
标题 文件
编号 4 (2009) To the question of cognitive aspect of the meaning of idioms PDF


Yusupova S.
编号 4 (2012) Linguistic stratification of the Swiss French-speaking cantons PDF


Dmitrieva E., Usmanova Z.
编号 2 (2008) To the question of paradigmatics of unchanging classes of words PDF


Pankov F.
编号 4 (2011) To the problem of the pragmatic equivalence in translation PDF


Karpovskaya N.
编号 4 (2013) To the problem of Court Interpreter’s Code of Ethics PDF


Vasilenko L.
编号 1 (2010) To the question of meaning scope of concepts «vozduch» and «air» in russian and english linguistic consciouses in the aspect of linguistic and cultural competence of students PDF


Zhiltsova O.
编号 3 (2011) To the aspect of the structure of the semantic fields of emotional and evaluative verbs in Russian and Arabic languages PDF


Elyseev V.
编号 3 (2012) On the factors, having influence on processes of utterance perception and production in general, and in Vietnamese, in particular PDF


Gumnikov I.
编号 1 (2013) To the problem of feminization of professional denominations in Quebec national variant of French (on the basis of modern periodicals) PDF


Borissova A., Rubinshtein K.
编号 2 (2014) On the Usefulness of English Borrowings in Russian Terminological Systems PDF


Nikulina M.
编号 2 (2012) Some geographical varieties of Present day English in Canada PDF


Bystrikova N., Mussaui E., Garcia-Caselles C.
编号 3 (2009) The problem of the business negotiations language as genre of intercultural business communication PDF


Malyuga E.
编号 1 (2013) To the problem of Song discourse: lingvocultural aspect PDF


Naydenova N., Muradyan A.
编号 3 (2011) To the issue of language isomorphic inner system PDF


Boghana J., Bondarenko E.
编号 3 (2011) To the problem of learning global English PDF


Arkhipenkova A.
编号 4 (2013) To the problem of creating a specialized glossary of academic terms PDF


Kupriyanova M.
编号 3 (2013) About the correlation between the notions “nonce-word” and “potential word” PDF


Zakharova O.
编号 1 (2015) To the Problem of Medical Term Emotiogenicity PDF


Madzhaeva S.
卷 23, 编号 1 (2019) K yubileyu V.I. Shakhovskogo PDF


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卷 23, 编号 1 (2019) K yubileyu L.A. Kozlovoy PDF


- -.
卷 27, 编号 3 (2023) Tribute to Svetlana G. Ter-Minasova PDF


- -.
卷 23, 编号 1 (2019) How Not To Do Things with the Word: Barack Obama on the Armenian Genocide PDF


Zolyan S.
卷 20, 编号 2 (2016) Karasik V.I. Language Spiral: Values, Signs, Motives: monograph / V.I. Karasik. - Volgograd: Paradigma, 2015. - 432 p. PDF


Panchenko N.
卷 22, 编号 4 (2018): Studies in cultural semantics and pragmatics: for Anna Wierzbicka’s anniversary The Catalogue of Semantic Shifts: 20 Years Later PDF


Zalizniak A.
编号 4 (2008) To the problem of vocative case category as the peripheral phenomenon of The Balkan Linguistic Union PDF


Shirokova A., Novospasskaya N.
编号 3 (2014) The Category of Personality in the Semantics of Latest English Borrowings in the Russian Idiomatics PDF


Dementyev V.
编号 2 (2011) The category of possessivity in the Yakut language PDF


Chirkoeva D.
编号 4 (2008) The category of finity and infinity in connection with other categories of a verb (on a material of Abkhazo-Adygian languages) PDF


Khezheva Z.
卷 24, 编号 4 (2020) Demonyms in the Pacific Alliance countries: morphological and semantic variation PDF


Chesnokova O., Radović M.
编号 4 (2011) Causative and non-causative verbs in studying emotive vocabulary PDF


Ebzeeva J., Lenko G.
卷 20, 编号 3 (2016) Gorshkova V.E., Kolodina E.A., Kremnev E.V., Fedotova I.P., Firsova E.O. (2014) In V.E. Gorshkova (Ed.) Film Dialogue. Sense-image. Translation. Irkutsk: MGLU EALI, 367 pp PDF


Abdrakhmanova O.


Leontovich O., Simonenko N.
编号 4 (2010) Key signs structuring the interior space of the text of the novel «Hopscotch» by J. Cortazar PDF


Broitman M.


