulgakov
The article examines the impact on the formation of the basic principles of business ethics S.N. Bulgakov's philosophy on the one hand the identity of Schelling, on the other hand the philosophy of unity Vl. Solovyov. It analyzed the synthesis of the Christian worldview and natural philosophy that emerged in the works of SN Bulgakov and allowed to form a particular religious-metaphysical approach to the study of the economy as a universal philosophical category.
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2015;(4):186-194

The main mythological aspects of the concept “demiurge” in the Plato’s dialogue “Timaeus”
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2015;(4):195-198

Concept of identity in the Boston school of the New Confucianism
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2015;(4):199-209

Book Review Pskhu RV Religious and philosophical doctrine Yamunacarya. Moscow, Russian Peoples' Friendship University, 2013. 166 pp
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2015;(4):210-214

On our authors
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2015;(4):215-216