No 1 (2015)
- Year: 2015
- Articles: 25
- URL:
Linguistics of Emotions: from Theory to Practice
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2015;(1):7-10
Ecological Compatibility Mode in Emotional Communication
Language is a city to the building of which every human being brought a stone. R. Emerson The article demonstrates the necessity for the integration of different sciences to corroborate a new scientific direction in communicology called emotive linguoecology. The author postulates the interdependence of language ecology and human ecology with individual’s emotions. The study object is ecological compatibility in communication; the subject of the research is the role of emotions in shaping ecological compatibility of utterances. The research analyses of problems in effective communication, introspection, mass media and fiction text analysis, discourse analysis of emotional situations in institutional and interpersonal communication prove that there is no direct interdependence between emotions and ecological compatibility mode; this connection is situational. The author offers new perspectives on how to shift from the theory of speech culture to the ecological communication theory.
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2015;(1):11-19
Emotional Effects of Positive Forms of Communication
The article discusses the problem of emotional significance of a positive form of speech. Based on the methodology of emotions linguistics, linguoecology, communicative linguistics and the methods of description, comparison and discourse analysis, the author distinguishes some types of speech situations that demonstrate visible differences between positive expression of emotions and their content and the pragmatic effect. The difference between the notions of “positive communication” and “positive form of communication” is demonstrated. Special attention is given to the following types of positive emotional communication: tolerant emotional communication, emotional emphasis, emotional neglect, and emotional tabooing. The utterances in situations of real and textual communication demonstrate negative effects of statements expressed in a positive form and identify the specifics of positive forms of emotional communication in comparison with rational communication.
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2015;(1):20-30
Ethic / Aesthetic Aspect of Emotions Ecologicity in the Works of Art
The article aims to demonstrate the mechanisms of interpretation of emotional theme depending on how it is actualized in the text. The object of investigation is an ethic / aesthetic aspect, which is the most important element of the text analysis from the point of view of its ecology / non-ecology. Joy as a variation of liberty theme is analyzed in Ludwig van Beethoven Symphony No. 9 “Choral,” Anthony Burgess’s A Clockwork Orange and S. Kubrick’s movie with the same title. The article shows how the theme of joy (liberty) specified in the instrumental (music) text in its lofty ethical interpretation becomes aggressively dissolute in the literary text and denies ethical values. The authors come to a conclusion that the variation mode of emotions ecologicity depends on the ambivalence of the situations they are actualized in.
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2015;(1):31-41
Ecologicity in Hermann Hesse’s Texts
An issue of ecological friendliness in the communication of characters based on the works of the Swiss-German writer Hermann Hesse has been considered in the article under review. A high degree of ecological friendliness is caused due, on the one hand, to the philosophical views of the writer, and, on the other hand, to his talent of the artist. The basis for the communicative tactics realized in the stories «Knulp. Drei Geschichten aus dem Leben Knulps» and «Siddhartha. Eine indische Dichtung» is the tactics of rapprochement between the communication partners. Communicative behavior of the protagonists in the above mentioned works is characterized by a highly frequent usage of the positively evaluated lexics, smooth body language and non-verbal / facial expressions.
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2015;(1):42-51
Representation of the Category of Emotiveness in Shakespeare’s Sonnets
The article analyzes the linguistic means of representing the cognitive category of emotiveness in 154 Shakespeare’s sonnets. Lexical and stylistic means of nominating, describing and expressing emotions are studied. Emotive situations of the rational representation of emotions, or reflections over emotions are identified. The emotive density of the sonnets is analyzed. The mosaic emotive density with multiple subject of emotional state is described. The representation of polar emotions is analyzed. Explicit and implicit ways of representing emotions are studied. The explicit representation of emotions by means of nomination and expression and the implicit representation of emotions by metaphors are shown to be most common in Shakespeare’s sonnets.
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2015;(1):52-60
Emotiogenic Cognitive Function of Modern School Teaching Texts
The article is devoted to the analysis of emotional attractiveness of modern school educational texts and ecological/non-ecological influence upon pupils’ cognition in teaching communication. Reasoning is based on the thesis that - emotional attractiveness of modern school educational texts opposes their cognitive function. Emotional educational text profile and its components are under consideration. The article is concerned with ecological and cognitive and emotional asymmetry content. The material under focus is printed texts of some of modern school textbooks, teaching methodical aids, academic competitions, mass media information from the cognitive ecology point of view.
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2015;(1):61-71
Mixed Emotion and Its Functional and Semantic Potential (Exemplified with the Word Dislike)
The article touches upon the problem of language categorization of mixed emotions from the perspective of functional and semantic aspects. Using the word dislike as an example the author shows how the reflection process of polyvalency in any emotional experience is revealed in the language: from implicit emotive ambivalence to its explicitness. It is postulated that the seme “mixture” is inherent to any word that has “emotion” and “valency” semes as their semantic components. The above-mentioned thesis is revealed from the combined and separate spelling of the Russian particle “НЕ” with verbs and nouns that are used to describe the process of mixed emotion categorization. It is also proved that pragmatic potential of expressing mixed emotions in emotional situations includes the speaker’s target at his\her interlocutor, anticipation of emotional reaction, and maintenance of a constructive communication tonality. The article demonstrates that categorization of mixed emotions presents a new stage in verbal emotion objectification and is the evolution marker of human emotional intelligence.