Shakhovskiy V.
编号 1 (2009) Cognitive mechanisms of connotative semes formation in adjectives PDF


Medvedeva A.
卷 19, 编号 4 (2015) Cognitive Dissonance from the Intercultural Communication Perspective PDF


Leontovich O.
卷 21, 编号 3 (2017): Commodification of russian ASPECTS OF COMMODIFICATION OF RUSSIAN IN FINLAND PDF


Viimaranta H., Protassova E., Mustajoki A.
编号 4 (2010) Comminicative variativity of the French language in the intercultural dialogue PDF


Ebzeyeva Y.
卷 21, 编号 2 (2017) Cultivation of Communicative Space: Polemical Eloquence vs. Epideictic Eloquence PDF


Khazagerov G.
编号 2 (2015) Communicative-Pragmatic Organization of Scientific Technical Text PDF


Popova T., Rudneva M.
编号 2 (2011) Compliments play the role as an important behavioral culture factor in modern society (based on the materials in Russian and Vietnamese) PDF


Nguyen Thu Huong -.
卷 26, 编号 2 (2022): Computational Linguistics and Discourse Complexology Computational linguistics and discourse complexology: Paradigms and research methods PDF


Solovyev V., Solnyshkina M., McNamara D.
编号 3 (2011) Connotative area of languages and cultures, its meaning for effective communication (teaching Russian communicative behavior) PDF


Balykhina T.


编号 4 (2014) Constituencies of Politeness: Stiff Upper Lip PDF


Jioeva A., Sosedova V.
卷 24, 编号 3 (2020): World Englishes in the Expanding Circle World Englishes and learner lexicography: View from the Expanding Circle PDF


Lovtsevich G., Sokolov A.
卷 23, 编号 3 (2019) Contextuality in the Russian language PDF


Miloslavsky I.
编号 1 (2014) Information about forthcoming conferences PDF


- -.
卷 22, 编号 1 (2018): The discourse of emotions CONFERENCE ON EUROLINGUISTICS “EUROPEAN PHILOLOGY AND SOCIETAL ISSUES” at VHS Donauwörth, Germany,29 september - 1 october 2017 PDF


Grzega J.
编号 1 (2014) Concept Quebecois in the linguistic consciousness of Quebecers PDF


Usmanova Z.
编号 2 (2008) Concept «wind» in French PDF


Lomonosova Y.
编号 1 (2011) Concept of Tree in the ethnical sphere of concepts of the French language in Sub-Saharan Africa PDF


Naydenova N.
编号 1 (2010) The home concept in poetic texts: new ways of understanding PDF


Radzievskaya S.
编号 4 (2014) The Conceptualisation of Impoliteness in Russian and English PDF


Kharlova M.
卷 23, 编号 3 (2019) Conceptual Metaphor as a Means of Terrorist Suggestion (on the Material of the Islamic State Video Messages) PDF


Fomin A., Mona E.
卷 24, 编号 2 (2020): Language, culture and ideology in discursive practices The conceptual environment of the frontier discourse in humanities PDF


Sinelnikova L.
编号 1 (2009) Conceptual bases in formation of phraseological units' meaning, representing the concept travelling in mordern english PDF


Prokhorova O., Lesnichaya E.
编号 4 (2008) Concept «failure» and the peculiarities of its representation by paremiological items of the english languge PDF


Prokhorova O., Grigorieva E.


Chanysheva Z.
卷 22, 编号 3 (2018): Studies in semantics: for Anna Wierzbicka’s anniversary A Corpus Investigation of English Cognition Verbs and their Effect on the Incipient Epistemization of Physical Activity Verbs PDF


Rice S., Newman J.
卷 20, 编号 3 (2016) Corpus Methods in the Study of Speech Genres: A Problem of Key Phrases PDF


Dementyev V., Stepanova N.
卷 27, 编号 1 (2023): Identity, Politeness and Discursive Practices in a Changing World A corpus-based approach to corporate communication research PDF


Malyuga E.
编号 1 (2012) Correlation of English and Russian proverbs. Some features of bilingual translation PDF


Garcia-Caselles C.
编号 1 (2012) Correlation of the conceptual structures of phraseological units representing love and hate PDF


Kononova P.
卷 23, 编号 4 (2019): Politeness and Impoliteness Research in Global Contexts Indirectness in the Age of Globalization: A Social Network Analysis PDF


Terkourafi M.
编号 1 (2009) Criteria of classification of kabardian-cirkassian interjections PDF


Tokova A.
编号 2 (2013) Criteria of newsworthiness in televisual media discourse of modern Spanish language PDF


Gribanov I.
卷 24, 编号 4 (2020) Cross-cultural communication - lost in translation: A corpus study (based on the material from the Russian-Polish corpus) PDF


