No 2 (2013)


Spheres and Networks. Two Ways to Reinterpret Globalization

Latour B.
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2013;(2):5-16
pages 5-16 views

About Spheres, Networks, and Good Text (Afterword by the Translator)

Bronzino L.Y.
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2013;(2):17-23
pages 17-23 views

Postmetaphysics: Text of History and Context of Contemporaneity

Grechko P.K.


The article deals with the world outlook and methodological status of metaphysics in contemporary philosophy and culture in general. Adhering to the distinction between Modern (modernity) and Postmodern (contemporaneity), the author refers mainly to the resources of postmodernism. Metaphysics as such satisfies the eternal human desire for perfection and completeness, that is, for comprehending the meaning of the whole. Today, however, this whole is neither linear nor hard — rather soft, hence soft or weak metaphysics. The ultimate reality in this case is represented by differences, not some single substance. The metaphysical whole also consists of the differences. Since difference is a unit of information, contemporary metaphysics, or postmetaphysics, has an implicit information bias.
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2013;(2):24-41
pages 24-41 views

After Utopia: Topos of Otherness and Social Observer Position

Rudanovskaya S.V.


Miklukho-Maklay St., 10/2, Moscow, Russia, 117198 The article deals with peculiarities of utopian imagination and its mutations in infomedia. The emphasis is made on mutopia which includes utopia as a text, intended for reading on the margins of other texts, but excludes demands for utopian meta-otherness, transforming attitudes towards current society. A social observer in mutopia is first of all a critical reader without superior position of Reason and Reality and a kind of skilled surfer using indefinite, changeable, abundant mental environment for creating his/her own textual routs. Post-utopian thought emerges out of the special social observer experience and is analyzed in this article with inspiration from and on the basis of “Notes of Mutopia” by I. Csicsery-Ronay.
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2013;(2):42-53
pages 42-53 views

Postcontinental Philosophy: Post- and Neometaphysical Turn

Tlostanova M.V.


The article considers the main concepts, ideas and assumptions of the postcontinental largely non-Western philosophy as a philosophy after continentality — the main divisive principle of rationality, thinking and subjectivity in modernity. This philosophy overcoming the continental (European) thinking is regarded vis-à-vis the postmetaphysical trend in contemporary humanities as a whole and the tendencies of metaphysical revival in relatively new forms. The author dwells at such elements and methodological features of postcontinental philosophy as decolonial phenomenology, a shift in the geography of reason, an accent on spatial histories and rehabilitation of space instead of the previous totality of time, rethinking of the correlation between human being, existence and thinking through the concepts of geopolitics and body-politics of knowledge and a distinction between reason and rationality.
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2013;(2):54-70
pages 54-70 views

Historicity of the Subject-Matter of Scientific Knowledge in the Context of Postmetaphysics

Mamchenkov D.V.


One of key issues of the contemporary science — how to identify the subject of knowledge, so that he, without losing their essential characteristics, retained the possibility of development. The article deals with the capacity of postmetaphysical approaches to solving the problem of historicity of the subject of the knowledge of science.
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2013;(2):71-85
pages 71-85 views

Kant, Heidegger and the Problem of Metaphysics

Girenok F.I.


The metaphysics is understood as a natural predisposition of the person. The author criticizes Heidegger's fundamental ontology and speaks, why it is impossible to destroy the Kantian quadrangle. Philosophy rejects being in favor of subjectivity, replacing experience with imagination, the idea of human finiteness with the idea of man’s impossibility.
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2013;(2):86-97
pages 86-97 views

Person, Identity and History: The Problem of a New Legitimacy of the Old Concepts

Khorkov M.L.


The paper analyzes the problem of a new legitimacy of the concepts of person, identity and history. It argues that the idea of person from the phenomenological point of view resides in the image of other human being that is the mental object of “he/she”-representation imaging like “I”-entity in every “You”-perception. In other words, even if someone thinks metaphysically of an indefinite and not fixed human personality, he will concurrently imagine a human being of definite experienced quality. It means that it is impossible to think of a human person without thinking of this person as an experienced human being. Thinking of a person intentionally requires the presence of a perceptible human image not only as medium in the process of perception, but also as object of thought of historically defined human personality.
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2013;(2):98-114
pages 98-114 views

The Prospectiveness of Metaphisical Discourse of Eros: Dualities of Erotism and Waymarks of Reevaluation

Tagirov P.V.


