
Felix Noeggerath on Kant: Transcendental Synthesis as a Principle of System Formation
Wiedebach H.
Ludwig Heinrich von Jakob and His Treatise
Shevtsov A.V.
Transcendental Philosophy and Post-Neo-Kantianism. On the Continuity of the Problem History of Transcendental Systematics in the 20th Century
Boch M.
Analytic and Synthetic Propositions: I. Kant’s Criticisms and N.O. Lossky's Intuitionism
Babina D.A., Serdyukova E.V.
“Enjoyment and Conviviality Book” (984) by Abu Hayyan al-Tawhidi and Its Famous Dispute about Language and Logic
Palenko M.S.
“The Critique of Pure Reason” in the Writings of P.D. Lodij
Krouglov A.N.
Hermann Cohen, Martin Buber, Franz Rosenzweig on Torah: Jewish Teaching versus Law
Wiedebach H.
The Hartshornian Way: A Way to Solve Dualism
Sriwarakuel Warayuth -.
Logical Methodology
Ivlev V.Y., Ivlev Y.V., Ivleva M.L.
The Milindapañha in the Context of History of Indian Civilization
Schumann A.N.
The philosophical ideas of M. Karinsky
Shevtsov A.V.
Aporias of John Wyclif's Realistic Hermeneutics
Sokolov P.V.
Idea of the Proof
Anisov A.M.
Dynamic Logic of Knowledge DKpr: its Metalogical Properties
Lednikov E.E.
Convergence instead of interdisciplinarity and intersubjectivity
Markova L.A.
A Creative Nondeterministic Computability
Anisov A.M.
Axiomatic Theory of Denotation and Lesniewski’s Ontology
Pavlov S.A.
The principle of reductio ad absurdum as an ontological problem
Anisov A.M.
Appearance and Development of Formal Intuitionistic Theories of Mathematical Analysis
Khakhanyan V.K.
From quantum cosmology to anthropology and back
Pavlenko A.N.
Conditions of applicability of classical logic to philosophical reasoning
Pavlov S.A.
An Ontology of Quantum Mathematics
Vasyukov V.L.
Science - what is It?
Anisov A.M.
Hegel, Plotinus, and the Problem of Evil
Sobolnikova E.N., Proud D.
Ontology and existence
Lednikov E.E.
Analysis of Semantics, Ontology and Syntax of the Sentential Logic
Pavlov S.A.
Aristotle on the relation between logic and ontology
Vasyukov V.L.
Pragmatist episode in the biography of logican N.A. Vasiliev
Vanchugov V.V.
Combined Paraconsistent Logics and their (Co)Exponentials
Vasyukov V.L.
Bimal K. Matilal's Philosophy: Language, Realism, Dharma, and Ineffability
Bilimoria P.
The problem of “freedom” in Dostoevsky’s views. (The predefiniteness of the world events and rebellion against it of miserable man)
Pavlenko A.N.
Thoughts of Confucius and "Confucian Logic" according to Hu Shih
Kiselev V.A.
The Interrogative Model of Inquiry as a Logic of Scientific Reasoning
Mutanen Arto -.
1 - 33 of 33 Items

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