Primary Sources of History of Russian Philosophy of the XIX-XX Centuries in Russian State Archives: the Current Condition and Prospects of Study
- Authors: Chernyaev A.V.1, Korsakov S.N.1, Makarova A.F.1
- Institute of Philosophy of Russian Academy of Sciences
- Pages: 977-995
- URL:
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- EDN:
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The study contains the review, analysis, assessment of the current state and prospects for further scientific study of the materials of the Russian state archives, including the personal funds of philosophers and philosophical institutions of Russia in the 19th-20th centuries, which are of the greatest relevance to historians of Russian philosophy. In this regard, on the one hand, the study considers the largest research and scientific-publishing historical and philosophical projects, testifying to the already achieved results of the scientific development of vast arrays of archival documents; on the other hand, a number of collections of Russian state archives (federal, regional, municipal, departmental) have been monitored in order to identify archival collections that were little or insufficiently studied from this point of view. The results of the collective research presented in the article can be considered as the beginning of a large systematic work on the analytical mapping of the content of Russian archival collections relevant to the problems of the history of Russian philosophy. The study shows the importance and productivity of conducting parallel research work both with the personal funds of Russian philosophers of the 19th-20th centuries, and with funds containing documentation of philosophical institutions (magazine editorial offices, faculties, departments, research institutes, publishing houses of philosophical literature, professional and thematic associations of philosophers). In this regard, the question was raised about the need to develop historical and philosophical archiving and source studies in Russia, to include this set of subjects into the system of training historians of philosophy, and also about the need to coordinate the joint efforts of historians of Russian philosophy towards the formation of an archive of Russian philosophy as a significant and publicly available mapped resource. The results obtained in the course of the study should contribute to the emergence of the history of Russian philosophy as a dynamically developing branch of Russian science to a qualitatively new source study and methodological level, necessary for solving the large-scale research tasks, related, in particular, to the scientific preparation of academic collections of works by Russian philosophers and the development of modern fundamental history of Russian philosophy.
About the authors
Anatoly V. Chernyaev
Institute of Philosophy of Russian Academy of Sciences
Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-2019-5330
CSc in Philosophy, leading research fellow
bd. 1, 12 Goncharnaya St., 109240, Moscow, Russian FederationSergey N. Korsakov
Institute of Philosophy of Russian Academy of Sciences
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-5272-9675
DSc in Philosophy, leading research fellow
bd. 1, 12 Goncharnaya St., 109240, Moscow, Russian FederationAnna F. Makarova
Institute of Philosophy of Russian Academy of Sciences
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-5698-5836
CSc in Philosophy, research fellow
bd. 1, 12 Goncharnaya St., 109240, Moscow, Russian FederationReferences
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