No 4 (2015)
- Year: 2015
- Articles: 16
- URL:
Assessment of health risk factors of newborns and attitude of urban women to breastfeeding
Presented the results of a sociological survey of 478 mothers inhabitants of Samara for assessment of their attitudes to breastfeeding and evaluation of health risk factors to newborns are presented in the article. It was established that, according to the women surveyed, to the greatest extent on the health of the child affects the health of the mother and father, compliance with doctor's recommendations on nutrition, personal hygiene, work and rest, treatment, medical examination and supervision during pregnancy and heredity. It is shown that mainly on breastfeeding there were 59,9% of children.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2015;(4):9-15

Evaluation of innovative potential of health care institutions on the example of children's city clinical hospital in megalopolis
This article is devoted to the definition and evaluation of innovative potential of the organization of the health system. For assessment of innovative potential of budgetary organization it is necessary to carry out a complex assessment of the following elements: efficiency of the budgetary and non-budgetary funds, scientific and technical potential, indicators of commercialization of innovations, duration of the performed works, characteristic of innovation management system, human capital. Allocation of public funds in the health organization with medium and high innovative potential will be more effective for achieving a high level of innovations in the health sector as a whole. The analysis of external and internal factors showed that modern conditions promotes increase of efficiency of innovative potential of the organization, however in the conditions of restructuring of health care it is especially important to use most effectively resources, to increase competitive advantages, to attract the best personnel. The presence in the megalopolis positively influences the innovative potential. The studied hospital organizationally and financially-technically formed a good base level for further improvement of methods and technologies of providing high quality medical care. Cumulative assessment of the innovative potential is positive.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2015;(4):16-24

Comparative analysis of the severity of auditory acuity of students of conservatories and professional musical community
The results of comparative analysis of auditory acuity of 68 students of the Moscow Conservatory and 32 professional orchestral musicians of the Russian Federation with the results of the severity of hearing of students and teachers of other Moscow Universities are presented in the article. Revealed hearing problems require preventive measures. The greatest attention should be paid to the musicians, playing on wind and percussion instruments because their hearing suffers the most.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2015;(4):25-31

Performance evaluation of children's holiday camp of the Ryazan’ region
The article evaluates the effectiveness of summer health campaign in the Ryazan region in accordance with methodical recommendations. The results indicate a positive influence of the summer country rest on the health of children and adolescents.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2015;(4):32-35

Registration of pharmaceuticals: expert assessment of modification the standard documentation
Registration of drugs is a key element in the system of state regulation of the pharmaceutical market. This paper discusses the expert assessment of changes to the registration documents for drugs, the basic directions of improvement of the system changes in the regulatory documents.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2015;(4):36-39

Analysis of long-term prognosis indicators of dispersion mapping in patients with cardiac pathology
Purpose: to evaluate the use of indicators of dispersion mapping for the long-term prediction of adverse cardiovascular events in patients with cardiovascular diseases (CVD). The study included data of 217 people with using short recordings in dynamics throughout the year (winter, spring, summer and autumn). The 1 st group consists of 64 patients with hypertension, the 2 nd group - 44 patients with coronary heart disease, the 3rd - 30 patients with cardiomyopathy and in the 4 th group of 28 patients with coronary artery disease and diabetes mellitus. The control group consisted of 51 healthy individuals (18 men and 33 women) ranging in age from 29 to 53 years. Cardiac output was higher in the group of survivors (54,6 ± 0,5%) compared with the group with unfavorable outcome (33,8 ± 2,2%). The average values of all the indicators of dispersion mapping were higher in the group of death with the exception of heart rate index/IMM, indicating more severe violations. Noteworthy increase in 2 times the rate of alterative T wave at tT1 (Tbig) and T2 (Tmax) points. The sensitivity and specificity of the prediction of fatal outcome during 3 years of observation for record IMM > 25% was 54% and 61%.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2015;(4):40-48

