Antinomy of «social service» and «smart doing» in the orthodox tradition: Nil Sorsky and Iosif Volots
- Authors: Gordeev AS1
- People Friendship University of Russia
- Issue: No 4 (2009)
- Pages: 31-37
- Section: Articles
- URL:
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The article considers the history of development of the church view on its social tasks. In the XV century on the basis of 2 traditions the following conceptions were formed: «Osiflyane» - the school, founded by Reverend Iosif Volots, strains after the implementation of «social doing»; «Zavolozhtsy» - the school, related to the name of Reverend Nil Sorsky, strains after the «prayerful care of the state». The content of this «opposition» and its influence on the further development of faithful culture and society is exposed in the article.
About the authors
A S Gordeev
People Friendship University of RussiaКафедра истории философииФакультет гуманитарных и социальных наук; Российский университет дружбы народов; People Friendship University of Russia