Kononenko I.
卷 23, 编号 1 (2019) Cultural bias and Sociolinguistics PDF


Smakman D.
卷 27, 编号 2 (2023) Lateralization of emotion word in the first and second language: Evidence from Turkish-English bilinguals PDF


Mergen F., Kuruoglu G.
卷 22, 编号 4 (2018): Studies in cultural semantics and pragmatics: for Anna Wierzbicka’s anniversary A Lexicographic Approach to the Study of Copolysemy Relations PDF


Polguère A.
卷 25, 编号 1 (2021) Lexico-semantic relativity and versatility in translation and intercultural communication PDF


Kabakchi V., Proshina Z.
编号 2 (2008) Lexico-semantic and phonetic peculiarities of Swiss national variant of French (in the works of A. Cohen) PDF


Dmitrieva E.
编号 1 (2011) Lexical and Sematical peculiarities of onomatopic verbs «-Да- / -Де-» in Karachay-Balkar language PDF


Musukov B.
编号 4 (2010) Lexico-semantic peculiarities of the representation of subframe «Achievement of success» in military conflicts (The English language) PDF


Prokhorova O., Mashkova E.
编号 1 (2010) Lexico-semantic peculiarities of place names of Nova Scotia (Canada) PDF


Ilyina A.
卷 20, 编号 3 (2016) Lexical and Semantic Fields Judge and Sudya in the English and Russian Languages PDF


Ozyumenko V.
编号 1 (2010) The lexical-semantic field of some color terms in the galician language PDF


Platonova E.
编号 1 (2011) Lexical features of emphasis in the Swiss national variant of French language PDF


Dmitrieva E.
编号 3 (2012) Lexical features of modern French printed advertising trhough lingvocultural analisis PDF


Borissova A.


编号 4 (2014) Lexical Ways of Expressing Explicit Politeness in German Linguoculture PDF


Gazizov R.
编号 1 (2010) The word means for expression of modal possibilities in indication of Albanian verbs PDF


Blerina T.
卷 22, 编号 1 (2018): The discourse of emotions LINGUISTICS TODAY: FROM INTERDISCIPLINARINESS TO TRANSDISCIPLINARINESS (The 3d Annual Firsova Readings. Moscow, Russia, 14-15 November 2017) PDF


Ivanova S., Borissova A.
编号 1 (2015) Linguistics of Emotions: from Theory to Practice PDF


Ionova S., Larina T.
编号 4 (2011) Linguistic historiography in Spanish-speaking countries in Latin America PDF


Iakovleva S.
卷 27, 编号 2 (2023) Linguistic creativity and multimodal tropes in cinematic discourse PDF


Zykova I.
卷 27, 编号 3 (2023) Linguistic pluricentrism and the Russian language PDF


Shaibakova D., Protassova E., Yelenevskaya M.
编号 4 (2008) Linguistic conception of loneliness verbalized with the help of words «neponimanie»/«incomprehension» in russian and english consciousness PDF


Iliyna V.
卷 26, 编号 3 (2022) Lingua-artistic technique of writing and its role in portraying an artist PDF


Kozlova L., Kremneva A.
编号 4 (2012) Lingvokognitive typology of symbols PDF


Yakushevich I.
编号 2 (2008) Linguocogntive aspects of intercultural business communication PDF


Maliuga E.
编号 4 (2008) Lingvocognitive features of adjectives through the prism of the paremiological picture of the world PDF


Natkho O.
卷 26, 编号 2 (2022): Computational Linguistics and Discourse Complexology A cognitive linguistic approach to analysis and correction of orthographic errors PDF


Reynolds R., Janda L., Nesset T.
卷 25, 编号 1 (2021) Linguistic creativity and discourse profiles of English language children’s novels PDF


Kiose M.
卷 20, 编号 1 (2016) Linguocreative components of the Spanish print media in the communicative aspect of “addresser-addressee” PDF


Remchukova E., Shevchenko O.
编号 2 (2013) Cultural linguistics analysis of phraseological units with gastronomic component PDF


Smirnova E., Yliynisheva L.
卷 23, 编号 2 (2019): Translation studies today and tomorrow Linguocultural Localization of Movie Titles PDF


Anissimov V., Borissova A., Konson G.
卷 27, 编号 2 (2023) Linguacultural aspects of the value and semantic attitude to the speech act of promise in Russian PDF


Zagidullina M., Ghodrati A., Shafaghi M.
编号 3 (2015) Culture-Specific Markers of Lexical Layer of Business Discourse PDF


Tarnaeva L.
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