To date, primary brain tumors Grade III is one of the most severe oncological diseases. Despite the use of various treatment methods and their combinations, the average life expectancy of patients with anaplastic gliomas does not exceed 9-10 months from the time of diagnosis. In relapses, after repeated operations, the median life expectancy is 36 weeks. This problem necessitates the usage of new approaches and treatment methods of patients with anaplastic gliomas (Grade III). It is essential to define astrocytic glioma sensitivity to any external factors and develop approaches that allow pre-treatment of a particular patient to determine which of the available therapeutic agents can be effective in this case.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2015;(4):49-54

Radiotheraphy as a part of multi-modality treatment of supratentorial infiltrative low-grade cerebral gliomas (grade II) in adults. Long-term results
The article presents the results of analysis of the relevant publications and research works over the last 20 years, devoted to the value of radiation therapy in the treatment of low-grade gliomas. This literature review reflects the role and place of radiation therapy in the treatment of such patients according to the latest research data and modern standards of treatment developed by the most authoritative scientific institutes and international research groups.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2015;(4):55-61

Microcirculatory changes in penis with vasculogenic erectile dysfunction
Erectile dysfunction (ED) - multifactorial disease, which has not only medical but also social significance. Epidemiological studies confirmed that 5% to 20% of men have moderate to marked degree of ED. ED requires a comprehensive, advanced diagnostics, involving not only the Doppler ultrasound of the penis, radioisotope method - fallostsintigraphy, and morphological analysis. Microvasculature of the corpora cavernosa ultrasound can assessed indirectly. The results of our study demonstrate the effectiveness of fallostsintigraphy in the diagnosis of microcirculatory disturbances of the corpora cavernosa of the penis, which confirmed by morphological analysis of the penile tissues.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2015;(4):62-68

Method for early diagnosis of damage to the rotator cuff
For the purpose of early diagnosis of rotator cuff tears we have developed a method based on the brachial plexus nerve block (RF patent №2138196, 27.09.1999). It was used in 22 patients with soft tissue injuries of the shoulder joint with conduction anesthesia (0.5% solution of lidocaine, procaine) into supraclavicular area. After approach of the differentiated block the pain was stopped, thus possibility of physical activity in a shoulder joint remained. Restoration of active abduction testified to partial damage of the rotator cuff, absence - about full. The received data were verified by ultrasound, surgical interventions and clinical observation. Sensitivity of our method is 88.2%, specificity - 80% and accuracy - 86,3%.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2015;(4):69-74

Prognostic criteria for different diseases of prostate
The study involved 263men over 45 years with different diseases of the prostate, including the routine methods and complex immunohistochemical techniques. The use of this complex allows to increase the accuracy of differential diagnosis of the prostate diseases in the primary biopsies and detection of prostate cancer at the localized stage, reduce the number of unreasonable repeated biopsies, the need for repeated hospitalizations, postoperative complications and facilitate the work of a doctor. Results of five-year follow up of patients with verified prostate adenocarcinoma identified predictors of hormone-resistant cancer, which will help increase the efficiency of the treatment of these patients.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2015;(4):75-83

Primary snoring and hearing dysfunction
The article is dedicated to the study of the influence of structural and functional changes in pharynx and primary snoring on the tube and hearing function. Threshold audiometry, tympanometry, pulse oxymetry and polysomnography were used to examine the patients. Patients with anatomical and physiological changes of the upper respiratory tract and primary snoring have the tube and hearing function impairments. The degree of the tube and hearing dysfunction depends on the duration of the primary snoring.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2015;(4):84-88

Speckle photometry at molars movement with superelastic NiTi finger spring
In developed an experimental model of dentition with an artificial periodontal by speckle photography carried out determination of movements molars of the upper jaw when exposed disclosing NiTi orthodontic finger spring between them and the fixation of the first molar to the mini implant. Determined molars movement in different types of fixing or anchorage.
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2015;(4):89-95

Our authors
RUDN Journal of Medicine. 2015;(4):107-111