No 2 (2016)
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2016;(2):7-9

Bureaucracy: Trying to Comprehend a Phenomenon
The article exposes the author’s understanding of bureaucracy as a formal rationalization of human activity for the purpose of vertical-external management of it. In fact, it is an universal-international phenomenon, but in every country it has its own specifics. Traditionally, all the public cases in Russia were built on the powerfully vertical principle. The professional-communicative horizontal has always been underestimated or even forced out to the periphery. The chief figure (nachal’nik) is also very typical of the Russian bureaucratic “culture”. He is a man without a certain professional and business binding, a manager “of all trades”, instrumentally competent and politically loyal. To reach an admissible level of bureaucracy it is important to structure rationality by a search for optimality, to strengthen civil society and associated public control, to develop complexity thinking, to saturate relationships among people with social capital (primarily trust), etc.
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2016;(2):10-20

The Architectonics of Latin American Self-Identity Discourse in the 20th Century (Part 1)
The axis of the publication is the self-identity discourse unfolding in close connection with the socio-political situation in Latin America in the first decades of the 20th century. The characteristics and specificity of the peripheral forms of modernization processes are highlighted. The author takes “Mexican essence” philosophy development as an example to discuss cognitive strategies of national reflection associated with different ways of transition to modernization experience.
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2016;(2):21-29

Sex and Identity: From Binary Logic to Humanism of Plurality?
The article provides the analysis of the prospect for sex-identity built outside the binary oppositions that establish the structural foundations both for our culture and our thinking. The problematic overcoming of the binarity without forming a new binary opposition is also examined. The author questions the limits and possibilities of true humanism within the binary typization and conceptualization of a subject.
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2016;(2):30-42

Society and Religion in a Postsecular Age: Theoretical Approaches and Empirical Interaction
The article focuses on the main features of the secular world in its interaction with postmodernization processes of Western and Russian social and cultural spheres. The author provides the new «American theology» construct dealing with a number of different typologies of God, responding in a way to the objective postmodern changes. Western philosophers’ and theologists’ concepts confined to postmodernization of religion, including G. Richardson’s concept of «technological God» and H. Cox’s concept of «political God», are outlined. The author follows modern contradictory tendencies and processes that simultaneously impose social and cultural secularization while actualizing religion by raising its spiritual and existential significance for individuals and society as a whole. Ch. Taylor’s views on the secular age are also analyzed in this very item.
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2016;(2):43-51

The Opportunists of Heaven and the Experiences of Communion. God as a Label
Even though God’s name is very present in both the academic and political discourse, the reality is that God seems to have indeed «died», as Nietzsche, Sartre or Camus once said, because between the message and the finality of the authors’ endeavors there is a gap that places the world under the sign of chaos and pain. I am scanning the degree of honesty of some intellectuals who set the norms of the time, and some politicians who declare themselves Christians and insert in the ideology of their party Christian concepts and values. I have called them «opportunists of Heaven» because these intellectuals have transformed God into a subject of analysis as any other, and the politician utters His name to gain poll success. We see them climbing on the shoulders of God in order to define their careers: the intellectual wants to be accepted by the community of scholars which requires of him to be a free conscience, detached, impartial, independent; the politician wants to win votes from the electorate which asks of him to be moral. The secular state imposes its own moral, which doesn’t deny universal values but it actually changes their meaning. The criterion that no one can deviate from is the one of political correctness. In this paper, I shall focus on the way in which the Orthodox Church is involved in solving the crisis of the world, starting from key issues such as the human being, communion and sin. Man is invited to live inside the principle that creates the communion: the Logos. Therefore the solution would be adopting a Christ-centric perspective on life.
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2016;(2):52-63

