No 1 (2010)


Social-Philosophical Problems of Person's Humanization

Ivanovskaya O.V.


Clause is devoted to social-philosophical and culturological aspects of a modern educational situation, the main of which is the humanization of the person as the stabilizing factor of a civil society. A civilization and culture should develop the achievement not in damage to each other, and in interaction, at the account both national-spiritual, and global tendencies, without extremes and dangerous skews in any party.
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2010;(1):5-12
pages 5-12 views

Modern Science and Modern Anti-Intuitivism

Grishunin S.I.


In S.I. Grishunin's article «Modern science and modern anti-intuitivism» is given criticism of modern anti-intuitivism. In this article the intuition is necessary at construction of new fundamental scientific theories, at studying a microcosm, at scientific modeling, by search of optimum model, at the decision of special scientific problems is shown.
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2010;(1):13-23
pages 13-23 views

Understanding of Historicity in Philosophy of Neo-patristic Syntesys G.V. Florovsky

Glazkov A.P.


The conception «historicity» is used both in the theory of history and in the philosophy of history. In XX new impulses to apply this conception was given by historical theology of Germany and philosophy of existentialism. This application furthered to include the conception «historicity» in the philosophy of neo-patristic synthesis. But this inclusion was creative and synthetic borrowing. The synthesis is that George Florovsky re-comprehends a meaning of the conception «historicity» in the spirit of the patristic philosophy, extending the vocabulary of the patristic in the sphere of the philosophy of history.
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2010;(1):24-32
pages 24-32 views

«Neo-patristic synthesis» and Vl. Solovyov's Philosophy of All-Unity in G. Florovsky's Creativity

Nizhnikov S.A.


In the article analysis G. Florovsky's conception of «Neo-patristic synthesis» as alternative to Vl. Solovyov's philosophy of All-Unity. Concepts of West-European (humangodness) and Byzantian (Godhumanness) Renaissance, their influence on further development of philosophy-theological ideas. Raised problems of sofiological constractions in the shape of Vl. Solovyev's All-Unity philosophy and alternative Florovsky's vision issuing from hesychasm experience.
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2010;(1):33-44
pages 33-44 views

Authority and Virtue in the «Prince» of Makiavelli

Belas L.


In the article is analyzed N. Makiavelli's political philosophy as a natural product of epoch of Renaissance; established the interrelation of a policy, economy, civil societies and virtues; showed the importance of Makiavelli's creativity for an establishment of a mode of civil society in Europe. Thus the author aspired to overcome extreme and unilateral treatments and estimations of creativity of the well-known Florentine.
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2010;(1):45-56
pages 45-56 views

Social Factors Religio-Philosophical Reflection

Dushina T.V., Lagunov A.A.
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2010;(1):57-64
pages 57-64 views
pages 65-71 views

Organistic Dominant in World-view of N. Strakhov

Snetova N.V.
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2010;(1):72-78
pages 72-78 views

«Russian Idea» in the World-View of F.M. Dostoevsky: History and Modernity

Zhurova A.S.
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2010;(1):79-84
pages 79-84 views

Historical Roots of the Present: Development of a Culture of Tajik Nation

Babakulov I.
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2010;(1):85-92
pages 85-92 views

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