Kant’s Transcendentalism as Metaphysics of Possible Experience and its Realistic Interpretation in Analytical Philosophy
- Authors: Katrechko S.L.1
- State Academic University of the Humanities (GAUGN)
- Pages: 659-676
- URL: https://journals.rudn.ru/philosophy/article/view/36054
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.22363/2313-2302-2023-27-3-659-676
- EDN: https://elibrary.ru/EBTXMM
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In the “Critique of Pure Reason” and subsequent “Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics...”, “Metaphysical Principles of Natural Science”, “Opus Postumum” Kant develops one of the modes of his transcendentalism, the metaphysics of possible experience, whose task is to study the transcendental conditions for the possibility of our (cognition), which, according to Kant, has a priori character. P. Strawson calls this mode of metaphysics ‘ descriptive metaphysics ’ and connects it with the analyzing the ‘conceptual structure’ of our thinking about the world. The contemporary realistic trend (primarily within the framework of the analytical philosophical tradition) in the interpretation of Kant’s transcendental philosophy is associated with the modern theory of “two aspects” (80s of the 20th century), which replaced the classical theory of “two objects/worlds” (compare also with the opposition “ theory of appearance vs. theory of appearances ”). Within the framework of this theory, the Kantian ‘appearance’ receives an objectified status, it is not our mental representation, but corresponds (as its signs) to really existing things, or Kantian ‘objects of experience’. The article traces the formation of the historical and conceptual background of the ‘ metaphysics of experience ’ (H. Paton's original expression). Historically, the metaphysics of experience inherits the neo-Kantian approach to interpreting Kant's transcendentalism as a ‘theory of experience’ (H. Cohen, E. Cassirer), then it develops in logical positivism/empiricism (H. Reichenbach, R. Carnap; further in post-posivivism: the theory of I. Lakatos and T. Kuhn), analytical philosophy of science (W. Sellars, G. Buchdal, H. Putnam), and at present the metaphysics of experience is developing in a number of contemporary works of an analytical orientation (P. Strawson, K. Ameriks, L. Allais and etc.).
About the authors
Sergey L. Katrechko
State Academic University of the Humanities (GAUGN)
Author for correspondence.
Email: skatrechko@gmail.com
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-2884-7719
Candidate of Sc. in Philosophy, Associate Professor, Faculty of Philosophy, State Academic University of the Humanities (GAUGN); editor-in-chief of “Studies in Transcendental Philosophy”; President of the “Foundation for the Humanities”
26 Maronovsky Lane, Moscow, 119049, Russian FederationReferences
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