No 1 (2008)
- Year: 2008
- Articles: 18
- URL:

Genetic and morphologic features of uterus scar after cesarean section
In this research we present morphologic and immunologic features of uterus scar after cesarean section in inferior segment. We revealed that features of tissue regeneration in seam zone of uteri has depended at allelic implements of gene GPIIIα.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2008;(1):12-17

Reproductive health of woman after operative and conservative treatment ovarian hemorrhage
The article represents the evaluation of the reproductive health of women after ovarian hemorrhage. A complex of rehabilitation measures is developed aimed at recovery of women's reproductive function which is based on recovery of two-phase menstrual cycle, treatment of chronic long-lasting inflammatory diseases, immune correction, restoration of eubiosis of genital tract and efficient contraception.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2008;(1):18-22

Genetical and immunological aspects of pathogenesis and medical treatment of chronic inflammatory diseases of the uterus and adnexa uteri
The research presents the first complex clinical estimation of the women with chronic inflammatory diseases of the uterus and adnexa uteri by new immunological and genetic methods of study. Risk prognostic factors of the chronic inflammatory diseases of small pelvis (CIDSP) in modern conditions are specified. For the first time the characteristic of the general immunoreactivity of organism on the basis of ELI-P-Test-1 is given, the dynamic of the serum level of first and second rate autoantibodies to the γ-IF is studied, it is also studied the allelic division of gene GPIIIa and discovered the dependence of immunoreactivity organism on the allele polymorphism of gene GPIIIa in CIDSP. We obtained that quantum medical treatment improves the recovery: corrects immunoreactivity and decreases the frequency of recurrence of chronic inflammatory diseases of the uterus and adnexa uteri.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2008;(1):23-27

Тне intranatal causes of grave condition at premature newborns
In this article we present statistic analysis of delivery tactic in premature labors. The newborns of those mothers who took the tocolitical therapy and prevention of RDS were needed in artificial pulmonary ventilation accordingly in 3,3-5,0 and twice times rarer.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2008;(1):28-35

Prognozing of hyperplastic disoders in postmenopause women
The investigation is devoted to studying of genetic aspects in hyperplastic disorders in postmenopause women due to allele distribution of GPIIIα gene, that controls the synthesis of integrines, lysosomal activity of enzymes, the production of embryo-antibodies. Basing on the comparison of the results of genetic investigation with the condition of immune-system and the level of the activity of lyzosomal enzymes, we tried to open the mechanism of appearing and development of hyperplastic disorders in postmenopause. New criteries have been offered for prognosing and prophylaxis of hyperplastic disoders in postmenopause.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2008;(1):36-46

Women contraceptive choice in sakha republic (Ykutia)
In this article we present facts about gynecological health of girls in SAKHA republic (Yakutia). The middle age of sex debut is 16,05 + 1,07 year. The most widespread nosologic forms among teen-agers besides irregular mensis are chronic salpingoophoritis and benign diseases of cervix uteri.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2008;(1):51-55

Analiz narusheniy balansa vodnykh sektorov organizma pri ostrom infarkte miokarda metodom bioimpedansometrii
The article presented result of studies, which determined significance of total body bioimpedance spectroscopy analysis in evaluation of functional class of chronic heart failure. The opportunity of diagnostics of the latent and initial phenomena of hyperhydration of tissues is shown according to measurement of an impedance of various regions which clinically are not revealed.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2008;(1):56-64

The assessment of sevoflurane inhalational anaesthesia adequacy during laparoscopic cholecystectomies
The results of central hemodynamic parameters and heart rate variability during intraoperarional period of laparoscopic cholecystectomies are presented. Expediency of inhalational anaesthetic sevoflurane usage in complex endotracheal anaesthesia is considered.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2008;(1):71-74

Surgically treatment of proximal humerus fractures
Analysis of results of 43 surgically treated patients with fractures of the proximal humerus (26 males and 17 females) was carried out Average age of patients was 42,4 yrs. A differential approach in treatment of the patients was depended on the character of fracture, bone stock and age. Traditional T-plates, LCP, locking nails and prosthetics were implanted. Indications were defined for the particular method of osteosynthesis. Rehabilitation in operated patients began on the 2 and 3 post-operative days. 81,4% cases showed excellent and good results.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2008;(1):75-80

Aspects of rehabilitation in patients after hip replacement
Rehabilitation after hip arthroplasty is a very important part of hip joint arthrosis treatment. The weakness of leg adductors, which develops in the course of coxarthrosis, can be the reason of stereotip of pathologic gait. We have worked out and introduced the early activity method of patients after hip arthroplasty, which enables us to decrease the chance of lameness development in postoperative period and increase the patient's life quality.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2008;(1):81-90

The experimental correction of the dysbacteriosis by probiotics
In vivo, the obtained evidences were received to necessitate the performance of the standard preclinical research of different dosages of the probiotics in experimental model of the probiotics treatment efficiency study in the case of dysbacteriosis correction. The use of different commercial probiotics in the experimental disbiosis lead to various results of the corrections of intestinal microflora balance: to the increasing of normoflora without the correction of potentially harmful organisms in case of using the normoflora medication; to the increasing of lactose-positive E.coli, lactobacteria, without the bifidobacteria level shifting and to the elimination of fungi and staphylococcus in case of the biosporin. Bactisubtil didn't restore the normoflora and didn't correct the level of the fungi and staphylococcus.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2008;(1):91-95

The phenomenon of multistability as the electrophysiological phenomenon of myocardium
The hypothesis about presence phenomenon of multistability of myocardium which is present on cellular and systemics level is put forward. Multistability is understood as coexistence of two or several various steady periodic rhythms in system with the established set of parameters, but sold of various entry conditions.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2008;(1):100-101

Medico-social and organizational economic aspects of prime invalidity of adult population
Research of prime invalidity tendencies of adult population in Dagestan within the period of eight years (1996-2006) taking into consideration age and reasons of invalidity. The work presents social sanitary description of individuals recognized as disabled for the first time on the basis of selective research of 1508 people that comprise 10% of all new cases of disability in Dagestan Republic during the year 2004. Connections of invalidity with income, education, character of activity, home conditions as well as with medico-demographical factors (sex, age, and domicile) have been revealed. The author gives estimation of economic expenses on invalids (taking as example disabled persons with blood circulation diseases).
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2008;(1):102-104

The role of herpes virus infection in development of arrhythmias in children
ECG' peculiarities and titers of anticardial antibodies (ACAB) were studied in 44 children with herpes virus infection: 63% of patients were infected by herpes virus type IV, V, VI; the rest ones - herpes virus type I,II in addition. ECG has revealed dysfunction of sinus node, conductive disturbances and changes of repolarization in 1/3 of children, 20% of patients has signs of myocardial electric instability. Part of children has increased titers of ACAB to conductive system and cardiomyocytes.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2008;(1):105-106