“Maqamat as-Sufiyya”: Introduction and Part “Proof of the Immateriality of the Soul” (Translation from Arabic and Prolusion by V.N. Putyagina)
- Authors: Shihab A.a., Putyagina VN1
- ANO “TV-News”
- Issue: Vol 22, No 1 (2018)
- Pages: 100-106
- URL: https://journals.rudn.ru/philosophy/article/view/18146
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.22363/2313-2302-2018-22-1-100-106
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“Maqamat as-Sufiyya” is a small theoretical works of Shihab ad-Din as-Suhrawardi (ab. 1154-1191), the founder of the Philosophy of Illumination. It contains practical instructions and theoretical reflections and proofs. As-Suhrawardi especially notes terminology used by philosophers and terminology used by sufis in “Maqamat as-Sufiyya”.
About the authors
Ad-Din al-Maqtul Shihab
Author for correspondence.
Email: kiara25@yandex.ru
V N Putyagina
ANO “TV-News”
Email: kiara25@yandex.ru
редактор АНО «ТВ-Новости», переводчик с арабского языка
Borovaya Str., 3/1, Moscow, Russia, 1111020References
- As-Suhrawardi, Shihab ad-Din. Maqamat as-Sufiyya Edited by E. al-Maaluf. Beirut, 1993.
- Quran. Translated by I. Krachkovsky. Moscow, 1991.
- Islam: Encyclopedic Dictionary. Moscow: Science. Oriental Literature, 1991.