No 3 (2015)
- Year: 2015
- Articles: 19
- URL:
Farewell - a Sorrowful Word ( Farewell - a Genre, a Concept, a Speech Act?)
In the article the author focuses on the concept of “farewell” and provides the procedure for its investigation different from the one having been applied in the recent decade in Russian linguistics, where the entrenchment of the latter has been affected by the influence of the school of Voronezh, as the author assumes. The author compares the concept with the frame, on the one hand, and the concept with the speech genres, on the other hand. The three “types” of farewell are being considered - a farewell to a man, a farewell to a place, a farewell to the epoch - all of them are being regarded as the modifications of the concept of “farewell”, having been conditioned to some extent by the period of time the texts had been produced in, with the concept incorporated into their headlines. The concept itself, in Foucault’s terminology, may be assigned to the concepts of discontinuity, assuming thresholds, transformations - in one case this is the transformation of a personality.
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2015;(3):7-22

The Wanderer in Russian Language and Culture: Values, Concept, Image
The article analyzes three entities - value, concept and image; they become additional (according to Bohr) and interchangeable when working with specific language material. Their essence is vivedly manifested in the reconstruction of the spiritual values, which form concept and the latter becoming image in the works of writers and poets demonstrating the integrative nature of the values. In this regard, the article states that time has come for integral knowledge that requires a change in the parameters of scientific thinking. Thus, overlapped interests of different sciences in one object is a new tendency of the time. The object of study in this article is the wanderer and wandering, they are multidimensional, complex, ambiguous, and can be studied in various fields of scientific knowledge: theology, cognitive linguistics, philosophy, psychology, art history, aesthetics, etc., obtaining a different content in each science.
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2015;(3):23-31

The Structural Features of Substantive-Nominative Proposemes
The article is devoted to to the mental representation of grammatical structures, namely to the structural analysis analysis of substantive-nominative proposemes that is to the Compound proposemes, composing the main and the subordinate predicative clauses and proposemes-balances, composing two subordinate clauses - subject and predicative. The material for the research are substantive-nominative proposemes taken from the works of British and American writers of the XX century. In the work the definitional analysis, the classification method and the modeling method of structural-functional analysis, the method of linguistic observation, the descriptive and analytical method were used. The results of the research showed that the analyzed proposemes can be treated, first. as the constructions of primary syntactic position which, in the functional plan, are substantive-nominative, secondly, monolithic - on the degree of intensity of connection between their clauses and, thirdly, from a logic-cognitive point of view - monomial, expressing one difficult judgment with the event nature of an objectivization of thought.
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2015;(3):32-42

Staging in Proverbs
The article deals with a special type of proverbs which are coined as presentations similar to theatre performances. Pragmatically, such communicative units function as micro shows with moral advice and include two main characters - a narrator and a person to be ridiculed. Semantically, such proverbs record axiogenic (value embedded) situations based on the figure of contrast between the behavior to be condemned and its antithesis. Typical human vices shown humorously or ironically are presented as object of criticism. Structurally, the sentences described function as a dialog or its part, they often include direct speech or imitate someone’s manner of speaking.
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2015;(3):43-53

The World beyond the Words: An Axiological Comparative Study of Zoonyms of Russian and Hindi
Mankind and the animal kingdom enjoyed a close and interwoven relationship ever since they appeared on earth. This camaraderie found its reflection in language too. That is why the words that name animals have a lot more in their undertones along with the explicit meanings. This article is an endeavor to peep into the world beyond the zoonyms of Russian and Hindi. The comparative study reveals various kinds of connotations that these zoonyms hold for us. These inferences are positive, semi positive and at times, even negative. Some are similar in both the languages, the others are contrasting. Animals are a vital part of Indian mythology. They serve as riders ( vahana ) to deities. Hence Indians have a respectful attitude towards them, even when they may not like a specific behavioral trait of a particular animal. The data for the analyses taken from dictionaries, fiction and spoken language. It was analised through definitive, contextual, pragmatic, cognitive and linguocutural analyses.
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2015;(3):54-71

World-Building Models of English and Spanish Business Terminology as Reflection of National Morphosyntactic Mentality
The article is devoted to the comparative analysis of the word-building models of the English and Spanish business terminology. The aim of this article is to hold a contrastive analysis of such word-building models of the English and Spanish business terminology as abbreviation, composition, conversion, contamination, apocope, stress changing, sound alteration, to find out existing differences an similarities in the world-building process in both languages and to investigate the concept “global language” comparing the functioning of both English and Spanish languages as the tools of international business communication, that are maximally standardized examples with most used terminological word forms that should be classified as an international standard usage. In this article the author uses the method of theoretical and empirical analysis, for instance, the investigation of specialized dictionaries, of video conferences and mass media sources in order to collect business terminology, and as well the comparative method of study of business English and business Spanish. The work is based on the analysis of terminological units encountered in the data base of the United Nations, economics and business dictionaries of English Spanish and Russian authors and in of the monographs on the corresponding subject.
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2015;(3):72-83

