No 1 (2013)
- Year: 2013
- Articles: 16
- URL:
Editorial note
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2013;(1):5

Freedom and predication in the work of F.W.J. Schelling in 1800—1810 s
The article gives an analysis of the relation between freedom and rationality in the work of F.W.J. Schelling in the time between 1800 and 1810. The author argues that Schelling’s understanding of the concept of freedom in context of his identity philosophy is not so due to his reception of Platonism as to his reflection on various problems of the theory of transcendental ideal in Kant’s “Critic of pure reason”, at first on the problem of conditions for the possibility of the predicative form of propositions which Schelling interprets as a basic form of any rationality.
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2013;(1):6-18

The problem of the universal science and classification of sciences in the earlier texts by G.W. Leibniz from 1666—1669
Present work is aimed at reconstructing the model of the universal science in the earlier philosophy of G.W. Leibniz, demonstrating its connection to his attempts of elaborating a generic classification of sciences on the basis of the absolute certain primary concepts.
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2013;(1):19-29

Theocosmogony of Egyptian religious texts from Amarna-time: historical and philosophical aspect
The article focuses on some philosophical aspects of theocosmogony in Egyptian texts of Amarna time (XIV century B.C), especially in the so called “Great Hymn to Aten”, one of the most famous Egyptian religious texts of New Kingdom. The author offers historical and philosophical approach to analyzing the problem of creation in Egyptian pre-philosophic and religious thought in the time of the famous “heretic king” Akhenaten and his successors.
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2013;(1):30-36

Becoming of a prephilosophy on the material of the acient Turkic mythology
An establishing of a prephilosophy is considered as a reflexion about the categories of an ethos using world outlook universals of culture. Formation of a base of a Turkic self-consciousness is analyzed on the base of a ancient Turkic mythology.
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2013;(1):37-43

Philosophy in Moscow Ecclesiastical Academe in the XIX century
The article covers the historical and philosophical analysis of Philosophy in Moscow ecclesiastical academe in the XIX-th century. The range of topics is actual problems of Philosophy teaching development in Moscow ecclesiastical academe in the XIX-th century, the specifics of ecclesiastical-academic Philosophy, its theoretical prerequisites.
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2013;(1):44-57

The philosophical ideas of M. Karinsky
Studies of Karinsky’s (1840—1917) philosophy still has not achieved level adequate to his works. Karinsky is a philosopher with multiple interests such as epistemology, history of philosophy, theory of cognition, and he assumes logic to be the basis of each of them. His logic is a ontology theory on conclusion. Theory of self-depicted truths he also treated as spiritual academy subject trying reconcile knowledge and faith.
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2013;(1):58-64

Vasily Rozanov’s philosophy of low ranker
The article based on Vasily Rosanov’s writings of various periods makes the conclusion that his philosophy must be understand not as «pansexualism», but as the continuation of Russian thought with it’s traditions of heart love, pity, nonviolence, goodness to every human being.
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2013;(1):65-78

Nietzsche’s early work of Frank
This work represents the attempt of systematization of Frank's views on the philosophy of Nietzsche. In this article we examine the interpretation of the ideas of the German thinker proposed by Russian philosopher in the article «F. Nietzsche and the ethics of love to the furthest». The purpose of this small research is to identify the continuity of Frank’s views and of Nietzsche’s philosophy.
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2013;(1):91-97

Building self-identification models: Latin-American civilasation version
The self-identification models building process is being considered upon the examples of border civilizations in their complicity and specifics, and relation to historical and cultural contexts. The author reveals the essence of America and its people in two prospectives: external European and internal, proceeding from the core of the american reality.
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2013;(1):98-108

Transhumanism and “field of possibilities” cognitive technologies
Transhumanism and biokonservatizm — two extreme philosophical positions about the prospects for the development of cognitive technologies. They opposed the position, based on the idea that the reproduction of the universal relationships between man and the world is a form of consciousness, which is called “the mystery”. Mystery sets the boundaries of “knowable — unknowable” in specific historical circumstances. Mystery has a binary (cognitive and value-affective) structure.
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2013;(1):109-116

Intentions of transhumanism in the convergent technologies era
The article discusses the issues of transhumanism, which draws its inspiration from the development perspectives of NBIC-convergent technologies. Such ideas are getting widespread nowadays. The potential possibility of human’s corporality and conscience transformation, as well as the possibilities to dispose of human life supplied and stimulated by science and technology, impart qualitatively different aspects to ontological constants of a human and personality problem. In this connection the problem of identification and setting of real limits to the use of scientific and technological possibilities of technology remains topical.
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2013;(1):117-127

New information realty and it’s reflection in modern Russian philosophy
This article analyzes the development of a new information reality and its reflection in contemporary Russian philosophy. Substantiates the view of information reality as a special kind of reality. In social terms, the concepts of “information reality” and “information society” are getting closer to each other. In matters of the Information Society, Russia lags behind developed countries. However, in the philosophical understanding of what is happening Russia is not inferior compared to the West. Russian scientists have formulated several deep and original concepts of the information society. The analysis of them is an important part of this article.
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2013;(1):128-137

Review of Russian-Brazilian collective monograph «Russia-Brazil: transcultural dialogues»
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2013;(1):138-141

On Our Authors
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2013;(1):142-143