Vol 21, No 1 (2017)
- Year: 2017
- Articles: 14
- URL: https://journals.rudn.ru/philosophy/issue/view/940
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.22363/2313-2302-2017-21-1
Full Issue
Eduard von Hartmann: post-Christian religion and German idealism
This paper is devoted to the consideration of Eduard von Hartmann’s philosophy of religion. The author examines his critic of the liberal theology. E.v.Hartmann thinks that the Christian religion is dying. The mankind in the same time has necessity of religion. So the problem of post-Christian religion is put as rightful and important topic of discussion. The paper shows that, according to E.v.Hartmann’s opinion, the sole world-outlook being able to satisfie human spiritual yearning in future is the concrete monism. It teachs that the Absolute is unconscious. The veritable transcendent ground of the man is the unconscious Self (Absolute). The final goal of the life consists in the salvation i.e. the dissolution with the physical death in the ontological depth of the Self. The religion of the future is seen by E.v.Hartmann in the synthesis of Eastern (Indian) and Western spiritual currents. According to philosopher’s opinion, the German speculative idealism must favour this synthesis. The theory E.v.Hartmann’s is an original form of the mysticism avoiding acosmism and unconditionally recognizing unconsciousness of the Absolute. The historical analysis permits to include E.v.Hartmann’s philosophy to the German metaphysical tradition of XIXth century. The author briefly demonstrates the considerable proximity of E. v.Hartmann’s ideas to the later philosophy of F.Schelling. He concludes that E.v.Hartmann’s doctrine of the future religion is highly important for the history of philosophy because it might be considered as the only religious project built at the ground of the German idealism in common and of Schelling’s thought in particular.
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2017;21(1):7-16

Moral und Religion in der Philosophie von Wolff
Christian Wolff, a one of the most well-known philosophers of the first half of the 18th century, is the figure quite ambiguous. In spite of the fact, that he is usually ranged chronologically among the thinkers of Enlightenment, there are researchers which find in his philosophical views some features inherent more to the scholastic tradition. But there are also the features which demonstrate Wolff as the thinker of Enlightenment. At the first it is Wolff’s striving to praise the human reason and its capacities, that comes together with the fight for its liberation and independence, among all from God. We can show it with the greatest evidence in his practical philosophy, in which he tries to deduce the natural law, which he hold for the first principle of the morality, from the human nature and to give it the justification independent from God and His will.
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2017;21(1):17-23

Formation of history of Chinese philosophy as academic discipline in China
Ancient China used traditional systems of classification of knowledge, in which philosophy was not specially separated. Modern word for philosophy - zhexue - appeared in Chinese language only at the beginning of 20th century. Important task for many of Chinese intellectuals of that time was to prove the existence of Chinese philosophy. First special writing in China dedicated to the history of Chinese philosophy was “The History of Chinese Philosophy” by Xie Wuliang.
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2017;21(1):24-32

Perspectivism as a philosophical strategy in Bhartṛhari’s 'Vākyapadīya'
Bhartṛhari, the famous Indian linguistic philosopher (V CE) in his ‘Vākyapadīya’ discussed different doctrines on the nature of language, tending to demonstrate, that each of the doctrines is justified in a certain context and represents a certain aspect of reality. Modern scholars usually designate Bhartṛhari’s philosophy as perspectivism, though there are also disagreements with this interpretation. E.g. G. Cardona claims that Bhartṛhari’s perspectivism is generally exaggerated, and the true teaching expressed in VP is the monistic theory of the “Pāṇini-darśana”. So, the concept of Bhartṛhari's perspectivism needs to be further eleborated. In this paper two characteristic features of Bhartṛhari’s perspectivism are discussed, in order to clarify the essence of his philosophical strategy: (1) Functional attitude; (2) Relative incompleteness of every single doctrine. These features elucidate the essence of Bhartṛhari's philosophical method and provide us with the key to the problem of the balance between monistic and pluralistic tendencies in the ‘Vākyapadīya’.
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2017;21(1):33-41

Integrity as a problem. Concerning a religious metaphysics of personality
This paper tries to present a reasonably correct interpretation of the notion “integrity of being”, which is known to be central in the philosophy of so called “Slavophilism”. In a roll-call of ideas born in the “Golden Age” (I.V.Kireyevsky) and the “Silver Age” (S.L.Frank) of Russian thought a formula for the integrity of a living being is suggested, as comprising an transrational hierarchical unity of rational and transrational aspects of a living existence. This unity itself is meta-logical in its nature and cannot therefore be reduced neither to mere thinking about integrity, nor to an irrational flow of formless “life”. “Vitalist” metaphysics as well as metaphysics of “all-unity” appear in this context as “legitimate” diversions from a metaphysics of animate integrity
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2017;21(1):42-54