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2015;(1):72-80
A Comparative Analysis of the Semantic Structure of Lexical Units Verbalizing the Concept of “Emotion” In Russian, English, French and Italian Linguocultures
The article reports the results of a contrastive analysis of semantic structures of lexical units nominating emotions in Slavic (Russian), Germanic (English), Romanic (French and Italian) linguocultures. The main goal of this study is to elicit similarities and differences of the selected lexis due to specificity of the national culture and peculiarities of semantic and grammatical systems of the languages in question. As linguistic material the author uses lexical units nominating types of emotional states and occurring in the definitions of the word “emotion” in modern linguistic, psychological and philosophical dictionaries: emotion, anger, depression, sadness, joy, suffering, passion, anguish, astonishment, despondency. This article covers the results obtained from the analysis of the words anger, joy, astonishment. The author applied methods of linguistic observation and description (in order to select the lexis and to describe its characteristics systematically), the method of definitions (to define the semantics of the analyzed lexical units), the method of comparative analysis (to identify similarities and differences among different lexemes), the method of reversibility (to elicit the equivalence of terms belonging to different languages). According to the results of the analysis, the author describes the importance of these emotions in each culture, determines the degree of equivalence between English - Russian, French - Russian, Italian - Russian lexemes, notes the cases of homonymy, polysemy, synonymy and identifies the latent associative semantic linkage.
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2015;(1):81-93
To the Problem of Medical Term Emotiogenicity
The article deals with the issue of medical terminology used in the doctor-patient communication. The author aims to prove the emotiogenic potential of medical terms of the deadliest diseases that are directly related to such basic human concepts as life and death . The study object is intricately connected with semantic and pragmatic aspects of a medical term, namely its emotiogenicity. The methodology is based on Russian researchers’ works in the field of emotive linguistics, terminology theory, and medical terminology. The article solves the problem of broadening theoretical conceptions of emotive linguistics in its relation to terminological units. Research material includes the respondents’ answers to the questionnaire and doctor-patient and doctor-relative dialogues. Semantic and contextual analysis and the survey among 200 medical students and patients find that a medical term is emotiogenic (emotionally evocative) and provokes emotions dominated by fear, despair, aggression, shame, etc.
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2015;(1):94-104
Emotivity Elements in Sports Discourse (in Dancing Terminology)
Anthropocentric approach in linguistics has shown that emotions act not only as objects of reflection in the language, but also as an instrument of autoreflection. Emotivity study is connected to a semantic category of estimation as emotions are the subjective form of an estimation of the phenomena and subjects, that is it is possible to assert that categories of estimation and emotionality are inextricably related in linguistics. In this article the original view on hypothetical estimation and implicit emotivity is offered concerning the terminology of sports dances. The hypothesis is checked by formal way with the help of computer program TextSTAT 2.9 resulting the frequency lists of the analyzed texts and the dictionary - concordance. By results of the concordance analysis existence of three subgroups of terms on character of display emotivity is revealed, namely: showing estimated character; not showing estimated character; neutral terms.
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2015;(1):105-111
Gender Marked Phraseological Units of Phraseosemantic Group Designating Men’s Affectionate Behaviour
The article aims at systematizing French and Russian phraseological units characterizing men’s love activity. The conclusion concerns the most numerous phraseosemantic groups, the most frequently occurring elements of the units are commented upon. Special attention is paid to the connotative and structural peculiarities of the phraseological units of the chosen subject matter in order to identify information about the culture and national character of representatives of two ethnic groups.
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2015;(1):112-125
Grammatical Means of Expressing Emotions in English Discourse
Peculiarities of expressing emotions in different languages and cultures are nowadays of great interest among researchers. However, traditionally, more attention is paid to lexis, phraseology, prosody, and nonverbal signs of communication and grammatical means are ignored. Nevertherless, they also possess significant emotive potential. The goal of this article is to systematize some facts showing that grammar can implicitly convey various emotions of the speaker and impact the hearer, as well as to draw attention of language teachers and translators to this phenomenon. I will mainly focus on modal verbs and expressions, nontraditional use of tenses, nontraditional use of some adverbs, inverse word order and some other cases summing up the earlier described facts (Ozyumenko 2005-2006, 2007) and supplementing them with new observations. The article emphasizes that discovering emotive implicature, i.e. implicit emotive intention of the speaker, and revealing its meaning is sine qua non for successful intercultural communication and equivalent translation. The data for the research were taken from English language text books, grammar books, dictionaries and fiction. The study implements contextual, definitive, pragmatic, discourse and contrastive analyses.