Emotions in Impolite and Rude Communication
Impoliteness and rudeness trigger negative emotional reactions in interlocutors. The aim of this article is to analyze negative emotions which representatives of Russian and American communicative cultures feel during impolite and rude communication. The research is done on the basis of the data of emotional reactions obtained from the undertaken sociolinguistic study, as well as on the spoken discourse found in the Russian National Corpus, the Corpus of Contemporary American English and the Internet. The current study is based on research in the theory of impoliteness and rudeness, linguistics of emotions and linguoculturology. The analysis and the key findings of the data support the hypothesis that Russians and Americans have similar basic emotions, in particular, the emotions of anger and sadness . The comparative analysis of the semantics of the words, nominating the emotions of anger and sadness prove different ethnocultural content of the corresponding emotional concepts, which should be considered in research on impoliteness and rudeness in the linguocultural aspect. Negative emotions can cause reverse impoliteness and rudeness, however, their realization in both linguocultures is determined by the pragmatic context. Nevertheless, the findings show differences in the extent of communicative restraint of Russians and Americans. The main research methods used in the study are sociolinguistic survey, corpus data analysis, conceptual analysis, descriptive and comparative methods.
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2015;(3):84-98

Culture-Specific Markers of Lexical Layer of Business Discourse
The study is aimed at revealing culture specific features of the lexical layer of English business discourse and the analysis of explicitness of culturally marked information in the Russian business vocabulary borrowed from the English language. The focus of the study are units of business lexicon, bearing in their semantic structure culture-specific information, which allows to view this vocabulary as linguo-cultural markers of national business discourses. The results of the research show that denoting concepts universal for most world economics many units of English business lexicon manifest evidence of ethnic and cultural peculiarities in viewing the world by people belonging to Anglo-Saxon culture, their values, mythological arsenal, ethnically and culturally determined ways of conceptualizing the world. Contrastive linguo-cultural analysis of the lexical layers of English and Russian business discourses shows that English business terms, borrowed by the Russian language, can either transmit culturally marked information, or transform it, or utterly lose culture-specific meanings inherent to their semantic structures.
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2015;(3):99-112

Interpretation Specificity of US Court Opinions
The article focuses on interpretation of English-language texts of court opinions. The author briefly considers existing models of text comprehension, while opting for cognitive approach as the basis for analysis of the judicial discourse. The article provides a meta-language developed as analysis methodology of linguistic means of frames’ representation. US court opinions were used as material for analysis. The author also suggests that linguistic means of modus functions’ representation frequently create additional senses in judicial discourse. The paper concludes that the reference to precedent, in addition to the functions of legal reasoning, performs evaluative function, expressing the meaning of speaker’ high degree confidence in what is being reported.
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2015;(3):113-121

Age Factor in English Internet Discourse
The article is dedicated to the influence of age-factor on the use of stylistic means in internet discourse. It is underlined that the choice of stylistic and syntactic means depends on the pragmatic component of discourse. Internet discourse is highly emotional. Punctuation marks play a significant role in creating the emotional tone. During the investigation of the issue various aspects were considered: specific features of speech, social status and educational background. Restricted technically by the written form as it is, virtual discourse is very similar to the informal oral discourse. The main distinctive feature of virtual discourse is the abundant use of graphic means and abbreviations. Thus graphic means are typical of the 21 year-old girl’s speech, whereas in the speech of a popular TV-presenter emotional colouring is achieved mainly with the help of stylistic means. The following functions are typical of the virtual discourse: communicative, social, informative, representative, relaxing and educational.
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2015;(3):122-131

Translation of Onomatopoetic Component in Onomastics
This article covers the topic of the description of translation strategies of onomatopoetic component of proper names. The term of onomatopoetic proper names is introduced for the first time. The article is the fist work that gives a view of onomatopoetic component in proper names on the material of English proper names, product names, electronic resources, theatre plays and cartoon titles. Onomatopoeia in onomastics is seen form the viewpoint of sociolinguistics. Being an aspect of literary onomastics, onomatopoetic proper names are considered to be a functional and semantic word mark (meaning-creating and text-forming) that serves as an individualizing and characteristic device. However examples of onomatopoeia in onomastics are seen not only in imaginative literature but also in advertisements and commercials. Onomatopoetic component is a unique device that allows to verbalize lingvocultural aspects of proper names. These names are pleasant to hear and easy to remember. They help to make up brand names. Translation strategies include two techniques: translator often resorts to borrowings, in other words transliterateration or transcription of the original onomatopoeia, or makes situational equivalents like occasionalisms or oral speech equivalents to render the expressive, stylistic and evaluative components of meaning of such proper names. This article will give an example of both these techniques and deduce the most affective strategies that can be applied to translation of onomatopoetic component of proper names.
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2015;(3):132-142

The Magic of Research: Critical Revision, Development and Innovation (Notes on the Margin of the Conference Pad Book)
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2015;(3):143-147

XXII German Linguistics International Conference under the egis of DAAD “New ways of Entering the Profession” (Moscow, 14-16 April 2015) as Example of International Interacademic Networking Cooperation
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2015;(3):148-152

IX International Conference “Russian in a Multicultural World” (Yalta, 8-11 June 2015)
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2015;(3):153-156

ICA’S 64 th Annual Conference “Communication and 'the Good Life” (Seattle, USA, 22-26 May 2014) and the 7 th International Conference of Russian Communication Association (St. Petersburg, 17-18 September 2014)
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2015;(3):157-159

O.A. Krylova, S.A. Khavronina. Word Order in Russian: language-didactic aspect / O.A. Krylova, S.A. Khavronina. - M.: Russian Language. Courses, 2015. - 168 p
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2015;(3):160-161

Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2015;(3):162-165

Contributors to this issue
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2015;(3):166-170

Information for contributors
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2015;(3):171-172