No 4 (2012)
- Year: 2012
- Articles: 17
- URL:
Editorial note
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2012;(4):5
Translation and intranslatability: European perspective
Translation can be seen as one of the last figures of the so called linguistic turn — after understanding, dialogue, communication. Nowadays translation seems to be on its way of becoming a research paradigm for human sciences. However in chaotic situations of contemporary global communication it is an idea of intranslatability which often comes to the foreground. For the author of the article it does not mean a complete impossibility of translation but rather various stumbling blocks in translating process. It is important to realize that it is by means of translating process that domains of commensurable experience between cultures and ways of thinking are finally created: we never find them in preexisting forms.
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2012;(4):6-16
Tradition as a living vision: Hans-Georg Hadamer
In this paper the author treats three important questions of Hermeunetic philosophy.Firstly, the character and importance of tradition as the bearer of the long experience of interacting with one’s world, with other persons and with God (it is constituted not only of chronological facts, but of insights regarding human perfection which have been forged in the human person’s concrete striving to live with dignity). Secondly, the implications for the content of tradition of the continually unfolding circumstances of historical development (these do not merely extend or repeat what went before, but constitute an emerging manifestation of the dynamic character of the classical vision articulated in the epics, in law and in political movements). Thirdly, hermeneutics (how can the tradition be understood in its significance for present action?).
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2012;(4):17-29
Textual criticism of Confucian canon “Da-xue” as a historical and philosophical problem
“Da-xue” (“The Great Teaching”) — attributed to Confucius, one of the Chinese Classics, first in “The Four Books” and part of “The Five Canons” and “The 13 Canons”. It lies at the heart of traditional philosophy, science and pedagogy. The paper presents a detailed study of the history of the treatise and its comments, particularly such major philosophers neo-confucianists as Zhu Xi (1130—1200), and Wang Yang-ming (1472—1529), the study of the history of the treatise and its translation in the West, as well as dramatic fate in Russia, where it from 18th century had frequently been the instrument of the ideological and political struggle. The article argues thesis of numerological character of treatise.
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2012;(4):30-56
The problem of methodological premises of adequate translation: the Chinese mode of thinking and their language picture of the world
It is argued that the conventional symbolic function, which is characteristic for phonetic type of writing, contrasts with iconic (in the sense of Charles Pierce) nature of Chinese pictograms and ideograms. Principal problems of cross-culture communication, which are preconditioned by Chinese fundamental non-symbolic paradigm, are identified and analyzed. Methodological background of adequate translation is discussed.
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2012;(4):57-76
Early Taoist concept of Dao (way) and approaches of Russian sinologists to the interpretations of Dao de jing
The author compares the interpretations, which the leading Russian sinologists worked out for the concept of Dao (Way) in taoist treatise Dao de jing , shows how these interpretations are determined with the points of view on the text designation, philosophical world outlooks and methodological approaches as well, clears up similarities and distinctions between the approaches and the main trends of their evolution.
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2012;(4):77-87
Problems of Translation of Sanskrit Philosophical texts in Russian Thought (Theodor Stcherbatsky and His Followers)
This paper deals with the methodological problems pertaining to the translation of Sanskrit philosophical texts raised by famous Russian Buddhologist and Indologist Theodor Stcherbatsky (1866—1942) and developed by his brilliant disciple Otto Rosenberg (1888—1919). The author addresses to the problems of translation as discussed by some modern Russian Sanskritologists. The main thing — is to keep the balance between the typological similarity of different traditions of thought. The author’s opinion is closer to that of Rosenberg who made an accent on the otherness, than to that of Stcherbatsky who put forward the idea of philosophia perennis .
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2012;(4):88-95
Gerhard Oberhammer and his investigation principles of Vishishta-Advaita religious texts
The paper deals with philosophical principles of Gerhard Oberhammer’s hermeneutics and his analysis of Ramanauja’s “Sharanagatigadya”. The consideration of his hermeneutics and its applying to this certain text allows us to conclude that adequate understanding of this “soteriological” text can be discovered only on the base of Oberhammer’s hermeneutics.
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2012;(4):96-104
The Semantic Evolution of Qur’ānic Terminology and its Translation
This study is carried on a special aspect of the translation of the Qur’ān, which starts from Eugen Nida’s study on the same type of practical and theoretical aspects in translating the Bible. The vocabulary of the Qur’ān, like the vocabulary of any other sacred book, can usually be divided into religious vocabulary, which carries the very notions contouring the respective religious system, and general vocabulary. Both religious and general vocabulary are subject to an evolution of meaning, the first category as a result of the institutionalization of religion, the second as a result of a normal, expected transformation, accomplished over time, that occurs in any language.
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2012;(4):105-110
Philosophy in the context of classical Arab Muslim culture: issues of ideas and categories
The paper analyzes the controversial topic — the concept of classical Arab Muslim philosophy. Along with clarifying ideas of classical philosophy the author considers problems of classical Arab Muslim philosophy, which determined the foundation of Muslim East philosophical traditions.
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2012;(4):111-122
A Logic-and-Meaning Approach to Culture as a New Interpretation of Universalism
In the 4 th volume of his Futuhat Ibn Arabi addresses murids on the issue of fitna (temptation) and its overcoming. His message boils down to the statement that to overcome any temptation we need not to turn away from it but to open our heart to it in order to see the zahir-batin (outward-inward) coordination of the wordly and the Divine in any object of temptation and, consequently, to discover God as the other side of any such object.
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2012;(4):123-131
Dillem of the wisdom and shariat (philosophy and religion) in conception of the Brethren of Purity (Ikhwan al-Safa)
The aim of this study is to show the specific relation of the Brethren of Purity to the issue of philosophy and religion. It is analysis, study and organizes their thoughts in this field, particularly their role within the traditions of the Islamic mentality and theoretic approach, dominating then in theology and philosophy. Special attention devoted to their status as the link between the traditions of theology and philosophy that deal their vision about the necessary of philosophy reasonable and acceptable to Islamic consciousness at that time.
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2012;(4):132-138
“Al-Qushchayri epistle on sufizm”
This article includes a translation of the part of the treatise “Epistle on Sufism” by one of the most famous sufy theoretics of the Xth century al-Qushchayi (986—1072), as well as the commentary to his work. For the translation was selected the first part of the treatise, that hasn’t been yet translated to Russian and which describes the author’s main aims and goals. The article emphasizes on the importance of this work in the history of sufism.
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2012;(4):139-153
Structural Dialectics in ancient philosophy language
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2012;(4):154-160
The “ideal middle age” of L.P. Karsavin: medieval history and philosophy of a history
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2012;(4):161-169
Maximilian Voloshin’s ontological theory of artistic work
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2012;(4):170-176
On Our Authors
RUDN Journal of Philosophy. 2012;(4):177-178