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2015;(1):126-143
Pragmatics of Emotions in Intercultural Context
The article analyses some ethno-cultural features of emotional/emotive communication which cause failures in intercultural interaction due to misinterpretation of their pragmatic meaning. It demonstrates that pragmatic differences concern the degree of emotional openness and self-control of the speakers, in both verbal and nonverbal communication as well as the sphere of social norms and rules. They are of a systematic character and are predetermined by culture. This thesis is demonstraded with examples from various cultures and a particular emphasis is put on English and Russian language and culture. Focusing on ethnocultural level of communication, I ignore individual peculiarities of communicators and admit to a high level of generalization that is justifiable in intercultural research. The data was taken from theoretical sources, dictionaries, questionnaires and ethnographic observation. I used the methods of pragmatic, contrastive and discourse analyses. The results show that for successful intercultural communication one should possess emotive-cultural competence which is an integral component of intercultural communicative competence.
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2015;(1):144-163
Positive Communication: A Theoretical Perspective
Positive communication is defined as interaction based on favourable emotions, aimed at understanding and bringing satisfaction to all the parties involved. The analysis of its constituent features allows us to describe it as constructive, emotive, effective and showing potential for development. It is argued that assertiveness is its optional feature typical of particular cultures. The structural components of positive communication are positive intentionality, involvement in the interaction, adaptation to the interlocutor and social support.
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2015;(1):164-177
Representation of Emotivity in Emotive and Pragmatic Attitudes of Participants in Romantic communication
The article deals with the problem of functioning of emotivity category in romantic communication. The author analyses illocutionary acts produced by the addresser and reveals verbal and non-verbal means that represent emotivity in them. Considerable attention is given to the explicit and implicit ways of expression of the category under consideration. It is proved that not only verbal and non-verbal means but also communicative situations can be emotive and are of emotiogenic character in romantic communication. The research material demonstrates that participants’ emotions are realized as complexes and the explicit or implicit appeal to these emotions appears as a motivating factor affecting individuals.
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2015;(1):178-189
Monarchy Signs and Symbols within the Baccus' Sphere of British Utilitarian Discourse (Lingua-Semiotic and Emotive Aspects)
The goal of the study is to describe lingua-semiotic and emotive aspects of updating the signs and symbols of the British monarchical power of Anglo-Saxon and Anglo-Norman periods of British history as presentational elements of creolized texts in the signage to country pubs (taverns and pubs), marking and presenting the so-called Bacchic (alcohol-addicting) English-speaking utilitarian space discourse. We investigate the emotive attitude (often carnival) to the monarchy, explicated in signs of pubs as elements of utilitarian discourse in the form of signs of various properties and qualities (of emotion-laden iconic signs, symbols, emblems and verbal nomination). Marked are the anthropomorphic, coloromorphic, floromorphic, fitomorphic, faunamorphic, insectomorphic, military, sacred and purely monarchical semiotic constructs-presentems, actualizing emotional reaction of society to manifestations of monarchical power in the designated historic period of British ethnic group. The study used lingua-semiotic approach to the study of actual material using concepts presented as the smallest units of information exposure, representing complex lingua-semiotic (sign) clusters consisting of cognitive mastery of subject concepts and images of the world and transferred to another entity into the communication with the data subject with a view to impact on it. To highlight the emotive component within the semiotics of nominations and the creolized image of the signage two methods were used, such as introspection (to analyze the intentions of the pub’s owner and to obtain logical supposition on senses born within the creolized text) together with logic-semantic analysis of nominations (to obtain institutionary meanings). The research was carried out within the scientific research trend “Lingua-cultural and Lingua-semiotic Needs” developed at the Educational Center “Professional Foreign Language Communication” of Volgograd State Agrarian University.
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2015;(1):190-200
Translation Analysis of Linguistic Characteristics of French Specific Discourse
The article offers a translation analysis of professionally oriented texts from discursive positions. For this purpose the term “specialized discourse” is determined, the sequence of discursive analysis of source text is given. To consider the linguistic features of specialized discourse we analyzed 90 texts from different fields of knowledge. The analysis showed that French specialized discourse is more emotionally colored than Russian specialized discourse and there are subjective elements in it. In addition to that it has got the severe logic of translation and rigid structuring etc. These differences should be taken into account when teaching translation of professionally oriented texts.
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2015;(1):201-211
“The Logic That Can’t Be Lost”
The paper “The Logic That Can’t Be Lost” by Dmitry Yermolovich gives an overview of submissions, all independent of one another, by a diverse group of professional and amateur translators to a recent English-Russian literary translation contest. The analysis made it possible to identify some trends and patterns in Russian speakers’ approaches to rendering foreign text in their native tongue.
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2015;(1):212-229
Colloque International de Traduction et de Traductologie. Timisoara, Rumania, 22-23 Mai 2014
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2015;(1):230-233
International Academic Conference «Language ecology and communication». Krasnoyarsk, 2-4 October 2014
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2015;(1):234-236
Person in communication: from emotion categorisation to emotive linguistics. A Festschrift for Victor I. Shakhovsky’s 75th birthday Volgograd: Volgograd Academic Press, 2013. - 370 P
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2015;(1):237-241
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2015;(1):242-248
Our Contributors
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2015;(1):249-255
Russian Journal of Linguistics. 2015;(1):256-257