Metaphysical discourse nowadays seems to many people to be more retrospective than prospective. It claims to have the true knowledge obtained through so called “intellectual intuition” that makes it empirically neither verifiable nor falsifiable. Besides that it demonstrates principal dissolution with dominant paradigm which is if not materialistic than at least positivistic or pragmatic. Nevertheless metaphysical discourse can possibly obtain its prospectiveness for us. Any model of practices of Eros is obviously a social construct but social constructs differs in fields they are pointing at. There are social constructs that being themselves products of social construction could still guide the project of self-fulfillment as a subject of Eros into the area beyond the boundaries of any constructing and any arbitrariness. In this case we come to the need of unconditional of which metaphysical discourse has something to say. However we could face the reproach with intellectual escapism or preferring “the easy way of dreaming of transcendence”. Anticipating this reproach we should realize that reevaluation of the metaphysical discourse of Eros is solely the first step and the main work starts with the following implementation of self as exactly a metaphysical subject.
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2013;(2):115-131
pages 115-131 views

The Metaphysics of Human Existence: From Reflection to Reconstraction

Reznik J.M.


The author substantiates the idea of multiplicity of human worlds directly addressing the two dimensions: the “empirical” as such and the “metaphysical”. The empirical human world is characterized by substantivity, i. e. the immediacy and reality of being in the world. It is manifested at the externally observable levels of human being: semblance (a possible being, a being-as-it-seems) and pretense (conditional being or being as if, pseudo-essential in contrast with truly essential). The metaphysical dimension is detected already at the latent level of human existence as, on the one hand, objectively essential (what-ness) and, on the other, subjectively essential (who-ness). But the truly metaphysical essence of human being lies at the border of these worlds, in the sphere of transcendental as the truly essential which differentiates in itself on authenticity (self-being) and otherness (other being).
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2013;(2):132-146
pages 132-146 views

The Transformation of Metaphysics in M.K. Mamardashvili’s Creativity

Nizhnikov S.A.


The article analyzes the transformation of metaphysics in the works by Merab. K. Mamardashvili. It is noted that he presented philosophy as philosophizing — spiritual knowledge. The author clarifies how Mamardashvili understands Kant’s transcendental philosophy, Husserl’s phenomenology, and Heidegger’s fundamental-existential ontology. In Mamardashvili’s works, metaphysics is revealed not as an explanation of the world but as a creative transcending action that shapes man as a moral creature.
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2013;(2):147-158
pages 147-158 views

Metaphysics of the Supraliminal

Pelipenko A.A.


The paper attempts to build a model of explanation related to the “another” world phenomenon understood not as a transcendental illusion of consciousness, but as a reality. This reality, however, is a different kind than the empirical reality of the world. Mainstay of building a justification system serves modern quantum physics. To refer the middle zone of mediation between the empirical and transcendent worlds the term psychosphere is used. Thus, a new perspective on development of the non-philosophical, namely theoretical and system-regional metaphysics is declared.
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2013;(2):159-172
pages 159-172 views

Information Society and Media in the Postmodern Communicative Space

Chistyakov D.I.


The article is dedicated to the analysis of the problems related to the communicative and information media space. The author suggests that in the postmodern society the information being created by mass-media tends to be a tool to measure the social reality substituting sometimes the reality and its objective perception. The author also reviews the relationship of an individual with the postmodern society that can be defined via endless torrents of information, media images, symbols and simulacra. Basing on the works by acclaimed postmodernists and researchers of the information field Jean Baudrillard and Jean-François Lyotard postmodern communicative space is viewed as dialoguing subject and object involved in production and distribution of the information.
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2013;(2):173-179
pages 173-179 views

Postmodernist Transformations: Writing and Text

Zabolotnaya C.V.


Postmodernism has created a very interesting, though a little amorphous concept network, which determines all postmodernism reflection and critical analysis of the previous types of philosophical discourse. The author represents one of the versions of categorical evolution in that part of postmodernism philosophy, which is closely connected with linguistics, semiotics, and literary studies. The category of writing, literature and text are interconnected into the chain of philosophical concepts developing in the framework of postmodernism.
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2013;(2):180-186
pages 180-186 views

To the Question of Tolerance

Odintsova J.I.


The author makes an attempt to understand the genesis and structure of the concept of «tolerance» based on cultural-historical and lexical-semantic studies.
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2013;(2):187-193
pages 187-193 views

Existential Characteristics of Tolerance

Gladyshev D.E.


The article attempts to reveal personal existential characteristics of tolerance. The author tries to find answers to the following questions: At what moment could tolerance emerge in individual interaction? What are the main preconditions for tolerant attitude towards the Other? How does the tolerance influence the process of communication? The analysis shows that tolerant (or intolerant) attitude towards the Other is being formed in the process of his/her direct perception (experience) and precedes the situation of communication.
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2013;(2):194-200
pages 194-200 views
pages 201-205 views

On Our Authors

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RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2013;(2):206-207
pages 206-207 views

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