
A Framework of Social Ontology
Epstein B., Orekhov A.M., Moiseev S.V., Chernyak A.Z., Antonov A.V.
B. Epstein’s Social Ontology
Orekhov A.M.
What is the Philosophy We Need?
Kolychev P.M., Losev K.V.
Vasily Sesemann’s Review of “Being and Time” of Martin Heidegger: analytical commentary
Patkul A.B.
How social ontology is possible from the point of view of epistemology and philosophy of language?
Antonovskiy A.Y., Barash R.E.
Metrics of Phenomenological Virtual Experience
Elkhova O.I.
The Nature of Social Fact in B. Epstein’s Social Ontology
Platonova S.I.
The Problem of Cognition in V. Sesemann Philosophy
Sokolova J.V.
Morphology of V.N. Ilyin in the Context of World Philosophical Thought
Ermishin O.T.
Rosenzweig and Bakhtin. Hermeneutics of Language and Verbal Art in the System of the Philosophy of Dialogue
Dvorkin I.
The Era of Global Changes and Z.B. Simon's Project of a New Vision of History
Gubman B.L., Anufrieva K.V.
Georg Northoff's Neurophilosophical Approach
Zhudina A.A.
Karl Popper and the Problem of Essentialism in Philosophy
Antonov A.V.
Aristotle on the relation between logic and ontology
Vasyukov V.L.
Long-timed words, Peirce Triangle, Tetrahedron of Ontological Propis
Pavlenko A.N.
Animal communication systems and “the Rubicon” in the theories of the origin of language
Baryshnikov P.N.
From quantum cosmology to anthropology and back
Pavlenko A.N.
The epistemological glaucoma and psematical paradox (autological feature of truth and heterological feature of false)
Pavlenko A.N.
Ontology and existence
Lednikov E.E.
Methodologic Strategies in the Modern Cosmology and their Foundations
Tararoyev J.V., Kotvitzky A.T., Biletsky I.P.
The principle of reductio ad absurdum as an ontological problem
Anisov A.M.
Problems of Causality of Micro and Macro Levels of Object: “Top-down” and “Bottom-up” (Ontological Aspect)
Vasilyeva K.K., Lochkina A.N.
The Principle of Observability, the Stage of Empirical Weightlessness of a Theory (SEWT) and Constructive Empiricism (CE)
Pavlenko A.N.
The Philosophical Contribution of Vedānta Deśika to the Development of the Viśiṣṭādvaita Vedanta
Safina N.A.
The Transformation of Metaphysics in M.K. Mamardashvili’s Creativity
Nizhnikov S.A.
Aporias of John Wyclif's Realistic Hermeneutics
Sokolov P.V.
Kant, Heidegger and the Problem of Metaphysics
Girenok F.I.
“True being” of Parmenides: a logical analysis
Nevdobenko O.I.
From Voluntary Action’s Ontology to Historical Responsibility: Methodology of Philosophical Research
Anikin D.A.
Formal metaontology
Anisov A.M.
Postcontinental Philosophy: Post- and Neometaphysical Turn
Tlostanova M.V.
Ontological Foundations of Philosophy of Neorationalism of G. Bachelard
Arapov O.G.
From Dialogical Ontology to the Theory of Semiosphere: the Idea of the Dialogue of Cultures in the Philosophical Concepts of M. Buber and Yu. M. Lotman
Volkova A.A.
An Ontology of Quantum Mathematics
Vasyukov V.L.
On a structure of humanitarian theory
Nevvazhay I.D., Surovyagin D.P.
Ontology of Semantics in Information Technologies
Kolychev P.M.
The problem of the symbolic language in philosophical theology John Macquarrie
Lokhov S.A.
Constellations. Ritual. Existentially space
Kuzmin A.V.
1 - 38 of 38 Items

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