Leo Tolstoy and Russian religious philosophy. Trans. from German by A.S. Tsygankov
The Ideas of Leo Tolstoy are one of the key catalyzers for the emergence of the “new religious consciousness” and religious philosophy at the beginning of the XX century in Russia. Many religious philosophers who, unlike Leo Tolstoy, believed in the possibility of reforming the Russian Orthodox Church, developed detailed arguments both for and against Tolstoy’s moral doctrine. As for faith in Christ resurrection, art of understanding, attitude to “this world”, progress and culture, many of them followed the ideas of Vladimir Solovyov, who had sharply criticized the views of Leo Tolstoy. In 1912 the publishing house called “The Way” released a book “About Leo Tolstoy’s religion”, it was dedicated to the memory of the deceased Count in 1910, which would serve as “his own great task” - “religious awakening of modern society” - and at the same time to deal with the errors of Tolstoy. The results of debate with the Tolstoy’s religion had given a good basis for the projections of the key issues of Russian philosophy: first, the relationship between faith and reason, and secondly, the relationship between spirit and nature, and thirdly, the conflict between the individual and society, fourthly, purpose and meaning of human creativity and culture. In view of the different interpretations of the ideas of Leo Tolstoy Russian religious philosophy revealed itself not as a homogenous unity, but they demonstrated diversity of personal aspirations of its members. What they have in common are the appreciation of the literary work of Russian writer and his lofty moral claims, but at the same time, they separated themself from him, in order to remain faithful to Church dogmas.
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2017;21(1):55-63

Formation and peculiarity S.L. Frank’s ethical personalism
The author reveals the evolution of Semyon Frank’s (1877-1950) views towards morality and its foundations. He stresses the influence on the philosopher as the concept of Vladimir Solovyov’s All-Unity so western European thought in the type of Kantian’s ethics of duty and F. Nietzsche’s voluntarism and gave them religion and philosophical interpretation. Frank also inherited ideas Nicholas of Cusa and Hegel. Though substantiating principles of his personalistic ethics Frank opposed any “despotism” in the sphere of morality, both rejecting as rigorism and external norm of moral law (Kant), so “imperative” ideal of “superman” (Nietzsche). In addition, the author considers the concept of freedom and theodicy in Frank’s ethics.
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2017;21(1):64-71

L’expression “postmoderne” a-t-elle un sens clair? (En France et ailleurs)
Note de Jean-Luc Nancy:
Je remercie beaucoup Svetlana Kostina qui avait assuré la traduction orale de la conférence et en a par la suite réalisé la transcription. Une transcription est toujours un exercice presque impossible car les hésitations, les accidents et même les inflexions de la parole vive improvisée restent impossibles à transcrire — et gênent en revanche le travail de restitution. Réécrire serait une tout autre entreprise, qui produirait un autre texte. Svetlana a fait ici un travail très remarquable de fidélité, que je ne veux pas modifier. Si tel ou tel passage paraît moins clair, c’est qu’il lui manque la parole ou bien c’est qu’il était moins clair sur le moment! La clarté n’est pas le seul fruit de la parole.RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2017;21(1):72-85

“Woman on the edge of time”: experience of the subject in feminist utopian fiction
The article centers on the specific features of feminist utopia with the analysis of Marge Piercy’s novel “Woman on the Edge of Time” devoted to the development of the subject against the power of gender stereotypes and instrumental control over nature and human feelings. In contrast with classical utopias, the feminist utopia of care emphasizes values of differences and affinity. The visions of utopia are seen as an essential component of social and existential experience of the subject who undertakes a risky task of travelling beyond the ready-made identities and socially recognized definitions (first of all, binary opposites “normal” / “pathological”).
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2017;21(1):86-92

Perception of M.M. Bakhtin in the West: some general remarks
In the present work is a translation of the short introductory work of Turin’s Professor Roberto Salizzoni dedicated to the analysis of art of M.M. Bakhtin and some reflections of the author of the translation, which led him to assess creativity Russian thinker, present in this book of the Italian scientist. First of all, the author of the translation does not agree with the disparaging assessment of creativity of Bakhtin how unoriginal and more abounding plagiarism. The author of the translation argues injustice exaggerated influence on the concept of Bakhtin from literary trends and ideas, including by the media those of the so-called “circle of Bakhtin”. The necessity of considering of creativity of Russian thinker as philosophical, creativity independent and original. Such a conclusion can fail and approval of Neokantian origin of “philosophical roots” of Bakhtin’s concept of philosophy of culture.
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2017;21(1):93-97

The infinite and the individual being in the philosophy of religion of F.D.E. Schleiermacher and I. Kant
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2017;21(1):109-117

The concept of “axial age”: K. Jaspers and N. Berdyaev
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2017;21(1):118-123

On our authors
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2017;21(1):124