History of Medieval Philosophy as a Problem of Contemporaneity: Construction or Interpretation?
The article provides the critical analysis of stereotypes that have emerged over the past two centuries, both in specialized human sciences and in the wider public consciousness surrounding the concept of the «Middle Ages» in general and the concept of «medieval philosophy» in particular. In the light of new research and contemporary methodological approaches the author reveals their inconsistency caused by an attempt to transfer the stereotypical attitudes to the Middle Ages ideologically constructed by the Modern period into our own times establishing them as a part of our contemporaneity.
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2016;(2):64-77

Ideas of Immanuel Kant on the Threshold of New Enlightenment
The article offers the analysis of I. Kant’s ideas in the light of the author’s conception of the «New Enlightenment». «To get enlightened», according to I. Kant, is not a right, but a duty of humanity. The «Old Enlightenment» has not come to an end as a historical era; it will be replaced with the «New Enlightenment» in the 21th century. The main features of the «New Enlightenment» are 1) the protection of reason from irrationalism; 2)
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2016;(2):78-83

One Philosophical Dialogue: (Mutual) Understanding and the Art of Reticence
The idea of philosophical dialogue centers on the idea of a thought-out conversation between interlocutors who are interested in clarifying the concepts and foundations of knowledge. In M. Heidegger’s A Dialogue on Language: Between a Japanese and an Inquirer participants are supposed to avoid ready-made definitions of culture while approaching the original wonder of thought in its contact with an indeterminate world. This experience is revealed and interpreted during the dialogue in connection with the Japanese art of reticence. The article deals with the concept of dialogue as a non-classical conversation with its refraining from accepted procedures of knowledge production, attention to language, returning to the origins of philosophical inquiring. Emphasis is made on a process of understanding as «paving a path»; that is deliberate, keen to signs, differences, unpredictable in its discoveries and far from being finished.
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2016;(2):84-94

Plato on Homer: Heroic Liars and the Concept of Injustice in «Hippias Minor»
The article addresses Plato’s dialog Hippias minor as a text investigating the possibility of alternative models of morality presented by Homeric heroes Achilles and Odysseus. We study the way Socrates’ thought going from examples of particular acts to the level of moral abstractions. While on the level of concrete cases the acts of «heroic liars» seem to contradict certain principles of morality the further we go to its abstract core the greater is the gap between what is moral on its surface and what is moral indeed. Thus we see how Socrates comes from ethical question to metaphysical one which is found within the former.
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2016;(2):95-101

Life's Purpose and Cultural Values Through the Religious and Metaphysical Analysis of War: Russia's War Experience 1914-1918
The article presents the statements of the leading Russian social thinkers, pointing out the historical, political, philosophical and theological dimensions of the First World War. This war has become a turning point in Russian history, a new point of philosophical reflection as well as an important point of identification and self-determination of individuals and communities
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2016;(2):102-112

Proper Names as Rigid Designators
The article focuses on the critical analysis of the concept of proper names as rigid designators. The arguments in favor of the theory of meaning for ordinary proper names and its problems are considered. The author comes to the conclusion that the theory is open to objection.
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2016;(2):113-121

Modification Versus Commodification
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2016;(2):122-127

The Existential Dimension in the Concept of Transhumanism by Means of L. Wittgenstein’s Philosophical Conception
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2016;(2):128-134

The Problem of National Identity in a Globalizing World
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2016;(2):135-141

Ethical and Philosophical Aspects of Political Consultant Activity
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2016;(2):142-147

Reflections on the Middle Eastern Theoretical Sources of Ancient Greek Philosophy in the Foreign Historiography
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2016;(2):148-152

Orekhov A.M. Intellektual'naja sobstvennost': eskizy obshhej teorii (Intellectual Property: Sketches of the General Theory)
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2016;(2):153-154

Ivanov V.G. «Charts power» - «rejtingovaja sila» kak instrument mjagkoj sily i ekonomicheskoe oruzhie: tehnologii ispol'zovanija i strategii protivodejstvija («Charts Power» - International Ratings as a Tool of Soft Power and an Economic Weapon: the Technologies of Application and the Strategies of Counteraction)
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2016;(2):155-157

On our authors
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2016;(2):158-159